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A total of 46 rats, distributed across two experiments, received differential instrumental conditioning trials in a nonchoice brightness-discrimination apparatus. In each experiment, groups differed with respect to the pattern of rewarded and nonrewarded S+ trials. Response in S? was never reinforced. The results of both experiments indicated that the pattern of S+ reward events influences S? response levels in a fashion consistent with expectations derived from stimulus-specificity theory.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the effects of percentage of reinforcement on the resistance to extinction of an instrumental running response. In Experiment 1, with N-length held constant, 47% reinforcement during acquisition generated greater resistance to extinction (Rn) than did 77%. In Experiment 2, this result was replicated with both functional N-length and number of N-R transitions held constant. In Experiment 3, Rn was shown to be a function of both N-length and percentage of reinforcement. The results of all three experiments were discussed in terms of Capaldi’s reinforcement level theory and possible alternative explanations.  相似文献   

In two differential conditioning experiments, groups of 10 rats each differed with respect to average reward and schedule of reward received in S+. Nonreward (N) occurred on all S? trials. In both experiments, extinction of responding to S? (resistance to discrimination) was extensively regulated by reward sequence and was largely independent of average reward. In Experiment 1, resistance to discrimination was a function of transitions from N to rewarded (R) trials (N-R transitions). In Experiment 2, resistance to discrimination was increased by large reward on the R trial of N-R transitions and decreased by large reward on the R trial of R-N transitions. These schedule effects on resistance to discrimination parallel the effects of comparable schedules on resistance to extinction following partial reinforcement. The results are discussed in terms of sequential theory, reinforcement level theory, and their implications for various schedule manipulations that have previously shown S? behavior to be inversely related to average reward in S+.  相似文献   

In the present experiments, savings phenomena following a limited amount of initial acquisition and extended extinction were examined. Experiments 1 and 2 compared rates of reacquisition following brief acquisition and various amounts of extinction in conditioning of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane and heart rate response, respectively. Experiment 3 compared rates of acquisition to a novel stimulus (e.g., light) following brief acquisition and various amounts of extinction to another stimulus (e.g., tone). In addition, in Experiment 3 recovery of responding to the extinguished stimulus during acquisition to the novel, cross-modal stimulus was examined. Experiments 1, 2, and 3 demonstrated that with a limited number of acquisition trials (1) there was a graded reduction in the rate of reacquisition as a function of the number of extinction trials in both conditioning preparations, (2) there was a graded reduction in the rate of cross-modal acquisition as a function of the number of extinction trials, but (3), in Experiment 3, recovery of responding to the extinguished stimulus during cross-modal training of the novel stimulus appeared uniformly robust even in the face of extended extinction.  相似文献   

Three groups of 12 rats received 25 pretraining trials to each future discriminandum employed in a subsequent differential brightness conditioning problem. Groups NR and RN received partial reinforcement (PRF) pretraining either with or without, respectively, transitions from nonrewarded to rewarded trials (N-R transitions). Group CRF received consistent reinforcement during pretraining. A fourth group (n=12), Group NP, received no pretraining. During discrimination learning, one-half of the rats in each group received all their daily S+ trials preceding their daily S? trials (+? sequence); the remainder of the rats received an intermixed sequence of trials to S+ and S? (+?+ sequence). Discrimination learning was faster under the +? sequence than under the +?+ condition, and discrimination learning was retarded in Group NR relative to the other three groups, which did not differ from one another, under both the +? and +?+ discrimination sequence conditions. The results are discussed with Reference to previous experiments demonstrating N-R transition effects on discrimination learning, a theoretical extension of sequential theory to discrimination learning, and the effects of nondifferential reinforcement prior to discrimination learning on learned irrelevance.  相似文献   

Sixteen rats were maintained out of doors in cages with natural light, temperature, and social stimulation for 3 months. Subsequently, by pairing the taste of sucrose with IP injections of LiCl, the rats were conditioned to avoid sucrose. Each of four groups of rats received the CS-US pairing at a different time of day. Times of conditioning were 6 a.m., 12 a.m., 6 p.m. and 12 p.m. EST. A two-bottle preference test between 4% sucrose solution and tap water was initiated 24-h after conditioning. Daily measurements of preference were continued for 16 consecutive days. Results indicated that, although all groups initially exhibited equivalent sucrose aversions, the groups conditioned at 12 a.m. and 6 p.m. extinguished within 12 days while the 6 a.m. and 12 p.m. groups continued to manifest profound aversions for sucrose throughout the 16 test days.  相似文献   

