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马宗耀  马志忠 《大观周刊》2012,(43):231-233
综述了我国设施内土壤盐碱化的严峻现实。分析了土壤盐碱化的成因,并归纳了我国土壤盐碱化的类型,回顾了近年来中国盐碱土壤修复的历程和研究成果,归纳了盐碱土壤修复的方法,并且评述了其各自的特性,分析了各个修复方法的优点点,肯定了成绩,指出了不足。最后,对设施盐碱土壤的修复指明了正确的方向,并提出了较高的期望。  相似文献   

如今,工作、生活条件好了,有的新闻工作者深入采访的作风却差了;接待高了,招待好了,新闻的精品却少了;交通方便了,离老百姓的距离亦远了。  相似文献   

长征途中,中国共产党极为重视党的宣传工作,通过创新宣传手段,丰富宣传内容,广泛争取群众,从而揭露了国民党反动派对红军的污蔑,树立了红军形象,宣传了党的民族统一战线政策,团结了各阶层的开明分子,瓦解了敌军,扩大了革命的力量,统一了战士们的思想,增强了战斗力,坚定了革命必胜的信念。  相似文献   

马冬花 《大观周刊》2012,(6):201-201
现代教育技术的快速发展,极大地丰富了教学内容、创新了教学模式,给语文课堂教学提供了一个广阔的舞台。多媒体快速走进了语文课堂,激发了学生的学习兴趣和想象力,扩大了课堂教学的信息传递,同时也弥补了教师自身的不足,并且很好的完善了课堂教学结构。  相似文献   

论民国时期云南地方志   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民国时期的云南地方志工作取得了很大的成果,编纂了一批方志。本文介绍了民国时期地方志编纂的基本情况,列举了一些比较有代表性的地方志,同时着重分析了云南民国时期的方志学理论,找出了创新点,指出了存在的问题。  相似文献   

中国一线市场的市场熟了,消费者理性了,渠道丰富了,终端饱和了,竞争加剧了,中国企业的老板开始紧张了,都准备把营销战场从一线城市拉到更低的地方了,这才有了激情四射的二三线市场营销竞争新格局。  相似文献   

上海世纪出版集团自1999年2月24日成立以来,已经走过了三年多的历程,顺利地渡过了过渡期、磨合期,进入了发展期。三年多来,我们高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,以江泽民同志“三个代表”思想为指导,调整了出书结构,出版了一批精品力作;重组了发行资源,拓展了图书进入市场的通路;开展了数字化工作,启动了信息化建设;初步形成了新的管理体制,不断完善了新的运行机制,进一步扩大了经济实力。与集团组建前的1998年相比,2001年集团的利润增长了42%,净资产增长了 71%。  相似文献   

甘肃民歌中的劝戒鸦片歌谣   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“刀刀切了羊肉了,你把洋烟曷(不要)斗了!洋烟那么老百姓为什么要种植鸦片呢?鸦片容易种植吗?把你吃瘦了!柏木改了柏板了,你把洋烟曷管了!洋烟把从一首民歌中来看看农民种植鸦片的艰辛。山丹县的《种你吃懒了!你把洋烟曷斗了!洋烟把你吃瘦了!吃成一把洋烟》歌,以时间顺序唱出了种鸦片的过程,“正月里来骨都了!刀刀切了白菜了,洋烟把你吃坏了!吃者人人不吧是新春,清朝家遗留下种洋烟。多种花儿少种了田,上爱了!你把洋烟曷管了,洋烟把你吃懒了!门上来人不管去抽一口鸦片烟。二月里来吧龙抬头,庄稼人收拾了把田了!斧头剁了红桦了,洋烟把你难下…  相似文献   

①“信仰”的意识、服从的意识淡了,分析意识、批评意识强了。②保守意识淡了,创新意识强了。③依赖意识淡了,竞争意识强了。④政治意识相对淡了,经济意识、科学意识、审美意识强了。⑤道德意识相对淡了,功利意识强了,并正在形成新的伦理道德观念。⑥集体意识在某些方面淡了,自我意识强了,并向二者结合的趋向发展。  相似文献   

