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Health concerns during the Covid-19 pandemic required the adaptation of a lecture-laboratory course in ultrasound imaging for graduate students from an in-person to a live, remote learning format. The adaptation of in-person lectures to live, remote delivery was achieved by using videoconferencing. The adaptation of in-person laboratory sessions to live, remote instruction was achieved in the first half of the course by providing a hand-held ultrasound instrument to each student who performed self-scanning at their remote locations, while the instructor provided live instruction using videoconferencing. In the second half of the course, the students transitioned to using cart-based, hospital-type instruments and self-scanning in the ultrasound laboratory on campus. The aim of this study was to measure the success of this adaptation to the course by comparing assessment scores of students in the live, remote course with assessment scores of students in the in-person course offered in the previous year. There were no statistically significant differences in the assessment scores of students in the two courses. The adaptation of a course in ultrasound imaging from an in-person to a live, remote learning format during the Covid-19 pandemic described here suggests that contrary to the prevailing view, ultrasound imaging can be taught to students without in-person instruction. The adapted course can serve as a model for teaching ultrasound where instructors and learners are physically separated by constraints other than health concerns during a pandemic.  相似文献   


The Advanced Placement (AP) program is an educational program that permits high school students to take introductory college-level courses and receive college credit by passing a standardized end-of-course exam. Data were obtained from a statewide database of 2 high school graduating cohorts (N = 90,044). We used a series of propensity score analyses and marginal mean weighting through stratification to examine the impact of the AP program on students' academic achievement as measured by ACT scores. Results indicate that merely enrolling in an AP course produces very little benefit for students. Students who take and pass the AP exam, however, obtain higher ACT scores, even after controlling for a wide variety of academic, socioeconomic, and demographic variables. The authors conclude the article by discussing aspects of the AP program that remain unanswered.  相似文献   

Does the problem-based learning (PBL) approach contribute to personally meaningful learning? This study used a double-cohort design to explore the question by focusing a PBL singlecourse, which was compared to a conventional one. Consecutive sampling of medical students was obtained for both groups. Student outcomes measured were Course Valuing Inventory (CVI), affect, and preceptorship appeal responses. Paired tests showed significant increases in CVI scores from start to end of term in the PBL group only. Significant trends were observed in the relationships between experiencing the PBL approach and CVI score level, positive affect mode, and strength of preceptorship appeal. Stratified analysis did not detect confounding effects on the outcome measures from background course experience, learners' characteristics, or time trend. The findings suggest that the PBL approach can improve the quality of the learning environment in both cognitive and emotional ways for most students.  相似文献   

Students studying two Open University history of science courses were asked to assess their learning experience in terms of course valuing, content learning, personal learning and behavioural learning, using a questionnaire, the Course Valuing Inventory (CVI), developed in the United States. Their responses confirmed the reliability of the CVI. Factor analysis revealed two main factors, a General Course Factor and a Personal Learning Factor, and confirmed the internal validity of the sections of the CVI.There were significant differences between the responses of the students taking the two courses, with a higher rating from students on the allegedly more difficult course. Limited but significant correlations were found between the CVI responses and measures of attainment, higher for continuous assessment than for the examination. The overall results were similar to those in the original study.  相似文献   


The authors examined environmental attitudes among foreign-born Latino Americans and differences in these attitudes associated with acculturation. Data were collected from Spanish-speaking students (N = 153) enrolled in 3 levels of English as a second language (ESL) courses and from English-speaking students (N = 39) enrolled in a Spanish as a second language course. Measures included the New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) scale, a 4-item acculturation scale, ESL course level, and demographics. Acculturation was negatively related to scores on the NEP scale, and Spanish-speaking students in lower level ESL courses scored higher on the NEP than students in higher level courses. These effects remained significant even when income and education were used as covariates. These findings suggest that culture is an important determinant of environmental attitudes.  相似文献   

高师本科应用双语教学的初步研究与探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
推进本科教育的双语教学是国家应对经济全球化和科技革命挑战的重要举措。在非重点大学(二批A线)本科数学专业《初等数论》中应用双语教学实验表明,在中高年级的科学类课程中应用双语(英-汉)教学是可行的。学生能够较好地完成本专业课程的学习任务,并在专业英语应用、教学情境和教学模式感受方面获得新的收获。在应用双语教学的情境下,学生存在一个学习适应期。使用先进的原版教材可以起到事半功倍的效果。要推进双语教学改革,高校应该创设有利环境,正确认识双语教学的本质,把握好“度”,并为学生提供有效的辅助。  相似文献   

在大学的教学管理中,学生并不是简单的被动者、接受者,而是通过参与选课和评教,影响高校的课程质量。通过全国大样本的问卷调查和深入访谈发现:学生选课和评教时较多考虑教师口碑、投入、自己的收获、兴趣、就业等积极因素,但也有相当比例的学生赞同点名少、容易通过、作业简单、得分高等消极因素。学困生和没有读硕意愿的学生更多考虑消极因素,不同成绩段的学生行动策略也不同。在考虑消极因素时,学生也理性衡量了自己短期、显性的成本与收益,却可能损害长期、潜在的收益,导致非理性的后果。学生在选课与评教中的非理性行为正是引发课程"变水"的重要原因,必须完善相关制度设计,保障课程质量。  相似文献   