Thirty rats received 10 sessions of baseline training in which leverpressing was reinforced according to a variable-interval (VI) 60-sec schedule. Twenty-four of the subjects were then assigned to one of four groups that received five sessions of extinction, with groups being differentiated in a 2 by 2 factorial design on the basis of: (1) changes in stimuli accompanying transportation of subjects from home cages to the laboratory and placement in the apparatus, and/or (2) changes in contextual stimuli within the apparatus. During the sixth session of extinction, the transportational and contextual stimuli previously associated with baseline training were reinstated. The remaining six rats experienced changes in both transportational and contextual stimuli but were maintained on the VI 60-sec schedule of reinforcement. Changes in either transportational or contextual stimuli reduced resistance to extinction and spontaneous recovery, and substantial increments in responding occurred upon reinstatement of the transportational and contextual stimuli associated with baseline training. Evidence for summation of the two sources of stimulus change was obtained. Changes in transportational and contextual stimuli produced only a brief disruption in responding when reinforcement of leverpressing was continued.  相似文献   

Two groups of rats (N = 11) were trained at two trials a day for 16 days in Phase I and 13 days in Phase II. Responses on Trial 1 were always rewarded in both phases. Percentage of reward (50% vs 100%) was varied on Trial 2 of each day of Phase I. Trial 2 on each day of Phase II was never rewarded. A partial reward effect (PRE) was observed on Trial 2 of Phase II. The implications of the results for intertrial explanations of the PRE were discussed.  相似文献   

In a discrete-trial two-choice conditional discrimination task, pigeons which received food for a correct choice following the presentation of one cue and water for a correct choice following another cue performed better than pigeons which received food and water equally often in both cases when delays of several seconds intervened between the conditional cue and choice stimuli presentations. These results suggest that feedback properties of reinforcer-specific expectancies can be important in conditional discrimination learning in pigeons. An additional finding was that wild-caught pigeons regularly exhibited a higher percentage of correct choices than domestic subjects.  相似文献   

In two experiments rats were given straight-alley training in the following sequence: continuous reward (CR), partial reward (PR), extinction (EXT). Independent groups differed only in the amount of CR training. In both experiments,. early-EXT performance was directly related to amount of CR training and late-EXT performance was inversely related to amount of CR training. These data were related to a possible specific sF intensity hypothesis, an extension of frustration theory.  相似文献   

Honeybees foraging for sucrose at a laboratory window were trained in a series of ten 100-trial problems to choose between two targets differing in odor, one of them providing 10 µl of a 50% sucrose solution and the other 10 µl of water. In 9 of the problems, two odors were used, and the reward ratio was varied systematically over a wide range. In the 10th problem, three odors were used in an ambiguous-cue (A+/B?, B+/C?) design. The results were predicted quantitatively, and with substantial accuracy, from a simple theory of learning and choice developed in previous work on simultaneous discrimination in honeybees.  相似文献   

In a series of four experiments with free-flying honeybees, individual foragers were trained with targets of two different colors that contained 5 or 20 μl of 50% sucrose solution. The two targets were singly presented in quasi-random sequences on each visit, with the amount of reward to be found on each target perfectly predictable from its color. The number of training visits (4–32) was varied both within and between experiments, and so also was the relative frequency of trials with the 5- and 20-μl targets (1:1, 2:1, 3:1, and 9:1). At the conclusion of training under each condition, unrewarded responses to the targets were measured in a 10-min extinction test, with the targets presented either separately to two different groups of animals (Experiment 1) or as a pair (Experiments 2–4). When the number of training trials with each target was the same (Experiments 1 and 2), the animals responded more in extinction to the 20-μl target than to the 5-μl target, although there was a decline in the overall level of responding to both targets (an overlearning-extinction effect) as the number of training trials increased. After nine times as many, or only three times as many, training trials with the5- μl target as with the 20-μl target, the animals responded more in extinction to the 5-μl target (Experiment 3); after twice as many training trials with the 5-μl target as with the 20-μl target, there was equal responding to both (Experiment 4). The preferences shown in the choice tests of Experiments 2–4 could be simulated rather accurately on the assumptions of a model previously developed to deal with the discrete-trials choice behavior of honeybees and the further assumption that associative strength grows at a rate increasing with amount of reward to an asymptote independent of amount of reward.  相似文献   

Animals working for heat in a cold environment increase responding when reward duration is reduced, but in many instances the increase in responding is not sufficient to prevent a decrease in the amount of heat obtained. Eight experiments were conducted to investigate the reason why rats’ barpress responses for heat are less efficient at short reward durations. The results show that a ceiling effect is not involved and also that improper response-topography or differences in whole-body heat absorptivity or in response effort cannot explain the phenomenon. Evidence was found for the hypothesis that response rate does not increase sufficiently at short reward durations because many short rewards produce a greater afferent signal than do few long rewards. This inequality seems to be caused by characteristics of the stimuli that result in a greater relative change in skin temperature (ΔT) or in the rate of change of skin temperature (δT/δt) for short-duration rewards.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, two groups (n = 10) of pigeons received 17 sessions of TD (true discrimination) or ND (nondifferential) training with line angles. Seventeen sessions of SS (single stimulus) training with a wavelength preceded this training and two followed it. Subsequent wavelength generalization testing in extinction revealed a sharper TD than ND gradient. This slope difference was evident from the very first test stimulus presentation and remained stable throughout testing. As a consequence of substantial overtraining, there was no reduction of response strength and no sharpening of generalization during testing for either group. In Experiment 2, two groups (n = 16) of pigeons received 10 sessions of TD or PD (pseudodiscrimination) training with line angles, followed by four sessions of SS training with a single wavelength. During this training and in subsequent wavelength generalization testing in extinction, brief blackouts separated stimulus presentations. Again, the TD group yielded the sharper gradient. Although responding weakened and the gradients sharpened during the test, these effects were comparable in the two groups. Furthermore, gradients based on the percentage of trials with at least one response showed the same TD-PD slope difference. This finding indicates that differential control over responding by response-produced feedback is inadequate to account for the TD-PD difference in generalization slope. Both experiments indicate that a purported difference in resistance to extinction is also an inadequate explanation.  相似文献   

