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Theorists such as Gumport (2000) suggest thatdifferent conceptions of higher education mayhave important consequences for students andsociety. We explore this possibility byconsidering a specific research question: Dostudents who attend for-profit post-secondaryschools show lower levels of civic engagementthan students who attend non-profit communitycolleges, either at the beginning of theirstudy or two years later? Using longitudinal data from the U.S. NationalCenter for Education Statistics (NCES)National Post-secondary Student Aid Survey(NPSAS90) and Beginning Post-secondary Survey(BPS), we test the hypothesis that students whoattend for-profit, post-secondary vocationalschools will show lower levels of civicengagement on several measures than similarstudents in community colleges. Studentsattending the two types of schools are alike intheir levels of civic engagement at thebeginning of their post-secondary education,but different four years later. We considerwhether observed differences in civic behaviorare due to variations in who attends thedifferent types of schools or to identifiableexperiences students may have in theirprograms, such as interactions with faculty orother students. The effect of proprietary school attendance onseven out of the ten different types of civicengagement measured here appears to be direct,rather than being mediated by measurableeducational experiences. We reflect further onprocesses that might explain the differencesand consider the policy implications of thesefindings for educational decision-makers.  相似文献   

What kinds of knowledge do teachers need in order to be effective in their classrooms? This question has received much attention recently. This paper outlines a framework for teachers' knowledge, consisting of six major categories, namely: general liberal education, personal performance, subject matter, general pedagogical, subject matter specific pedagogical, and foundations of the teaching profession. Suggestions are provided on ways in which three of the categories, subject matter knowledge, general pedagogical knowledge, and subject matter specific pedagogical knowledge can be dealt with in teacher education, especially at the preservice stage. These suggestions are based on actual courses which have been taught in various countries. The outcomes of one such course, which was taught and supervised by the author, are reported in terms of the students' perceptions of the knowledge they have acquired.  相似文献   

The O.E.C.D. reportTowards new structures of post-secondary education (1971) outlines the main problems associated with the approach to mass higher education. Two aspects are described; firstly alternative structures for the system as a whole and secondly short cycle higher education.
Résumé Le rapport de l'O.C.D.E.Vers de nouvelles structures de l'enseignement post-secondaire (O.C.D.E., 1971) passe en revue les principaux problèmes posés par l'enseignement supérieur de masse. Deux directions sont offertes à la reflexion, d'abord l'examen de ce que pourraient être d'autres structures pour le système d'enseignement dans son ensemble, ensuite la question d'un cycle court de l'enseignement supérieur.

This paper provides evidence of the importance of liquidity constraints in a tuition-free post-secondary education setting in Colombia. We exploit exogenous variation in the relative cost of tuition-free vocational education from a nationwide cash transfer program. We show that eligibility for a USD 136 grant every other month increases enrollment by up to 12 percentage points. We also show that men with larger returns to education are more affected by the availability of grants, which is consistent with the presence of liquidity constraints. However, we do not find the same for women. This paper highlights the importance of non-tuition costs and discusses whether individuals under-invest in their human capital when free education is available.  相似文献   

To explore principles that guide post-secondary professionals who work with students with learning disabilities, vignettes describing typical ethical dilemmas were presented to counselors and other educational professionals. The vignettes addressed issues such as consent, boundaries of competency, accommodation, and release of information. Respondents indicated whether they believed the behavior presented in the vignette was ethical or appropriate. Analyses of variance indicated overall significant differences of opinions between professionals trained in counseling and those trained in education. Chi-square analyses examining responses to individual dilemmas revealed much overlap in opinion, with significant differences of opinion on three of eight dilemmas. Those dilemmas distinguishing the two groups involved issues of confidentiality when providing references, dual relationships between provider and student and release of records.  相似文献   

本文认为相对于传统的单体学校组织,教育集团是一种复合体组织。本文以美国中学后私营教育领域的几个大型教育集团为案例,分析了美国教育组织的集团化特性及其对我国教育集团理论和实践探索的几点启示。  相似文献   

This paper extends the current literature on access to post-secondary education by investigating the role played by various family background characteristics related to the home environment and family habits and behaviours. Exploiting the extraordinary richness of the Youth in Transition Survey in this regard, we include whether the family ate dinner together, whether they discussed current affairs, and how often their children went to concerts – and if so, what kind of concerts. Many of these factors are found to have a significant relationship with attending post-secondary education, university in particular. Furthermore, these factors are in addition to – and at least to some degree independent of – more conventional influences such as parental education and family income. With appeal to the paradigm of ‘cultural capital’ – which refers to the knowledge, experiences, and connections which help individuals succeed in life – these results indicate how advantages in accessing higher levels of education accrue to those from families that are rich in this kind of asset, while others are left behind.  相似文献   

