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随着信息大数据时代的推进,开放教育受到严重的威胁,控制开放教育学生的流失已经是迫在眉睫的工作。成人开放教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,开放教育学生的流失,直接关系到我国成人的总体学历水平。以开放教育工商管理专业的学生为研究对象,通过问卷调查、访谈等手段,分析学生流失的态势,启动开放教育学生流失危机预警系统,以降低开放教育学生的流失率。  相似文献   

远程开放教育以其开放、灵活的教育形式得到人们的信赖和认可,然而,远程开放教育中存在的高辍学率问题不容忽视。文章通过对江西省2012春具有代表性的法律、土木工程、小学教育、工商管理、计算机等专业的同学问卷调查和访谈,分析和研究了引起基层远程教育学生辍学的诸多原因,并提出了一些相应的解决措施与对策。  相似文献   

远程开放教育学生流失问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生流失现象随着远程开放教育的开展越来越突出,笔者采用问卷调查法和访谈法对部分远程开放教育的专科学生进行了相关研究和数据分析,并提出对应的助学策略和建议。  相似文献   

本文研究根据成人学习理论,采用问卷调查和个案访谈相结合的方式,从认知、情绪与情感、学习行为倾向性三个层面对南京电大开放教育成人学生的学习心理进行调查与描述,指出当前开放教育成人学习心理具有学习动机多样性、学习活动自发性、学习支持网络完整性、学习行为自主性和适度的学习自信心等特点。  相似文献   

远程开放教育普遍存在着学生流失率高的现象,这不仅影响办学单位的经济效益,更影响到远程开放教育的社会信任度,在一定程度上阻碍了远程教育的长远发展。本文以宁波电大2000级金融本科和专科为研究对象,通过问卷、访谈、查阅学生档案等方法,分析学生流失的态势,旨在找出学生辍学的原因,从而采取针对性的措施。  相似文献   

本文采取问卷的方式,调查开放教育下成人学习英语的动机。调查结果显示,主要动机有五类:出国旅游或学习、毕业证书或考试准备、信息媒介、个人发展和内在兴趣。笔者还通过普通高校学生与他们学习动机的比较,对相关教学提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

阐述了与中职学生流失密切相关的学生不良表现,从心理学角度分析背后的深层次原因,即学生的自我同一性危机,并对同一性危机产生的原因及对策进行了探讨,以期降低中职学生的辍学率。  相似文献   

本文旨在现代教学思想和学习理论指导下,探索电大开放教育在职成人学习者在学习英语过程中是否运用了语言学习策略指导自己的英语学习。通过各种训练让在职成人学习者知道怎样运用学习策略,在科学有效的学习策略的运用下提高自己的学习水平,构建终身受用的学习力。  相似文献   

加强学生学习支持服务提高远程开放教育学生保持率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自从我国高校开展远程开放教育以来,学生中止学习的现象非常普遍,这已经影响到远程开放教育的形象、质量和社会认可程度,严重阻碍了远程开放教育的正常发展。文章对最容易流失的人群、流失的原因,以及辍学的背景等问题进行了详细的研究和分析,认为学生流失问题可以通过完善支持服务来改善,并就此提出了一些措施和建议  相似文献   

本文采用准实验法,对开放教育成人学生进行了为期一个学期的英语口语学习策略培训.该培训取得了良好的效果,证明策略培训能够提高成人学生的英语口语水平,对口语学习有重要的促进作用.因此,在成人英语口语课堂教学中融入全面的策略培训是可行的,这对于探索基于SBI (Strategies-based Instruction)的开放教育成人英语口语教学模式提供了一定的研究基础.  相似文献   

随着普高的扩招和招生政策的不断调整,成人教育的招生面临着越来越严峻的趋势,成人教育生源经受着数量和质量的双重考验。文章提出通过完善人才培养体系、坚持品牌特色发展、建立校外函授站、组织联合办学的途径,进一步拓宽成人教育网络招生的渠道,扩大成人教育类院校的生源覆盖面,在办学形成规模的同时,有效应对高校成人教育生源危机。  相似文献   

大学生的信用危机和诚信教育   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
诚信是中华民族的优良美德,大学生应该是这一美德的继承者和现代诚信文明的代表。但在不讲信用、欺骗欺诈社会公害的影响下,大学生群体中也出现了一定程度的信用危机。主要表现为信用意识淡薄、契约观念不强、自我推销误区和考试作弊严重。大学生的诚信教育要坚持平等说理、注重实践、身教重于言教、教育和制度建设相结合的原则和策略。  相似文献   

