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《Sport Management Review》2014,17(4):455-469
Social media provide fans with an additional means to engage with their team and are a valuable forum for sport organizations to better understand fan motivations and strengthen fan relationships. This study contributes to emerging research on the nature of social media use by revealing the motivations underpinning the desire of fans to communicate on the Facebook sites of several National Basketball Association (NBA) teams. Our findings indicate that fans exercise four key motives as they draw value from the social media enabled connection to the team: passion, hope, esteem and camaraderie. Further, and in light of our understanding of these motives, we identify how this platform can be used to facilitate interaction, a key construct in relationship marketing. A content analysis, using a netnographic methodology, was undertaken to explore online comments by fans of eight purposefully selected NBA teams over a two-week period during the off-season. This period represents strong potential for isolating highly identified fans who are motivated to seek engagement and interaction. Implications for sport managers to further relational goals are identified.  相似文献   

李亮  刘艳 《精武》2012,(28):49-50
网球课程作为高等体育院校社会体育专业的主干课程之一,在体育院校的教学中占有重要的地位。通过教改提高体育院校社会体育专业网球专选学生的教学能力是对新形式下高等体育院校网球教学如何适应基础教育改革,如何适应群众体育发展需求的研究和探讨。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(2):166-181
The emergence of social media has profoundly impacted the delivery and consumption of sport. In the current review we analysed the existing body of knowledge of social media in the field of sport management from a service-dominant logic perspective, with an emphasis on relationship marketing. We reviewed 70 journal articles published in English-language sport management journals, which investigated new media technologies facilitating interactivity and co-creation that allow for the development and sharing of user-generated content among and between brands and individuals (i.e., social media). Three categories of social media research were identified: strategic, operational, and user-focussed. The findings of the review demonstrate that social media research in sport management aligns with service-dominant logic and illustrates the role of social media in cultivating relationships among and between brands and individuals. Interaction and engagement play a crucial role in cultivating these relationships. Discussion of each category, opportunities for future research as well as suggestions for theoretical approaches, research design and context are advanced.  相似文献   

体育赛事转播已经成为职业体育联盟最为重要的收入来源。美国1961年颁布的《体育转播法》是对美国职业体育赛事转播业影响最大的一项立法。该法主要涉及职业体育联盟赛事转播权出售的反托拉斯豁免问题。主要采用案例分析、比较分析和逻辑分析等方法,探讨美国职业体育联盟赛事转播权出售的反托拉斯问题和《体育转播法》的立法史,对《体育转播法》的内容以及适用进行系统地阐述,分析《体育转播法》与《谢尔曼法》第1条、第2条的关系,并对《体育转播法》的具体适用进行评价,旨在根据美国的经验,为我国《反垄断法》对我国体育赛事转播市场的调整提供参考,并对规范我国赛事转播市场提供相关立法建议,以尽早实现我国体育赛事转播市场的繁荣。  相似文献   

Young people are increasingly turning to social media for health-related information in areas such as physical activity, diet/nutrition and body image. Yet, there are few robust empirical accounts of the content and form of the health-related material young people access and attend to, or the health-related content they create and share. Furthermore, there is little guidance from research or policy on young people's engagement with health-related social media. This leaves many relevant adults ill-equipped to protect young people from the negative influences of social media and to optimize the potential of social media as a medium for health promotion. This article presents new evidence on young people's engagement with social media and the influences they report on their health-related behaviors. The research was undertaken with 1296 young people (age 13–18) using a participatory mixed methods design. Initially, a public pedagogy [Giroux, 2004. Public pedagogy and the politics of neo-liberalism: Making the political more pedagogical. Policy Futures in Education, 2, 494–503] theoretical framework was used to guide data analysis but this was found to be limiting. An adapted framework was developed, therefore, drawing on Miller et al. [2016. How the world changed social media. London: UCL Press] and Lomborg [2011. Social media as communicative genres. Journal of Media and Communication Research, 51, 55–71] to account for the unique ways in which pedagogy operates in a social media context. Young people accessed and used a range of health-related information on body transformations, diet/nutritional supplements or recipes and workouts/exercises, albeit in different ways. Moreover, young people identified five forms of content that influenced their understandings and behaviours: (i) automatically sourced content; (ii) suggested or recommended content; (iii) peer content; (iv) likes; (v) reputable content. The findings also suggest that relevant adults can reduce risk and realize more of the positive impacts of social media for young people by focusing on content, and the ways in which content is shaped in the interplay between interactive functionalities of social media (e.g. likes and followers) and young people's social uses of social media (e.g. friends, information).  相似文献   

