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《变形记》新读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从《变形记》问世至今,人们对这部作品的解读,总是把目光集中在推销员一夜之间变成甲虫上,强调作品对使人“异化”的资本主义社会的批判,和对“那使人变成虫的力量”的认识。本通过对卡夫卡创作作品时思想情感状况的分析,指出该作品其实是作灵魂中“可怕的和恶心的”东西的艺术表现,作通过写出来而把它们从心底赶出去,从而获得灵魂的解脱和安宁。  相似文献   

卡夫卡是西方现代文学史上具有特殊地位的一位作家。《变形记》是其代表作,也是表现主义文学的杰作。其主要的艺术特征就是用写实的手法描写虚妄的事物。通过怪异的方式表达主观精神,用表面的荒诞揭示深刻的社会现实。在《变形记》里,深层与表层是涵义和象征的关系,具体表现为用隐喻使主观感觉外化,从而加深人们对现代社会中的“异化”的认识。  相似文献   

《变形记》的悖谬恰恰可以“化隐为实”,使被夸张和变形的生活具有了一种独特的真实感。  相似文献   

《变形记》是西方现代派学的经典作品之一,是作卡夫卡用荒诞、变形的艺术手法进行创作的.学生第一次接触此类学作品,理解上有不少难度,加上课较长,语言平淡冷漠,中有静止的大段心理描写,这些都给教学增加了难度。因此,在教学上.一要充分做好预习工作:二要找到切入口,提纲挈领理解课;三要抓住语言,突破重点难点:四要联系实际,深入理解作品主题和意义。  相似文献   

《变形记》是世界学大师卡夫卡的代表作。章讲述了小推销员格里高尔在沉重的工作、家庭负担和心理重压下变成了一只甲虫,最后被家人无情地抛弃、悲惨地死去的故事,批判了资本主义社会的人际关系,批判了摧残人性的社会制度。  相似文献   

高中语文教材中选了两篇关于变形的文章,一篇是卡夫卡的《变形记》,一篇是蒲松龄的《促织》,一个是人变成了甲虫,一个是人变成了蟋蟀。那么,除了变形这一点两者相似之外,两篇文章是否还有可比之处呢?  相似文献   

本文从思想和艺术两方面分析了卡夫卡小说《变形记》的风格特色,在此基础上,论述了《变形记》在20世纪欧洲文学史上的价值和意义。  相似文献   

卡夫卡在代表作《变形记》中,创造出人异化为“虫”这个不易接受的独特艺术符码。文本正是通过审美接受过程中情感的不断移入与间离,使读者逐渐领悟到其荒诞故事框架下所构建的“现代人困惑”的真实世界,更深地体验了整个人类在现代社会中生存的悲哀。  相似文献   

《变形记》是卡夫卡用荒诞的艺术为资本主义物质文明异化的人与人之间的关系所谱写的一曲哀歌,苍凉而悲壮。细读《变形记》,从故事的结构、语言的描写以及荒诞讽刺背后的艺术真实,我们不难看出,在这种荒诞艺术背后,作者独到的艺术见解和生活体悟。《变形记》作为荒诞大师卡夫卡的代表作之一,具有极高的艺术价值。  相似文献   

Higher education in Israel: an historical perspective   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Through an analysis of the origins and development of Israel's universities, the paper illuminates the Israeli variation of the wide-spread phenomenon of transfer and adaptation of western concepts of higher education to developing countries. Following the examples of the German university and the use of scientific research in the German colonization effort, the World Zionist Organization supported the establishment the Technion (opened 1924) and the Hebrew University (opened 1925). From the beginning there has been a strong utilitarian emphasis which is examined in three areas: contributions of higher education in settling the land and developing the economy, in the regeneration and redefinition of a national culture, and in enhancing national security. It is further suggested how an emphasis on utlity as defined by perceived national needs has contributed to the structure of institutions, defining areas of research and shaping the curriculum. It is argued that even with independence (1948) and the enormous expansion of Israeli higher education since the 1960s in size and number of universities, continuities with the pre-State practical ethos still dominate. Continuities have also been maintained in governance and finance for, unlike other national systems, foreign citizens still play a significant role in the management and support of Israeli universities. This phenomenon may even contribute to maintaining well-established patterns of service since it is the opportunity to participate in nation-building that continues to excite the imagination and define the responsibility of Diaspora Jewry which initially defined the purposes of Israeli higher education.  相似文献   

