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A sample of one hundred and eleven scientific instrument innovations was studied to determine the roles of instrument users and instrument manufacturers in the innovation processes which culminated in the successful commercialization of those instruments. Our key finding was that approximately 80% of the innovations judged by users to offer them a significant increment in functional utility were in fact invented, prototyped and first field-tested by users of the instrument rather than by an instrument manufacturer. The role of the first commercial manufacturer of the innovative instrument in all such cases was restricted, we found, to the performance of product engineering work on the user prototype (work which improved the prototype's reliability, ‘manufacturability’, and convenience of operation, while leaving its principles of operation intact) and to the manufacture and sale of the resulting innovative product. Thus, this research provides the interesting picture of an industry widely regarded as innovative in which the firms comprising the industry are not in themselves necessarily innovative, but rather — in 80% of the innovations sampled — only provide the product engineering and manufacturing function for innovative instrument users.We term the innovation pattern observed in scientific instruments a ‘user dominated’ one and suggest that such a pattern may play a major role in numerous industries.  相似文献   

Science is described as a social system of which interactive communication is the salient feature. Implications of this view of scientific communication are considered for the planning of innovations in the system, It is suggested that (a) innovation itself be seen as a process, (b) the dual role of the active research scientist (who is at once producer/disseminator and consumer/user of scientific information) be considered and (c) innovators take cognizance of the fact that alterations of the system may not always affect the desired changes in scientists' behavior unless the goals of the innovation are compatible with the individual and aggregate goals of the scientific community. Finally, a demonstration of the approach suggested is simulated, and its effect on the system of scientific communication is examined. Based on this simulation, a supplemental innovation is designed which overcomes faults in the major innovation while retaining the original goal.  相似文献   

在网络虚拟品牌社区(OUIC)前端创新环节,企业是否参与、何时参与、如何参与知识创造管理不仅会影响到企业的产品创新绩效,甚至会影响企业在市场中的核心竞争力。本研究选择具有一定高新技术信息支撑的家电电器行业OUIC为研究背景,引入创意组合管理(IPM)为研究的核心变量,通过构建不同创意主题发布模式(B端创意主题与C端创意主题)与不同前端创新阶段(创意产生阶段与创意发展阶段)的2×2组间设计来验证相关命题。结果表明,针对不同创意主题社区,企业采取的不同决策行为,对产品创新绩效均存在显著差异。(1)证明了不同创意主题发布模式(B端创意主题或C端创意主题),会对用户的知识创造力产生差异性影响。B端创意主题(企业主导发布),企业可以引导社区用户重点进行新产品核心子系统相关创意的开发;C端创意主题(用户主导发布),企业可以引导社区用户重点进行新产品周边子系统相关创意的开发。(2)验证了在用户参与OUIC 前端创新环节知识创造过程中,企业实施创意组合管理(IPM)对用户知识创造力与产品创新绩效产生的正面显著效果。(3)验证了用户参与OUIC前端创新环节知识创造过程中,企业对用户创新行为的最佳干预时机。在B端创意主题(企业主导发布)下,企业在创意产生阶段(第一阶段)实施创意组合管理(IPM)为最佳导入时机;C端创意主题(用户主导发布)下,企业在创意发展阶段(第二阶段)实施创意组合管理(IPM)为最佳导入时机。研究在理论上不仅丰富和完善了虚拟经济营销管理相关理论,而且在应用上有助于企业利用互联网工具为产品创新发掘新的途径,并培育企业市场核心竞争力。  相似文献   

结合重大技术装备功能门槛、性能提升、质量阶梯等技术特征,研究重大技术装备用户效用、用户支付意愿、用户质量偏好等用户特征,并与大规模制造产品进行对比分析.对决定用户效用水平的产品质量和用户质量偏好进行函数分析,形成了重大技术装备用户边际效用变动规律的基本认识,揭示了重大技术装备用户效用变动规律对重大技术装备技术创新的影响.本研究深化了重大技术装备创新理论认识,对装备制造企业技术创新实践有指导作用.  相似文献   

