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在数学教师职前教育的研究文献中,研究者进行了大量深入而细致的研究,在理论和实践、模式及内容上都取得了丰硕的成果.主要集中在以下几个方面:高师数学教育现状;培养目标;高师数学教育改革的理论建构;高师数学教育改革的实践.追溯教师专业化水平不高在对双专业理解水平偏低方面的渊源,奠定教师专业化形成与发展中对双专业深刻理解的基础,我们应在数学教师教育改革中为之做出不懈的努力.  相似文献   

There currently exists unparalleled discrepant growth between technological advancements and educators' understanding of appropriate classroom technology implemenation. The Tech Tools teacher enhancement program was designed to provide teachers with hardware and expertise with state-of-the-art science and math microcomputer technologies. This study was conducted as an examination of the implementation of current technologies in teacher education and school settings for the purpose of informing other science, mathematics, and technology reform efforts. For over two years researchers gathered data from surveys, interviews, and on site visits and observations explicating the 1) teacher knowledge and beliefs, 2) computer use for instruction, 3) hardward access, and 4) school support for technology use. Results revealed teachers given identical equipment and training implemented similar technologies in vastly different ways. Discrepancies in implementation of technology were best explained through the lenses of teachers' existing practice and beliefs about their school context. Recommendations are given regarding technology implementation, teacher education, and evaluation of technology initiatives.  相似文献   

教师信念被视为影响教学实践的重要因素之一,有关教师信念的研究也一直是教师教育领域关注的热点。本文主要依据国际科学教育文献对理科教师信念的相关研究进行梳理。文章首先探讨了理科教师信念的界定,然后对有关理科教师信念的6个研究主题进行介绍与评述,并提出我国理科教师教育需要关注的四个问题,最后呼吁我国学者应更多地从事理科教师信念方面的研究。  相似文献   

Many mathematics educators have found thatprospective elementary school teachers' beliefsinterfere with their learning of mathematics.Often teacher educators consider these beliefsto be wrong or naïve and seek to challengethem so prospective teachers will reject themfor more generative beliefs. Because of theresilience of prospective teachers' beliefs inresponse to these challenges, teacher educatorscould consider alternative ways of thinkingabout and addressing beliefs, particularly thepotential of building on rather than tearingdown pre-existing beliefs. Data from anearly-field experience linked to amathematics-for-teachers course provideevidence that when prospective teachers workintimately with children, in this case tryingto teach 10-year-olds about fractions, theexperience has the intensity from which beliefscan grow. Most of the prospective teachers inthe study were surprised that mathematicsteaching was more difficult than they hadanticipated. They began to consider theimportance of providing children time to thinkwhen solving mathematical problems. The changedescribed in the study is incremental ratherthan monumental, suggesting that building uponprospective teachers' existing beliefs will bea gradual process.  相似文献   

A multiple regression analysis of the relationship between prospective teachers' scientific understanding and Gender, Education Level (High School, College), Courses in Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Astronomy, and Agriculture), Attitude Towards Science, and Attitude Towards Mathematics is reported. Undergraduate elementary science students (N = 176) in an urban doctoral-level university in the United States participated in this study. The results of this study showed Gender, completion of courses in High School Chemistry and Physics, College Chemistry and Physics, and Attitudes Toward Mathematics and Science significantly correlated with scientific understanding. Based on a regression model, Gender, and College Chemistry and Physics experiences added significant predictive accuracy to scientific understanding among prospective elementary teachers compared to the other variables.  相似文献   

This article discusses theoretical assumptions either explicitly stated or implied in research on teachers’ beliefs. Such research often assumes teachers can easily articulate their beliefs and that there is a one-to-one correspondence between what teachers state and what researchers think those statements mean. Research conducted under this paradigm often reports inconsistencies between teachers’ beliefs and their actions. This article describes an alternative framework for conceptualizing teachers’ beliefs that views teachers as inherently sensible rather than inconsistent beings. Instead of viewing teachers’ beliefs as inconsistent, teachers’ abilities to articulate their beliefs as well as researchers’ interpretations of those beliefs are seen as problematic. Implications of such a view for research on teacher beliefs as well as for the practice of mathematics teacher education are discussed. This article is based on the author’s doctoral dissertation completed at the University of Georgia under the direction of Thomas J. Cooney. Parts of this article were presented at the 2004 meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Toronto, Canada).  相似文献   

