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Squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) and titi monkeys (Callicebus moloch) were tested in three two-choice visual discrimination experiments. Although, on average, squirrel monkeys performed more accurately than titis, the range of response accuracies in the two species overlapped considerably in all three experiments and changes in response accuracy over test sessions and across experiments were similar in the two species. Thus, the species shared several behavioral characteristics expected of New World primates in this setting. Squirrel monkeys’ performance appeared to be more affected than titis’ by task difficulty, and squirrel monkeys were individually less consistent than titis. These differences were associated with higher activity levels and briefer overt attentiveness to the repetitive task in squirrel monkeys and, conversely, with lower activity levels, slower working speeds, and sustained interest in the task in titis. The associated differences are discussed in relation to each species performance in other laboratory settings and the characteristic patterns of foraging and use of space in nature.  相似文献   

A theoretical scheme was suggested which distinguished between absolute and relative class concepts and differentiated class from relational concepts. Four monkeys were trained to respond differentially to green and nongreen objects (absolute class) and four responded differentially to odd and nonodd objects (relative class). All monkeys met stringent criteria of performance on their respective tasks, the green-nongreen group in a median of 600 trials and the odd-nonodd group in a median of 1,600 trials (p = .014). Possible explanations for the performance differences and some implications of the theory for comparative, nonhuman conceptual research were discussed.  相似文献   

李悦 《音乐世界》2010,(8):42-47
《Another World》是w-inds.发行的第八张专辑,距离上一张专辑的发行中间整整相隔了1年零8个月。 还记得那首带着稚嫩童音的出道单曲《Forever Memodes》吗?当时的他们还只是十五、六岁的孩子,庆太具有通透力的嗓音以及三人不可思议的舞步深深震撼了许多人的心.  相似文献   

国际新秩序、世界秩序与世界新秩序   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际秩序指的是国际社会中围绕某种目标和依据一定规则相互作用形成的运行机制。通常 ,国际秩序体现着一定的国际格局以及大国的利益和价值观 ,因而任何关于国际秩序变革的主张都具有鲜明的政治取向和理论取向。通过辨析国际新秩序、世界秩序、世界新秩序等主张产生的历史背景以及内涵 ,有助于揭示国际社会日趋复杂的发展趋势  相似文献   

环境史开创了世界史新的领域,搭建起一条由传统全球视野向更宏大叙事的生态环境视野的世界史编纂方法的演进路径.二十世纪下半叶,人类步入“生态学时代”,一方面全球史学家突破传统世界史体系,将生态史作为全球史重点研究领域之一;另一方面环境史家关注“跨越国界”的生物圈,以世界史作为研究范围,两种研究取向的结合使得人与环境关系的变化和影响成为世界史编纂的核心.  相似文献   

美国纽约是公认的世界城市,同时也是重要的国际高等教育中心。在长期的历史演进过程中,纽约高等教育逐渐形成分层多样的结构体系、内外兼修的国际化发展策略、高度发达的创新创业教育、双向互动的校地合作模式等鲜明发展特征,为纽约世界城市的形成和发展提供了强有力的支持和保障。纽约高等教育发展的成功经验,对于当前正在致力于中国特色世界城市建设的北京高等教育的发展具有重要的启示与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The notion of multiculturalism is vital in our global society. The emergence of efficient and effective distance learning technologies has permitted the integration of innovative techniques in the delivery of multicultural content to individuals who need flexible and convenient education and training opportunities. Strategies form the instructional foundation that promotes engagement of learners. Integral to these strategies are those that relate to personal belief systems and extension of those belief systems to behaviors. This article will add new ways of teaching and learning in the areas of diversity and multiculturalism by offering a model for building highly supportive, engaging online environments, where instructors, trainers, and instructional designers use multiple strategies to build virtual environments that foster a sense of dignity, respect, and understanding: all critical elements in a global environment.  相似文献   

资本主义是在周期性经济危机和周期性繁荣交替中前进的,由危机向繁荣的转化表明资本主义尚有能力容纳生产力的发展。世界市场的深化和扩张不仅成为资本主义转移经济危机的手段,也为资本主义向社会主义的转变准备了条件。作为资本主义经济运行的载体和指示器,世界市场的扩张与资本主义的阶段性发展基本同步,其发展的极端不平衡性是资本主义极端不合理性的体现。社会主义作为世界历史性的存在,只有在积极利用资本主义世界市场发展的成果,并化解其危机的基础上才能实现。  相似文献   