杨桂菊  陈思睿  王彤 《科研管理》2020,41(3):164-173
处于后发劣势的本土制造企业,已经很难通过跟随和模仿创新实现赶超。快速变化的技术环境和丰富多样的市场需求,为本土制造企业提供了颠覆赶超的机会。但已有研究对颠覆性创新实现过程与机理的研究较为匮乏。通过对小米公司的探索性案例研究,构建了本土制造企业实现颠覆性创新的理论模型。模型表明:基于非主流的低端市场、利基市场的市场定位颠覆,差异化的服务设计颠覆以及运营模式颠覆是本土制造企业颠覆主流市场在位企业,实现成功赶超的有效模式。知识搜索(同行搜索和跨界搜索)是本土制造企业实施颠覆性创新的知识与信息来源,机会能力是本土制造企业通过知识搜索实现颠覆性创新的核心能力。  相似文献   

科创板推行以来,度量其重点是企业是否实现了产品突破性创新。产品突破性创新是组织获得市场竞争优势、掌握先进技术、突破技术封锁的重要途径,而使命是驱动企业实现产品突破性创新的精神支柱。但现有研究关于在使命驱动情境下企业如何更好地实现产品突破性创新这一问题尚未得到深入探讨。本文基于权变观,以科创企业为例,从领导行为与意义建构的动态匹配视角出发,选取极具典型性和极端性的HB生物医药企业进行案例分析,研究揭示了在使命驱动情境下,科创企业使命的导入、认同、内化三种使命形式分别驱动着产品突破性创新实现萌芽、形成、强化的三个阶段。针对产品突破性创新的不同阶段,通过授权、命令、双元领导与不同意义建构主体的有效适配促进产品突破性创新实现,并由此形成领导行为与意义建构的附助性匹配、补偿性匹配及整合性匹配三种动态匹配模式。本文从使命驱动、领导行为与意义建构的动态匹配视角揭示了产品突破性创新的实现过程,为科创企业创新管理实践提供了参考借鉴。  相似文献   

中国高端产品制造和技术研发面临“卡脖子”的现象突出,“卡脖子”技术问题成为“十四五”时期实现科技自立自强必须攻克的难题。本文采用案例研究方法,以重大科技工程的新视角,全面分析北斗卫星导航系统整体技术、关键技术和应用技术三种不同类型“卡脖子”技术的突破过程,尝试回答新型举国体制如何突破“卡脖子”技术,其在解决“卡脖子”技术过程中发挥什么优势。研究发现:(1)“卡脖子”情境的分析要素包括技术属性、价值定位和内外部环境;(2)重大科技工程是新型举国体制的一种典型实践方式,其突破技术瓶颈的优势实际上是新型举国体制破解“卡脖子”技术的优势;(3)面对不同的“卡脖子”情境,新型举国体制所表现出来的路径优势以及技术创新管理不同,需要根据具体的“卡脖子”情境形成有针对性的突破路径。本文揭示了新型举国体制背景下基于重大科技工程 “卡脖子”技术突破的内在机制,为“十四五”时期破解“卡脖子”技术提供一定的理论指导。  相似文献   