新年随想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新年钟声的敲响,我们辞别了2003年,迎来了充满希望的2004年,《图书情报工作》也迈入了第4个“本命之年”。48年的风风雨雨的发展历程,铸就了办刊理念,形成了办刊风格,打造了品牌,取得了令人鼓舞的成就。成绩所得,不仅倾注了编辑们的心血和努力,更蕴涵了广大作者、读  相似文献   

Compared with journal articles, books can provide broader, deeper and more comprehensive information, and often have higher expertise and academic depth. However, most researches on book assessment focus on measuring academic value of books (e.g. citations analysis) or identifying attitudes of readers (e.g. book review mining), depth and breadth reflected by book contents is neglected. Therefore, in this paper, we measure books’ depth and breadth by mining books’ tables of contents, so as to enrich resources and methods for book assessment research, help users understand book contents quickly and improve efficiency of book selection. Specifically, we measured books’ depth and breadth based on books’ tables of contents via two levels: topic level and feature level. Firstly, we obtained topic-level metrics by identifying topics expressed in tables of contents and calculating topic distributions. Then, we got feature-level results via feature extraction and feature distribution calculation. Finally, we compared depth and breadth metrics and other book assessment metrics. Experimental results reveal that, books’ depth and breadth at two levels are different, and substantial differences between disciplines and book types are obvious. In addition, books’ depth and breadth can provide alternative and supplementary information for assessing multi-dimensional values of books.  相似文献   

刘丽 《图书馆论坛》2020,(1):117-125
文章采用田野调查法观察土地流转后农民生活及信息需求,选择区域进行问卷调查,利用SPSS对数据进行分析。结果显示土地流转后农民经济较宽裕,精神却比较空虚。问卷定量化展现了农民在科技信息利用、信息需求类型、信息基础设施、信息获取渠道、休闲方式选择、信息获取程度等方面的内容。聚类分析形成了政策类信息需求及利用、生活类多样化信息需求及利用、农业科技信息需求及利用、网络信息的需求及利用等4个类团。从农业科技信息服务对象的调整与兼顾、公共文化服务教育和精神扶贫功能的发挥、农民文化需求主动性和自觉性的唤醒等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

科技资源共享包括信息、设备与数据、人员流动和科研成果等4 个方面的共享。现有的共享形式有知识网 络平台及数据库、科技创新比赛和奖励、科技论坛和会议、地区或国际间科技合作和交流。共享的协调体系由共享主 体和共享规则组成。共享的动力机制是构建科技资源共享体系的核心问题。成功推进共享实现的动力机制的关键在于 合理解决共享的外部性问题和分担风险。管理体制、资金保障、信息渠道和人才管理均会影响共享效率。  相似文献   

杨立人 《档案学研究》2018,32(2):97-100
随着馆藏档案公布数量的迅速增长,档案公布与知识产权保护成为越来越重要的课题。在知识产权中,著作权与档案公布权的关系较为密切。由于档案与作品形式相似,以及档案公布与作品发表的性质相同、方式相似,使得档案公布不仅可能涉及作品的发表权,还可能涉及作品的财产权。幸而,档案与作品在性质和涉及领域,以及档案公布权与作品著作权等方面存在着明显差别,这些差别使得区分档案公布权与作品著作权并对其进行保护成为可能。与著作权不同,专利权和商标权在性质和内容上与档案公布权明显不同,因而,档案的公布一般不会触及专利权和商标权。  相似文献   