In responding to Covid-19 anatomists have succeeded in adapting their teaching to online delivery. However, long-term reliance on this mode of teaching raises the prospect that transferring the whole of the learning environment to an impersonal digital world will lead to loss of anatomy’s humanistic side. In looking to a future increasingly dependent upon digital input to teaching, a number of roadblocks are identified. These are: the peril of abandoning the ethos of anatomy; for the workload of staff and especially for female academic staff; by a lack of adequate resources; to the research nature of departments, including the quality of research; to the position of anatomy in the biomedical sciences; and from pressures to retreat from a dissection-based education. In tracing a future trajectory for anatomy, issues outlined are the inevitability of change, the need for anatomy to market itself to the world, and the opportunities presented for anatomy to view itself increasingly as a contributor to broad scholastic endeavors. Suggestions include exploring the possibilities presented by virtual anatomy museums, the use of online learning to reach those not normally in touch with anatomy teaching, and exploring the integrated courses with humanities disciplines. It is concluded that anatomy will flourish if there is a willingness to expand the traditional horizons and be prepared to integrate all that is best in the person-to-person and digital worlds.  相似文献   

“化石探秘”公选课课程建设探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
"化石探秘"是一门新开设的校级公选课。本文首先阐述了课程设置的意义,即丰富学生的基础科学知识,构建完整的知识系统;增强学生心理素质,塑造健全人格;促进古生物地史学学科发展。然后探讨了教学内容及方法,内容以知名度高、意义重大和争议度大的化石和地史事件为主,重在激发学习兴趣,启发学生思维,普及地学基础知识方法上以多媒体教学为主,通过提问、讨论的方式巩固教学效果。  相似文献   

在当今世界人类交往更趋频繁的崭新形势下 ,全球史观已成为不可逆转的时代趋向。远古至 15 0 0年的世界史 ,需要从体系和内容两方面予以更新 ,从纵横交叉的宏观角度加以重构。其一 ,以文明为基本研究单位 ,使用比较史学方法 ,正确判定人类各大区城性文明的历史地位 ,并正确处理它们各自在通史中所占的份量和比例 ,选取史料也应以对区域性文明的影响为标准。其二 ,正确处理农耕和游牧两大地带的相互关系 ,充分认识它们的交往对人类文明发展的全局性影响  相似文献   

布尼阿林先生的诗词楹联作品表现了深厚的爱国情思,赞颂了满族为中华文明做出的伟大贡献。布尼先生旧体诗词修养很深,特别长于七言律诗的写作。这部选集的出版为历史文化名城承德增添了光彩。  相似文献   

It is known that striking rodent prey induces a sustained, high rate of tongue flicking in rattlesnakes. The present study shows this phenomenon (called strike-induced chemosensory searching, SICS) to occur in species of rattlesnakes not previously investigated and in two species ofAgkistrodon. SICS occurs in Old World vipers (Eristocophis, Vipera, Bitis), including species which normally hold their prey after striking. A hypothesis is offered which (1) accounts for the occurrence of SICS in these latter species and (2) suggests that SICS in some viperids may have arisen through paedomorphic evolution. More generally, it is concluded that SICS is probably a homologous trait in vipers and pit vipers and that the trait may have first appeared in elapid ancestors of the viperidae.  相似文献   

习主席提出的"红船精神"是中国革命的精神之源。"红船精神"的核心是开天辟地、敢为人先的首创精神,在当前经济结构转型的新常态历史时刻,强调开天辟地、敢为人先的首创精神,加强科学和社会科学创新,坚持实事求是的思想路线,深入探讨改革的目标和理论,才能加快实现"两个一百年"的宏伟目标,使中华民族屹立于世界民族之林。  相似文献   

Technology stems from science. Science represents important and specific values in the whole of human culture. The history of scientific and philosophical ideas is an exciting and thrilling story with an open end. Such topics can contribute to educating the whole and balanced engineer.  相似文献   

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