In this article we offer a theoretical discussion of teachers' mathematics-for-teaching, using complexity science as a framework for interpretation. We illustrate the discussion with some teachers' interactions around mathematics that arose in the context of an in-service session. We use the events from that session to illustrate four intertwining aspects of teachers' mathematics-for-teaching. We label these aspects “mathematical objects,” “curriculum structures,” “classroom collectivity,” and “subjective understanding”. Drawing on complexity science, we argue that these phenomena are nested in one another and that they obey similar dynamics, albeit on very different time scales. We conjecture (1) that a particular fluency with these four aspects is important for mathematics teaching and (2) that these aspects might serve as appropriate emphases for courses in mathematics intended for teachers.  相似文献   

采用半结构式访谈和问卷调查深入探讨了1位专家型数学教师的数学观,数学学习观和数学教学观及其相关影响因素。本研究发现该专家型数学教师主要认为:(1)数学是培养学生思维和数学能力的载体,是源于生活和用于生活的,是学生学习、考试的一个科目;(2)学习数学需一定天赋,学生自主参与、归纳总结是数学学习最佳的方式,数学思维和分析解决问题的能力是学生数学学习的主要部分和应达到的水平之一;(3)数学教学的目标在于培养学生的数学思维、分析解决问题的能力,成功的数学教学应注重学生的参与和课后落实。中国传统文化、数学教育传统、新课程理念以及教师的工作环境等都对其观念系统有一定的影响。  相似文献   

This research study explored pre-service teachers' (PST) reflections of their student teaching experiences through AHA moments. Participants included 37 pre-service teachers enrolled in mathematics and science student teaching seminars. Qualitative methods were used to analyze PSTs' written and verbal responses to questions regarding AHA experiences. Four themes emerged related to PSTs' AHA moments: a greater awareness of PSTs' identity as teachers, the importance of knowing their students, the realization of inconsistencies in their own and their students' beliefs, and the importance of anticipating students' misconceptions. The potential for using an AHA moment assignment, as presented here, appears to support reflection among PSTs; however, it is not clear these PSTs used judgments and analysis, both integral elements of the reflective process.  相似文献   

Mathematics pedagogical content knowledge (MPCK) of teachers cannot be easily defined but is a complex concept integrating generic pedagogical knowledge, mathematics teaching methodology as well as knowledge of the discipline of mathematics. It is the objective of mathematics methodology courses in teacher preparation programmes to begin the development of MPCK in their pre-service teachers. As part of a research study on the development of MPCK in primary school beginning teachers, a 16-item instrument was developed to measure some aspects of the MPCK for teaching mathematics at primary level. The instrument was administered to the 2003 Intake of the Diploma in Education student teachers at the National Institute of Education, Singapore just at the beginning of their programme. As they completed their methodology course in February 2005, the instrument was administered again. This paper will discuss the findings concerning their performance in these two tests, with reference to the overall performance as well as topic-specific and MPCK construct-specific performance. The findings indicate that student teachers at the beginning of their programmes are generally quite weak in their mathematics pedagogical content knowledge, as might be expected. There was significant improvement in some aspects of their MPCK on completion of their mathematics pedagogy course.  相似文献   


A recent issue of The Educational Forum contained eight articles theming the preparation of teachers for linguistically-diverse classrooms. This article extends that discussion, and in it this scholar introduces practicalities for mathematics teachers in linguistically-diverse classrooms, and provides suggestions for teacher educators whose target audience is prospective mathematics teachers. The author’s intention is to contribute to the discussion of supporting ELLs in mathematics classrooms, and to advance the praxis for teachers and teacher educators.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of `street children' where youngpeople, for various reasons, live on thestreets of towns and cities is found all overthe world in varying degrees and forms. InSouth Africa, one approach to take care aboutthe plight of these children has been to set upand run what are referred to as `streetshelters'. One such street shelter, the onlyone exclusively for girls in the city ofDurban, is Tennyson House. In this paper Idescribe an innovative outreach programmeintegrated with a university curriculum inwhich a group of pre-service teachers takingmathematics education as a major were involvedin teaching mathematics to girls at TennysonHouse. From the vantage point of a mathematicsteacher educator in the programme, I describeand reflect on what was experienced and learnedfrom the intervention in terms of threeaspects: learning about learners; learningabout teaching (mathematics) and learning aboutrelationships.  相似文献   