The qualitative case study comparison of seven community-based postsecondary correctional education (CBPSCE) programs within the United States identified specific program characteristics and practices that may contribute to the reduction of criminal behavior. School administrators, program directors, and faculty were interviewed as subject matter experts regarding their insight and experience in CBPSCE. The study comparison yielded five themes: a) culture, b) role of faculty and school administrators, c) instructional strategies and curricula, d) student support and academic services, and e) reentry services. Each theme influenced the successful matriculation, retention, and return to society for those who left prison and entered degree programs. From these findings, three tiered guidelines were created to assist CBPSCE directors and staff in operating successful programs that address the barriers that contribute to criminal behavior. Findings indicate that success was not determined by a student’s decision to discontinue crime; success was found when students developed the life and academic skills needed to change their lives.  相似文献   

Based on surveys undertaken by the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (France’s National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) and by the Direction de l'évaluation de la prospective et de la performance (Directorate of Evaluation, Forecasting and Performance), this article examines the evolution of female student enrollment in scientific streams in secondary and post-secondary education in France over a period of approximately 20 years, from 1985 to 2008. The aim is to study the changes and constants in girls’ choices in science and technology education. The results show that girls’ choices to study science and technology have undergone clear changes during this period. These changes have been positive at the secondary level, but rather more ambiguous at the post-secondary level. Both an appraisal of positive developments and the persistently low representation of women in scientific fields will be offered.  相似文献   

Behavioral disengagement from school is a proximal predictor of dropout. Therefore, the enhancement of behavioral engagement is a useful point of entry for dropout prevention. In this study, we examine the behavioral engagement of at-risk and non-at-risk students in Dutch senior vocational education (SVE), a sector confronted with high dropout rates. Using multilevel regression analyses, we assess the role of students’ background characteristics and perceived fit with the school environment in their behavioral engagement. Findings indicate that students in highly urbanized areas are significantly less engaged in school. The perceived proportion of autonomous work is most prominently correlated to students’ behavioral engagement. Whereas in general SVE students are more engaged if their program requires little autonomous work from students, engineering students appear to favor autonomous work forms.  相似文献   

This paper examines a current proposal that students in higher education should have equal subsidies. The proposal has recently been made on grounds of efficiency and is therefore linked with the justification of subsidies because of public benefits (externalities) from education. The argument is that since we are ignorant of the differential strengths of public benefits from each educational program, it is a safe rule to subsidize each at an equal rate. This equality argument is further supported in this paper with the observation that marginal public benefits diminish with increasing educational duration. This efficiency argument is clearly distinguishable from that of equity or equality of opportunity.The strength of the argument is next tested against the objections to it that are now being made by the Ontario Commission on Post-Secondary Education. Evidence of the degree of present inequality in subsidization in Ontario is fully surveyed. It is shown that the Commission is reluctant to reduce the inequality because this will mean charging full fees for the last stages of professional training. The Commission fears that this would result eventually in the raising of professional fees to the public.This article finally produces an economic model that shows that the Commission's fears are groundless. The case for switching the subsidies in favour of the earlier years of education is indeed stronger than appears at first sight because of the monopolistic tendencies of the professions concerned.  相似文献   

Research has found that computer attitudes not only play an influential role in determining the extent to which students accept the computer as a learning tool but also future behaviours towards the computer such as using it for further study and vocational purposes. A sample of 183 post-secondary students was assessed for their computer attitudes using a Likert-type questionnaire with three subscales, Computer Importance, Computer Enjoyment, and Computer Anxiety. Additionally, the effects of gender and computer ownership at home were also examined. One-way MANOVA revealed no significant differences in computer attitudes by gender although male students reported more positive attitudes towards the computer than female students. Significant differences in computer attitudes were found between students who own computers at home and those who do not. Students who own a computer at home also reported a lower level of computer anxiety compared to those who do not.  相似文献   

The convergence of digital communications technologies is changing the nature of the relationships between post-secondary institutions, their students, and the private sector. The current predictable and ordered world of inter-institutional relationships is breaking down, to be replaced by one of perpetual change. Contemporary relationships can be modeled using Christaller's central place theory. On the other hand, we must turn to chaos theory for clues as to how institutions will be operating in an environment characterised by complexity and constant flux.  相似文献   

This paper examines the occupational attainment of highly educated adult immigrants by employing a secondary analysis of three waves of the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada that provide data on immigrant arrivals in 2000–2001. Occupational attainment is described in terms of matching immigrants’ pre-migration occupation with the main occupation reported 4?years since arrival. An occupational match typology based on skill level and skill type is developed and examined in the study in relation to socio-demographic factors, human capital characteristics, cultural factors and dispositional and situational factors. The primary focus is on the relationship between occupational matching and choice of post-secondary education (PSE) (including non-participation) pathways in Canada. Study findings show that occupational match rates are relatively low. However, notable differences are obtained for highly educated immigrants choosing to take further education in Canada, particularly at university level, which supports the argument that investment in host country PSE is a strategy to improve employment and occupational outcomes.  相似文献   

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