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蒋冠 《档案学研究》2019,33(3):32-36
公众档案研究主要关注与公众档案有关的各种现象,是一个正在兴起的研究领域。从横向来看,公众档案研究包括三个聚焦点,即个人存档、民间文献与社群档案。从纵向来看,公众档案研究包括三个层面,即基础层、阐释层与应用层。公众档案研究的产生与发展,是社会实践发展与理论思潮演变的结果,深入开展公众档案研究有重要的理论意义与实践意义。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: An updated systematic review was carried out of research studies looking at the value and impact of library services on health outcomes for patients and time saved by health professionals. METHODS: A comprehensive systematic search was undertaken of the published literature to September 2003 in ERIC, LISA, MEDLINE, PREMEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register and Google. Some handsearching was carried out, reference lists were scanned and experts in the field were contacted. Twenty-eight research studies of professionally led libraries for health-care staff, including clinical librarian projects, met the inclusion criterion of at least one health or 'time saved' outcome. Papers were critically appraised using internationally accepted criteria. Data were extracted and results were summarised using a narrative format as the studies were heterogeneous and precluded a statistical analysis. RESULTS: There is evidence of impact from both traditional and clinical librarian services. The higher quality studies of traditional services measured impacts of 37-97% on general patient care, 10-31% on diagnosis, 20-51% on choice of tests, 27-45% on choice of therapy and 10-19% on reduced length of stay. Four studies of clinical librarian projects suggested that professionals saved time as a result of clinical librarian input, and two of these studies showed evidence of cost-effectiveness. However, the clinical librarian studies were generally smaller, with poorer quality standards. CONCLUSIONS: Research studies suggest that professionally led library services have an impact on health outcomes for patients and may lead to time savings for health-care professionals. The available studies vary greatly in quality but the better quality studies also suggest positive impacts. Good practice can be gathered from these studies to guide the development of a pragmatic survey for library services that includes the direct effects for patients among the outcome measures.  相似文献   

国际视野下新媒介研究的沿革与动向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界范围内的新媒介研究,自20世纪60年代后期至今,已经历了40年左右的发展,成为当前传播学中最热的研究领域。尽管被认为存在诸多的盲点和问题,相比传统传播范畴的研究还尚显稚嫩,[1]但新媒介研究热潮所产生的强大影响已经有目共睹。自20世纪80年代中后期,新媒介研究逐渐进入国内学者的视野,尤其自21世纪以来,新媒介研究在国内迅速蔓延,成为各个学科共同关注的问题。继2009年中国网络传播学会的成立后,2010年《中国新媒体发展报告》蓝皮书的发布,成为中国新媒介研究的又一标志性事件。研究热潮背后,我们有必要静思,新媒介研究在经历了一段时间的发展后,其学术身份和地位究竟是怎样的?新媒介研究的未来如何发展?本文在今天的大环境下对新媒介研究的回顾和思考,从新媒介的概念、新媒介研究的发展进路和国内外新媒介研究的关注热点三个方面展开,以期为此一领域的学术定位和未来发展提供参照。  相似文献   

詹姆斯·凯瑞与美国传播学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
詹姆斯·凯瑞是美国文化研究的主要代表人物,他提出的传播“仪式观”为美国传播学研究开辟了新的路径。他本人也成为美国70年代和80年代媒介理论研究复兴的一个主要推动者。  相似文献   

Abstract An exhibition team at the National Museum of the American Indian, working with a visitor studies specialist from the Smithsonian’s Office of Policy and Analysis, used visitor studies conducted by the entire team during planning for a reinstallation of part of the permanent collection. The studies evolved organically during the exhibition planning as questions and hypotheses arose among the team. The answers led to further studies. This research model brought team members together in a spirit of inquiry and a process of discovery, changed their perceptions of themselves and their subjects, and suggested a new typology of visitors.  相似文献   