设计驱动创新微观机理与顾客感知情感价值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着进入高度竞争和同质化的今天,基于产品的差异越来越小,传统与消费者沟通方式遇到新的挑战。为此,越来越多的全球创新领先企业日趋重视基于设计的创新,将其作为主要的竞争战略,设计驱动创新作为除了传统技术推动和市场拉动之外的第三种创新模式越来越引起关注。同时,本研究进一步指出产品语义设计才是设计驱动创新的本质,即设计通过象征性、情感性和形式美等产品语义创造来实现创新,包括色彩、造型、材料、机理,以及基于“形式”和“涵义”内在联系的从而能使设计可信并有明确的依据和来源。同时,本文对设计驱动创新微观视角进行深入分析,并提出设计驱动创新(美学、风格和用户洞察三个维度)对感知情感与购买意向、口碑传播的全概念模型。在此基础上构建设计驱动创新的研究框架。并基于191 份问卷调查数据,分析设计驱动三个维度(美学、风格和用户洞察)对感知情感价值和购买意向、口碑传播等影响的内在机理与作用路径。本研究发现为设计对制造企业提高自主创新能力,提高产品和品牌附加值及转型升级具有重要意义,主要结论和启示包括:其一、设计的美学维度与感知情感价值没有直接影响,而设计的风格维度对感知情感价值直接影响最大,其次是设计的用户洞察维度。可以看出,设计或设计语义不再是简单的外观美化,而是超出通常理解的设计涵义,进一步演化到风格构造和用户洞察。即,随着90后、00后消费群体变得越来越成熟,对品牌有自己的特殊理解,倾向关注适合自己风格调性、生活方式,甚至价值取向的。为此,必须通过设计来达成和传递,和可视化,完成产品“器物”层面与生活,通过设计实现与消费者的对话。才能真正抓住消费者的心。其二、用户洞察,对口碑传播有直接效应,其次是风格维度和美学维度。用户洞察,在乎的是真正打动消费者情感的细节。若消费者被打动,就会在潜意识中接受产品或品牌的信息,并主动参与互动和体验中,甚至包括在社交媒体上转发和口碑传播,从而与品牌一起联手实现共创价值。其三、相对风格和洞察维度来说,美学对消费者购买意向的直接影响较大。当然,对购买意向影响最大的还是感知情感价值。可以看出,一方面,美学或“颜值”还是能打动和刺激消费者购买欲望的;另一方面,消费者购买产品,期望更多的是从产品消费中获得情感愉悦,这也是用户之所以选择该产品的心理和文化的深层次诉求,消费者需要从对产品的满意感转型为精神层面的满足感。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》1986,15(4):161-173
The paper sets out some foundations for a theory of innovation in service industries, and indicates the role that such innovation may play in the generation of growth cycles. The discussion starts with the origins of a major new technology in the capital goods sector, and its subsequent development according to the normal product cycle theory. This is followed by a consideration of the transmission process by which the new technology is taken up in user industries within the consumer goods and services sector. A “reverse product cycle” is then proposed to describe the innovation process which takes place in user industries such as services, once the new technology has been adopted. This cycle starts with process improvements to increase the efficiency of delivery of existing services, moves on to process innovations which improve service quality, and then leads to product innovations through the generation of new types of services. Finally, the existence of two out of phase innovation cycles in the capital and consumer sectors, deriving from a technology transmission process which causes disequilibrium in technical progress between the two, is put forward as a mechanisms helping to create the long wave fluctuations in economic development associated with Schumpeterian technological revolutions.  相似文献   

国企混改整合的主要目标是改善国有企业资本结构,培养有竞争力和创新力的治理体系,进而有效提升国企运行效率。然而,现有理论研究表明,国企混改整合是否能提升国企运行效率与绩效,还未形成一致的结论。以创新方式为视角,基于双元创新理论,采用双案例对比研究方法,探讨处在不同的混改整合阶段下创新方式对战略绩效的影响路径与机理。研究发现:在混改整合准备阶段,利用式创新更有利于提升企业战略绩效;而在混改整合优化阶段,探索式创新更有利于提升企业战略绩效。研究结论不仅解释了理论界对国企混改经济结果现象的争议,建立了国企混改整合中不同创新方式对企业战略绩效影响路径的理论框架,而且拓展了双元创新理论在管理学中应用的边界范围,为混改企业提升战略绩效提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

为研究农产品质量认证对农业经济增长影响的空间效应及其作用机制,利用2010—2018年全国省级面板数据,采用空间杜宾模型从空间维度实证检验农产品质量认证对农业经济增长的影响.研究发现,我国31个省市的农业经济发展水平在地理上具有空间相关性;农产品质量认证对农业经济增长同时具有直接影响和间接影响;传统的OLS模型扩大农产品质量认证的直接影响力,而忽略农产品质量认证的溢出效应.提出建议如下,以科技创新为支撑加强农产品品牌培育;以共享平台为助推打造特色农业产业带;以政策制度为保障明确农业发展战略方向.  相似文献   