This study investigated whether scores obtained from the online and paper-and-pencil administrations of the statewide end-of-course English test were equivalent for students with and without disabilities. Score comparability was evaluated by examining equivalence of factor structure (measurement invariance) and differential item and bundle functioning analyses for the online and paper groups. Results supported measurement invariance between the online and paper groups, suggesting that it is meaningful to compare scores across administration modes. When the data were analyzed at both the item and item bundle (content area) levels, similar performance appeared between the online and paper groups.  相似文献   

Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is promoted as a teaching approach that can enhance student learning outcomes. IBL can be categorised according to scale (e.g. tasks, course/module/paper, degree), mode (structured, guided, open) and framing (information or discovery-oriented). Our research used a survey instrument to determine how student perceptions of learning processes and intended learning outcomes (ILOs) varied in response to courses with different modes and framing of IBL. The survey was completed by 940 students in 15 IBL courses across a range of disciplines and levels. All types of IBL courses were well rated by students for encouraging learning processes and ILOs congruent with a well-designed inquiry experience. Regarding modes of IBL, there was a clear hierarchy from open (most highly rated) to guided and then structured inquiry. For the framing of IBL, courses using discovery-oriented IBL were more highly rated than information-oriented IBL. Overall, the most highly rated course design was open, discovery-oriented IBL, but other types of IBL remained important in terms of developing research and inquiry skills. To determine whether all types of IBL courses are promoting enhanced ILOs compared to more traditionally taught courses, a comparative study should be undertaken.  相似文献   

This research investigates the effectiveness of an early academic intervention in Principles of Economics courses at a large public university. After the end of the fourth week of classes, students who fell below a 70% threshold on a performance measure, or had an attendance rate below 75%, were referred to the university's Student Success Center for additional academic support. A referral consisted of students being informed of their status and being given optional assistance in course specific skills through tutoring, as well as training in general skills like time management and study skills. Using a regression discontinuity framework at the referral threshold, we find that the performance intervention improved student scores on common questions on the final exam by 6.5 to 7.5 percentage points for students at or near the performance threshold. The gains are particularly large for students who entered college with below average math placement scores. These results indicate that low-cost light-touch interventions may significantly affect student academic performance.  相似文献   

The term ‘applied track’ in UK further education has been used to refer to the applied A level, the vocational, coursework-based version of the traditional academic A level. Vocational and coursework-based courses are often criticised for being easier than academic courses, for only attracting students who do not satisfy the requirements to take academic courses and for not developing in students the skills they need to be successful in higher education. This paper considers the extent to which these criticisms may be justified and explores the reasons why students chose to take an applied A level. The study involved 666 students at a large, mixed sex sixth form college in the UK, who were taking both applied and academic A levels. Although statistical analysis showed that students on the applied course performed worse than students on two academic courses once their different GCSE scores had been accounted for, it was also found that the applied students were relatively well qualified, that they were generally well motivated and hard working, and that they were extremely satisfied with the course. Finally, it is suggested that perhaps universities are misguided in assuming that applied courses do not develop in students the skills that they need to be successful in higher education.  相似文献   

This study investigated how individual and course-level variables across the curriculum at a four-year college (college here refers to a higher education institution that offers undergraduate education but not graduate degrees) in the southeastern US impacted student reflective thinking as measured by Kember and colleagues' [2000. Development of a questionnaire to measure the level of reflective thinking. Assessment &; Evaluation in Higher Education, 25(4): 381–395] scale. The measure includes four constructs: (1) non-thinking (i.e., habitual action), (2) understanding, (3) reflection, and the deepest level (4) critical reflection. The construct of understanding – students' assessment of their thoughtful use of knowledge – was the only measure that increased with credit hours completed. Students (n?=?802) reported more thinking to comprehend in science courses compared to business and humanities courses. An interaction of subject areas and gender showed that males reported more reflection in business courses than the humanities or science courses, and females reported the opposite (i.e., more reflection in humanities and science courses and less in business courses). All students, and especially older ones, were more likely to report thinking habits as the result of an overall college experience than from an individual course. A small set (6.23%), however, who did not report reflecting critically as the result of college did indicate that the current course prompted them to do so. Deeper habits of thinking were reported in students who were awarded course credit for participation and for those enrolled in courses taught by more experienced faculty.  相似文献   

利用统计学方法检验不同"考核方式"对老师的"评教等级"与"学生成绩"间因果关系的影响,并以"考核方式"对"学生评教"的影响做t检验。结果显示:"学生成绩"与"学生评教"之间存在相关系数极小的正相关关系;课程"考核方式"与"学生评教"有显著的负相关关系,而与学生成绩无关。区别对待不同课程考核方式的学生评教结果,有利于教学管理部门正确认识和评定教师的教学水平,激励教师积极参与教学工作。  相似文献   