This article tracks the uneasy coexistence of journalism and cultural studies, arguing that the tensions between the two fields have worked to mutual disadvantage. The article suggests that rethinking the ways in which journalism and its inquiry might be made a more integral part of cultural studies could constitute a litmus test of sorts for cultural studies. Figuring out how to embrace journalism's god‐terms of facts, truth, and reality alongside its own regard for subjectivity and construction could help move cultural studies into further degrees of maturation as a field.  相似文献   

This article looks at the emergence and potentials of a Balkan cultural studies. I argue that the productivity of a Balkan cultural studies lies in its willingness to engage with popular culture as a very real political force in the revolutionary transformations from the 1980s on. Some recent cultural developments are presented here to show how the mix of culture and cultural studies contributes to the political relevance and academic vibrancy of Balkan cultural studies, which captures the imagination of students in the region precisely because of its engaged character and its contemporary relevance.  相似文献   

Meta-analysis refers to the statistical methods used in research synthesis for combining and integrating results from individual studies. In this regard meta-analytical studies share with narrative reviews the goal of synthesizing the scientific literature on a particular topic, while as in the case of standard articles they present new results. This study aims to identify the potential similarities and differences between meta-analytical studies, reviews and standard articles as regards their impact and structural features in the field of psychology. To this end a random sample of 335 examples of each type of document were selected from the Thomson Reuters Web of Science database. The results showed that meta-analytical studies receive more citations than do both reviews and standard articles. All three types of documents showed a similar pattern in terms of institutional collaboration, while reviews and meta-analytical studies had a similar number of authors per document. However, reviews had a greater number of references and pages than did meta-analytical studies. The implications of these results for the scientific community are discussed.  相似文献   

A survey and analysis of the use of ethnographic methods in studies of libraries and library users identified a total of 81 studies. Five main types of ethnographic research methods were identified: observation, interviews, fieldwork, focus groups, and cultural probes. The survey shows a recent increase in the use of ethnographic methods in libraries, and identifies an emerging genre of studies associated with library planning that uses rapid ethnographic methods to investigate libraries and their users as part of planning processes. The survey supports comparison across ethnographic studies, settings, and methods; enables the growth of ethnographic methods as a research method in libraries; and provides material for library and information science curriculum development in this area. A bibliography of the studies used in the analysis is provided in Appendix A, and includes a number of gray literature reports and online publications.  相似文献   

专利计量学的研究现状与发展态势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过综述国内外专利计量学的研究进展,从指标研究和应用研究两方面简要阐述了专利计量学的发展态势.在综述现有专利计量指标基础上,提出借鉴新兴的h指数研究发展新型专利计量指标是一个值得努力的方向;在概括不同角度的应用研究基础上,提出通过专利计量指标建立竞争力测度进而实现竞争情报分析的新思路.  相似文献   

Audience measurement data are increasingly central to what many media corporations produce, yet much of these data are inaccessible to scholars. I therefore argue that cultural studies is in need of an audience studies revival. Fan studies continues at strength, but a wider range of audience studies is required to counter and to interrogate the occasional proclamations that companies such as Netflix, Facebook, and Google share with us about audiences and users.  相似文献   

Notes about the February 2016 PubWest Conference (Santa Fe, New Mexico) and a panel discussion about the relationship between academic publishing studies programs and publishers. PubWest is a regional publishers’ organization in the U.S., with Canadian members. The 2016 conference—“A Passion for Books”—included keynotes, intensive sessions, and panels on making publishing more profitable. Per Henningsgaard, Portland State University, chaired the panel “What Publishers and Academics Who Study Publishing Can Learn from Each Other.” Co-panelists: Sybil Nolan, University of Melbourne; David Emblidge, Emerson College. Henningsgaard gave an overview of publishing studies programs worldwide, what they teach and how they serve students interested in entering the publishing business. Emblidge presented a publishing studies student project from Emerson College—a book proposal for an illustrated nonfiction trade book. Nolan commented on broader research interests concerning the book business and its history, shared by academics in publishing studies. Similar conferences for publishing industry professionals and publishing studies courses at various universities are noted here, as is a research project aiming to build a comprehensive database for publishing studies teaching and learning materials.  相似文献   

