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《Sport Management Review》2014,17(4):419-431
Researchers suggest that as consumption progresses, consumers’ needs change. However, previous studies have shown few insights into the effect of service quality and satisfaction on customer loyalty across different consumption stages. This study examines the impact of service quality and satisfaction on customer loyalty among novice and experienced customers in the context of sports and fitness centres. Altogether, 426 customers of a public sports and fitness centre in Greece participated in the study. The results indicate that service quality consistently affects overall satisfaction across both customer groups; service quality is a major driver of loyalty only for novice customers, while overall satisfaction is a major driver of customers’ future behaviours; however, its impact is significantly greater among experienced customers. These findings contribute positively to our understanding of how service quality and satisfaction are developed and influence customer retention in different consumption stages. The practical implications and limitations of this study are also discussed.  相似文献   

Drawing on the literature on service quality, value, satisfaction, and loyalty, the present study assumes a hierarchical, multidimensional scheme for perceived quality focussing on four process dimensions of service quality. The aim of this study is to test a comprehensive model of perceived quality on loyalty in the context of public aquatic centres in Australia. Using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) on a sample of 961 repeat customers of three outdoor public aquatic centres, results from this study reveal that four first-order process quality dimensions—facility presentation, core services, secondary services and staff—are significant in determining their higher-order perceived quality construct, with facility presentation and staff having the strongest influence. Moreover, the results of the present study indicate that overall satisfaction fully mediates the impact of perceived quality and perceived value on loyalty (behavioural intentions), with perceived quality having the strongest influence on overall satisfaction and loyalty. The present study provides an enhanced conceptualisation of the perceived quality construct in the context of public aquatic centres and contributes to the debate on the relationships among service quality, satisfaction, value, and loyalty in the sport and leisure context. In addition to strengthening theoretical understandings, the present study offers a service quality model that allows aquatic centre managers to identify specific attributes of the service that can be managed to influence loyalty more favourably.  相似文献   

本文将消费者行为理论引入体育赛事研究中来,以2015年武汉网球公开赛现场观众为研究对象,通过问卷调查的方式,对我国体育赛事观众满意和观众忠诚之间的关系进行了实证研究,从微观层面探讨了体育赛事观众行为机制问题。研究发现我国体育赛事质量满意和体育赛事环境满意显著影响观众忠诚,同时性别在体育赛事环境满意与观众忠诚关系中起显著调节作用。  相似文献   

以位于上海市和广东省的3家健身俱乐部的利用者为研究对象,采用从调查中得到的376个样本数据探讨健身俱乐部利用者感知服务质量、利用满意和行为意向之间的关系为主要目的.基于相关文献构建了有关服务质量、利用满意和行为意向之间的关系的4个假设模型,借助结构方程模型分析,从中筛选出最佳模型,采用该最佳模型讨论构成概念间的关系.结果揭示了在服务质量对行为意向施加影响的过程中,利用满意起着完全中介作用的模型与数据的拟合程度最佳.这表明了服务质量通过利用满意对行为意向起着间接的作用.此外,对有关服务质量、利用满意和行为意向之间的关系及其对管理实践的启示也进行了探讨.  相似文献   


A sample of 222 university athletes (mean age 19.8 years, s = 2.0), ranging in standard from university second team to international competitor, completed a measure of perceived support 2 weeks before an important competition or match. On the day before the competition or match, the athletes completed measures of stressors, stress, received support, and self-confidence. Moderated hierarchical regression analyses revealed the following key findings: (i) main effects for both perceived (ΔR 2 = 0.11) and received support (ΔR 2 = 0.14) upon self-confidence; (ii) stress-buffering effects for both perceived (ΔR 2 = 0.02) and received (ΔR 2 = 0.07) support upon self-confidence; (iii) when both aspects of support were considered simultaneously, stress-buffering effects were primarily attributable to the influence of received support. These results demonstrate the beneficial impact of social support on self-confidence, both directly and by reducing the negative effect of stress on self-confidence. Our findings emphasize the need to recognize the distinction between perceived and received support, both in terms of theory and the design of social support interventions with athletes.  相似文献   

