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《Sport Management Review》2019,22(3):363-378
Professional sport teams are increasingly engaging in activities that target community development agendas. Previous researchers have examined why teams engage in such activities and the value they derive from a corporate social responsibility (CSR) perspective; however, an understanding of the nature and focus of such activities is only beginning to emerge and further research attention is necessary. To address this gap, the authors draw on both CSR and sport-for-development (SFD) literature to examine community activities undertaken by professional sport teams. An exploratory case study methodology was employed, using a multi-case design to examine the activities of 70 professional sport teams across the commercially dominant league in each of three regions (Australia, the UK, and the US). A total of 1243 initiatives were recorded and analysed to build a profile of the nature and focus of the community activities undertaken. These were classified into 14 specific categories and analysis identified three core groups of activities: giving, activating and capacity building. Teams primarily targeted health and education agendas; however, differences were observed across regions. Teams in the US engaged more heavily in giving activities, whereas teams in the UK more commonly engaged in capacity-building activities. Variations were also observed with respect to target agenda, demonstrating differences within practices across regions. The authors propose community-oriented practices as a concept to describe the community-focused activities undertaken by professional sport teams at the intersection of CSR and SFD, and a working definition of this concept is offered.  相似文献   

As sport marketers are increasingly engaging in cause-related sport marketing (CRSM) programs, there is a growing interest in understanding what CRSM characteristics and circumstances can lead to success. This study extends prior research by examining the direct and moderating impacts of team identification and cause organizational identification on consumer attitudes toward cause related sport marketing (CRSM) programs using intercollegiate sport contexts in the United States. A two groups (high vs. low-fit CRSM messages), between subject, and post-test only experiment (N = 309) denoted that respondents showed more positive attitudes toward high-fit CRSM messages and both team identification and cause organizational identification had different moderating effects of sport/cause fit on attitudes. Fit between a sport team and a cause had a greater impact on attitudes when consumer affinity toward the sport team was more positive. However, fit had little or no impact when consumer affinity toward the cause was positive, but it played a significant and positive role when consumers showed low affinity toward the cause.  相似文献   

Commercial gambling providers (CGPs) have recently intensified the promotion of their products and services through sport sponsorship. Consequently, gambling products and services now gain substantial exposure to large audiences via media broadcasts of sport. Due to the mainstream appeal of some sports, television audiences and fan-bases can include youth, at-risk and problem gamblers, who may be prompted to gamble, or to increase their gambling, by the direct marketing, alignment of gambling with a ‘healthy’ activity and increased normalisation of gambling. Therefore, sport sponsorship by CGPs promotes a potentially risky behaviour and may exacerbate the public health issue of problem gambling. Regulatory measures have been implemented by governments and private organisations in relation to sport sponsorship by tobacco companies in recognition of the potential harmful impacts of this form of marketing. Subsequently, the involvement of ‘unhealthy products’ including alcohol, junk food and gambling in sport sponsorship has been publicly questioned. This may lead to further regulatory changes that would directly affect the management of sport organisations. Few studies have examined these issues and there is little knowledge of the impacts that sport sponsorship arrangements have on society. Research is needed to inform prudent decision-making about the appropriate regulation of sport sponsorship. This paper reviews the current gambling sport sponsorship landscape and proposes a conceptual framework aimed at facilitating a systematic, interdisciplinary research agenda for examining corporate social responsibility issues pertinent to the sponsorship of sport by CGPs.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(1):126-141
Professional sport organizations are increasingly encouraging physical and mental wellness by developing and deploying health promotion activities via socially responsible programming and messaging. However, delivery, deployment, and scope issues, all of which limit observable and sustainable impacts on health promotion and behavior, encumber many socially responsible programs. The authors frame the study using a shared value perspective to demonstrate that sport managers can effectively promote health when the professional sport organization is concurrently attempting to deliver social and business value. To illustrate this approach, the authors used a health-related intervention program funded and delivered by a professional sport league as the research context. The authors undertook a mixed-method, quasi-experimental study to determine the potential to achieve social value (e.g., physical health and mental wellness) and business value (e.g., team, league, and sport affinity, and patronage). The results show that the business-centric effects were stronger among a group of youth beneficiaries than they were among some health- and wellness-centric variables. The authors discuss the significant effects through a shared value lens and posit several areas for future research.  相似文献   

