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高校战略规划管理实际上就是以数据信息为载体的目标管理,数据信息管理为战略规划制定、实施、评估和调整提供主要依据,加强数据信息管理对于高校战略规划管理具有重大意义。高校要构建一个符合战略规划管理要求的数据信息管理模式,必须坚持以营造良好工作环境为前提,健全管理机制为核心,加强队伍建设为关键,创新管理手段为重点,完善管理制度为保证。  相似文献   

战略规划对高校的发展具有引领、动员、凝聚与规范等作用。但在实际工作中,却因多种原因高校发展战略规划的作用未能得到较好的发挥。做好战略规划,不仅应当把握高校发展的重大主题,而且应当掌握战略规划的理论基础与基本方法。  相似文献   

我国高等学校发展战略规划的价值、挑战与策略   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
战略管理是我国高等学校管理模式变革的趋势,制定战略规划并组织实施是战略管理的核心。高等学校战略规划是高等学校办学的精神向导、宣言书和制度创新的蓝图。我国高等学校目前缺乏编制和实施高校战略规划的体制性内源力,对战略规划的有效性缺乏理性判断与客观信任,高校战略规划的编制与实施的组织建设滞后,对高校战略规划的理论与实践缺乏必要的研究,同时,校长的任用方式直接影响了战略规划的价值实现等,这些都需要进行改革与突破。  相似文献   

高校发展战略规划执行阻滞主要表现为仪式性执行、选择性执行、扩大化执行、机械式执行、无执行和停滞化。基于整合研究路径的分析可见,高校发展战略规划文本的科学性与可执行性不够、保障规划执行的资源不充足、高校发展战略规划各执行主体间权责关系不明晰、院系与高校决策层及学校职能部门之间的价值冲突、执行主体参与规划编制程度不一是高校发展战略规划执行阻滞的重要原因,破解高校发展战略规划执行阻滞也需要从这些方面入手。  相似文献   

院校研究是对学校的发展和规划进行的预测式和理论准备式的研究,院校研究保证战略规划的实施并能为战略评价提供依据。高校发展战略规划需要制度化的院校研究作保障。高校战略规划编制主要环节有规划信息采集、规划信息统计分析与研究、规划思路研究、规划文本的草拟与修改、规划文本定稿。高校在战略规划的实施过程中应加强监控,不断修正和调整战略规划。  相似文献   

关于我国高校制定与实施发展战略规划的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
科学制定与实施发展战略规划已经成为我国高校实现新的跨越式发展的有效途径。要制定切实可行的发展战略规划,高校应该特别注重科学定位,明确高校战略愿景;重视使命陈述,强化高校战略目标;注重“硬环境”建设,通过成立专门的战略研发机构,加强政策研究,开展院校研究,建立计算机管理数据库与信息处理系统等措施,为科学制定高校发展战略规划提供技术支撑;高校同样要注重“软环境”开发,通过提高管理者的战略思维与战略管理能力,建构有利于高校发展战略规划实施的组织文化氛围,同时充分考虑学生、教职员工等各种利益相关者的意见,为高校战略规划实施提供原动力。  相似文献   

高校战略规划的实施与监控,是实现高校战略规划目标的重要环节。在实施与监控过程中,必须把控使命与目标、总体和专项规划、操作性行动计划、财政与资源规划等要点的关系,明确责任主体,采取有效措施,将实施与监控有效的结合起来,交叉进行,滚动前进,确保高校战略规划目标的顺利实现。  相似文献   

在新公共管理理念的影响下,大学战略规划被赋予了史无前例的重要性。作为一种治理手段,战略规划编制已经成为我国高校五年一轮的必修课,在不同的时期呈现出不同特点。本文拟探究“十四五”期间高校战略规划的变化,通过案例研究的方法,利用布赖森“战略变革循环模式”对A大学“十四五”规划的过程进行分析。研究表明,高校战略规划制定实现了旧范式(文秘范式)向新范式(专业范式)的转移。在“十四五”规划期间,A大学的战略规划编制模式日趋成熟:继承过去编制的经验,以国家发展规划为根本指针,与战略研究相结合进行规划文本的编制,并通过规划体系下的权力再配置完成了治理行为的转变。  相似文献   