This paper plays with education through the analogy of karaoke to tease out the instructions of a situated educational practice. Here, Cremin's conceptualization of education as a deliberate, systematic and sustained effort is employed as a starting point to enable an understanding of educational practice between members elicited by karaoke. Using Garfinkel's ethnomethodological framework, the paper investigates modes of education through karaoke practice as part of the ‘live’ narrative, that of instructing and being instructed with the ‘curriculum’ of the event at hand.  相似文献   

唯物史观教导我们:社会存在决定社会意识,社会意识随着社会存在的发展而发展。社会意识对社会存在有能动的反作用,"享乐主义"属于社会意识层面,是由社会存在决定的。享乐主义是一种错误的社会意识,它阻碍社会的发展,我们要坚决抵制享乐主义。  相似文献   

Throughout the last twenty-five years all areas of educational thought have been preoccupied with the continuing conflict between conservative middle-class dominance of the schools and a liberal movement determined to provide a theory of equality and provisions for access. The radical extreme of this movement has gone further and demanded the total reconceptualization and reconstruction of education. This movement has attacked the standard histories of education which have their origins in the late nineteenth century. At that time, it is now argued, education was dominated by anarriviste bourgeoisie embracing a version of late-Hegelian philosophy with a doctrine of Eurocentric progress. Seeking legitimacy, the middle class supported the classical revival which stressed liberal education, expressed aspaideia, and mediated through the limited access to grammar school and university. Traditional educational historiography is now seen as reflecting these assumptions through “grand histories” written around “great educators” and “noble ideals”. As educational thought expanded throughout the twentieth century with the emergence of the contributing disciplines, this tradition was challenged as critical historians had a wider data-base from which to draw. By the 1930s and 1940s in the seminal work of R. H. Tawney and Lloyd Warner a literature of dissent began to appear, which, by the late 1960s had increased to a torrent, issuing in violently provocative criticisms of educational assumptions and practices, accompanied by an equally strident literature of historical interpretation, which, drawing from revisionist work in the contributing disciplines, chiefly sociology, began to re-interpret the past twenty-five years of frenetic activity as the legitimate aspirations of the world's masses. Yet the methodology of both positions is itself being reinterpreted in the present post-empiricist stage, which is characterised by phenomenological and hermeneutic approaches. Both history as the events of the past (data-base) and as interpretation (historiography), are now being seen as facets of the one activity, and, with education considered as part of a wider social process, both traditional and radical positions are themselves becoming criticised for their inadequate positivist assumptions and methodology.  相似文献   

Researchers widely agree that learning history should involve more than learning historical facts and should include competencies of historical thinking. Various models of historical thinking view students' competency to take historical perspectives as a standard in history education. In this study we introduce a standardized measure for historical perspective taking (HPT) consisting of a short scenario set in the German Weimar Republic. We assessed students' HPT by using rating scales; our data were obtained in grammar schools from 170 German 10th graders. Latent class analyses identified three types of students with similar profiles of HPT. One was present-oriented and two showed more or less contextualized historical thinking. Students' history grades were connected to their HPT competency. We discuss limitations of the study and argue for further research on measures assessing students' historical thinking.  相似文献   

In this article we present findings of a study that was conducted with the purpose of deepening the knowledge about the field of learning difficulties in Portugal. Therefore, within these findings we will discuss across several cultural boundaries, themes related with the existence of learning difficulties as a construct, the terminology, the political, social and scientific influences on the field, and the models of identification and of ongoing school support for students. While addressing the above-mentioned themes we will draw attention to the different, yet converging, international understandings of learning difficulties.  相似文献   

用"一国两制"方式实现祖国的和平统一,这一理论构想不仅体现了马克思主义哲学唯物史观的观点,而且还生动地体现了邓小平富有创造性的新思路。文章仅就"一国两制"构想所体现出的邓小平运用唯物辩证法的独到之处,浅谈"一国两制"思想对当今台湾问题现状的指导意义。  相似文献   

世界职业教育发展规律初探--一个历史的视角   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
当前我国职业教育的发展形势和发展趋势虽然很好,但尚未形成稳定、协调、可持续发展的局面。其根本原因,在于我们对职业教育规律认识的不足。解读发达国家职业教育的发展历史,揭示职业教育的发展规律,对我国职业教育的改革与发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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