本主要探讨了当前成人高等学校学生素质教育的内涵,成人大学生应具备的基本素质以及培养和提高其素质的方法和途径,以期增强学生的综合能力,促进成人教育质量的提高。  相似文献   

Open online education experiences persistently high dropout rates, and the efficacy of dropout interventions has been questioned. Despite considerable research, dropout reasons are not fully understood, and further in-depth investigation has been called for. Prior qualitative retention studies have frequently relied on smaller samples that are unable to generate deeper appreciation of dropout reasons. Over 200 in-depth interviews were therefore conducted with students that had dropped out of open online education. The probability-based qualitative sample facilitated capture of subthemes down to a 5% incidence level or frequency of occurrence. Thematic analysis revealed 41 subthemes within 10 broad dropout reasons. While the broad dropout themes have been identified previously, the subthemes are new and provide richer understanding. This study also captured students' suggestions for what might have prevented their dropout. Thematic analysis identified 19 subthemes within 5 broad intervention themes that respond to the root dropout causes. Many intervention subthemes address personal and learner context dropout factors that have often been considered uncontrollable and unavoidable. This paper therefore redefines dropout in open online education and offers new insights for improving retention. It also provides a strategic framework for evaluating dropouts and prioritising student-informed interventions that respond to the main dropout causes.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Persistently high open online education dropout suggests existing interventions are ineffective.
  • Prior qualitative retention studies identified the main dropout reasons, but small sample sizes failed to generate deeper insights and more in-depth investigation has been called for.
What this paper adds
  • A probability-based qualitative sample of 226 participants captured dropout subthemes down to a 5% level of incidence or frequency of occurrence.
  • Thematic analysis identified 41 subthemes, within 10 broad dropout reasons. These subthemes are new and offer richer understanding.
  • Thematic analysis also identified 19 subthemes within 5 broad dropout intervention areas that students suggested could have prevented their dropout. These include new insights for addressing dropout causes that have often previously been considered unavoidable.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • The strategic framework provides a retention management approach that prioritises responding to the main dropout causes with student-informed interventions.
  • This approach and the deeper understanding afforded by robust qualitative investigation should help reduce persistently high dropout rates.

浙江电大系统自去年停招普专生开始招收成脱生以来,如何做好成教脱产学生的教育与管理工作,成为全省电大普遍面临的一个新课题。本文以温州广播电视大学为例,从成脱生的特点入手,分析成脱生教学教育管理中存在的困难和问题,并结合工作实际,谈如何加强成脱生教学教育管理的点滴之见。  相似文献   

Modular education refers to the division of conventional courses into smaller components or modules. Each module enables students to obtain a partial certificate that can be combined into a qualification. This article evaluates whether modular education, which is widely used in secondary and tertiary education, has been effective in reducing school dropout. For this purpose, the study exploits a policy change in the Flemish Community of Belgium, which recently introduced modular education for some programmes. Using a difference-in-differences framework with diverse adoption dates per school, the results indicate that modular education may significantly reduce school dropout by 2.5 percentage points, with the largest effects on foreign origin students. Therefore, modular education is likely to be an effective policy to tackle school dropout and reduce the ethnic attainment gap. Additionally, students enrolled in modular education are more likely to be employed and to incur higher earnings on the labour market.  相似文献   

本文对开放教育入学教育的重要性、教学内容的安排、教学方法以及入学教育的考核作了简要的论述。  相似文献   

The marketisation of education is a global phenomenon and has attracted increased interest during the last three decades, not least in terms of research on school choice and its consequences. However, while much research has been conducted on the marketisation of schooling, less attention has been directed at adult education. In this paper, focus is directed at institutional logics and institutional responses to the process of marketisation of adult education. More specifically, we focus on how a procurement system, implemented in order to create competition and to increase quality in adult education, influences how students construe themselves, as well as the way principals and teachers work. Our results indicate that teachers emerge as the main source of resistance towards an institutional logic emerging in the wake of marketisation, while principals and students to a large extent conform to the emerging institutional demands.  相似文献   

开放教育考试管理模式研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
传统的不合理的考试模式,作为制约教学改革的瓶颈因素逐渐凸现出来.因此,必须改革传统的考试模式与方法,重视和大力推进有利于学生的综合素质提高和创新精神形成的考试内容、方法的全方位改革。考试管理模式改革将成为下一阶段我国现代远程教育各试点高校教学改革的重要内容。  相似文献   

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