创新是企业赢得竞争优势的关键,厘清解决好产品创新与服务创新的优先级问题有助于制造企业服务化战略实施的顺利展开,而随着制造企业数字化应用场景的增多程度不断加深,使得两类创新优先级决策愈加困难。借助种群互惠模型解析了构建出两类创新共生演化规律演化模型,分析两类创新共生模式;结合海尔智家2011-2019年实施数字化与服务化转型的纵向案例分析,划分了其数字化转型的阶段,据此揭示解析了不同阶段下两类创新关系特征及动态演化规律。研究表明:数字化转型下两类创新存在着非对称互惠共生关系,且优先级变动具有阶段性特征;随着企业主导逻辑的转变,数字化转型经历着由内及外,再到融合,有效加速了两类创新协同发展。研究结果有助于增强对数字化环境下制造企业对两类创新相互关系的理解,为制造企业实施数字化与服务化转型提供理论指导。  相似文献   

Although innovation is central to a firm's success and a top priority for most technology managers, firms commonly report disappointment that innovation outcomes do not match their original plans. This paper examines the difference in intended innovation and realized innovation using an exploration/exploitation framing. Its focus is on changes to defined innovation plans that occur after planning phases end. Extant literature and field research form the basis for hypotheses that are then tested using a large scale survey of an entire population of small and medium-sized high-technology enterprises (SMEs).Findings of compromised exploration in favor of exploitation, during the development phase, is quantified. Firms divert resources away from novel emergent exploration and into existing product development, thereby undercutting innovation plans. Intended innovation, established during the planning stages, is found to be compromised.Our hypotheses, that agency and resource dependence underpin a shifting between explorative and exploitative development, have support. The paper's theoretical contributions include the application of novel agency and resource dependence perspectives onto innovation. It informs ambidexterity research by indicating where, how much, and why erosion in the balance of exploration/exploitation occurs and provides new avenues for research into low innovation outcomes.  相似文献   

The management of the complementarity between product and process innovation has been discussed for five decades. The most recent advancement in the conceptual development uncovered different extents of complementarities occurring between product and process innovation at the project level. Prior literature suggested that facilitating a better interplay between these two types of innovation holds the potential for the development of a long-lasting competitive advantage. Despite its theoretical and managerial importance, management of new product and process development (NPPD) projects with different extents of complementarity between product and process innovation remains poorly understood. To address this gap, we adopt perspectives from contingency theory and dynamic capabilities. Building upon Hullova, Trott and Simms’s (2016) classification of complementarities we investigate the management of different complementarity types in four NPPD projects in the UK food and drink industry. We introduce empirically derived framework for effective management of NPPD projects with different extents of complementarity between product and process innovation. The framework identifies three critical capabilities and associated activities; 1) identifying the complexity and novelty of the project and assessment of internal and external resources and knowledge stocks, 2) deploying the most suitable integration mechanism(s) for the identified complementarity type and 3) leveraging of the knowledge learned and experience acquired during the project. Jointly, these three intertwined capabilities act as a complementarity management tool for product and process development managers, enabling them to manage their NPPD projects portfolios more effectively.  相似文献   

苏敬勤  张琳琳 《科研管理》2015,36(10):44-50
通过归纳和扎根分析,本文验证了一个复杂技术子类别——复杂消费产品的存在,并对其概念、特征和情境表现进行了探究。结果发现,根据产品类别、生产类型和技术复杂性等三个维度可以识别出复杂消费产品;与复杂产品系统和大规模生产产品不同,复杂消费产品具有零部件界面复杂等产品特征、大批量生产等生产特征、技术含量高等技术特征、市场驱动等创新特征、国际化水平高等竞争与合作特征、交易数量多等市场特征。同时,在发展过程中,中国复杂消费产品表现出一些独特的特征情境,包括缺乏核心关键件技术等技术特征,缺乏科技进步驱动创新、柔性化创新等创新特征、受到中度规制的市场向一般市场机制演化、政府从中度调控向低度调控演化等市场特征。  相似文献   