Volunteers are a major labor source in sports; however, the impact of volunteers on organizational image or on customers’ repatronage intentions has not been studied. An experimental study (2 × 3 factorial design) was employed to explore the effect of Employment Status of the service provider and perceived Quality of Service Exchange on Perceived Organizational Image and Intention to Attend a Game with 461 college students who were potential customers of college sports. Quality of Service Exchange included Technical Aspects (presenting of information vs. presenting of no information) and Relational Aspects (willingness to help vs. unwillingness to help). Results showed that both Perceived Organizational Image and Intention to Attend a Game were primarily determined by Quality of Service Exchange. Employment Status and the interaction term between Employment Status and Quality of Service Exchange only minimally influenced the two dependent variables. This suggests that potential customers of college sports did not distinguish the service of volunteers from that of paid-employees.  相似文献   

The current study focused on addressing a gap in understanding the design, structure, and management of sport-for-development (SFD) initiatives, in this case an initiative rooted in sport-based service learning. Sport, and specifically SFD, has been shown to facilitate positive outcomes such as social capital development through expanding networks and community building. Some studies have focused on impacts on volunteers in sport and SFD programs. These volunteers have developed networks most often through informal relationship building activities. Building on this knowledge, the current mixed methods study investigated the social capital development of alumni of a college service learning through sport course. Survey data (n = 93) and individual interviews (n = 22) with participants who had completed at least one semester in the course indicated that social capital development was facilitated. In particular, the intentional design, structure, and management aspects of the course and program provided opportunities for social capital development.  相似文献   

PurposeThis study was aimed to analyze the mediation role of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) on the association between fatness and cardiometabolic risk scores (CMRs) in European adolescents.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted in adolescents (n = 525; 46% boys; 14.1 ± 1.1 years old, mean ± SD) from 10 European cities involved in the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence study. CRF was measured by means of the shuttle run test, while fatness measures included body mass index (BMI), waist to height ratio, and fat mass index estimated from skinfold thicknesses. A clustered CMRs was computed by summing the standardized values of homeostasis model assessment, systolic blood pressure, triglycerides, total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio, and leptin.ResultsLinear regression models indicated that CRF acted as an important and partial mediator in the association between fatness and CMRs in 12–17-year-old adolescents (for BMI: coefficients of the indirect role β = 0.058 (95% confidence interval (95%CI): 0.023–0.101), Sobel test z = 3.11 (10.0% mediation); for waist to height ratio: β = 4.279 (95%CI: 2.242–7.059), z =3.86 (11.5% mediation); and for fat mass index: β = 0.060 (95%CI: 0.020–0.106), z = 2.85 (9.4% mediation); all p < 0.01).ConclusionIn adolescents, the association between fatness and CMRs could be partially decreased with improvements to fitness levels; therefore, CRF contribution both in the clinical field and public health could be important to consider and promote in adolescents independently of their fatness levels.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、举例论证、专家访谈等方法,结合区块链技术去中心化、自信任、公开透明、不可篡改性和隐私保护的五大特点,从国家体育总局划分的体育产业分类中选取了体育管理活动、体育竞赛表演活动、体育培训与教育、体育传媒与信息服务、体育用品和其他与体育相关服务六大类来举例论证,探究区块链技术应用于我国体育产业的价值。同时指出当前区块链技术应用于体育产业内外部的挑战,并有针对性地提出了四大对策,为区块链技术更好地应用于体育产业提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、调查法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,对湘鄂渝黔边区开发体育休闲旅游产业进行了调研。研究表明:湘鄂渝黔边区具有发展体育休闲旅游产业的良好资源环境。它的发展对促进边区民众思想观念的改变,加快对外开放,扩大就业,促进社会稳定与和谐,保护和弘扬民族文化,拉动区域经济增长,增进人们身心健康具有重要价值。在边区体育休闲旅游开发过程中,要有创新和特色意识,要加强产品的宣传与促销,加大产业投入,加强对人才的培养与引进。  相似文献   


This study investigates the role of Perceived Athletic Competence (PAC) and Health-Related Fitness (HRF) in mediating the reciprocal relationship between Motor Competence (MC) and Physical Activity (PA) during the transition from primary to secondary school. MC, PA, PAC and HRF were measured in 224 participants (baseline age 12.26 ± .037 years; 51% female) in final year of primary school and one year later in first year of secondary school. Path analysis in AMOS 23 was used to test the mediating influence of PAC and HRF on the MC-PA relationship. Fit indices showed that, in both directions, HRF and PAC mediated the relationship between MC and PA (PA predicting MC; χ2 = 3.91, p = .272, CFI = .99, RMSEA = .04. MC predicting PA: χ2 = 6.46, p = .167, CFI = .99, RMSEA = .04). Pathways were stronger through HRF than through PAC, indicating that HRF is the more substantial mediator of the MC-PA relationship during the school transition. Pathways were stronger in the direction of PA predicting MC than in the reverse direction. Interventions seeking to influence PA and MC across the school transition should focus on HRF as it is a primary mediator of the MC-PA relationship.  相似文献   

