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Pigeons were trained to depress a treadle in the presence of a discriminative stimulus, either a tone or illumination of red houselights, in order to obtain access to grain or avoid electric shock. In avoidance training, the auditory discriminative stimulus yielded faster acquisition than did the visual one. In appetitive training, the visual discriminative stimulus yielded faster acquisition than the auditory one. Experiments 2 and 3 used these stimuli in Kamin’s (1969) blocking design. In Experiment 2, when the pigeons were trained to depress a treadle in the presence of tone to obtain grain and then red light was added as the redundant stimulus, the light acquired stimulus control over treadlepressing; blocking was not observed. In Experiment 3, when the pigeons were trained to depress a treadle in the presence of red light to avoid electric shock and then tone was added as the redundant stimulus, the tone acquired stimulus control over treadle-pressing. Again, blocking was not observed. The implications of these results for several models of stimulus control are discussed.  相似文献   

In three delayed matching-to-sample experiments, pigeons were given distinctive stimuli that were either correlated or uncorrelated with the scheduled retention intervals. Experiment 1 employed a single-key, go/no-go matching procedure with colors as the sample and test stimuli; lines of differing orientations signaled short or long delays for one group, whereas the lines and the delays were uncorrelated for the other group. The function relating discriminative test performance to delay length was steeper in the correlated group than in the uncorrelated group. In addition, the line orientation stimuli controlled differential rates of sample responding in the correlated group, but not in the uncorrelated group. In Experiment 2, subjects extensively trained with correlated line orientations were exposed to reversed cues on probe trials. Miscuing decreased discriminative test responding at the short delay, but enhanced it at the long delay. As in the correlated group of the first experiment, rates of sample keypecking were higher in the presence of the “short” time tag than in the presence of the ”long” time tag. Experiment 3 used a three-key choice-matching procedure and a within-subjects design, and equated reinforcement rate at the short and long delays. When auditory stimuli were correlated with delay length, the function relating choice accuracy to delay was steeper than when the stimuli and the delays were uncorrelated. The consistent effects of signaled retention intervals on memory performance may be understood in terms of differential attention to the sample stimuli.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, it was shown that generalization testing following successive discrimination training between two closely spaced wavelengths results in a sharp gradient with a peak of responding shifted from S+ so as to be further removed from S?. Testing after a 24-h delay resulted in a flatter gradient with greater peak (and area) shift. A 5-min pretest exposure to S+, reinforced or unreinforced, or to S? (unreinforced) reinstated immediate test performance; free reinforcement with no discriminative stimulus present had no such effect. Experiment 2 replicated the flattening of generalization gradients and enhanced peak shift in delayed testing. Free feeding in a pretest treatment with a distinctive food uniquely associated with the wavelength discrimination problem failed to reinstate immediate test performance. Experiment 3 tested the hypothesis that free feeding failed as a reactivation treatment because it did not engender keypecking. Subjects were trained to peck a vertical line stimulus before being given wavelength discrimination training. Again, the enhanced peak shift and greater flattening with delayed wavelength generalization testing was found. A pretest exposure to the vertical line stimulus elicited pecking but had no effect on subsequent wavelength generalization. Thus, only a reactivation treatment that included one of the discrimination training stimuli was effective in producing delayed test performance comparable to that obtained in an immediate test.  相似文献   

Four pigeons served as subjects in an experiment using the go/no-go delayed matching-to-sample paradigm. The go/no-go method was used because it permits the experimenter to track the time course of discriminative performance throughout the test period, unlike the conventional choice matching procedure. It was found that discriminative test performance increased with longer sample durations; performance decreased with longer retention intervals and also as time passed in the test period. The rate of forgetting was virtually the same when either the retention interval was lengthened or time elapsed in the test. These findings support a modified trace theory, which proposes that the sample stimulus trace decays at a constant rate from the point of sample offset, and that the decaying memory trace is repeatedly compared with the prevailing test stimulus as time passes in the test period.  相似文献   

