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《Research Policy》2023,52(6):104766
We analyze whether journal editors exhibit home bias in their acceptance decisions towards researchers affiliated with institutions in the editor's home country. Our results show that the fraction of articles accepted by authors affiliated with European civil-law countries increase by 33 % when an editor from the same country serves in the journal. We analyze various possible reasons for this phenomenon and conclude that a likely explanation for the bias is that, in civil-law countries, there is greater emphasis on individuals' solidarity with institutions. We also document that this bias extends to the European Union as a whole. Importantly, articles that are potentially subject to editorial home bias have 10 % lower impact than similar articles. Overall, the findings are consistent with the idea that cultural values potentially foster editorial-biased behavior and hinder scientific progress.  相似文献   

Based on previous studies and findings, this project aims to conduct a systematic and comprehensive study of the Jehol Biota, in order to achieve a better understanding of the biodiversity of this biota and its evolutionary and geological implications, to complete and detail the geochronological framework of its evolution, and to further investigate the evolutionary processes of Mesozoic vertebrates and their relationships to the paleoenvironmental background.  相似文献   

In information retrieval (IR), the improvement of the effectiveness often sacrifices the stability of an IR system. To evaluate the stability, many risk-sensitive metrics have been proposed. Since the theoretical limitations, the current works study the effectiveness and stability separately, and have not explored the effectiveness–stability tradeoff. In this paper, we propose a Bias–Variance Tradeoff Evaluation (BV-Test) framework, based on the bias–variance decomposition of the mean squared error, to measure the overall performance (considering both effectiveness and stability) and the tradeoff between effectiveness and stability of a system. In this framework, we define generalized bias–variance metrics, based on the Cranfield-style experiment set-up where the document collection is fixed (across topics) or the set-up where document collection is a sample (per-topic). Compared with risk-sensitive evaluation methods, our work not only measures the effectiveness–stability tradeoff of a system, but also effectively tracks the source of system instability. Experiments on TREC Ad-hoc track (1993–1999) and Web track (2010–2014) show a clear effectiveness–stability tradeoff across topics and per-topic, and topic grouping and max–min normalization can effectively reduce the bias–variance tradeoff. Experimental results on TREC Session track (2010–2012) also show that the query reformulation and increase of user data are beneficial to both effectiveness and stability simultaneously.  相似文献   

Nowadays, it is a common practice for healthcare professionals to spread medical knowledge by posting health articles on social media. However, promoting users’ intention to share such articles is challenging because the extent of sharing intention varies in their eHealth literacy (high or low) and the content valence of the article that they are exposed to (positive or negative). This study investigates boundary conditions under which eHealth literacy and content valence help to increase users’ intention to share by introducing a moderating role of confirmation bias—a tendency to prefer information that conforms to their initial beliefs. A 2 (eHealth literacy: high vs. low) × 2 (content valence: positive vs. negative) between-subjects experiment was conducted in a sample of 80 participants. Levels of confirmation bias ranging from extreme negative bias to extreme positive bias among the participants were assessed during the experiment. Results suggested that: (1) users with a high level of eHealth literacy were more likely to share positive health articles when they had extreme confirmation bias; (2) users with a high level of eHealth literacy were more likely to share negative health articles when they had moderate confirmation bias or no confirmation bias; (3) users with a low level of eHealth literacy were more likely to share health articles regardless of positive or negative content valence when they had moderate positive confirmation bias. This study sheds new light on the role of confirmation bias in users’ health information sharing. Also, it offers implications for health information providers who want to increase the visibility of their online health articles: they need to consider readers’ eHealth literacy and confirmation bias when deciding the content valence of the articles.  相似文献   

在奇妙的自然界里,形形色色的动物为了生存把自己“伪装”成一朵朵美丽的植物;但一些“聪明”的植物为了生存却学会了如何运动。 用植物伪装的动物在海底岩石上,常常可以看到一些艳丽夺目的“鲜花”——海葵。那洁白如玉,或绯红似火的“花瓣”向四周怒放,你可以想象它有多美!它真是海底的葵花吗?不是。只要你仔细观察它的“行为”,你会断然作出结论:它是动物,而且是一种十分凶残的动物。很多不幸的小生命都会被它吞食掉。原来海葵是一种腔肠动物,它和我们常吃的海蛰是近亲。它那貌似娇嫩的“花瓣”,是用来捕捉食物的触手…  相似文献   

模型? 玩具?     
<正>(香港,某商场内)客人(16岁):这位兄弟,欲购玩具,敢问路在何方?售货员(暗笑:斯人亦非孩童矣,买玩具?怪哉!指右方):此路便是。客去,见毛绒动物……遂返。  相似文献   