在调查研究的基础上对我国职业篮球运动成长的外部环境和生成原因进行剖析,与市场经济发达国家职业篮球运动(NBA)进行比较,认为我国职业篮球运动(CBA)在核心目标、组织结构与控制权的配置、治理机制与管理规程等方面不同于美国职业篮球运动(NBA)的组织模式;我国市场经济体制的确立与发展、世界篮球运动的职业化发展、奥运会的发展、竞技体育体制改革是我国职业篮球运动成长的外部环境,篮球俱乐部的兴起与发展、政府主导的竞赛体制所提供的支持平台是其内部动因,我国职业体育制度的政府主导型供给方式是目前我国职业篮球运动成长的体制性约束。  相似文献   

There has been a rise in sport-focused event management organisations staging increasingly challenging quests for amateur athletes. Whilst endeavours such as running a marathon or completing an Ironman triathlon were previously pinnacle achievements for amateur athletes, sporting hyperchallenges, events covering greater distances, crossing more difficult terrain, or posing more extreme challenges have set the performance bar significantly higher. Cast against Western neoliberal backdrops the ever-expanding supply-side of this market is broadening opportunities for amateur athletes to test their physical limits, thus necessitating investment of inordinate personal resources. Simultaneously, there is growing empirical and anecdotal evidence suggesting unfavourable impacts can flow from intensely pursuing extreme endurance sports including impacts to athletes’ health and relationships. The authors draw upon intertwined theories of business ethics and corporate social responsibility to critique business practices of sport-focused event management organisations delivering sporting hyperchallenges. The authors propose a conceptual framework aimed at encouraging future research into potential health, social, and fiscal implications stemming from this complex, unregulated market.  相似文献   

Increased activity of multiple stakeholders (e.g. agents and owners) have created new challenges for some coaches working in professional sports clubs. The purpose of this project was to draw attention to the normative or accepted practices inherent in sport work, some of the day-to-day realities of some coaches working in this context, and to understand how coaches’ perceptions of other stakeholders come to bear on their individual circumstances, career expectations/objectives and professional agency. Data were generated from semi-structured interviews with seven professional basketball coaches who worked in top-level European clubs. The analysis reveals the coach’s relationships between some owners and agents differed with respect to exercising professional agency, and, coach’s decisions and actions were tied to their professional ideals as well as understandings of what they need to undertake their work effectively and negotiation and/or adjustment strategies. Occasionally coach’s work practices could be viewed as antithetical to employment security, however, the presence of insecurity was at times embraced and used strategically to affect workers’ career decisions. Amid contemporary regional geo-political shifts, this work aids examinations of global sport settings, structures and issues that may contour sporting professionals’ lives.  相似文献   

结合我国法制建设现状和职业篮球俱乐部发展的实际,对我国职业篮球俱乐部运行管理中的内、外部法制环境进行分析研究,认为我国的法制建设正在逐步完善,国家现行的法律法规为我国职业篮球俱乐部的经营和发展提供了较为充足的法制环境,但是我们尚处于篮球职业化的初级阶段,有关部门应结合我国职业篮球发展的实际情况,制定出一套适合我国职业篮球发展的法规体系,促进我国职业篮球的健康发展.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等,对辽宁省队篮球教练员的英语能力现状进行研究,并提出相关对策与建议,旨在为提高篮球教练员的英语水平提供依据。  相似文献   

我国篮球职业联赛引进外籍球员的多维思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
研究认为,中国篮球协会从1995年借助外资尝试中国篮球职业化,引聘外籍球员,是中国篮球把握世界篮球运动的发展趋势,确立新的篮球竞技理念,学习与吸收新的技术、战术及运动员的职业化改革的有力举措,对普及我国篮球运动、提高竞技水平,无疑起到了积极的推动作用。但在与中国传统理念、文化相交融的过程中,也折射出正负两方面的影响,出现某些矛盾,产生不同评价。  相似文献   

我国职业篮球竞赛市场特征在竞赛产品的性质、投资主体的角色、组织管理方式、收益方式等方面不同于我国传统篮球竞赛市场;在职业篮球竞赛市场的孕育过程、竞赛组织的核心目标、组织结构与控制权的配置、治理机制与管理规程、市场主体———职业篮球俱乐部制度等方面,与西方市场经济发达国家职业篮球竞赛(NBA)市场相比具有较大差异。  相似文献   

