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The UK Research Excellence Framework (REF) introduced impact as an indicator in the evaluation of higher education research quality in 2014. Impact case studies (ICS) are the basis of this evaluation. ICS use narrative explanations of how research causes ‘benefits to society’. This article analyses the evolving roles of the ICS and the relationships of ICS with various stakeholders. It draws on insights from legitimacy theory, Porter’s analysis of the social meaning of objectivity, and the insight from economist Alan Goodhart on the dysfunctional transformation of indicators into targets. It highlights the challenges to ICS evaluators and shows how a spiral of mistrust can both undermine but also cause demand for numbers. It explores whether impact narratives represent an escape from dominant research evaluation metrics and concludes that they do not.  相似文献   

This paper considers the part played by teaching assistants in the implementation of the National Literacy and National Numeracy Strategies, two widespread UK government reforms. Evidence from two sources of evaluation (the Ontario Institute in Canada and OfSTED, the school inspectorate for England) indicates that assistants are providing ‘remedial’ support for up to 25% of children in English primary schools. However, although the evaluators note this, they fail to truly acknowledge the important contribution of assistants to the functioning of the Strategies. The paper argues that the lack of acknowledgement arises from the evaluators’ view of teaching assistants as ‘peripheral’ and teachers as ‘core’. This does assistants a great disservice, but also masks the shortcomings of the Strategies, particularly with regard to the way in which a required pedagogy, linked to targets and tests, has created an exclusionary pressure leading to the separation of teaching by teachers and assistants, respectively.  相似文献   

The need for a manifesto for educational programme evaluation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores the progress of educational programme evaluation over three decades through the lens of a group of evaluators primarily from the UK and the US who met periodically from 1972 to 2004 to review the state of the art of educational programme evaluation—what it could and could not do—in relation to the complexity of programme initiatives and the policy and political contexts of the times. These meetings came to be known as the Cambridge conferences as they were always held at a university college in Cambridge. They were sponsored in the main by the Nuffield Foundation and, in 2004, by the ESRC. The nucleus of original group membership was retained over the years for continuity with additional members joining as the specific focus of the conference changed and new ideas were sought. There have been six conferences. This paper first locates the contextual origin of and reason for the first conference and the manifesto that was written from it. Secondly it documents the revisiting of that manifesto at the sixth conference leading to the construction of a ‘new’ manifesto that reflects changes required in evaluation methodology in the socio/political context of the first decade of the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates how theory of change coupled with contribution analysis assisted in delineating the role each aspect of a teacher professional development program contributed to the expected outcomes. Using a mixed methods evaluation based upon the theory of change, data was gathered on 12 teacher leaders over three years. Findings indicated that not only did the teachers continue to develop as leaders over the three year project but also that the interventions designed to provide professional development to the teachers did indeed contribute to the attainment of project outcomes. By combining stakeholders’ theory of change with contribution analysis, evaluators can develop an understanding of program intentions and design an evaluation that enhances the validity of findings.  相似文献   

The full service extended schools (FSES) initiative in England sought to build the capacity of schools to deploy multiple interventions across a range of child, family, and community contexts in order to improve the lives of children and families, and to enhance the sustainability of the areas where they live. As such, it was part of wider international developments to broaden the role of schools and integrate their work with that of other child and family services. The complexity and indeterminacy of such initiatives present particular challenges to evaluators, and mean that simple input–output approaches to evaluation are inappropriate. This paper reports the use of a theory of change approach to the FSES evaluation. It argues that an approach of this kind is better able to deal with complexity. However, in practice, this approach did not simply replicate standard outcomes evaluation processes in a more context‐sensitive way. Rather, it involved fundamental shifts in what counted as valued outcomes, in a focus on potential rather than effectiveness, and in the roles of actors and evaluators. The paper concludes that, as the role of schools widens, educational evaluators will also have to rethink their roles.  相似文献   

This paper aims to inspire stakeholders working with quality of higher education (such as members of study boards, study programme directors, curriculum developers and teachers) to critically consider their evaluation methods in relation to a focus on student learning. We argue that many of the existing methods of evaluation in higher education are underpinned by a conception of learning that is de‐contextualised. As a consequence, many data collection methods do not address aspects that affect students’ learning. This is problematic because the core aim of higher education is to facilitate student learning. We propose a contextualised evaluation methodology, guided by 10 key questions, which can help evaluators address concepts and questions of student learning in their evaluations.  相似文献   

