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A:Good morning,sir.May I help you?B:Yes,I’d like to buy a white shirt.A:Yes,sir.I’d be glad to show you some. What size,please?B:Fifteen and a half,please.A:Here’s one in your size.This is a very fine shirt.B:How much is it?A:Five ninety-five.B:That’s a little more than I wanted to  相似文献   

How much is it?【情景对话】A:Good morning!Can I help you?B:Yes,please.I want to buy a radio.Can you give me the blue one to have a look?A:Here you are.I think this is a nice one.B:How much is it?A:It’s 200 yuan.  相似文献   

<正>谈论兴趣爱好是与人交谈时经常会说到的话题。然而,有关兴趣爱好的英文表达却一直困扰着一些英语学习者。今天让我们一起来学习如何用英语谈论兴趣爱好吧。情景对话K:Good morning,Tom.T:Good morning,Kate.K:I haven’t seen you for a long time.What’s up?T:Oh,I’ve taken up a new hobby recently.K:What is your new hobby?T:Collecting stamps.K:It’ s certainly a good hobby.A lot of my friends love stamps.  相似文献   

A.—Look!What’5 on the book? —It’5 a Peneil. B.—Good morning,Miss Li! —good morning! —I’m a new PuPil.I’m Steven. —YVeleome! C.—Hi,幻m.Let‘5 Play a game. —一OK. D厂一一一Good moming! .—Good moming! 答案:1 .D 2.C 3.B 4.A (严建英) 可掷 3 4 、爪刀想想做做(英文)@严建英~~  相似文献   

一、通过对话内容判断对话场合:通过场合判断决定谈话者的相互关系。如:What is the relationship between the speakers? A.Neighbors. B.Boss and employee. C.Doctor and patient. [听力录音稿] Man:Good morning,Mrs.Green.Come in.Whatcan I do for you? Woman:Well,I’m having difficulty sleeping.I  相似文献   

同学们,请读读下面的句予,将证确的序号填在图下的括号内。A:Good night,MHnl.B:Go(~l night,dear.Have a good dream.A:Good evening,ToIll.B:Good evening,I.i Lei.Where are you going?A:Good morni~lg,Mr Dog. 。B:Good morning,Miss Cat.May I have these bones?A:Goodbye,Miss Gao.B:Goodbye.Doll’t be late tolnolTow morning.A:Hello,Lin’rao. ‘B:Hi.Meimei.Will you play basketball with me?A:Li Lei.nice to meet you.B:‘rom.nice to meet VOll too. (建华) 责任编辑/曹筠《他_f『n兑些什么÷》答集;i瞄:…  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Free talk1.Listen a song"We arehappy bees"2.Free talkT:Good morning,boys andgirls.Ss:Good morning,MissWang.T:How are you?Ss:Fine,thank you.T:What’s the weather liketoday?Ss:It’s sunny.T:Let’s go to the toy shop!Ss:Great!Let’s go!Say a rhyme:Shopping,shopping.I like shopping!Shopping,shopping.Let’s goshopping!(说唱的同时配以动作)  相似文献   

Function(功能):Tell an accidents.Teaching points(重点):1.Past tense form of irregular verbs:go—wentbuy—bought fall—fell 2.Vocabulary:happen,thirsty,waterm elon,carry,bump 3.Use past tense to tell a story.Teaching steps:1.Warming up(热身):1)Greeting:T:Good morning!Ss:Good morning! T:How are you?Ss:I’m fine,thank you.And you?T:I’m fine.Thank you.T:What day is today?Ss:Today is Tuesday.T:W hat day was yesterday?Ss:Yesterday wasM onday.T:W hat’s the weather like?Ss:It’s sunny.T…  相似文献   

听力测试I.单句理解: 根据你所听到的句子,选择与之相对应的问句或答语。1.A.When did you get up this morning?B.I beg your pardon ?C.What’s your telephone number?2. A.No,I don’t.B.Yes I’d love to. C.What?3. A.I know.B.Me,too.C.Thank you,I will.4. A.Which pair?B.Whose pair?C.No,you mustn’t.5. A.Sure.B.I hope so.C.Not at all.II.对话理解: 根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择正确答案。6. A.He wrote a letter.B.He did his homework.C.He posted a letter. 7. A.She has gone to her hometown. B.S…  相似文献   

1 在本题的录音内容中,你将听到9个简短的对话,在每个对话后还将听到一个有关对话的问题,对话和问题只说一遍。你必须在录音留出的空白时间内从所给的四个选择中找出最佳答秦(斜体为录音内容)。(1) A: Ben, a wonderful thing has happened. Our cleverson Buddy has won a gold medal.B: Oh, really? I'm proud of him.Question: What's the relationship between the two speak-ers?A. Teacher and student B. Husband and wifeC. Father and son D. Policeman and witness(2) A: Good morning. I' m John Green.I' m from Eng-lang, can you find a single room for me?B: Certainly.Show me your passport please!Question: Where do you think this conversation most proba-bly takes place?A. At home B. In a companyC. In a hotel D. In a classroom(3)A: How do you like the Chinese food?B. Oh, I like it very much. I think it's wonderful.Question: What does the second speker think of Chinesefood?  相似文献   