Child sexual abuse is a pervasive problem that sport organizations must confront to protect the integrity of sport. While previous researchers have examined this topic, few have explored the role that technology plays. The authors address this gap by examining how coach perpetrators utilize Snapchat to facilitate sexual abuse, using Cense and Brackenridge’s (2001) Temporal Model of Sexual Abuse with Children and Young Persons in Sport as a framework. Analysis of 99 media reports from 2013 to 2018 found that Snapchat provides motivation for coach perpetrators to sexually abuse that allowed them, in varied ways, to overcome internal inhibitions, external barriers, and break down victim resistance. The results indicate that youth sport organizations must develop clear policies that govern coach-athlete communication and relationships in the digital age. To further protect young athletes, youth sport organizations must develop programming to educate parents and athletes on these boundaries, to increase understanding about how sexual abuse and sexual maltreatment occur in virtual spaces.  相似文献   

常娟  常静 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(3):268-270
运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、比较分析法等研究方法对中西方文化差异对体育营销广告传播的影响进行了总结,指出中西方的体育价值取向、价值观念与思维方式、风俗习惯存在差异,同时根据相关的体育营销理论及跨文化广告传播理论,在研究中西方文化差异及其对跨文化广告传播效果影响的基本上,对跨文化体育营销广告传播策略问题进行初步探究,提出了提高跨文化体育营销广告传播效果的方法与技巧。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和逻辑分析法对我国部分体育彩经类报纸的诞生以及报道内容和媒体形态进行了回顾和分析。研究表明:体育彩经类报纸的报道内容大体一致,大部分内容涉及体育彩票;报道的媒体形式多元化,如网站、电子报、手机报等;存在博彩信息时效性不足、不法博彩广告泛滥等问题;建议提高专业水准、打造购彩一体化的新媒体平台。  相似文献   

体育营销及其在我国的发展研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在西方国家,企业都非常热衷于体育营销,关于体育营销的理论研究也异常活跃。反观我国情况,体育营销早已开展多年,尽管取得一些成就,但问题也颇多。理论研究滞后,有关方面的专著或学术文章不多。本文拟就体育营销的功能、目的,体育营销在中国的演进轨迹和目前我国体育营销中存在的问题等作一探讨,同时提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

Twitter is used by athletes, sporting teams and sports media to provide updates on the results of sporting events as they happen. Unlike traditional forms of sports media, online sports media offers the potential for diverse representations of athletes. The current study examined gender in social media coverage of the 2016 Olympic Games using a third wave feminist lens. The analysis focused on the Twitter pages of ‘Team GB’ and the ‘Australian Olympic team’ and the sports stories and images posted during the Rio Olympic Games. Despite a number of traditional differences in the ways that male and females were represented being present, such as the presence of ‘active’ images of male athletes accompanying sports stories and the presence of infantalization in the language used to represent female performers, this analysis demonstrated significant strides forward in terms of the quantity of coverage received by women in online spaces. It further highlights virtual platforms as dynamic spaces for the representation of women athletes.  相似文献   

体育营销及其在我国的发展之研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在西方国家,企业都非常热衷于体育营销,关于体育营销理论的研究也异常活跃。反观我国情况,体育营销早已开展多年,尽管取得一些成就但问题也颇多,理论研究相对滞后。有关方面的专著或学术文章至今未曾面世,本文拟就体育营销的功能、目的,体育营销在中国的演进轨迹和目前我国体育营销中存在的问题作一探讨,同时提出对策建议。  相似文献   

对《体育法》赋予体育社会团体处罚权的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究阐述了《体育法》所赋予体育社会团体的处罚权,结合社会团体的本质要求,将这种处罚权与行政处罚权、民事权利相区分,认为这种处罚权是《体育法》创设的一类新型权力,具有自律性。对这种处罚不服,不能寻求行政救济、诉讼救济。结合奥林匹克运动与法治的磨合、体育的内在要求、经济转型中我国体育管理体制的改革,论述了《体育法》赋予了体育社会团体自律性处罚权对我国体育发展的积极意义。建议在立法机关及时完善体育社会团体的自律性处罚权的同时,应采取措施使“政社分开”,保障体育社会团体真正实现自律性管理。  相似文献   