Four experiments were performed to determine the stimulus characteristics that favor the development of conditional stimulus control in the single reversal paradigm with pigeon subjects. In Experiment 1, pigeons were trained on a successive discrimination between tone frequencies ranging from 350 to 3500 Hz in a particular houselight context condition (houselight-on or -off). The subjects then were trained on the reversal of the tone discrimination in the alternative context. Subsequent tone-frequency generalization testing in the two contexts indicated that they had failed to gain conditional control over the pigeons’ discriminative performance. Such control was obtained in Experiment 2, in which the two problems were alternated daily for 32 sessions of training. The gradients then peaked at the appropriate S+ value in each context. In Experiment 3, the key colors (blue vs. red) served as contexts while pigeons learned a successive discrimination in which the discriminative cues were houselight-on versus houselight-off conditions. This was followed by a reversal of the discrimination in the alternative key-color context condition. The key colors were effective conditional cues in this situation. In a previous experiment (Thomas, McKelvie, & Mah, 1985), key color had been ineffective as a conditional cue when the discriminative cues were lines superimposed on the colored background. In Experiment 4, key color was effective when the color and lines were presented on a single key as in the earlier experiment, but were sequenced such that the onset of the key color preceded and then overlapped the presentation of the lines. We concluded that conditional discriminations are easiest for pigeons when visual cues are used, but the conditional and discriminative cues must be presented in such a way that they do not combine to form a psychological compound.  相似文献   

Pigeons were given successive discrimination training in which pecking during a choice period when the key was white was either reinforced or not, depending upon the prior presence or absence of a discriminative stimulus, which was a two-element serial compound. The compound consisted of a keylight and food, with food presented second or first in a forward or backward pairing for different groups of pigeons. In Experiment 1, the sequence was an S+ indicating reinforced trials, while in Experiment 2, the sequence was an S? indicating nonreinforced trials. Following acquisition of discriminated operant behavior, a sequence generalization test was administered during which all possible orders of the two stimuli were presented on test trials prior to the onset of the choice period. The results showed that food overshadowed stimulus control by the color of the light on the key on the sequence-generalization test, independently of whether food was presented first or second during training and independently of whether food was associated with reinforcement or nonreinforcement. The similarity of results for the two experiments suggests that overshadowing occurs independently of whether the compound is a discriminative stimulus for reinforcement or nonreinforcement. Simultaneous presentation of elements of a compound stimulus is not necessary for overshadowing because the phenomenon was captured with sequentially presented stimuli.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined the discrimination of photographs of individual pigeons by pigeons, using go/no-go discrimination procedures. In Experiments 1A and 1B, the pigeons were trained to discriminate 4 photographs of one pigeon from those of a number of pigeons. The subjects learned the discrimination, but their discriminative behavior did not transfer to new photographs taken from novel perspectives. When the pigeons were trained to discriminate between 20 photographs of five pigeons taken from four perspectives as the S+ and 20 photographs of five different pigeons as the S-, the subjects learned the discrimination, and this discriminative behavior partially transferred to new photographs taken from novel perspectives (Experiments 2A-2C). The results suggest that pigeons are able to discriminate among conspecific individuals, using stationary visual cues. This strengthens the assumption in evolutionary theory that animals can discriminate among individuals and encourages further investigation as to how this ability is used in various behaviors of animals.  相似文献   

In two experiments, pigeons were exposed to an autoshaping procedure in which a keylight was followed by food under delay or trace conditions, while measures were taken of keypecking and time spent near the key. In Experiment 1, the birds in the trace group spent less time near the key than did the delay birds. Moreover, the trace birds exhibited a pattern of withdrawal from the key during the trial. In Experiment 2, visual observations of the birds’ location and latencies to eat both indicated that the trace birds’ withdrawal from the conditioned stimulus was accompanied by goal tracking. The difference in performance between the delay and trace conditions was taken as evidence that a trace stimulus may exert control over behavior as an occasion setter.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to determine whether the location of the discriminative stimuli affects the amount of positive behavioral contrast exhibited during discrimination learning by pigeons. When signals for reinforcement and nonreinforcement of keypecking were situated directly on the response key (different line tilts), pecking rates during the positive stimulus were higher than when the source of the signals was located elsewhere (changes in chamber illumination or auditory click frequency). These results are in general agreement with the additivity theory of behavioral contrast, which attributes contrast to the combined effects of stimulus-reinforcer and response-reinforcer correlations on behavior directed at signals of reinforcement. Some shortcomings of the theory were discussed, and the notion that behavioral contrast is a basic, unitary phenomenon was criticized.  相似文献   

