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N. Mukunda 《Resonance》2011,16(9):796-797

评述了费恩曼对教师职业的态度,兼及其教学风格,教学理念,教学方法,教学及科研成果等等。  相似文献   

以《费恩曼物理学讲义》中"牛顿引力定律"一章为个案,研究费恩曼物理教学风格。指出依经据典,微言大义,妙语生花讲物理的风格在本章教学中表现突出。  相似文献   

介绍和评论了格莱克的<费曼传>,并且指出了中译本中的许多错误.  相似文献   

One important purpose of a definition is to explain the meaning of a word. Any problems associated with a definition may impede students' learning. However, research studies on the definitional problems from the perspective of physics education are limited. Physics educators may not be aware of the nature and extent of definitional problems. As an example, The Feynman Lectures of Physics suggest that there are at least four problems of definition: precision, circularity, context and completeness in knowledge. Feynman had the tendency of mentioning the words ‘define’ and ‘definition’ and discussing the problems of definition: they can be insightful, or challenge the conventional, preconceived notions of many physical concepts. One benefit of this study is that a framework can be developed to improve statements of definitions. This framework may guide educators or students to analyze the knowledge that is embedded in a definition. In the future, the learning of definition need not be content-oriented, but problem-based instead, with the help of definitional problems. Therefore, the use of these problems of definition in lessons can be an interesting area for future physics education research. Furthermore, we should be cognizant of inadequacies or inaccuracies in definition that may result in alternative conceptions.  相似文献   

研究费恩曼"万有引力理论"一章的教学风格,指出有选择地把天文学、宇宙学的内容引入课堂,费恩曼的教学体现了老课新讲,天衣别裁的风格特点。  相似文献   

近些年,对外汉语语音教学的成效不是很大,留学生的语音偏误很严重,究其原因,并找出行之有效的措施。  相似文献   

随着信息时代的不断发展,课堂教学面临着前所未有的挑战.现今流行的MOOC以及翻转课堂并未侧重实现费曼技巧中教授他人的核心过程.本文以作者讲授的本科生电路课程教学现状为例,分析电路教学中存在的问题,并基于费曼技巧提出改进思路,通过引发新旧知识体系共鸣、开设匿名讨论群、实施学生主讲习题课教学等学习方式,使学生在教授他人的过程中深思内化知识,提高学生学习的积极性.  相似文献   

Most theories predict that when people indicate that they are highly confident they are producing their strongest responses. Hence, if such a high confidence response is in error it should be overwritten only with great difficulty. In contrast to this prediction, we have found that people easily correct erroneous responses to general information questions endorsed as correct with high-confidence, so long as the correct answer is given as feedback. Three potential explanations for this unexpected hypercorrection effect are summarized. The explanation that is tested here, in two experiments, is that after a person commits a high-confidence error the correct answer feedback, being surprising or unexpected, is given more attention than is accorded to the feedback to low-confidence errors. This enhanced attentional capture leads to better memory. In both experiments, a tone detection task was presented concurrently with the corrective feedback to assess the attentional capture of feedback stimuli. In both, tone detection was selectively impaired during the feedback to high confidence errors. It was also negatively related to final performance, indicating that the attention not devoted to the tone detection was effectively engaged by the corrective feedback. These data support the attentional explanation of the high-confidence hypercorrection effect.  相似文献   

Letter orientation confusions (reversals) in the reading and writing of 10-year-old children with and without reading disability were investigated to determine whether reading disability is associated with letter orientation errors and to identify the nature of the errors. In a variety of tasks measuring letter orientation confusions in reception (reversal detection and recognition) and production (controlled writing, copying), individuals with reading disability made more orientation confusions than average readers. Orientation errors were more frequent for reversible than for nonreversible items in tasks involving long-term memory processes. The results did not appear to be related to group differences in attention or speed of motor responding. Possible sources of orientation confusions, including deficient magnocellular system processing, mislabeling, and overreliance on visual strategies, are discussed.  相似文献   

在现代教学技术手段当中,多媒体是一项被广泛应用的辅助性教学手段,受到了教师和学生的欢迎。但在实际应用当中,部分教师陷入了一定的教学误区,这些误区使得多媒体工具既不能充分发挥它的效能,还降低了教学质量。文章将简单分析高等职业院校语文教学中使用多媒体教学的误区,然后提出相应的解决措施,希望能对有关人士有所帮助。  相似文献   

以模拟式万用表测量电阻、电压为例,用精度等级及中值电阻理论分析了量程选择与测量误差的关系,指出正确选择量程是减少测量误差的关键.  相似文献   


This paper considers the sociology of education (SOE) as a modern human science. It suggests that the SOE is mired in a set of unreflexive, redemptive, Enlightment rationalities, and explores the messy relationships of the sociology with education that result from this. It is argues that the sociology of education has consistently failed to distance itself from the metaphysics, optimism and oppressions of modern schooling. That it has failed to call into question either the basic building blocks of schooling, or what we call education – pedagogy, curriculum and assessment – or the buildings themselves, the spaces of education. The paper concludes by asserting to need for critique rather than simply criticism as a starting point for thinking education differently.  相似文献   

作者主持了一项由90名贵阳学院非英语专业一年级大学生参加的实证研究,目的在于检验句型模仿教学法在非英语大学写作教学中的作用,并得出两个结论。本文介绍该实证研究的结论之二:句型模仿教学法能使非英语专业学生在实际写作中降低与所学的句型有关的句法和词法错误的发生。(本实验的结论之一已发表:句型模仿教学法能使非英语专业大学生在特定的语境中通过输出更多带有现成句型的句子从而提高句型输出的多样性)。  相似文献   

大学英语写作中出现频率最高的错误是词汇错误。本文通过对非英语专业本科生和高职高专学生在英语写作中常见词汇错误的举例分析,找出其原因,并提出其修正方法。  相似文献   

阅读是学生掌握语言知识,获得各种信息的重要途径之一,同时也是提高听说写译能力的基础;因此培养学生阅读能力始终摆在英语教学的首位。但在实际教学中许多教师忽视大学学生英语学习的特点,没法调动学生的学习积极性,使学生产生畏难情绪。本文就实际阅读教学中存在的几个误区进行阐释。  相似文献   

本文是用乔姆斯基的深层结构理论来分析言语失误。二者联系就在于失误的言语和正确的句子是可以被看成是同一深层结构的两个不同表层结构。在乔姆斯基看来,人们在说话之前他的头脑中存在着一个深层的语言结构或是思维能力,而且会形成一个深层的正确的句子。失误可以被解释为言语生成时,转换机制失灵而产生的结果。  相似文献   

Thomson was the first of very few researchers to have studied oral reading errors as a means of addressing the question: Are dyslexic readers different to other readers? Using the Neale Analysis of Reading Ability and Goodman's taxonomy of oral reading errors, Thomson concluded that dyslexic readers are different, but he found that they do not resemble beginning readers. Thomson's study and his use of miscue analysis is re‐evaluated, both in relation to the educational and political climate of the time – which was hostile to the concept of dyslexia – and in the light of research and social developments since then. The study of oral reading still has value today, both for the teacher and the researcher, provided its limitations as a technique are fully appreciated.  相似文献   

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