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基于计算机的问题解决学习环境为培养学生的问题解决能力、发挥学生主体性、满足个性需求提供了可能.这类学习环境不仅要以问题解决为中心,还要具备情境性评估功能,通过学习环境和评估工具的设计让问题解决者留下丰富而且结构化的信息.基于数据驱动的设计是开发这种信息丰富存留的学习环境的恰当方式,然而在具体构建中还将面临着众多挑战:如何设计高质量的问题、如何客观表征问题、如何设计交互工具等.  相似文献   

公共环境标识是涉及到城市管理、美学、色彩学、心理学的一门科学,是人们所依赖的关于环境信息的不可或缺的视觉传达系统,而且旨在满足人们在日常公共活动中的基本需求,是城市或环境的文化氛围和环境形象的重要组成的一个部分.从本质上看公共环境标识将环境与视觉传达设计有机地结合起来,但同时整体的视觉形象设计即CI又反过来促进、改进着公共环境标识的设计与发展.  相似文献   

建筑学(Architecturc)是研究以满足人的不同行为需求的建筑空间与环境设计理论和方法的学科,兼有技术科学和社会科学属性.人对建筑环境的生理需求,要求建筑室内外空间必须满足舒适健康的热环境、光环境、声环境和空气品质要求.可持续发展理念的普及,要求建筑物的能源和资源消耗及污染物排放应大幅减少,具备生态属性.建筑物理学科的发展,为研究解决这些问题提供了必要的技术支撑.综述了建筑物理学科在未来发展中的研究重点.  相似文献   

功能主义环境设计方法论是现代主义环境设计中重要的理论思想与实践指导,奠定了现代环境设计的理论基础,构建了现代环境设计的原则与方法,美学基础与设计方向其价值意义影响深远。其去装饰化、几何式、秩序化的设计方法依然沿用;但是,随着时代的更迭与发展,人文性与个性化的需求日益强烈,社会经济的发展与稳定使人们开始关注与思考不同的地域文化与个体的独特需求,单纯性地满足空间功能已不再是趋势。因此,需要在设计中考量空间功能基础的同时更注重历史文脉与多元化个性的思考。  相似文献   

智慧教室是借助新兴信息化技术构建的教室新形态,传统课桌椅单一的功能已经无法满足智慧教室空间环境下的教育新需求,课桌椅有必要进行功能升级。智能课桌椅的设计不仅是教室空间设计的一部分,更是技术设计的一部分。本文从利益相关者与课堂设计两个维度系统性分析,得出了智能课桌椅的功能需求体系和两级功能指标。  相似文献   

在科技倡明和日益彰显的今天,人们渴望与自然的亲近,渴望回归和融入自然,现代住区户外景观环境.作为人们日常生活栖居的场所。设计中如何体现这种需求,使其更好地满足人们多样化心理、生理需求.无疑是人们普遍关心的问题。  相似文献   

建筑学(Architecture)是研究以满足人的不同行为需求的建筑空间与环境设计理论和方法的学科,兼有技术科学和社会科学属性.人对建筑环境的生理需求,要求建筑室内外空间必须满足舒适健康的热环境、光环境、声环境和空气品质要求.可持续发展理念的普及,要求建筑物的能源和资源消耗及污染物排放应大幅减少,具备生态属性.建筑物理学科的发展,为研究解决这些问题提供了必要的技术支撑.综述了建筑物理学科在未来发展中的研究重点.  相似文献   

随着工学矛盾日益突出,传统教学模式不能满足和适应学员的需求.如何引导学员重视平时的学习,在有限时间应用合适的学习方法达到最好的学习目标,且更好地解决工学矛盾,这是现代远程开放教育要解决的问题.本文拟对网络环境下的混合式教学模式进行探索,力图充分发挥课堂教学和在线教学的优势,提高开放本科《管理方法与艺术》的学习效果,以期进一步深化对开放教育教学规律的认识.  相似文献   

远程教育中学习者对网络学习环境需求研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在现代远程教育中,学习者多是具有实际工作经验的成人学习者,如何构建有利于学习者个性化学习需要,促进学习者建立学习过程与个人实践经验的联结,从而促进学习者有意义地学习与终身学习能力发展的学习环境,是现代远程教育研究的重要课题.网络学习者有什么样的学习环境需求?当前的网络环境与学习者的需求有多远?网络学习环境建构的未来路向如何?基于对上述问题的思考,笔者对远程学习者的网络学习环境需求进行了实际调研,通过对调研结果的分析研究发现,当前学习环境与学习者的学习环境需求有一定的差距.本文在实证研究的基础上,提出了以学习者为主体的网络学习环境建设的若干建议,以期对如何构建适合学习者需要并能促进学习者有效学习的网络学习环境提供参考.  相似文献   

全球化发展的背景之下,科技得到进步,地区间的文化交流日益频繁,传统文化也正在被现代元素所慢慢替代。尤其是现代环境设计当中,传统文化精神的融入成为了文化传承和发展的必然需求,也给设计工作提供了未来的发展方向。本文首先论述了传统文化元素的相关理论概述,并将研究重点放在如何平衡传统文化与现代设计两者的关系,主要从传统文化设计应用原则和传统文化在现代环境设计的应用策略两个层面论述如何让传统融入时代元素,提升设计水平和层次。  相似文献   