数学教育研究应当以教育学、心理学、社会学的原理为基托,自觉接受哲学的宏观指导,充分利用信息论、控制论、系统论等新兴学科提供的新思想、新方法,以数学思维和规律的研究为核心进行,这是数学教育研究的科学化之路。  相似文献   

对提高中学数学教师数学修养的思考和尝试   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
提高中学数学教师的数学修养在塑造人的过程中具有不可替代的作用.在实际调查中我们发现:一方面,教师们对提高自身数学修养水平的热情很高;另一方面,在涉及到具体数学知识时,教师们又往往把自己的眼光仅局限在个人所讲授或熟悉的具体中学课程中,而对关系“较远”的内容则倾向于采取回避和应付的态度.提高教师自身的数学修养是解决目前数学教育中种种弊端的关键.在实际教学中可采用如下方法加强数学教育中数学类课程:(1)加强对数学内容的数学思想和方法论的讲解;(2)加强数学计算和论证的训练;(3)加强与中学数学课程的结合.  相似文献   

从数学的特点、我国广大民众的科学人文精神素质情况、社会进步需要看,科学人文精神应是数学教育的最重要内涵之一。数学教育培养科学人文精神,应将数学教育置于社会的文化背景之中来考虑。数学教师要有数学文化的观念,需要注意到学生所具有的观念及其对数学教学活动的影响。  相似文献   

教师专业化要求教师在整个专业生涯,具备相应的人格、学问、教育观念和教学技能,这四者之间的动态有机组合体现了教师职业的本质,形成了不同的教师特征.特别是教育观念和教学技能两个要素,是区别于其他行业人员而充分体现教师独有的职业特征.而多数数学教师也恰恰在教育观念和教学技能两方面比较薄弱.根据教师专业发展阶段理论,以及对北京市中小学数学教师的调查,反思数学教师的继续教育,须在教育观念的转变、教学技术的培训、教学模式的革新等方面有所加强.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the achievement of prospective primary science teachers in a problem-based curriculum with those in a conventional primary science teacher preparation program with regard to success in learning about gases and developing positive attitudes towards chemistry. The subjects of the study were 101 first year undergraduate students, who were in two different classes and who were taught by the same lecturer. One of the classes was randomly selected as the intervention group in which problem-based learning (PBL) was used, and the other as the control in which conventional teaching methods were used. The data were obtained through use of the gases diagnostic test (GDT), the chemistry attitude scale (CAS), and scales specific to students’ evaluation of PBL such as the peer evaluation scale (PES), self evaluation scale (SES), tutor’s performance evaluation scale (TPES) and students’ evaluation of PBL scale (SEPBLS). Data were analysed using SPSS 10.0 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). In order to find out the effect of the intervention (PBL) on students’ learning of gases, independent sample t-tests and ANCOVA (analysis of co-variance) were used. The results obtained from the study showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups in terms of students’ GDT total mean scores and, their attitude towards chemistry, as well as PBL has a significant effect on the development of students’ skills such as self-directed learning, cooperative learning and critical thinking.  相似文献   

The new 1–9 curriculum framework in Taiwan provides a remarkable change from previous frameworks in terms of the coverage of content and the powers of teachers. This study employs a modified repertory grid technique to investigate biology teachers' preferences with regard to six curriculum components. One hundred and eighty-five in-service and pre-service biology teachers were asked to determine which science curriculum components they liked and disliked most of all to include in their biology classes. The data show that the rank order of these science curriculum components, from top to bottom, was as follows: application of science, manipulation skills, scientific concepts, social/ethical issues, problem-solving skills, and the history of science. They also showed that pre-service biology teachers, as compared with in-service biology teachers, favored problem-solving skills significantly more than manipulative skills, while in-service biology teachers, as compared with pre-service biology teachers, favored manipulative skills significantly more than problem-solving skills. Some recommendations for ensuring the successful implementation of the Taiwanese 1–9 curriculum framework are also proposed.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the acquisition and use of personal computers by Egyptian science and mathematics teachers. Self-report data was collected from the same teachers on how they had changed their classroom activities and professional practice since their return to Egypt following a twelve-week in-service course in the United Kingdom. The data from this sample of teachers is compared with that from a second sample, who also attended the same in-service programme, but did not report the purchase of a personal computer. Analysis indicates that the Egyptian teachers with personal computers have tended to concentrate on improving the quality of current practice, through better preparation and student testing, rather than introducing major, paradigmatic, changes to their teaching.  相似文献   

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