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将零课时教学模式应用到口译课程教学中,目的是提高学生自主学习能力.通过对英语专业两个班进行为时一个学期的口译零课时教学,结果表明,将零课时教学模式应用到口译教学中,不仅不会影响学生语言技能的习得,而且还可以在一定程度上增强学生自主学习的能力,提高学生听、说、读、写、译的综合诺言技能,这种模式可以作为解决目前口译教学中课时少、输入少等问题的一种有效方法.  相似文献   

教学目的通过学习,让学生了解思路的锻炼在写作中的重要作用。教学目标1.开阔活跃的思路锻炼2.清晰缜密的思路锻炼教学难点:清晰缜密的思路锻炼教学方法:师生互动教学课时:1课时教学环节一、导入(5分钟)师:在高一上学期,我们学习了一组中国古代先哲的散文——诸子说水,同时我们  相似文献   

"零课时"模式中的"支架式"教学是一种新的教学方式,目的是消除"零课时"模式下学生的学习茫然感。在一个学期的听力"零课时"中引入"支架式"教学实验,结果显示,教师通过输入元认知策略、认知策略,为学生搭建"支架"能帮助学生自觉地对学习进行计划、监控和评估,能使其在听力中树立策略意识,提高听力水平,从而较为顺利地展开自主学习。  相似文献   

对于高中来说,写作是极为重要的教学部分。一方面,写作对于学生综合能力的提升具有重要作用;写作在教学比例当中以及考试分值当中占据重要的地位。要重视写作在教学当中的重要地位,加强写作教学方法的运用,不断优化写作教学课程,提升写作教学的效果。本文所研究的写作教学,主要是提升学生的自主学习,以提高写作教学的效果,达到语文教学的目的。本文主要从两个方面进行写作教学自主性学习研究,一是分析写作教学与自主学习之间的关系,二是研究自主学习与高中语文写作教学的融合策略。  相似文献   

目前,初中作文教学普遍课时少,教学方法陈旧,不少教师为了追求升学率,只关心作文形式,不注重张扬学生个性,加之学生普遍对作文兴趣不浓,抱应付态度。这些都严重影响了有效性作文教学的进程。鉴于此现状,提出了四点作文有效性的对策:一是明确课程目标;二是制定教学计划;三是激发写作兴趣;四是改进教学方法。  相似文献   

周盛 《英语辅导》2014,(1):83-85
英语写作从来没有成为我国大学英语教学的主体,写作教学也从来没有在思想上得到足够的重视,所以写作成为学生失分最多的项目,写作困难,已经成为不容争辩的事实。本文主要研究一种有学习任务、无教学课时,以过程评价促进学习的新教学模式——"零课时"教学模式。在不改变原有课时的情况下,明确学习目标,加大课后写作训练,充分调动学习主体的积极性,培养学生自主学习能力,从而提高学生英语写作水平。同时对该校2011及2012级理工科学生在英语写作课程实施了"零课时"教学模式的运作之后,并对其中200名左右的学生进行了问卷调查,从而总结出一些有利于提高学生英语写作的宝贵经验。  相似文献   

大学英语写作训练一直是大学英语教学过程中的薄弱环节.其主要原因包括:课时设计不够合理、学生英语基础较差、老师教学方法失当等.因此,建议在今后写作教学中,科学设置课时、增强学生英语基础、改进教学方法,全面提高学生英语写作水平.  相似文献   

英语写作能力是衡量高职院校非英语专业学生的英语应用能力的一个重要方面,但写作教学通常课时不足,作文批改往往费时低效。借助批改网进行写作零课时教学研究,研究表明:学生的自主学习性增强,写作能力和水平也有提高。  相似文献   

对于高中学生来说,英语写作是一件困难的事情,学生普遍对写作持消极的态度。加上不少学生掌握不好写作基础,不懂如何进行写作构思,写作技巧缺失,造成作文空话连篇,翻来复去就那几句话,显得文章空洞,词穷语尽,苍白无力。了解到学生面临的写作困境后,教师需要有针对性地实施写作教学,培养学生的自主性学习能力,指导学生进行高效率的写作练习,切实提高高中学生的写作水平。  相似文献   

本文作者选择了大学英语第一学期的一个班级作为对象 ,采用以学习为中心加大有效输出训练的教学方法进行为时一个学期的教学实验 ,将其期考成绩与采用传统教学方法的一个平行班级进行对照比较 ,结果表明 :学生学习自主性的培养来源于教师对学生启发、鼓励的指导性教学。而学生学习的主动性和策略性是导致学生学好语言的关键所在。  相似文献   

Communication skills are a significant contributor to an individual's success in the workplace. Unfortunately, students often have trouble expressing their ideas in written form and the poor quality of students’ written work often impedes the learning process. This pilot study investigates the use of online writing studios within a quality improvement methods course and the impact of this intervention on students’ writing competency and perceptions about the writing process. The impact of this approach on student performance is evaluated within and across semesters using comparative statistical analyses. Results show that students who participated in online writing studios performed better (i.e., at least one rubric level higher) on their final written assignments for the course compared to students who did not, and that this approach is associated with improved students’ perceptions about the writing process. This research suggests that the use of online writing studios within a content‐specific course can incrementally improve students’ writing competency over the course of one semester, and can positively affect the learning of written communication skills and change students’ perceptions about various aspects of the writing process.  相似文献   

