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This article comments on the relationship between British universities and government departments with special reference to the work of the University Grants Committee and the role of its Chairman. The extent to which universities are free to exercise discretion is delineated and the place of lay (i.e., non-academic) people in university government is described. The future would seem to call for increased political adroitness on the part of those who govern universities if the unusual freedom at present possessed by British universities is to be retained.A lecture given at the University of Lancaster on May 28, 1979. Sir Charles Carter was formerly Vice Chancellor, University of Lancaster.  相似文献   

The effect of morphine preexposure on place conditioning with morphine was investigated. In the first experiment, five injections of 10 mg/kg morphine were administered to rats prior to place conditioning or taste-aversion training with morphine. Although this number of preexposures retarded taste-aversion learning, there was no effect on place conditioning. In subsequent experiments we investigated the role of context blocking in UCS preexposure in place conditioning. In one experiment, preexposure to five morphine injections prior to place conditioning resulted in a reduced place preference, compared with preexposure and place conditioning in different contexts. However, the overall detrimental effect of morphine preexposure was questionable, because the rats that were preexposed were only marginally different from those that were not preexposed. In a final experiment we examined the effect of a context change from preexposure to place conditioning with 15 preexposures and demonstrated a detrimental effect of preexposure on place conditioning that was context specific. These results support a role of classical conditioning in place-preference conditioning with morphine.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the evidence presented in the currently available studies does not allow any conclusions to be drawn regarding the distributional effects of public higher education. The source of the problem lies in the use of one year as a sampling frame. It is shown that valid inferences may not be drawn from such a sample. The evaluation of the distributional effects of public higher education must be based on lifetime income and tax streams.  相似文献   

Three experiments with rat subjects examined the effects of contextual stimuli on performance in appetitive conditioning. A 10-sec tone conditioned stimulus (CS) was paired with a food-pellet unconditioned stimulus (US); conditioning was indexed by the observation of headjerking, a response of the rat to auditory stimuli associated with food. In Experiment 1, a context switch following initial conditioning did not affect conditioned responding to the tone; however, when the response was extinguished in the different context, a return to the original conditioning context “renewed” extinguished responding. These results were replicated in Experiments 2 and 3 after equating exposure to the two contexts (Experiment 2) and massing the conditioning and extinction trials (Experiment 3). The results of Experiment 1 also demonstrated that separate exposure to the US following extinction reinstates extinguished responding to the tone; this effect was further shown to depend at least partly on presenting the US in the context in which testing is to occur (Experiments 2 and 3). Overall, the results are consistent with previous data from aversive conditioning procedures. In either appetitive or aversive conditioning, the context may be especially important in affecting performance after extinction.  相似文献   

Metacognition and Learning - Prompting learners to generate keywords after a delay is a promising means to enhance relative judgment accuracy in learning from texts. However, to date, conceptual...  相似文献   

程演生《天启黄山大狱记》汇辑、梳理、辨析了大量的文献资料,剥离了吴养春案(即黄山大狱)和吴怀贤案,揭示了前者的历史真相,对研究晚明政局与徽洲地方史有重要价值。  相似文献   

The following text was prepared for the Begle Memorial Series on Research in Mathematics Education of the IV ICME Congress at Berkeley in August 1980. Several sessions of this series were devoted to Begle's1 last book Critical Variables in Mathematics Education, and I was asked to discuss one of its chapters. However, in my view, the more interesting questions Begle's survey raises concern basic problems related to the study as a whole, though these may be identified in each of its parts. Therefore, I have divided my text into two parts: the first sticks more closely to the chapter on curriculum variables which I was to review, and the second is devoted to a more general view on the problems. This procedure may be justified beyond the original purpose: reconstructing one single part of the book may supply a concrete basis for the reflections subsequently explicated and may help in visualizing them.  相似文献   

Changes in affect toward a particular stimulus can take place very rapidly through Pavlovian conditioning, if presentation of the conditioned stimulus (CS+) paired with the unconditioned stimulus (US) is accompanied by presentation of a “CS?,” another value of the same dimension as the CS+ but not paired with a US. This effect has considerable generality. It has been observed in terms of both olfactory and visual CSs, in terms of appetitive as well as aversive conditioning, and for adult as well as infant rats. The CS? effect has seemed especially important for infants, which may be related to the general tendency for infants to exhibit less stimulus selection than older animals. Finally, the CS? effect has enabled the development of a simple test of short-term retention that can quite effectively assess memory for either incidental or target events. These tests so far have indicated a clear ontogenetic decrease in rate of forgetting over short intervals, corresponding to the well-known development-related decrease in forgetting over long intervals (infantile amnesia). The tests also have shown that short-term forgetting of intentional and target events is surprisingly similar, with some indication of more rapid forgetting for the incidental events. Alternative interpretations of the CS? effect and some preliminary tests of these interpretations are discussed.  相似文献   

学术界对刘伶的研究,多集中于对其言行的考察。本文则从刘伶的言行入手,探讨其言行中所蕴含的玄学意境,探讨《酒德颂》的文本思想内容及其对颂体文的传统写作规范的突破,刘伶从特异的言行到对《酒德颂》的创作,是对玄学意境和自由的追求,虽然在这过程中他有反抗、蔑视和讽刺世俗礼法及其代言人的行为,但这只是其实践和追求过程中造成的客观效果而不是他的主要目的。  相似文献   