首次比较系统地梳理了西方文献学的基本概念、理论体系和方法论特征。首先辨析了"文献学"及其各种相关概念的中英文对译问题。其次分析了西方文献学的基本发展脉络,指出西方文献学的发展经历了早期文献整理活动、中世纪的文献传承、近代文献整理方法奠基以及文献理论的完善与科学化几个阶段。最后探讨了西方文献学的学科体系和理论方法特征,指出了近代西方文献学的科学化与思辨性倾向,以及语言学与解释学两种研究路向。西方文献学的丰富成果为中国文献学在理论和方法创新方面提供了十分有益的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

Objectives: To summarize the context, history and results of research studies conducted on the value and impact of health library and information services by the author since 1975 and to use this as a basis for examining ongoing developments related to evaluation research. To provide a comprehensive bibliography of library value and impact studies. Methods: Literature review and background based on personal involvement in the studies under discussion. Results: The author's studies demonstrate an ongoing evolution of value and impact studies since the mid‐1970s. In health sciences libraries, the approach taken to measuring value and impact has been strongly influenced by the type of research being conducted in the health sciences field as a whole. As a result, health sciences library researchers have become early adopters of methods that incorporate outcome and impact measures and rigorous research designs, and the concept of evidence‐based library and information practice. The paper recommends that a range of research approaches from various disciplines be used to guide future evaluation research. Conclusions: Value and impact studies will continue to be important resources for evidence‐based practice as health information professionals deal with evolving user needs and new ways of delivering information to a variety of audiences.  相似文献   

博物馆观众研究领域最早的成果可以追溯到吉尔曼(Gilman)在1911年的研究工作,本文对观众评估研究的关注对象与问题进行了历史性的批判分析。本研究揭示了各类研究建立的范式,包括对实施机制的说明、对评估客观性的审问、对文化民主化研究和营销相关研究之间不协调性的强调。本文结合多年经济危机和理性化带来的影响,介绍了20世纪90年代至今博物馆观众研究的工具化,并结合观众研究的他律性的特点进行分析,提出了这一领域面临的四大挑战。  相似文献   

框架分析:一个亟待澄清的理论概念   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文分析了框架分析三大研究领域——新闻生产研究、媒体内容研究和效果研究,并且提出,虽然大多数框架分析都是批判研究,但是也应该容许不同范式的研究相互争论。  相似文献   

In media effects research a fundamental choice is often made between (field) experiments or observational studies that rely on survey data in combination with data about the information environment or media coverage. Such studies linking survey data and media content data are often dubbed “linkage studies.” On the one hand, such designs are the state of the art in our field and on the other hand, they come with a long list of challenges and choices. This article reviews the rationales for linkage studies, outlines different types of linkage studies, reviews the state-of-the-art in this area, discusses which survey and content items to use in an analysis, reviews different types of analyses, outlines considerations for alternative specifications, and provides a step-by-step example.  相似文献   

试析西方“迷研究”的三次浪潮和新的发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国选秀节目的盛行,粉丝这个词家喻户晓,随之而来的是对迷文化的研究,但目前我国相关研究仍停留在现象陈述和简单分析的层面,而迷研究起源于西方,因此详细考察西方的相关研究就显得十分重要了。  相似文献   

叶德辉的《书林清话》是中国版本学史上第一部系统、集中探讨版本学问题的专著,其内容涉及了版本学的各个方面;征引了大量史料,并对这些史料进行了考辨;重视对明清版本的探讨;对今天版本学研究具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

介绍湖南大学信息研究所利用书院现存的原始文献,以现代信息技术为基础,参考国际通用数据库的格式,构建富有中国传统文化特色的《书院文化数据库》的意义以及该数据库的整体规划、结构设计与功能实现、数据库建设中涉及的相关问题等,认为通过现代信息处理技术和数字化的手段将中国传统文化的精髓呈现给世人,将能为海内外有关书院文化研究、教育史研究、儒学研究以及文化史研究等方面的专家提供一个便捷的公共研究平台。  相似文献   

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