We investigated the associations of cardiometabolic risk factors with academic achievement and whether motor performance, cardiorespiratory fitness, physical activity, or sedentary behaviour mediated these associations. Altogether 175 children 6–8 years-of-age participated in the study. We assessed body fat percentage (BF%), waist circumference, insulin, glucose, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure, leptin, alanine aminotransferase, and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT). Reading fluency, reading comprehension, and arithmetic skills were assessed using standardized tests. Speed/agility, balance, and manual dexterity test results were used to calculate motor performance score and physical activity was assessed by combined heart rate and movement sensor and cardiorespiratory fitness by maximal cycle ergometer test. In boys, BF% was inversely associated with reading fluency (β = ?0.262, P = 0.007) and reading comprehension (β = ?0.216, P = 0.025). Motor performance mediated these associations. Leptin was inversely related to reading fluency (β = ?0.272, P = 0.006) and reading comprehension (β = ?0.287, P = 0.003). The inverse association of leptin with reading fluency was mediated by motor performance. In girls, GGT was inversely associated with reading fluency independent of confounders (β = ?0.325, P = 0.007). The inverse association of BF% with academic achievement among boys was largely explained by motor performance. Leptin in boys and GGT in girls were inversely associated with academic achievement independent of confounding factors.  相似文献   

Background: The absence of Physical Education (PE) from the South African school curriculum before its reintroduction in recent years contributed to health concerns regarding the low physical activity (PA) levels of children and adolescents in South Africa.

Purpose: This study evaluated the effects of a once-a-week enhanced quality PE programme on the PA levels of South African Grade 7 learners.

Methods: Using a pre-test and post-test control-group design, 110 Grade 7 learners aged 12–13 years (experimental school, n?=?40; control schools, n?=?70) from two primary schools in Potchefstroom, South Africa, were studied. They participated in a 12-week PE intervention programme based on the guidelines of the South African Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement, which allocates one hour per week to PE teaching. The intervention included five quality-enhancing components, namely well-trained teachers, homework activities, a reward system, hand-made apparatus and the monitoring of activity intensity. In the experimental school, 40 learners were randomly assigned from the total Grade 7 class (n?=?124) to the experimental group, while two control groups (n?=?37 and n?=?33) were used, one from the same school as the experimental school and the other from a different school. Additionally, to control for PE teacher interaction effect, the experimental group was divided into 4 experimental sub-groups of 10 learners each, which were taught by 4 different PE teachers, and the pre-test and post-test data of these experimental sub-groups were also analysed. Children's PA levels were measured before and after the intervention using a validated Children's Leisure Activities Study Survey questionnaire. The Kruskal–Wallis and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were used to evaluate the effects of the intervention programme.

Results: No significant differences were found within the experimental group between the 4 experimental sub-groups and between the 2 control groups at pre- and post-test measurements (p?>?.05). There was a significant effect for the experimental group as a whole, as results of the total experimental group showed statistically significant increases in moderate PA (ES?=?0.47; p?=?.014), vigorous PA (ES?=?0.48; p?=?.012) and total PA (ES?=?0.51; p?=?.008) as well as decreases in sedentary behaviours (ES?=?0.39; p?=?.041) after the 12-week intervention programme, whereas no significant changes were found in the control group. Statistically significant improvements were also found in all 4 experimental sub-groups between pre- and post-tests for the time spent in moderate PA (p?=?.028–.05; ES?=?0.23–0.64), vigorous PA (p?=?.018–.036; ES?=?0.23–0.63), total PA (p?=?.017–.05; ES?=?0.30–0.68) and sedentary time (p?=?.014–.049; ES?=?0.26–0.66), whereas no marked changes were observed among the two control groups, indicating no PE teacher interaction effect on the results.