科学制定和实施高校发展战略规划,是新形势下实现我国高校跨越式发展的有效途径。在我国高校应用型人才培养转型过程中,可借鉴香港理工大学战略规划的制定与实施过程,找准自身发展战略规划制定和实施的关键点,为国内高校战略转型提供有益参考。  相似文献   

高校战略规划的内涵要求与实施分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学规划是高校可持续发展的战略需要。制约高校战略规划工作的主要问题是学校上下对战略规划的内涵与作用的认识、学校战略规划的能力、战略规划如何真正与实际工作结合等方面。高等学校战略规划主动适应国家和地方社会经济发展的战略需求,必须前瞻求实,着眼全局,突出特点与重点;必须与时俱进,动态调整,不断完善;必须与日常工作融合。同时,制定规划应深入分析背景,调动全校参与,形成共识。  相似文献   

Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) worldwide are investing significant resources in strategic planning and self-evaluation programs to improve institutional performance and to meet external stakeholder demands. Little empirical evidence exists however which demonstrates that these programs are effective in leading to improvements in institutional performance, let alone shed light on the reasons why. This paper reports on the systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of a strategic planning program in an Irish HEI over a 5-year-period in leading to improvements in institutional performance.  相似文献   

目前世界高等教育系统和高等学校所处的外部环境无时不在发生变化,市场机制和高等教育的国际化竞争形势也要求高等学校必须转变教育观念、树立战略意识。战略管理是高等学校协调与外部环境的关系和谋求更大发展的必然选择。文章以纽约州立大学布法罗分校为例,剖析高等学校战略管理这个处于开放系统中的闭路循环过程,并指出只有通过此循环的不断推进,高等学校的战略目标才能得到逐步实现。  相似文献   

财经类高校课程国际化策略分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
课程国际化是高等学校国际化的重要组成部分,也是财经类高校国际化的内在需求。财经类高校应将课程国际化纳入学校国际化战略的发展规划,逐步建设具有国际化视野的高水平师资队伍、合理的国际化课程体系和高效有序的管理机构及运行机制。  相似文献   

A self‐assessment model was developed for the Portuguese higher education institutions (HEIs) which was based on an empirical study aiming at better understanding their strategic and quality management and innovation practices and tools and on the study of several quality assessment models developed both for HEIs and business organisations. From the results obtained it was possible to conclude that the model can be successfully applied to HEIs as a self‐assessment tool to support their continuous quality improvement efforts.  相似文献   

Branding of higher education institutions (HEIs) is an expanding area of research. The existing literature mainly draws on the strategic management perspective that argues that HEIs are pressured to develop brands which differentiate them from their competitors. Past studies, however, do insufficiently take into account that most HEIs are positioned in systems that contain both competitive pressures (to differentiate) and institutional pressures (to meet taken-for-granted expectations), where neither of the pressures is clearly dominant. Our multiple case study of the five Flemish universities finds that branding can simultaneously address competitive and institutional pressures and that the universities studied combine aspects of distinctiveness with elements of similarity.  相似文献   

Malaysia is a newly industrialized market economy and reliant upon foreign direct investment to increase its economic outlook. Being located in a strategic position between Asia, Australasia and Oceania has made it an attractive proposition for foreign higher education providers wanting to expand their international presence. Despite this, there are many market and regulatory challenges facing foreign providers operating as private higher education institutions (HEIs) within Malaysia. To gain a competitive edge they must clearly understand how the many cultures, values, norms, behaviors, and mindsets within Malaysia can be used to drive strategy. Unfortunately, very little is known about Malaysian perceptions of private HEIs compared to public HEIs. By drawing upon utility theory, the aim of this research is to construct a scale for measuring brand identity of HEIs in Malaysia. Data from a sample of 371 students from private and public HEIs in Malaysia were collected and analyzed using structural equation modeling to form a two-factor measurement model consisting of visual and verbal identity cues. Tests of differences were performed, which showed dimensions such as distribution channel, public relations, promotion, core service, price, and system having significant differences between private and public HEIs.  相似文献   