We present a multiple-choice test, the Montana State University Formal Reasoning Test (FORT), to assess college students' scientific reasoning ability. The test defines scientific reasoning to be equivalent to formal operational reasoning. It contains 20 questions divided evenly among five types of problems: control of variables, hypothesis testing, correlational reasoning, proportional reasoning, and probability. The test development process included the drafting and psychometric analysis of 23 instruments related to formal operational reasoning. These instruments were administered to almost 10,000 students enrolled in introductory science courses at American universities. Questions with high discrimination were identified and assembled into an instrument that was intended to measure the reasoning ability of students across the entire spectrum of abilities in college science courses. We present four types of validity evidence for the FORT. (a) The test has a one-dimensional psychometric structure consistent with its design. (b) Test scores in an introductory biology course had an empirical reliability of 0.82. (c) Student interviews confirmed responses to the FORT were accurate indications of student thinking. (d) A regression analysis of student learning in an introductory biology course showed that scores on the FORT predicted how well students learned one of the most challenging concepts in biology, natural selection.  相似文献   

Web-based courses have been used to appeal to many segments of potential students. While there has been a rush to develop Web-based courses in universities, there has not been a corresponding publication of research linking Web-based course development to the characteristics of students being taught. Today's universities have a student population that is demographically diverse. This research explores students' reasons for choosing a Web-based course and their perceptions of course quality and benefit.  相似文献   

对艺术设计教育现状的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在艺术设计教育中,存在着基础课训练与专业设计脱节、重技能训练轻创意、重电脑效果轻草图构思等问题,从而影响了艺术设计人才的培养质量。只有突破传统的思维模式和办学方式,提倡创新,培养个性,重实践、重传统、重基础,提倡个性化办学模式,建立开放式的教学环境,才能使我国的艺术设计教育不断地向着更高、更新的领域迈进。  相似文献   

We compared effects of tutoring by students and by staff. In four courses in each of two consecutive first years of an undergraduate problem-based law curriculum we examined the achievements and perceptions of tutors of students taught by student and staff tutors. Achievements were measured by the results on the regular end-of-course tests. After the end-of-course tests students’ perceptions were obtained by an online questionnaire and by a semi-structured focus group interview. The aim of the focus groups was to gain more in-depth insight into students’ perceptions. No significant differences in achievement and perceptions of tutors were found. Students’ perceptions of both staff and student tutors were generally positive. The results suggest that students that are carefully selected and well trained can be effective as tutors in the first year of an undergraduate problem-based curriculum.  相似文献   

Because a majority of university students do not regularly read course textbooks, a study was conducted to determine if portable electronic textbooks (e-textbooks) would increase university student motivation to read by enhancing cognitive learning strategies and self-regulation of learning. The participants included 538 university students who self-chose to use either a print or e-textbook throughout the semester. The dependent variables self-efficacy, intrinsic value, cognitive strategies, self-regulation, and text anxiety were measured in each of two groups of participants using the Technology Confidences and Attitudes scale and the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). The results of a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) analysis indicated that there was a significant difference in the students’ MSLQ scores based on their choice of textbook format. These results imply that students who use e-textbooks are more likely to use cognitive and self-regulation strategies than students who use traditional print textbooks in their courses.  相似文献   


Students’ dissatisfaction with peer assessment has been widely documented. While most relevant literature places focus on the cognitive (content and uptake of feedback) or structural (feedback design) dimensions, students’ emotions in peer assessment have received scant attention. This study investigates the social-affective impacts of peer assessment by analysing students’ appeal letters addressed to their tutors, reflective posts in the online discussion forum and responses to a survey. A thematic analysis of data indicated three main aspects of students’ (dis)satisfaction: content, scores and process of peer assessment. The most negative emotion that students expressed was related to ‘disrespectful’ behaviour and attitudes of peer reviewers, whereas the feeling of appreciation was triggered by the helpful feedback attributes which were perceived as reflecting reviewers’ respect to others’ works. Students generally held mixed feelings toward peer assessment, valuing learning in the process of providing and receiving feedback but showing resistance to using peer assessment for summative purposes. The findings highlight the significance of respect in peer assessment and argue that the perceived lack of mutual respect seems to underpin the nature of students’ dissatisfaction. This study carries implications for nurturing students’ respectful attitudes and behaviour in and through peer assessment.  相似文献   

Using both end-of-course achievement outcomes and long-term cognitive retention as criteria, the present study provides comparative data on the effectiveness of a mastery and nonmastery approach to instruction. Differential effects across taxonomic levels were assessed for both criteria. The results indicated that mastery students performed significantly higher than non-mastery students for end-of-course outcomes at the highest taxonomic level and equally well for knowledge, comprehension, and application level outcomes. Retention differences were found for knowledge level outcomes only, with mastery students demonstrating significantly greater retention performance. The feasibility and desirability of implementing a learning for mastery paradigm in a single course at the college level are discussed relative to the magnitude of the present results.  相似文献   

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