Conclusions: The enhanced quality PE programme can be used as a valuable framework for PE implementation targeted at promoting learners’ PA levels, even in the presence of restricted time allocation, and limited teaching and learning resources.  相似文献   


It has been suggested in recent research that rational beliefs as conceptualized within rational-emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) can be operationalized as strategic self-talk, but this has yet to be meaningfully investigated. The current study examines the effects of five one-to-one REBT sessions with three amateur American Football athletes to foster rational self-talk. The purpose of the intervention was to reduce the irrational beliefs, but also in line with recent applied REBT research, to increase the self-determined motivation and self-efficacy of the athletes. Using an idiographic single-case, staggered multiple-baseline across participants design, visual analyses revealed meaningful increases in self-determined motivation and self-efficacy, adjunct to decreases in total irrational beliefs across all participants. Social validation data supported these outcomes. These findings add to the growing research indicating that REBT can influence motivational approaches in athletes, such as self-determined motivation and self-efficacy. Results are discussed in relation to processes underlying the mechanisms of change, while also reporting the limitations of the study. The robustness of the research design increases the extent to which target variable changes can be attributed to REBT, but critical reflections are undertaken to assess the veracity of the findings.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the effects of match location, quality of opposition, and match status on the technical aspects of performance within a single professional British football team. Forty matches from the 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 domestic league seasons were notated post-event using a computerized notational analysis system with 13 on-the-ball behaviours and corresponding outcomes (successful or unsuccessful) assessed. Log-linear modelling procedures indicated that the incidences of all on-the-ball technical behaviours, with the exception of “set-pieces”, were influenced by at least one of the three situation variables, with both independent and interactive effects found. In contrast, logit modelling suggested that there was no general influence of the situation variables on the outcomes of the on-the-ball behaviours. The findings emphasize the need for notational analysts and coaches to consider the potential independent and interactive effects of match location, quality of opposition, and match status when assessing the technical components of football performance, particularly those relating to behaviour occurrence. Future research should consider the effects of additional situation variables purported to influence the mental, physical, technical, and tactical components of football performance.  相似文献   

Physical activity (PA) is important in ensuring a healthy population. It is dependent on various socio-demographic (SD) factors, such as age, gender, employment and marital status. A limited number of studies have investigated the relationship between SD factors and PA but research exploring this relationship from the perspective of gated and non-gated neighbourhoods is scarcer. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between SD factors and PA variables in gated and nongated neighbourhoods in Karachi Pakistan. Results of the independent sample t-test and Pearson chi-square showed that young and single people do more sports activities in gated neighbourhoods. Women, unemployed people and public transport users walk more in non-gated neighbourhoods. In conclusion, future neighbourhoods should have more pedestrian friendly areas and a larger number of PA facilities, rather than building more walls and gates.  相似文献   

陕甘青农村中学体育教师素质现状的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综合运用文献资料法、访谈法、特尔菲法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法,对陕、甘、青农村中学体育教师素质现状进行系统调查和全面、客观分析研究。结果表明:陕甘青农村中学体育教师思想道德素质总体较好;科学文化素质偏低;专业能力素质不均衡发展状况;心理品质素质总体水平较弱;身体素质整体呈一般状态。且三省农村中学体育教师之间具体素质指标呈现共性特征。其原因与三省地域、社会、经济、文化的相似性及三省普通高校体育教育专业相似的办学模式有关;与其在职培训中存在的问题和自我提高意识及行为有关。故文针对性地提出发展对策和具体措施以缓解或从根本上扭转陕甘青农村中学体育教师素质水平落后于教育改革发展的状态。  相似文献   

通过心理测量、专家评定、机能测试 ,研究表明 ,构成优秀女子中长跑运动员运动能力的基本因素 ,按重要程度依次为心肺功能、形态、机能素质、自信成功归因、抱负水平、心理承受力、失败归因、意志品质等 ;影响优秀女子中长跑运动员运动能力的主要因素按重要程度依次为最大耗氧量 /体重、心功指数、训练年限、肺活量 /体重、年龄、10 0 0 m跑能力。  相似文献   

In June 2017 a group of experts in anthropology, biology, kinesiology, neuroscience, physiology, and psychology convened in Canterbury, UK, to address questions relating to the placebo effect in sport and exercise. The event was supported exclusively by Quality Related (QR) funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). The funder did not influence the content or conclusions of the group. No competing interests were declared by any delegate. During the meeting and in follow-up correspondence, all delegates agreed the need to communicate the outcomes of the meeting via a brief consensus statement. The two specific aims of this statement are to encourage researchers in sport and exercise science to

1. Where possible, adopt research methods that more effectively elucidate the role of the brain in mediating the effects of treatments and interventions.

2. Where possible, adopt methods that factor for and/or quantify placebo effects that could explain a percentage of inter-individual variability in response to treatments and intervention.  相似文献   

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