This article discusses how Centres of Excellence (CoE) and the existence of several logics in these centres can contribute to the differentiation of the strategic profiles of universities. The study sees research centres as a way to organize research activities in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in order to target both excellence but also societal challenges through focused thematic research. It reveals how societal challenges and their interpretation by these centres contribute to the differentiation of the strategic profiles of universities. Studies of centres of excellence programs in Sweden and Japan reveal differences in how their mission is formulated for relevance and excellence. The results indicate that contrasting missions of HEIs are accommodated through the dual logics of these centres relating both to autonomy and industry collaboration. The study shows that long-term funding gives these centres flexibility to set the agenda and focus on their strategic core activities. In other words, a logic of autonomy guides their strategic choices of research activities over the long-run as well as collaborators. Nevertheless, these centres are also developing strategies to cope with dilemmas stemming from the excellence-relevance and evaluation templates that emerge in the nexus of their collaborative ties with industry, government and universities.


Growing competition among higher education institutions (HEIs) explains their increasing interest in reinforcing strategies by incorporating knowledge transfer (KT) objectives into their strategic plans. However, this strategic formulation must be aligned with the implementation of performance management systems (PMSs) to properly achieve KT objectives. Thus, the aim of this paper is to examine whether aligning PMSs with KT strategic objectives improves KT performance while misalignment worsens it. To that end, PMSs are measured with respect to planning; cybernetic control; policies and procedures and reward and compensation elements. KT is specified as R&D contracts, extended patents, patents and licences. With a sample of 3812 Spanish university lecturers, we test the theoretical positive and negative effects of PMS–KT strategy alignment and misalignment on KT performance respectively. The results show not only that this alignment is effective for KT strategy implementation but also that misalignment has unintended effects on the achievement of long-term KT objectives. Therefore, lecturers' behaviour is influenced by how closely KT strategy and PMSs are aligned. The findings are useful for managers and academics to develop PMSs that effectively contribute to the achievement of universities' strategic goals.  相似文献   

民办高校如何在强手如林的公立大学之间求得生存,如何在众多的民办高等学校之间求得发展,是社会各界关注的热点话题.西安欧亚学院是民办高等学校“西安模式“的代表之一,是民办高等学校自主创新的一个典型.其成功之处在于,它有效地运用了营销理论,提供了一种优于一般公立高等学校的“领先服务“.为此,他们实施了一系列战术,克服了不利的制度和政策环境,并及时地实现了战略转移.民办高等学校的发展决定于政府、高校领导和高校自身.  相似文献   

World-Class Universities (WCUs) are nationally embedded comprehensive higher education institutions (HEIs) that are closely engaged in the global knowledge system. The article reviews the conditions of possibility and evolution of WCUs. Three interpretations are used to explain worldwide higher education: neoliberal theory, institutional theory, and critical political economy, which give greater recognition than the other theories to the role of the state and variations between states. World higher education is evolving under conditions of globalization, organizational modernization (the New Public Management), and in some countries, marketization. These larger conditions have become manifest in higher education in three widespread tendencies: massification, the WCU movement, and organizational expansion. The last includes the strengthening of the role of the large multi-disciplinary multi-purpose HEIs (“multiversities”), in the form of both research-intensive WCUs with significant global presence, and other HEIs. The role of binary sector and specialist HEIs has declined. Elite WCUs gain status and strategic advantage in both quantity and quality: through growth and the expansion of scope, and through selectivity and research concentration. The balance between quantity and quality is now resolved at larger average size and broader scope than before. The final section of the article reviews WCUs in China and considers whether they might constitute a distinctive university model.  相似文献   

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