The retention and extinction of a visual discrimination was examined in BALB/c mice. The mice were trained to perform a go/no-go discrimination task in parallel runways. Initial training resulted in an intermediate level of performance. Testing consisted of an additional session using either retention (Experiment 1) or extinction (Experiment 2) at one of five time intervals between 1 and 30 days. It was found in Experiment 1 that forgetting progressively increased over intervals of between 14 and 30 days. In Experiment 2, extinction testing induced more impairment of performance, so that forgetting occurred earlier relative to retention testing in Experiment 1. However, in both experiments, the measure of performance by a discrimination ratio revealed the same amount of forgetting when the training-test interval was 30 days. These results define the forgetting curve for such a discrimination by mice. They are discussed in terms of possible factors involved in forgetting.  相似文献   

A hurdle-jump escape response was employed to assess the laboratory rat’s aversion or attraction to different types of conspecific odor. Odorant donor subjects received 112 runway acquisition trials on a continuous reward schedule followed by 32 extinction trials, 112 acquisition trials on a 50% schedule of reward and nonreward followed by 32 extinction trials, or 144 “neutral” trials with no reward in the alley. Different groups of test subjects escaped from odor excreted by odorant subjects on (a) nonrewarded acquisition and extinction trials, (b) rewarded trials during continuous reinforcement, (c) rewarded trials during partial reinforcement, or (d) neutral trials; others escaped from a clean box. The principal findings were: (1) significant aversion to “odor of nonreward” appeared after the donor odorants had received 12 exposures to reward; (2) production of odor of nonreward by odorant subjects changed as a function of training experience with reward; (3) after repeated exposure to odor of nonreward, the escape response habituated; (4) greater or different odor excretion in extinction resulted from subjects trained on a continuous reward schedule than on a partial reward schedule. Relationships of the data to frustration theory were discussed, assuming that inferred differences in production of odor reflect differences in frustration reaction.  相似文献   

During simultaneous discrimination training, there is evidence that some of the value of the S+ transfers to the S?. When the value of the S+ is altered outside the context of the simultaneous discrimination, two very different predictions are made concerning its effect on its S?, depending on whether one views the S+ as an occasion setter or as a stimulus capable of transferring value. In four experiments, pigeons were trained with two similar simultaneous discriminations, A+B? and C+D?, and two single-stimulus trial types, A and C, (in which A always had greater nominal value than C). According to value transfer theory, on test trials, B should always be preferred over D, because B and D should be affected by the net values of A and C, respectively. According to an occasion setting account, however, D should be preferred over B because the presence of D signals a higher probability of reinforcement for responding to C than when C is alone, and/or the presence of B signals a lower probability of reinforcement for responding to A than when A is alone. In all four experiments, the pigeons preferred B over D, a result consistent with value transfer theory. Thus, an S? can acquire value from an S+ even when that value is conditioned in a “context” different from that of the simultaneous discrimination.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to assess the effects of the introduction of schedules of partial reinforcement (PRF), subsequent to continuous reinforcement training, on the maintenance and resistance to extinction of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane CR. Substantial response levels were maintained by schedules of reinforcement as lean as 15%, and the performance decrements, when observed to be reliable, could not be localized to the immediate effects of one, two, or three consecutive nonreinforced trials by the examination of conditional response probabilities. Moreover, reliable PRF extinction effects were obtained. The relevance of these findings to the purported empirical divergence of PRF effects on classical and instrumental conditioning were discussed.  相似文献   

In Experiment I, rats which were both hungry and thirsty were given a choice between a food reward and a water reward. The animals preferred food to water when the reward was delivered immediately, but preferred water to food when a 30-sec delay was imposed in the goalbox before the reward was received. Experiment II replicated the results of the first experiment and showed, in addition, that when the delay was imposed in a separate delay chamber devoid of differential goalbox cues, subjects preferred food to water, similar to the immediate group. The results were discussed in terms of an incentive value process and a competing response hypothesis.  相似文献   

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