1 在本题的录音内容中,你将听到9个简短的对话,在每个对话后还将听到一个有关对话的问题,对话和问题只说一遍。你必须在录音留出的空白时间内从所给的四个选择中找出最佳答案(斜体为录音内容)。(1) A: Ben, a wonderful thing has happened. Our cleverson Buddy has won a gold medal.B: Oh, really? I'm proud of him.Question: What's the relationship between the two speak-ers?A. Teacher and student B. Husband and wifeC. Father and son D. Policeman and witness(2) A: Good morning. I' m John Green. I' m from Eng-land, can you find a single room for me?B: Certainly.Show me your posspert Please!Question: Where do you think this conversation most proba-bly takes place?A. At home B. In a companyC. In a hotel D. In a classroom(3) A: How do you like the Chinese food?B. Oh, I like it very much.I think it's wonderful.Question: What does the second speker think of Chinesefood?  相似文献   

Hairdresser:Good morning.madam.Guest:Good morning.I would like a shampoo and set.Hairdresser:Yes,madam.What style do you want?Guest:l'd like to try a new hair style.Could  相似文献   

1.【原句】What’s the matter?【讲解】What’s the matter?常用来询问某人患了何种疾病或遇到了何种麻烦。当你看到别人气色不好或面带憔悴时,可以用该句型来询问对方,意为“哪儿不舒服?”、“出什么事了?”。【真题】从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。(2006重庆市)A:Jim,you said you would not stay out lateafter school,didn’t you?B:Yes,mom,I did.A:But it’s10o’clock now.1B:Sorry.I’ve been to the hospital.A:What?2B:No.I sent Jack to the hospital.A:Oh,really?3B:He had a terrible headache on the wayhome.A:Is he better now?B:4A:Good for you,my dear!I’m very glad youcan help others.B:5【点拨】答案为:C—F—E—D—B。做此类题时,关键在于联系上下文。由I’v...  相似文献   

Hello Yes, A Bi刊流甸Pa抑 Sam!What a beautiful day! it’5 beautiful,isn’t it? 1 hope you ean eome to my party tomorrow· Party?What party? A B AB A:It’5 my birthday,andl’11 have a party.Didn’t you know? B:No Sorry Yes, 1 didn’t. ,1 forsot to tell you.Would you like to eome? I’d love to.Thanks a lot.I’11 give you a niee pre- AB Sent (礼物). In a Shop A:Can 1 helP you? B:Yes,I’m looking for a blue dress· What size(尺寸)do you wear? S汤eTwelve.Thisonelooksniee.WhereeanIt叮…  相似文献   

If you are on duty todayA:Stand up!B:Good morning,class!A:(and all the students)Good morning,teacher!B:Sit down,please.Who is on duty today?A:I am.  相似文献   

听力部分(共15分)听对话,并选出对话中出现的词汇(3分)(1)A:Who’s sitting in that armchair?B:Jane is.She’s sitting there and listening to theradio.a.He b.She c.They(2)A:What’s the date today?B:September the fifteenth.a.day b.daily c.date(3)A:Do you see the key on the seat?B:Yes,I do.a.say b.see c.set  相似文献   

根据图画完成下列对话,每空一词,然后每两人一组对话。1.A:What were they__ yesterday morning? B:They were__ __.2.A:Was she reading__ you came in?  相似文献   

听力部分(共15分)一、听对话,并圈出对话中出现的词汇(3分)1.a.walk b.work c.word2.a.fourteen b.forty-five c.forty3.a.1eading b.1eaving c.reading你将在录音磁带上听到的内容是:1.A:Where do you work,Mr.Carter?B:1 work in a hospital.2.A:How old are you?Thirty-five?B:Oh,no,I’m forty.3.A:What are you doing here now?B:I’m reading today’s newspaper.二、听问句及三个不同的答语,然后根据问句选择正确的答语,并圈出与其相应的题号(5  相似文献   

(编者注:本文内容取自作者参加一次市级赛课的教学设计。)教学内容A:Oh,my God!B:What’s up?A:Robert,could you do me a favor?B:What’s wrong?A:I’ve just sprained my ankle.Could you help me go to  相似文献   

Talk To Talk(对话)A:What will you do during the October holiday this year?B:I'm not sure.I'd like to have a break(休息),but I've made no plans yet.What about you?A:I'm going on holiday  相似文献   

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