Rats trained in one context to use stimuli arising from food deprivation as discriminative signals for shock were tested in other contexts to assess the basis of conditioned responding (i.e., freezing or behavioral immobility). In Experiment 1, discriminative control by 24-h food-deprivation cues failed to promote transfer responding in a test context that had no association with shock. This indicated that food deprivation cues had little direct excitatory power. However, transfer of behavioral control by 24-h food-deprivation cues was obtained in a context paired with shock only when the rats were 19 h water deprived. This finding agrees with the idea that food-deprivation cues become conditioned modulators of the capacity of external stimuli to activate their association with an unconditioned stimulus. In Experiment 2, rats trained to use 24-h food-deprivation cues as signals for shock exhibited significantly greater transfer performance when the transfer context had undergone partial extinction relative to when the transfer context had undergone only simple excitatory training. This finding with deprivation cues and transfer contexts (1) paralleled earlier results obtained with discrete (auditory and visual) conditioned modulators and transfer targets, and (2) posed difficulties for associative summation and generalization interpretations of transfer performance.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, pigeons were trained to discriminate short (2 sec) and long (8 sec) durations of tone by responding to red and green comparison stimuli. During delay testing, a systematic response bias to the comparison stimulus correct for the long duration occurred. Tests of responding without the tone reduced accuracy on long-sample trials but not on short-sample trials suggesting that the pigeons were attending to the tone and not simply timing the total trial duration. The pigeons were then trained to match short (2 sec) and long (8 sec) durations of light to blue/yellow comparisons. During delay testing, “choose-long errors” occurred following tone durations, but “choose-short errors” occurred following light durations. In Experiment 2, accuracy was assessed on test trials in which the tone and the light signals were simultaneously presented for the same duration or for different durations. Pigeons responded accurately to durations of light, but were unable to accurately respond to durations of tone simultaneously presented with the light. The data from Experiment 1 suggest that there are important differences between light and tone signals with respect to the events that control the termination of timing. The data from Experiment 2 indicate that pigeons cannot simultaneously time visual and auditory signals independently and without interference. Consequently, they are inconsistent with the idea that there is a single internal clock that times both tone and light durations.  相似文献   

The ability of visual CSs previously paired with flavored substances to substitute for those substances as conditional discriminative cues was examined in two Pavlovian appetitive conditioning experiments using rat subjects. In Experiment 1, a visual stimulus was first paired with the delivery of a sucrose solution. Then the rats were trained in conditional discrimination tasks in which sucrose delivery alone served as a conditional cue signaling whether or not a subsequent tone would be reinforced with food pellets. Subjects rapidly acquired discriminative performance to the tones, especially in a feature-negative condition in which sucrose delivery signaled when the tone would not be reinforced. In a subsequent test in which neither food nor sucrose was delivered, presentation of the visual CS also controlled discriminative performance to subsequently presented tones. Experiment 2 showed the ability of a visual CS to substitute for a flavored substance as a conditional cue to be highly stimulus specific. Experiment 2 also showed that a flavored substance was less effective as a conditional cue when it was made to be expected by preceding it with a previously associated visual signal than when it was made to be surprising by preceding it with a visual stimulus signaling another flavored liquid. These results indicate that CS-evoked representations of events can substitute for those events themselves in the control of previously established conditional discrimination performance.  相似文献   


