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Education and Information Technologies - Among teacher beliefs, technology acceptance has a crucial role in effective technology integration into teaching. There is a need to examine the factors...  相似文献   


Pedagogical beliefs are a critical factor in terms of integrating technology into teaching, but very few technology acceptance models (TAMs) have considered them. Hence, this study aims to extend the TAM by incorporating pre-service teachers’ conception of teaching and learning. The revised model examined the influence of pre-service mathematics teachers’ constructivist and traditional pedagogical beliefs on their technology acceptance through perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude toward technology, and behavioral intention to use. Survey data were collected from 714 pre-service mathematics teachers in Turkey and analyzed through path analysis. The results showed that pre-service mathematics teachers’ pedagogical beliefs were more constructivist-oriented than traditional-oriented, and constructivist beliefs had a significant influence on the components of the TAM. On the other hand, pre-service teachers’ traditional-oriented beliefs did not influence their perceived usefulness of and attitudes toward technology but had positive effects on perceived ease of use. Implications for pre-service mathematics teacher education were discussed.


As many Korean universities have recommended the implementation of mobile learning (m‐learning) for various reasons, the number of such tertiary learning opportunities has steadily grown. However, little research has investigated the factors affecting university students' adoption and use of m‐learning. A sample of 288 Konkuk university students participated in the research. The process by which students adopt m‐learning was explained using structural equation modeling technique and the Linear Structural Relationship (LISREL) program. The general structural model based on the technology acceptance model included m‐learning self‐efficacy, relevance for students' major (MR), system accessibility, subjective norm (SN), perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude (AT), and behavioral intention to use m‐learning. The study results confirmed the acceptability of the model to explain students' acceptance of m‐learning. M‐learning AT was the most important construct in explaining the causal process in the model, followed by students' MR and SN.  相似文献   

Given the paradox between pervasive promotion of technology use in English teaching and lack of studies about teachers’ technology acceptance in China, this study aims to examine intentions of English teachers in China to use technology in their classroom teaching. Based on the technology acceptance model, eight variables including perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEU), attitude toward use, behavioral intention (BI), computer self-efficacy (CSE), technology complexity (TC), facilitating conditions (FC), and constructivist teaching beliefs (CTBs) were incorporated to examine relationships among these variables. Data were collected from 183 English teachers at 5 Chinese universities via a self-report questionnaire and analyzed using a structural equation model. Results indicated that the proposed model has a good fit. Three variables – PU, FC, and CTBs were found to be significant predictors of attitude toward use, while PEU and TC were not. Additionally, PU, CSE, and CTBs are significant antecedents for teachers’ BIs to use technology. This study contributed to the understanding of technology acceptance theories by contextualizing the current study to Chinese educational context. It also provided valuable references for technology-related policy-making and teachers’ professional development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine pre-service teachers' attitudes to computers. This study extends the technology acceptance model (TAM) framework by adding subjective norm, facilitating conditions, and technological complexity as external variables. Results show that the TAM and subjective norm, facilitating conditions, and technological complexity were significant determinants of pre-service attitudes to computer use. A multiple square correlation revealed that the proposed model in this study explained 48.7% of the attitude to computer use. Various contributions to research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   


This study utilized the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to examine practicum teachers’ current use of mobile technology and their intentions of use in the future. A survey was conducted to better understand the relationship between practicum teachers and their potential assimilation of technology into classroom practice. The survey questionnaire was administered to 100 undergraduate students at [institute withheld], [country withheld]’s teacher preparatory university. The following four key constructs of the TAM were assessed: perceived ease of use (PEU), perceived usefulness (PU), subjective norm (SN), and behavioural intention to use (BIU). The impact of practicum teachers’ gender and academic subjects on their acceptance of technology were also investigated. The present study found strong links between PEU and PU. While practicum teachers perceived mobile technology as being useful and intended to use it in their classrooms, BIU was not significantly impacted by PEU, PU, or SN. The data also suggested that gender did not affect BIU while practicum teachers’ academic subjects might be an indicator of their future intentions to use mobile technology. With these findings, recommendations are made to further improve the integration of mobile technology in classroom practice.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the factors that influenced the use of Facebook among university students. Using an extended technology acceptance model (TAM) with emotional attachment (EA) as an external variable, a sample of 498 students from a public-funded Thailand university were surveyed on their responses to five variables hypothesized to predict their actual use of Facebook. Data were analysed using structural equation modelling and the results showed that perceived usefulness (PU), attitude towards technology use (ATU), and EA had direct and significant influences on actual use, while perceived ease of use (PEU) was an indirect determinant of Facebook use. EA has direct and significant influences on all core variables in the TAM: PU; PEU; ATU; and actual use. Together, the PU, ATU, and EA explained 35.1% of the variance in students' usage of Facebook. Relatively, the variation in ATU and PU accounted by their determinants amounted to 55.5% and 50.2%, respectively.  相似文献   

After a decade of virtual learning environments (VLEs) in higher education, many teachers still use only a minimum of its affordances. This study looked at how academic staff interacted with a new and unknown VLE in order to understand how technology acceptance and support materials influence (perceived and actual) task performance. In an experimental design, 36 participants were split into a control (online help) and experimental (instructor video) condition and completed five common teaching tasks in a new VLE. In contrast to most technology acceptance model research, this study found that perceived usefulness of the VLE was not related to (perceived) task performance. Perceived ease of use was related to intentions and actual behaviour in the VLE. Furthermore, no significant difference was found between the two conditions, although the experimental condition led to a (marginal) increase in time to complete the tasks.  相似文献   