We surveyed first year students at the start and at the end of their first semester of university biology (n?=?285) as to their approaches to study (surface, deep) and their conceptions of biology (fragmented, cohesive). Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to group students who responded similarly to the survey; this resolved four Learner Profiles based on specific combinations of approach to study and conception of biology. By comparing cluster membership at the start and end of the semester we could assess whether students (1) maintained their incoming approach to study and conception of the discipline of biology, i.e. their ‘Learner Profile’ and (2) whether certain Learner Profiles were more persistent than others. Approximately half the student cohort did not alter their approach to study or conceptions of biology by semester's end. Students in the disengaged profile, i.e. who returned mostly negative responses to survey items, appeared the most resistant to changing their Learner Profile; while the greatest migration occurred towards less than desirable learning strategies (particularly to the disengaged profile). We were able to confirm the significant migration patterns by assessing the heterogeneity of each cluster at the start of semester clusters with respect to the students' approaches and conceptions at the end of semester. Thus we present a process to accurately track Learner Profile changes that may tell us more about how we can enhance students' learning and provide a means by which to gather the empirical data to support decisions relating to curriculum change.  相似文献   

In this article, we analyze a two‐semester effort to integrate writing instruction into a multi‐disciplinary sophomore engineering design course in Northern Arizona University's College of Engineering and Technology. Specifically, we describe the programmatic implementation and assessment approach to evaluate whether student writing improved over the course of the semester. After discussing the reasons for taking a writing‐intensive approach to engineering, we analyze the results of a pre‐and post‐test administered over the span of an academic semester. Although the outcome of our assessment did not show significant improvement, we argue that writing instruction is important for increasing students’ overall learning skills. We conclude by pointing out several benefits and disadvantages of trying to assess writing improvement over two one‐semester periods.  相似文献   

Two studies assessed student writing in a critical thinking course. The first study examined initial and final versions of a term paper. Linguistic inquiry and word count (LIWC) analyses of essays revealed significant differences in linguistic variables and some differences in cognitive variables. The second study examined student essays at the beginning and end of the semester. Taken together, the studies indicate that students express themselves with less tentativeness at the end of the semester, and are consistent with the suggestion that students move from relativism to commitment during the course of a semester. In addition, the results indicate that the LIWC may detect differences between different writing genres.  相似文献   

Criminal justice faculty members often express disappointment that their students are not meeting the writing expectations of the discipline. This study was a collaborative project between criminal justice and English faculty members to institute a writing pedagogy intervention to examine if criminal justice students’ writing would improve over the course of a semester. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to examine student attitudes toward writing, documentation style, grammatical correctness, academic diction, and paraphrasing/plagiarism. The results revealed statistically significant improvements in student writing when writing assignments were scaffolded and frequent feedback was provided. Additionally, this study used independent raters to compare student performance on papers from a previous semester, when minimal writing instruction was provided, to the papers from the current study. The results suggest the intervention may improve criminal justice student writing.  相似文献   

This study reports on the role of students’ reflections in their teacher written feedback. Informed by a qualitative case study approach, this study collected data from 18 students across a semester of an English-as-a-foreign language writing course at a university in China. In the course, teacher written feedback and students’ reflections were both informed by writing as a meaning-making process. The data sources included 72 pieces of student essays, 144 pieces of reflection written by the students, and post-semester interviews with the students. The study showed that engaging students in writing reflections was helpful for developing their knowledge of writing, although the process somewhat followed a zigzag trajectory. The exercise helped them transcend their previous knowledge repertoires, thereby assisting them in critically understanding their revision process and refining their knowledge of writing in response to the teacher’s written feedback. In particular, the students felt that the meaning-making-based reflections provided clear and accessible layers for them to understand the close relationship between language and content. As such, the students felt that they were able to harness their reflections as a written venue through which they could critically digest the teacher’s written feedback and develop their knowledge of writing as a meaning-making process while dialoguing with their instructor.  相似文献   

Many mathematics departments have instituted transition-to-proof courses for second semester sophomores to help them learn how to construct proofs and to prepare them for proof-based courses, such as abstract algebra and real analysis. We have developed a way of getting students, who often stare at a blank piece of paper not knowing what to do, to start writing proofs. This is the technique of writing proof frameworks, which is based on the logical structure of the statements of the theorems and associated definitions. Also, in order to unpack the conclusion and know what is to be proved, students need definitions to become “operable.”  相似文献   

在英语写作教学中采用过程教学法有其局限性,英语水平较低的学习者在英语写作中并没有明显受益于这种反复的自我修改.提出一种创新性的教学方法,通过在自省和合作的环境中使用语法—翻译法将“过程法”和“结果法”合二为一.研究显示这种方法可以使学生更客观地看待自己的写作,认识到语言准确性在成功交际中的重要性,也可培养学生的读者意识.  相似文献   

Client-based technical writing classes have the potential to help students practice a smooth transition between school and work because they allow the side-by-side examination and negotiation of standards of writing for faculty and technical clients. However, this potential is often not realized. This article reports the results of two case studies using interviews and surveys to examine the evolution of the standards of clients and faculty throughout one semester as well as student perceptions of those standards. The results suggest that three factors help students understand standards in a way that is conducive to effective school-to-work transition: standards negotiation, teacher awareness of client standards, and perceived overlap in teacher-client standards at the end of the semester.  相似文献   

Client-based technical writing classes have the potential to help students practice a smooth transition between school and work because they allow the side-by-side examination and negotiation of standards of writing for faculty and technical clients. However, this potential is often not realized. This article reports the results of two case studies using interviews and surveys to examine the evolution of the standards of clients and faculty throughout one semester as well as student perceptions of those standards. The results suggest that three factors help students understand standards in a way that is conducive to effective school-to-work transition: standards negotiation, teacher awareness of client standards, and perceived overlap in teacher–client standards at the end of the semester.  相似文献   

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