《商务英语写作》是胡鉴明副教授积多年教学经验、经苦心研究而推出的一部力著。该书由五邑大学校长、博士生导师林健审稿并作序 ,华南理工大学出版社于 2 0 0 1年 5月出版。全书凡 30章 ,共 68万余字。主要内容包括 :一、英语商务函电写作基本知识、基本理论探讨。 1 .写作原则。作者参考名家意见引例阐述了写好商务英语信函需要遵循的 8Cs原则 ,即清楚 (clearness )、简短 (conciseness )、正确 (correctness )、具体 (concreteness )、愉快 (cheerfulness )、礼貌 (court…  相似文献   


Education Action Zones (EAZs) were launched in the United Kingdom in 1998 as 'the standard bearers in a new crusade … to modernize education in areas of social deprivation, and hailed as a third way in education.' In the light of the authors ' ongoing evaluation of a single EAZ, the article examines the extent to which the ambitious claims made by government have been realised. It assesses the extent to which EAZs can be viewed as part of the British twentieth-century theme in education of tackling inequality. It demonstrates that EAZ policy was riddled with tensions and paradoxes arising out of the eccentric mix of neo-liberal, social democratic and Third Way approaches to addressing educational inequality. The article concludes that EAZs suffered from three types of error: concept, process and outcomes, and hence were a mission impossible. The authors argue that EAZs may, hopefully, be a lesson in making the vision of resolving education inequality possible.  相似文献   

Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) were given either a 100% or a 50% reinforcement schedule in classical conditioning. Two groups received an aversive US (shock) and two groups received an appetitive US (water to the oral cavity). With parameter estimates for the two-phase model serving as the dependent variables, it was possible to define more precisely the effect of US omission with the intermittent reinforcement schedule. For the aversive preparation, the major effect of intermittent reinforcement was to increase the duration of Phase 1, a phase during which response likelihood remains constant at its initial value. Only a small proportion of subjects reflected the effect of US omission during Phase 2, the “learning” phase, this being a low operator limit following trials on which neither the CR nor the US occurred. The major effect of US omission for the appetitive preparation was in Phase 2, primarily a result of a minority of subjects having a low operator limit following trials on which neither the CR nor the US occurred. Many subjects required separate operators for trials on which the CR did or did not occur. The results were interpreted to pose difficulties for strength theories of conditioning, and the limitation implied for successful application of the Rescorla-Wagner theory are discussed. The implications of the data for response-contingent interpretations and for individual differences are also discussed.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, a dose-response study of place conditioning with amphetamine was conducted. Male Sprague-Dawley rats receiving 0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 2.0, 5.0, 7.5, or 10.0 mg/kg of d-amphetamine underwent 104-day cycles of place conditioning. On alternate days, each rat was injected with its designated dose of amphetamine while confined to its originally nonpreferred end of a three-compartment, straight alley box. On intervening days, each rat was injected with saline while confined to its originally preferred compartment. Following each 4-day cycle, a choice test was administered in which each rat was allowed 20 min of access to the entire alley box. Doses of amphetamine (≥0.5 mg/kg) induced a significant avoidance of the compartment in which amphetamine had been administered. In Experiment 2, animals received 0.0, 0.5, 2.0, or 5.0 mg/kg of amphetamine and underwent place conditioning procedures identical to those for the animals in Experiment 1. Unlike in Experiment 1, the animals were given a single choice test following 104-day place conditioning cycles. All groups that received amphetamine exbibited-a-eonditioned place avoidance. In Experiment 3, the effect of various CS-UCS intervals on place conditioning with 2.0 mg/kg of amphetamine was examined. Animals that received amphetamine immediately following their removal from the chamber exhibited a conditioned place avoidance.  相似文献   

本文是对《汉语平调的声调感知研究》一文的评论,不同意原文否定上声是低平调的结论。通过对原文的实验结果的再分析,确认普通话上声的本质是低平调。文章论述了高平调和低平调的不对称现象,认为半上和全上是平等的变体,上声214的2是发音生理的调头,4是边界现象的调尾。文章认为语音实验应考虑语言的因素,语音学不能离开语言学。  相似文献   


In Germany the tradition of university autonomy goes back to Humboldt's reform rather than the privileged corporations of the middle ages. Humboldt's concept of the university is still fertile as a model and a method for today's universities. The social significance of science in the modern world, increased expenditure on higher education, and the academisation of a growing number of professions seem to undermine the traditional legitimation of university autonomy. On the other hand good new reasons for autonomy can be derived precisely from scepticism with regard to a naive belief in the progress of science and to an all‐too‐narrow professionalisation of university education. The ever closer interconnection between ‘academic’ and ‘public’ functions of the universities has led to the replacement of the traditional ‘dualistic administrative structure’ by a ‘unified'one under a rector/president. The dualism of functions has, however, reappeared in the distinction between ‘legal’ and ‘more extended’ supervision by ministers. For the future a more precise distinction between global regulations legitimately claimed by the state and self‐government within the framework thus set should be aimed at.  相似文献   

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