潍柴动力近日在香港成功IPO,创新投也由此获得至少超过2倍的投资收益率.这是“创新投自2002年转变经营思路,拓展传统领域的得意之笔.“……  相似文献   

潍柴动力近日在香港成功IP0,创新投也由此获得至少超过2倍的投资收益率。这是“创新投自2002年转变经营思路,拓展传统领域的得意之笔。”  相似文献   

2011年3月27日,考古中华——中国社会科学院考古研究所成立60周年成果荟萃展在海南省博物馆举行。据悉,本次展览的最大特点是围绕考古学研究的重大课题而展开,如距今10000年前后中国文化变化的特点、历代都城制度的演变等。展览在以文物展品为主的同时,还制作了大量的遗址、墓葬模型,加大了照片和插图等辅助展品的使用,并链接了多项科技考古内容,如田野考古技术设备卫星定位系统、数字摄影测量、三维激光扫描、遥感、探地雷达等,展示了考古空间信息技术、考古勘探、年代测定、环境考古、体质人类学研究、动物考古、植物考古、化学成分和物质结构分析、木材与树木年轮分析及同位素分析等考古学发展的新趋势。  相似文献   

乡下外婆家有许多蚂蚁,外婆经常为蚂蚁爬到家中而感到头疼。这一天,她让我用火攻的办法,烧死蚂蚁,以解决“蚁患”难题。于是,我便抄起几张废报纸,拿起一个打火机往门口跑。我先将废报纸堆在蚂蚁洞口,然后点燃。不一会儿便冒起了对蚂蚁们来说的“熊熊大火”。一场大火过后,洞口蚂蚁“尸横遍野”。我一看蚂蚁烧死不少,就收了工。几分钟后,我再去察看,发现从洞里又爬出许多蚂蚁。仔细一瞧,呦嗬,真有趣!只见有的蚂蚁用前肢将刚被烧死的蚂蚁的尸体托了起来,慢慢向窝内移动,有的蚂蚁甚至将比自己大好多的蚂蚁尸体背了起来,运回洞中。蚂蚁的这种行…  相似文献   

用手机遥控汽车,新技术看似"无所不能"的背后另有玄机"我试了第二条,手机里的16个惊人大秘密你知道几个?"这是最近在微信、QQ社交圈里流传着的关于手机的一些秘密,估计您也看到过。乍看起来,这些秘密还  相似文献   

本文论述了鲁迅是一个现实主义者,?故乡?将虚构作者与现实结合,可以让我们感受到他与小说人物的统一性,强烈而浓郁的抒情性,从而使这篇文章塑造了抒情的世界。在所谓的“离去———归来———再离去”的建构模式中,他的情感也在闰土的一声”老爷”中彻底破灭,“我”的再次离去与闰土的离去是相互见证与背离的。“幻景”与”现实”混沌一片,从“离乡”到“作怀乡梦”,“我现在的故事”始终在“心理的回乡”与“现实的回乡”所构成的张力中展开,而且必然是一个“幻景”与”现实”相互剥离的过程,剥离的痛苦与“金黄的圆月”相映成辉,是折射后更为苦痛的现实。该篇文章从人物描写和当时作者所处环境都可以感受得到。  相似文献   

正在马里亚纳海沟那1万多米的海底,阳光无法到达,常年处于4℃的低温,尤其是大气压加上1万多米水的压力让海底的压力达到了十几个大气压,这是生命望而却步的地方。然而科学家通过特殊摄像机还是发现了这里的一种独特生命,按照它身体的结构,科学家认为它应该属于单细胞微生物,可是它的身体却很大,一般都有十几厘米,最大的一个直径有20厘米!哪有微生物这么大个的?  相似文献   

有这么一家企业坚决拒绝外来的投资,当记者问道为什么时,对方只用了一句话做了严肃的回答:“我们不愿意对方来控制我们.“记者发现该企业并没有什么雄厚的资金实力,虽说他们的技术确实不错,但究竟为什么对方这么害怕被“控制“?在接触了一些高新技术企业之后,记者发现在一些企业领导的思想中对融资问题存在着一些误区.有的我们可以理解,说其保守也不过分,可有的着实让人感到是一种迂腐.……  相似文献   

霍华德.卡特,英国最负盛名的考古学家之一,自1922年打开古埃及法老图坦卡蒙的陵墓大门后,他的名字永远和这个伟大的发掘联系在一起,他被尊崇为伟大的考古学家和研究埃及的先驱人物。然而,随着一些历史资料的逐渐披露,人们对他的怀疑  相似文献   

在现今社会中,几乎没有人不与他人发生或买或卖的经济关系,在非现场交割的买卖中,签订合同、支付定金或订金也是常有的事。但有的人对定金和订金的区别不甚了了,由此引发了不少诉讼。  相似文献   

转动机翼,飞上蓝天的直升机,和能停留在空中静止不动的飞机相比,飞行方法不同。直升机究竟是怎样产生的呢?让我们去看看吧!  相似文献   

有这么一家企业坚决拒绝外来的投资,当记者问道为什么时,对方只用了一句话做了严肃的回答:"我们不愿意对方来控制我们."记者发现该企业并没有什么雄厚的资金实力,虽说他们的技术确实不错,但究竟为什么对方这么害怕被"控制"?在接触了一些高新技术企业之后,记者发现在一些企业领导的思想中对融资问题存在着一些误区.有的我们可以理解,说其保守也不过分,可有的着实让人感到是一种迂腐.  相似文献   

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