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When Parents Become Partners   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How can the suspicion barriers between teachers and parents be brought down? Paul Widlake, honorary lecturer, Centre for Educational Guidance and Special Needs, Manchester University and part time lecturer in the special needs section, Dudley College of Technology, discusses the issues and offers some examples of good practice.  相似文献   

时下,儿童生活在流行文化之中并深受其影响.所谓流行文化,是"以流行和时尚为突出特征,以娱乐为基本功能,以现代生产方式生产经营,并通过大众传媒广泛传播的新型文化形态",它通过对符号、影像的象征,虚拟世界的构筑,引导大众的审美和价值观.例如,电视作为当代儿童最重要的社会化学习媒介,其所传递的讯息对儿童的认知及行为模式产生了重要的影响.  相似文献   

构建和谐"导学"关系的制度设想   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在构建和谐社会背景下,研究生与导师的关系越来越受到关注。如何构建和谐“导学”关系,是我们必须思考和解决的问题。本文总结了和谐“导学”关系的基本特征,并从制度层面上提出改革导师资格认证制度、拓宽导师聘请途径、实行导师问责制度、推行申诉制度等设想。  相似文献   

Urban education is a complex system that is often shrouded in stereotypes, labels, and barriers. Service-learning is well-entrenched in suburban institutions, but is a fledgling or grassroots organization in the urban education community. Often, suburban service-learning initiatives have taken the tone of community service in that it is often directed (albeit often inadvertently) at lower socio-economic families (e.g., to help the homeless, fill the food banks for the hungry, participate in clothing drives). Such initiatives leave some urban students feeling disenfranchised, powerless, and dependent. However, critical service-learning in urban schools can provide a connection to the community, as well as a sense of empowerment, confidence, and intrinsic motivation (Mitchell, 2007 Mitchell, T. (2007). Critical service-learning as social justice education: A case study of the citizen scholars program. Equity & Excellence in Education, 40, 101112.[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). When urban students see themselves as vital, powerful participants in giving back instead of being given to, they become critical partners, young leaders, and civically engaged citizens. Therefore, in this article, Pam, a middle school educator, and Tamara, a service-learning partner, examine how a teacher can institute critical service-learning programs in an urban classroom. By highlighting a teacher's intrinsic and extrinsic shifts, practical applications, and students' collaborations and reflections, this article illustrates how to move to critical service-learning in urban contexts. This examination has implications for how specific critical service-learning components can help teachers work with students to move toward socio-emotional growth.  相似文献   

This paper studied the course of Christianity gradually being committed by the Roman Empire by analyzing the influence from Roman monarchs on Christianity in chronological sequence.Accelerated by a series of edicts and laws,Christianity was eventually made to be an empire religion worshiped in the Roman Empire.  相似文献   

周兴国 《中学教育》2011,8(2):25-29
人的精神性的发展是人的发展的最高境界.人的精神性发展包括求知、行善、致美等方面,其形成有赖于以一种精神来陶冶人的学校教育.现实中的学校教育正呈现出一种非精神化的倾向,功利主义成为学校教育的主导性思想,由此而于无形之中对年轻人的精神成长产生诸多消极影响.为此,学校教育必须要摒弃教育教学活动过程中的功利性倾向,让学校成为学...  相似文献   

为了适应新世纪人才培养的需要和国际竞争的要求,我国新一轮基础教育课程改革在世纪之交正式启动。2001年7月,《全日制义务教育历史课程标准》(实验稿)(以下简称《历史课程标准》)出版以后,由北京师范大学出版社、华东师范大学出版社和人民教育出版社分别承担编写的中国史新教材相继在许多实验区开始试教(以下分别简称北师版、华师版和人教版)。三套教材在问题设计、方法引导上严格遵循了《历史课程标准》(实验稿)“实施建议”中提出的历史教科书的编写要全面体现课程改革的新理念,实现了历史课程在知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度和价值…  相似文献   

The problem of which electricity tariff is the most economical is considered for some different situations. Given the uncertainty of estimating exact usage in advance, various statistical concerns are mentioned, many of which lend themselves to classroom demonstrations.  相似文献   

随着高等教育由精英阶段向大众化阶段转变,高校学生人数剧增,传统的“抓两头、促中间”的工作模式已显滞后。学生工作系统管理干部的配备与学生数比例的失调,客观上也为处于中间地带的普通学生群体问题的产生埋下了隐患。高校学生工作应从大局出发,将普通学生群体纳入学生工作的主视线。  相似文献   

十多年来我一直担任班主任工作。我没有什么法宝,唯一的信奉就是:细心、热心、耐心地爱学生,把教师的爱洒向学生的心田。  相似文献   

关爱学生是教师这份职业的一种象征,教师对学生的爱可以说是天底下最无私、最真挚的爱。但是,在教育实践中,为什么很多时候我们的辛勤付出,我们的爱并没有得到学生应有的理解呢?原因也许是多方面的,但是我觉得很多情况下是我们还缺乏一种意识和能力,即我们没有努力让学生“感受到”!  相似文献   

Think back to when you were in school.? Did you like to sit at a desk and listen to your teacher drone on and on? Or suppose that you're standing in the front of a class of glassy-eyed children,or,even worse,a class of students who are just plain ignoring you. Active learning doesn't mean the children need to sit still throughout the class period - it just means that you design your class period around having them actively participate in the learning process.?How can you get them back "into" your class and ...  相似文献   

要让学生真正成为班级的主人,尊重是基础,管理是途径,制度是保证。这是理论与实践相结合的一种通俗的、操作性较强的管理模式,可以突出教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,肯定学生的能力,同时也减轻班主任的负担,达到和谐的满意的教育效果。  相似文献   

Factors that Influence Students to Become Teachers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to identify and compare the factors that had influenced students at the Pennsylvania State University and at the University of Cyprus to major in elementary education. A questionnaire was completed by 157 students from PSU and by 176 students from the UC. The factors that were identified were variety of benefits, internal motives, status of the profession, interpersonal influence and academic ability. The factor “internal motives” was the strongest factor that influenced students from the PSU to major in elementary education. The factors which were highly influential for the students of the University of Cyprus to enter the same major, were the “variety of benefits” and the “status of the profession”.  相似文献   

新课程改革确立了一切为了每个学生的发展这个以学生为本的新理念,这是我国教育思想的一次重大飞跃。要把以学生为本的新理念实施好,就要使学生成为学习的真正主人,成为班级的真正主人,这需要全体教师尤其是班主任的不懈努力。  相似文献   

"以学生为本"是新课改的核心理念,在课堂教学中让学生自主课堂的实践,真正体现出学生是课堂的主人、学习的主人。从让学生自己读、自己问、自己谈、自己说四个角度,探索把课堂还给学生的实践和操作。  相似文献   

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