The similarity in the discrimination training leading to behavioral contrast and that preceding tests producing response enhancement to combined discriminative stimuli suggested that the two phenomena might be related. This was investigated by determining if contrast indiscrimination training was necessary for this outcome of stimulus compounding. Responding to tone, light, and to the simultaneous absence of tone and light (T + L) was maintained during baseline training by food reinforcement in Experiment I and by shock avoidance in Experiment II. During subsequent discrimination training, responding was reduced in T + L by programming nonreinforcement in Experiment I and safety or response-punishment in Experiment II. In the first experiment, one rat exhibited positive behavioral contrast, i.e., tone and light rates increased while his T + L rate decreased. In Experiment II, rats punished in T + L showed contrast in tone and light, this being the first demonstration of punishment contrast on an avoidance baseline with rats. The discrimination acquisition data are discussed in the light of current explanations of contrast by Gamzu and Schwartz (1973) and Terrace (1972). During stimulus compounding tests, all subjects in both experiments emitted more responses to tone-plus-light than to tone or light (additive summation). An analysis of the terminal training baselines suggests that the factors producing these test results seem unrelated to whether or not contrast occurred during discrimination training. It was concluded that the stimulus compounding test reveals the operation of the terminal baseline response associations and reinforcement associations conditioned on these multicomponent free-operant schedules of reinforcement.


In three experiments, we examined pigeons’ recognition of video images of human faces. In Experiment 1, pigeons were trained to discriminate between frontal views of human faces in a go/no-go discrimination procedure. They then showed substantial generalization to novel views, even though human faces change radically as viewpoint changes. In Experiment 2, the pigeons tested in Experiment 1 failed to transfer to the faces dynamically rotating in depth. In Experiment 3, the pigeons trained to discriminate the dynamic stimuli showed excellent transfer to the corresponding static views, but responses to the positive faces decreased at novel viewpoints outside the range spanned by the dynamic stimuli. These results suggest that pigeons are insensitive to the three-dimensional properties of video images. Consideration is given to the nature of the task, relating to the identification of three-dimensional objects and to perceptual classifications based on similarity judgments.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, male rats were trained to press both bars in a two-choice apparatus and were then given observational training of a go/no-go discrimination in which the observed operation of two inaccessible, dissimilar bars by a hidden experimenter constituted S+ and S?. After discrimination was established, individual rats were permitted access to the two bars. Six of the seven rats consistently pressed the S+ bar on 10 test trials, but failed to reverse bar preference after observational training was reversed. In Experiment 2, nine naive males received the same observational training as in Experiment 1, but without any pretraining to press either bar. All rats pressed the S+ bar on initial test and did so consistently throughout the 10 trials. Six of these rats received reversal training of the go/no-go discrimination after the 10 test trials. As in Experiment 1, all rats failed to press the new S+ bar. However, five of six rats in another group, which received reversal trainingprior to any test trials, did reverse and press the new S+ bar. In Experiment 3, controls for possible confounding effects of overtraining trials were conducted. These manipulations had no effect; the rats tested before reversal still failed to press the S+ bar, and the rats reversed before testing all reversed or pressed the most recent S+ bar. That is, S-R learning predominated over S-S learning if active, though unreinforced, responding to a particular bar intervened. In contrast, however, a cognitive (S-S) interpretation of directed response learning was supported by the results of Experiment 4, in which the rats that learned the go/no-go discrimination without responding (only by auditory and light cues) failed to press the S+ bar consistently.  相似文献   

We taught 8 pigeons to discriminate 16-icon arrays that differed in their visual variability or “entropy” to see whether the relationship between entropy and discriminative behavior is linear (in which equivalent differences in entropy should produce equivalent changes in behavior) or logarithmic (in which higher entropy values should be less discriminable from one another than lower entropy values). Pigeons received a go/no-go task in which the lower entropy arrays were reinforced for one group and the higher entropy arrays were reinforced for a second group. The superior discrimination of the second group was predicted by a theoretical analysis in which excitatory and inhibitory stimulus generalization gradients fall along a logarithmic, but not a linear scale. Reanalysis of previously published data also yielded results consistent with a logarithmic relationship between entropy and discriminative behavior.  相似文献   