图书馆价值论纲   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
图书馆是社会需要的产物, 它的一切活动以满足社会需要为出发点。现时图书馆的文献信息加工和交流工作, 一方面完成了文献信息传递的任务, 使文献信息的潜在价值得以发挥, 另一方面也促成文献信息的增值。图书馆的活动体现出其自身存在的价值和存在的必要性。图书馆在文献信息交流与传播中的作用将会越来越大。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 以网络信息可见性为研究对象,针对信息可见性的意义及其实现进行理论分析和讨论。相关理论的探讨和建立能够有效地帮助人们更好地从互联网上获取、理解和使用信息,为国家和社会更加有效地挖掘互联网的价值,更好地管理和使用互联网提供启示。[方法/过程] 运用文献分析法、比较法、现象学方法等,通过对信息实践者存在维度的分析,讨论相应的信息可见性及其行为理念。[结果/结论] 信息可见性包含信息深度可见性、阴影可见性、审美可见性、符号可见性多个方面,是一个统一的整体。全面的信息可见性可以让人们在信息交往中思考信息背后的价值和意义,在觉知和反省中调整自己的策略和行为,促进理解和协调,避免损失和伤害。在信息空间和信息服务功能的设计上要体现以他者为中心的理念,构建关爱他人、追求智慧的文化和价值观。  相似文献   


Media managers and journalists have responded to digitalization over time by implementing online journalism and by converging and de-converging print and online newsrooms. Drawing on complexity and uncertainty theories, this article develops a cycle model, which furthers the understanding of why and how news organizations change. Qualitative and quantitative findings in two European legacy media companies indicate that managers are constantly striving to minimize their own complexity and uncertainty, which, in turn, drives change in news organizations through different stages that are characterized by economization and integration or investment and specialization. More specifically, under lower external and internal complexity and uncertainty, managers are pushing news organizations toward more economization and integration. However, they invest and specialize if either their external or their internal complexity and uncertainty increase. Moreover, the findings reveal the mechanism through which the internal complexity and uncertainty arise, and they show differences depending on the ownership structure of a news organization.  相似文献   

The paper examines how information and communication technology can be utilized for resource sharing among university libraries in Nigeria. It was based on the study and review of recent library and information science literature on both print and electronic resources. It discusses the meaning of information and communication technology, resource sharing practices, and how information and communication technology facilitates resource sharing. It traces the history of resource sharing among Nigerian libraries. The current state of information and communication technology application and utilization in Nigeria and its university libraries is revealed, with emphasis on university libraries that are located in different zones of the country. The paper examines challenges facing Nigerian University Libraries with respect to information and communication technology application and utilization for resource sharing, as well as to areas of library operations to which information and communication technology can be applied and utilized for resource sharing. It concludes by proffering solutions for viable information and communication technologies–based cooperation among university libraries in Nigeria.  相似文献   

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: This two-part paper aims to identify the main transferable lessons learned from both the quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the Knowledge Access 24 (KA24) service of online databases and selected full-text journals for health and social care staff in London and the south-east of England. The quantitative evaluation analysed usage rates and user registration with the objective of measuring uptake by previously disadvantaged staff, and to inform the subsequent qualitative survey. METHODS: User and usage data were analysed by type of NHS Trust, by type of user, and by what was being used. The evaluation assessed development in user registration and usage of both databases and journals over a 2-year period. Data were aggregated and analysed both monthly and quarterly. RESULTS: Usage levels increased, but uptake in both the mental health and primary care sectors was comparatively slow. Nurses and allied professionals used the service more than doctors. The increase in usage of full-text journals over the usage of databases was marked. CONCLUSIONS: Previously disadvantaged staff used electronic resources. A qualitative survey was needed to identify the main enablers and barriers to uptake.  相似文献   

图书馆制度资源体系构建及配置研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
文献资源、设备资源、制度资源在图书情报系统中处于同等重要位置。公共图书馆规章制度分为三大类 :综合性制度、业务制度和行政制度。制度资源优化配置的方式有 :纵向继承性配置方式、横向移植性配置方式、融合杂交性配置方式及综合创新性配置方式。制度资源的优化配置要体现科学性、合理性和创新性。参考文献 4  相似文献   

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