This large scale study investigated the influences that technology-related policies and teachers’ constructivist teaching beliefs have on their intention to use technology in Chinese universities. Data were collected from 696 English teachers working in 59 Chinese universities. Five variables (subjective norm, constructivist teaching belief, perceived importance of policy, computer self-efficacy and voluntariness) were examined in this study. Results indicated that perceived importance of policy, constructivist teaching beliefs and subjective norm were significant antecedents of perceived usefulness. The relationship between subjective norm and teachers’ intentions to use technology was moderated by voluntariness. Besides perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use also had significantly influenced English teachers’ behavioural intention. Overall, the research model explained 69% of variance of teachers’ intentions to use technology. This study has the potential to enrich our understanding of technology acceptance in teaching by contextualising the study in the rarely researched English teaching context in Chinese universities. The findings from this study also provide suggestions for policy makers and teacher educators.  相似文献   

In a time where students in the United States academic performance continues to lag behind in the international rankings, a disconcerting phenomenon in concerns literature indicates that pre-service and in-service teachers report low levels of concerns regarding the effect implementation of educational innovations have on students. This study explored the relationship of pre-service teachers' learner-centeredness and their concerns related to how learner-centered education affects students. Results indicated that as learner-centeredness increased, so did concerns about student outcomes. Implications for teacher education programmes in the US and abroad will be discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores what foundational concepts pre-service primary teachers are employing when they teach religious education. The study measured the attitudes to science and its relationship to religion of 92 pre-service primary teachers. Analysis of extended interviews with eight of the pre-service primary teachers illustrated how specific religio-scientific frameworks could be linked to distinct differences in approach to the teaching of religious education. The implications for teacher education were then discussed, as well as the necessity to integrate the teaching of religion and science into the design of future pedagogical approaches.  相似文献   

With numerous benefits of utilising mobile social network sites (SNSs) for learning purposes, limited studies have been conducted to determine the factors that influence the adoption of mobile SNSs in facilitating learning. Accordingly, the main purpose of this study is to explore the determinants of students’ behavioural intention to use mobile SNSs for their pedagogical purposes by utilising an extended version of Technology Acceptance Model. Furthermore, the moderating effect of users’ experience on their behavioural intention was investigated. Using a structured questionnaire, data were collected from 600 students from top-five public universities of Malaysia. The results revealed perceived task-technology fit as the great predictor of users’ intention and perceived usefulness. Although the moderating impact of students’ experience on the model found to be positive, it was not supported in this study. The contributions of this study both to the literature and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study reports on a longitudinal inquiry into professional identity construction among six novice cross-border English language teachers from mainland China, who completed their pre-service teacher education in Hong Kong (HK) and began their teaching practice in local HK schools. The findings indicate that the participants navigated obstacles in teaching by deploying their own multiple languages as a cultural and linguistic repertoire. The findings also show that the teachers experienced difficulty legitimising their professional identity in the teaching community, where contextual issues and power interplays mediated the process. Furthermore, it is found that the participants’ commitment to teaching was negatively influenced by their non-legitimate position in the teaching community and the discordance between their teaching beliefs and the norms and values of their workplace. This study suggests that complex inter-relationships between marginal status in and legitimate membership of the community, between historical and cultural background, present practice, and future expectations, between social discourse and personal location, are involved in the process of identity construction. Measures to legitimate these teachers’ position and to transform the linguistic and cultural repertories of these teachers into valuable resources of the local schools are suggested. Implications for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the digital natives among a sample of pre-service teachers and in the process, examine the validity of a Turkish adaptation of the digital native assessment scale (DNAS) [Teo, T., & Fan, X. (2013). Coefficient alpha and beyond: Issues and alternatives for educational research. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 22(2), 209–213]. Five hundred and fifty-seven participants completed a survey questionnaire in Turkish measuring their responses on the DNAS, developed from a proposed four-factor research. Confirmatory factor analysis and multiple indicators, multiple causes modelling were used to analyse the data and an acceptable fit was found, suggesting that the DNAS is a valid measure for participants who are older living in another culture. While the pre-service teachers had mostly regarded themselves as digital natives, significant differences were only found by years of computer use and perceived competence but no significant differences were found for gender and age.  相似文献   

Analyses presented here are secondary data analyses of the Use, Support and Effect of Instructional Technology study aimed at identifying predictors of teacher‐directed student use of technology (TDS) in elementary classrooms. Using data from a convenience sample of 1040 teachers nested within 81 schools in 21 Massachusetts' school districts, researchers developed a teacher‐level structural equation modeling for TDS depicting relationships between and among factors associated with TDS. Researchers relied on diffusion and adoption theories as well as prior empirical evidence to specify the hypothetical model. Evidence presented here suggests that the strongest predictors of TDS are as follows: (1) teachers' experience with technology, (2) belief that technology is beneficial to meet instructional goals, (3) perceived importance of technology for teaching and that (4) experiencing obstacles with the integration of technology appears to be one deterrent to teachers using technology in the classroom. The most important finding reported here is that two of the most important factors in increasing TDS are teachers' beliefs about the benefits of technology and perceived importance of technology for teaching.  相似文献   

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