体育场馆公共服务市场化是大型体育场馆建设和经营管理的发展趋势。十二运辽宁体育场馆公共服务市场化的对策为:加大体育场馆公共服务多样化发展的市场开发力度;充分发挥第三部门在场馆公共服务供给中的作用;辽宁体育公共服务发展战略与城市运动项目布局相结合;做好赛后体育场馆公共服务市场化的制度设计;寻求公共机制与市场机制的有机结合等。  相似文献   


The article is part of a research project on the history of German sports medicine, from its organized beginnings in the early twentieth century until today. Through analyzing newly available archival documents, the focus is on the 1950s, when both German society and the political system had to be rebuilt after the war and ‘complete surrender’ of the Third Reich in 1945. Sports and sports medicine in both Germanys of the 1950s had the same roots or traditions, but had to be developed under completely different political and economic conditions. However, a crucial legacy of German sports medicine in East and West was and still is prevention. The specific and very different roles and systems of top-level sports, including sports medical and scientific support which developed since the 1960s, are by contrast, one of the major differences between East and West, causing major conflicts and problems until today.  相似文献   

就当前体育市场亟待解决的前沿性问题和制约因素 ,对广西体育走向市场现状、问题及对策进行探讨 ,得出结论 :体育中介市场是体育产业重要的中介载体 ,具有巨大的市场潜力 ,发展体育经纪人和体育经纪公司等市场中介是体育媒介市场发展和成熟的基础。把体育中介市场作为重点发展就是要解决广西体育产业发展中存在的瓶颈制约 ,通过加快体育中介市场的发展来带动整个体育产业 ,尤其是健身娱乐和竞赛表演业的发展。提出创建一个独特实体结构的中介组织的设想以及市场化操作思路。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,通过公共服务和体育公共服务的概念,分析了电视媒体在体育公共服务中作用的三个探讨角度:(1)体育公共服务的供给方角度;(2)体育公共服务的供给产品角度;第(3)体育公共服务的供给过程角度。通过讨论,以期引起社会各界对于电视媒体在体育公共服务方面价值的重视以及电视媒体在充分挖掘竞技体育资源、促进体育公共事业中发挥的作用。  相似文献   

研究体育社会现象必须从建立概念入手,把社会互动在体育社会学中的下位概念开发命名为体育社会互动,并将其内涵界定为"在体育文化活动中,人们为了满足和实现自身的某种需求和利益,通过一定的途径并遵循相应的规范所进行的社会交往活动"。从行动者、目标、载体、规范和环境等环节,以行动者的人数规模、群体归属、活动项目、互动目的和互动方式等为标准,从满足个体需求、传递体育信息、促成资源共享和增进社会交往等方面,分别对体育社会互动的构成要素、主要类型和实践意义进行阐述。  相似文献   

探讨了媒体反馈效应对美国高校校际体育发展产生的深远影响。指出:美国高校将校际比赛的电视转播权出售给媒体所产生的反馈效应使优秀的运动队或运动员脱颖而出,并形成多层次的校际体育竞争机制;同时,媒体反馈效应促使各高校之间的资源配置更加合理,使高校校际体育获得相对平衡的发展,从而保证了高校校际体育比赛的激烈程度与观赏性。探讨了美国高校竞技体育的发展给我国的启示。  相似文献   

分析了新媒体转播权的发展历程,法律性质,主体、客体、权利内容等,阐述新媒体转播权法律保护依据和措施,结果显示:新媒体转播权的法律保护影响着体育产业的发展,一旦出现问题将影响体育组织和持权转播商的共同利益,甚至影响到体育组织的声誉和体育赛事品牌建设。  相似文献   

体验经济时代的体育消费需求及营销策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石立江 《山东体育科技》2005,27(3):58-60,62
经济社会已进入体验经济时代,科技创新和休闲时间增多,引发体育消费观念和消费方式的深刻变化.体育产业在新的机遇和挑战面前,要重新审视营销策略才能获得进一步发展.  相似文献   

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