Two groups of four pigeons each were trained on a discrimination between two intensities of white noise. The low-intensity group had a 60-dB intensity as the negative discriminative stimulus (S?) and a 70-dB intensity as the positive discriminative stimulus (S+): the high-intensity group had a 95-dB intensity as S? and an 85-dB intensity as S+. Generalization stimuli were all of higher intensity than S+ for the former group and all of lower intensity than S+ for the latter group. The rate of acquisition of the discrimination was faster for the Ss in the high-intensity group. In both groups, the maximum of the generalization function was shifted toward the middle values of the set of test stimuli, away from the training stimuli. Responding showed a decline at the far end of the range of test stimuli. Responding to the positive training stimulus was initially as great as it had been on the preceding training sessions, but became markedly depressed relative to responding to the other stimuli as the test progressed.  相似文献   

Behavior reduced as a consequence of extinction or intervention can relapse. According to behavioral momentum theory, the extent to which behavior persists and relapses once it has been eliminated depends on the relative training reinforcement rate among discriminative stimuli. In addition, studies of context renewal reveal that relapse depends on the similarity between the training stimulus context and the test stimulus context following disruption by extinction. In the present experiments with pigeons, we arranged different reinforcement rates in the presence of distinct discriminative stimuli across components of a multiple schedule. Following extinction, we attempted to reinstate responding in the presence of those target components with response-independent food presentations. Importantly, we arranged the reinstating food presentations either within the target components or in separate components, either paired with extinction (Experiment 1) or reinforcement (Experiment 2) during baseline. Reinstatement increased with greater training reinforcement rates when the reinstating food presentations were arranged in the target components and the separate components paired with reinforcement during training. Reinstatement was smaller and was not systematically related to training reinforcement rates in the target components when reinstating food presentation occurred in separate components paired with extinction. These findings suggest that relapse depends on the history of reinforcement associated with the discriminative stimuli in which the relapse-inducing event occurs.  相似文献   

Herrnstein and Loveland (1964, pp. 549–551) successfully trained pigeons to discriminate pictures showing humans from pictures that did not. In the present study, a go/no-go procedure was employed to replicate and extend their findings, the primary focus of concern being to reevaluate the role of item- and category-specific information. The pigeons readily acquired the discrimination and were also able to generalize to novel instances of the two classes (Experiment 1). Classification of scrambled versions of the stimuli was based on small and local features, rather than on configural and global features (Experiment 2). The presentation of gray-scale stimuli indicated that color was important for classifying novel stimuli and recognizing familiar ones (Experiments 1 and 2). Finally, the control that could possibly be exerted by irrelevant background features was investigated by presenting the pigeons with images of persons contained in former person-absent pictures (Experiment 3). Classification was found to be controlled by both item- and category- specific features, but only in pigeons that were reinforced on person-present pictures was the latter type of information given precedence over the former.  相似文献   

Three experiments with rat subjects examined the effects of contextual stimuli on performance in appetitive conditioning. A 10-sec tone conditioned stimulus (CS) was paired with a food-pellet unconditioned stimulus (US); conditioning was indexed by the observation of headjerking, a response of the rat to auditory stimuli associated with food. In Experiment 1, a context switch following initial conditioning did not affect conditioned responding to the tone; however, when the response was extinguished in the different context, a return to the original conditioning context “renewed” extinguished responding. These results were replicated in Experiments 2 and 3 after equating exposure to the two contexts (Experiment 2) and massing the conditioning and extinction trials (Experiment 3). The results of Experiment 1 also demonstrated that separate exposure to the US following extinction reinstates extinguished responding to the tone; this effect was further shown to depend at least partly on presenting the US in the context in which testing is to occur (Experiments 2 and 3). Overall, the results are consistent with previous data from aversive conditioning procedures. In either appetitive or aversive conditioning, the context may be especially important in affecting performance after extinction.  相似文献   

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