The ‘Teaching Green School Building’ is an emergent type of school building that attempts to engage building users with environmental issues in buildings. Architectural interventions in these buildings range from signage to interactive touch screens to gardens and demonstration kitchens that foster educational programmes about sustainable food. The result can be a building that offers informal education, support for formal environmental education, and, overall, a chance for students to embody sustainable living in their daily lives at school. To date, this type of building has been weakly theorized, and the relationship between architectural interventions and environmental education largely unexplored in the literature. This literature review weaves together theories that connect the physical environment with human factors. In particular, research in environmental education, museum studies, conservation psychology and architecture illuminates ways in which buildings can support environmental education and with tactics that go well beyond the convention of informational signage on the wall. The result of the literature review is a framework that points to design patterns that extend from passive to active, individual to collective, and formal to informal. This framework can inform the design, use and evaluation of school buildings designed with pedagogical intent.  相似文献   

建筑表皮是室内外的屏障,担负着最大化提供室内舒适度和减少能源消耗的职责。与传统静态建筑表皮相比,智能动态建筑表皮能够更好地适应不断变化的气候环境,对改善室内的物理环境和节约能源具有重要作用,是实现绿色、可持续建筑的有效技术手段。探讨在环境因素下,智能动态表皮的教学方法和体系。  相似文献   

This paper explores the premise that environmental education involves raising environmental consciousness rather than simply knowing about the environment in a technical-rational manner and acting for it in mechanistic prescribed ways. The paper draws on educational theory and data from a phenomenological case study of educators working together at an outdoor education centre in urban Canada, whose practice of environmental education we believe can best be described as environmental consciousness raising. Based on our study’s findings, we suggest that raising environmental consciousness involves connecting people to their environment, fostering care for the environment, and building agency for the environment. Educating for environmental consciousness also requires providing people with deeply engaging experiences that afford authenticity, multidimensionality and serendipity. Our study shows how these features can work to raise environmental consciousness, by creating epiphanies or moments when sudden expansions of the self, realization and empowerment become possible.  相似文献   

医院创新型青年人才的培养是现代医院人才工程的基石。培养和提升创新意识,培育和治理创新环境,改革人才培养模式和建设现代医院文化,是以人为本构建现代医院创新型青年人才培养机制必不可少的四个方面。  相似文献   

随着城市建设进程的加快,城市中的大气、水体等环境质量遭到严重的破坏,人居环境受到威胁。在环境保护意识不断提高的今天,人们迫切希望改善居住环境。本文就如何构建满足生态学和美学原则,环境质量高的居住小区园林植物景观,对城市居住小区植物造景在因地制宜、生态化、艺术化、人性化、功能多样化、创新性等方面的理念进行探讨。  相似文献   

In Continuous Education curricula in Spain, the programs on sciences of the environment are aimed toward understandings of sustainability. Teaching practice rarely leaves the classroom for outdoor field studies. At the same time, teaching practice is generally focused on examples of how human activities are harmful for ecosystems. From a pedagogic point of view, it is less effective to teach environmental science with negative examples such as catastrophe, tragedy, and crisis. Rather, teaching environmental sciences and sustainable development might be focused on positive human-environment relationships, which is both important for the further development of students and educators. Within rural settings, there are many such examples of positive relationships that can be emphasized and integrated into the curriculum. In this article, we propose teaching environmental sciences through immersion in rural cultural life. We discuss how fieldwork serves as a learning methodology. When students are engaged through research with traditional cultural practices of environmental management, which is a part of the real and traditional culture of a region, they better understand how positive pedagogy instead of pedagogy structured around how not-to-do examples, can be used to stimulate the interactions between humans and the environment with their students. In this way, cultural goods serve as teaching resources in science and environmental education. What we present is authentic cases where adults involved in a course of Continuous Education explore ‘environmentally-friendly’ practices of traditional agriculture in Asturias (north of Spain), employing methodologies of cultural studies.  相似文献   

The paper reports on an initiative to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for a sustainable environment. The initiative involved the training of pre‐service teachers to not only be aware of, or know about environmental problems and want to act for the environment, but also to be able to act for the environment. Small group community problem solving projects illustrate the nature of environmental community problems that could be acted upon. The process of the projects, including how the pre‐service teachers identified the community problems and conducted the projects, is described. Outcomes of the projects including reflections about what the pre‐service teachers have learnt in being involved with the projects show the nature of capacity building efforts possible to work towards a sustainable environment. Lessons learnt from the involvement in community problem solving projects are also highlighted.  相似文献   

E-learning环境是对各种数字化媒介为支持性条件的学习环境统合,旨在支持自主、探究、协作的解决问题。其设计存在着忽略交互的协同知识建构功能、学习目标线索的过于明晰化倾向、学习者的情感变迁机制依旧没有得到应有的研究以及新旧设计理念的冲突等问题。E—learning环境设计的重要性在于教和学不再是单纯的线形、封闭的过程,活动是E—learning环境的重要媒介,也是其中的产物,活动的社会化和情景化可以产生深度学习。E—learning的评价有其独特的一面,是预设评价和真实评价的结合。  相似文献   

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