从广东创新平台的分类及作用入手,归纳总结这些平台建设的主要做法、成效及经验,剖析存在问题,并提出今后发展的思路及建议,供科技管理部门决策参考。  相似文献   

曾江洪  黄向荣  吴号 《科研管理》2006,40(11):226-235
产品创新是现代企业保持竞争优势、获得经济利润的有效策略。本文选取四家多次发起同类众筹项目并且后期实现产品创新的企业作为研究对象,运用扎根理论对案例资料数据进行编码分析来研究众筹中如何激发产品创新。研究发现,主体互动通过发起者学习、支持者学习和信息交互实现;与产品创新紧密相关的价值共创形式主要包括共同策划、共同设计、共同测试和共同推广;案例企业均实现了产品创新,即功能创新、形式创新或服务创新;此外,本文构建了理论模型:主体互动促进价值共创过程从而实现产品创新。  相似文献   

The Fraunhofer-Institut für Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung (ISI) is at present engaged in evaluating a number of technology policy programs designed to promote research, development and innovation in small and medium-sized firms. These studies try to determine the extent to which these programmes have an impact upon the innovative activities of firms.In this connection, it was also attempted to measure the innovation output. The level of innovation of a firm is innovation ouput. The level of innovation of a firm is procedure involves a number of problems (self-assessment of firms in view of insufficient market transparency, distortion due to self-portraits reflecting the firms' own interests). We tried to mitigate such distortions by two approaches. Firstly, firms were asked for their technologically new products, the term “new” being applied (a) to the firm and (b) to the areas of product application. As a result of this two-tier procedure, firms supplied rather realistic answers. Secondly, supplementary questions were asked about sales figures, the competitive technological situation (nationally and internationally), expenditure on R&D, patents, stages of innovation, aims of innovation, etc.The paper presents the results obtained to date on the innovation output of firms within the framework of an evaluation of the largest programme at present devoted to promoting R&D and innovation in small and medium-sized firms . The results are based on a representative sample of approximately 4,500 small and medium-sized firms (up to 1,00 employees) with R&D activities in the Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

The impact of cognitive and emotional factors on the customer's decision to adopt a new technology has long been at the core of innovation and marketing literature. Today, the proliferation of personal technologies makes the understanding of the adoption process of such innovations a vital issue. This article, moving from long-established technology adoption theories, integrates affective factors to propose a comprehensive framework to interpret and orient innovation and marketing approaches of companies. To do this, we review a rich literature from the domains of management, information systems, marketing and cognitive psychology, identifying six possible sources of perceived value for personal technologies, hence attitude to adopt them: functional value, monetary value, social value, entertainment value, epistemic value and aesthetic value. After defining and framing them in the extant literature, we discuss how the framework may be adopted in practice to support Companies' strategies in the surprisingly under-explored industry of personal technologies.  相似文献   

Successful innovation in industrial products can be carried out by means of a carefully planned innovation process. This paper describes such a process carried out in a company that faced heavy financial losses due to an obsolete product mix.The total process took about two years, during which a new industrial product was acquired, the organization was adapted, the market introduction was started, and financial resources from outside the company were successfully obtained.The innovation process can be divided in different steps: objective formulation, potential product search, licence search or product development, negotiation, and finally market introduction.The first two steps were carried out in order to direct product development and licence search efforts as effectively as possible. As a result potential product licences were traced, on which none or only little furtner product development was needed. All this was fairly simple and took only a few months.During the negotiation (the next step), a very strong internal promotion of the most promising potential product licence was carried out at all decision levels, whilst at the same time the acquisition of this product licence was negotiated. Altogether this period lasted more than one year.Finally, a licence for a new product was acquired, after which the market introduction was started, resulting in a multimillion guiders turnover within less than two years after the start of the innovation process.The success of this product innovation resulted from careful planning and management of the whole process by an innovation manager, in cooperation with a task force, and from the considerable effort spent on internal company promotion. At the same time, pulling the selected new product through problem areas, and turning it into a commercial success, was the most creative part of this product innovation process.  相似文献   

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