从基本概念出发,调查分析我国职业篮球俱乐部的现状和发展走向.认为我国职业篮球俱乐部面临的主要问题是产权不清、责权不明,经营管理体制不完善,市场开发不足,内部管理制度不健全;体育局与企业合资型俱乐部是篮球职业化的阶段性产物,企业独资型俱乐部将成为我国职业篮球俱乐部的发展走向.  相似文献   

对我国职业篮球俱乐部历年来的上座率进行分析发现,上座率从一个侧面可以反映出职业篮球俱乐部的竞技水平和经营状况;反映出俱乐部的宣传力度和品牌形象,对俱乐部的发展具有一定的促进和影响作用。  相似文献   

我国职业篮球俱乐部后备人才培养影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法等,以广东宏远篮球俱乐部为主要事例,对我国职业篮球俱乐部后备人才培养影响因素进行分析。研究认为:职业篮球俱乐部后备人才培养将成为我国竞技篮球后备人才培养和输送的新途径和主渠道;影响我国职业篮球俱乐部后备人才培养主要因素有政策与制度因子、社会经济因子、教练员因子、科技因子、观念因子;我国职业篮球俱乐部后备人才培养设有比较完善的培养体制,有较充足的资金保障,全国选材,运动员的待遇好,专业化训练程度及比赛频度较高,能达到"举国体制"与"职业化"结合双赢的效果;但对后备人才的文化学习不够重视,教练员大多还是以经验进行选材和训练,掌握和运用先进的电子设备进行训练的监测和控制方面的能力不够。  相似文献   

中国男子篮球职业联赛的现状与发展对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对我国男子篮球职业联赛(CBA)的现状研究发现,目前CBA主要存在产权、管理体制、运行机制、人才培养、赛制等亟待解决的问题。提出了弱化篮管中心的管制职能,建立CBA联盟体制,健全CBA专门的职业体育法规,加强对职业经营人才的培养等发展对策。  相似文献   

以十九大精神为指引,结合当前我国新时代特殊历史背景,借鉴NBA等发达国家职业体育联盟发展的历史经验,全面剖析了新时期CBA职业联盟中国特色文化建设的机遇和挑战;在此基础上探讨了新时期CBA职业联盟中国特色文化建设的路径;研究结果认为需要朝着活化制度建设,坚定民族文化自信,努力树立CBA社会责任形象等方向进行努力。  相似文献   

While empirical evidence suggests that elite athletes have superior lifespan outcomes relative to the general population, less is known regarding their causes of death. The purpose of this study was to critically examine the mortality outcomes of deceased National Basketball Association and American Basketball Association players. Death data were collected from publicly available sources until 11 December 2015, and causes of death were categorized using the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD). Mortality was measured through: i) cause-specific crude death rates (CDR), ii) estimates of death rates per athlete-year (AY), and iii) binary and multinomial regression analyses. We identified 514 causes of death from 787 deceased players (= 68.1 y ± 16.0) from 16 different ICD groups, 432 of which were from natural causes. Findings showed similar leading causes of death and CDRs to sex- and race-matched controls, higher death rate differences per AY within time-dependent variables (i.e., birth decade, race, and height), and a higher likelihood of dying below the median age of death for black and taller players, although this was highly confounded by birth decade. More complete knowledge of mortality outcomes would provide broad public health applications and disarm harmful stereotypes of elite athlete health.  相似文献   

对我国职业篮球俱乐部的产权状况进行了分析,研究表明,我国职业篮球俱乐部中,实现真正意义的股份制俱乐部较少,这与职业体育俱乐部的发展趋势不相符合。根据职业体育俱乐部的发展趋势和运行规律,提出了加快我国篮球俱乐部实行股份制的对策与建议。  相似文献   

以中学篮球教学中投篮技术的教法为研究内容,对所采用的讲解、动作示范与挂图和辅助练习等相结合的“想、看、练”教法进行了实验研究,其研究结果表明,该教学方法在提高学生学习的积极性和投篮的命中率等方面均有一定促进作用。  相似文献   

随着课改的深入开展,学生的课堂主体地位逐渐确立并不断提升,学生对于课堂学习的主动性与责任意识也得到了渐进的强化。通过构建团队责任性课堂、个人责任性课堂与社会责任性课堂,推动学生终身体育意识树立、个人体育方式创新与体育公益服务发展,进而培养学生的体育学习主动意识、课堂参与意识与师生交流意识,实现学生素质的全面发展。  相似文献   

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