美国基础教育项目效果评估不仅实践起步早、根基相对坚实,而且目前也已发展成为教育科学研究的重要类型以及循证教育改革的证据来源,积累了较为成熟的实践经验。本研究对25项高质量评估研究进行主题文本分析后发现,其实践经验主要表现为:第一,充足的评估经费是评估的首要前提。评估经费来源于以政府为首的各界支持,经费筹措是集体同心的智慧行动,经费使用贯穿评估全程。第二,专业的评估人员是评估的核心输入。评估人员来自高校等专业组织,其选择确定往往会历经多方因素的全面考量,目前存在内部、外部、内外合作等三种评估人员角色定位。第三,科学的评估开展是评估的关键过程。评估规划会确定评估类型与问题,评估设计会厘清理论基础、评估方法和效果指标,评估实施会做好样本招募、干预实施以及数据收集。第四,实用的评估成果是评估的重要输出。评估发现会被恰当分析与合理解释,评估结果会被规范撰写与多样呈现,评估产品还会被进一步大力传播与有效使用。此外,美国基础教育项目效果评估在努力提升质量的同时也开始不断迸发出新的实践趋势。  相似文献   

Demands for greater accountability, globalcompetition, and concern about standards have allcontributed to the increasing interest in evaluationin universities in the UK. At the same time, bothpedagogic research and teacher development in highereducation are gaining prominence.This paper describes the initial development of aprogramme of systematic curriculum evaluation researchwithin a `new' university. The focus of the research is a newundergraduate curriculum which emphasises graduateoutcomes and incorporates the development of core`capabilities' within the subject context. Our taskhas been to develop a longitudinal programme ofresearch that will combine both a summative evaluationof educational outcomes with formative evaluation oflearning processes to inform continued curriculumdevelopment.Questions of performance indicators, measurement, andeducational outcomes all come under scrutiny in acontext of multiple purposes and stakeholders, themicropolitics of the university and wider debatesabout the purpose and effectiveness of undergraduateeducation. This paper explores these issues and theirimplications for the development of a curriculumevaluation strategy, describing the initial stages ofthe multi-level longitudinal design that is emerging.  相似文献   

高中需要建立由教师、学生、学校管理者及其他相关人员组成的评价共同体。在评价共同体内,教师作为被评价者,评价者,评价体系的构建者发挥着重要作用。针对作为被评价者的教师,应该注重他们的专业发展需要及实现评价方式的多元化;教师作为评价者,应该同时注重学生的认知学习成果评价,情感学习成果评价和心理活动学习成果评价,以实现精英评价向大众评价的转变;教师作为评价体系的构建者,应该积极参与整体性课程评价模式的构建,通过搜集有用信息,参与评价设计及研究与实践相结合,促进评价共同体内各因素的平衡及相关人员的分工合作,建立形成性评价体系。  相似文献   

The evaluation of solutions is a major unresolved issue for all those involved in e-learning. In this paper we illustrate the importance of context by means of a qualitative comparison of two e-learning prototype implementations--an action research case undertaken in conjunction with a major German insurance company; and a more experimental approach undertaken during an undergraduate university course, where a variety of learning strategies were tested. Despite the apparent difference of the two prototypes, we believe that evaluators from both sides can learn from one another's experiences--and that the differences lie in the ranking of the evaluation categories, rather than in their in/exclusion. We conclude that we can learn from other evaluation projects--not in terms of operational evaluation criteria, but in terms of understanding evaluation categories and their integrated nature within the e-learning organisation.  相似文献   

多元主体参与的大学英语教材评价模式首次使得评价主体、价值主体与评价客体(教材)内在的价值和质量相一致,它不仅改变了评价者与被评价者之间的关系,还拓展了评价者的角色,并提供了相应的可操作性程序,使得大学英语教材评价活动较之以往更加公正、客观和科学。  相似文献   

Recent policy statements reveal that the future work-based route to vocational qualifications in the UK will include 'taught knowledge and understanding' as well as competence acquired in the workplace. The intention is to bring National/Scottish Vocational Qualifications into line with the German dual system of apprenticeship, which involves much more academic study. This article seeks to clarify the UK policy by exploring recent developments in the German dual system, and considering two key questions: how to define knowledge and understanding in this context, and how to distribute control of the curriculum between the stakeholders.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of four separately commissioned evaluations of alternative provision (AP) undertaken in three local authorities in the UK. The evaluations were specifically predicated on the principles of children's rights and used a combination of qualitative research methods and documentary analysis to elicit the experiences of young people in conjunction with the viewpoints of key stakeholders. Data from each evaluation was gathered over a total period of 6 years. The sites and time scales for each evaluation varied from 6-month authority-wide strategic reviews to a 3-year evaluation of an AP free school and an evaluation of pupil referrals in a large school partnership. The evaluations involved 200 participant children and young people, 30 managers and stakeholders, 8 parents of non-attending pupils and local authority officers and school governors. The evaluations report the complexity of needs amongst children and young people; the continuing problem of unsuccessful transitions between key phases/stages of education and the profound consequences of this for young people; assumptions around mainstream reintegration and managed moves; and the curriculum challenges of vocationalism and academic emphasis. While the research data confirms the positive value of multi-agency approaches in AP, it also shows a more recent troubling increase in the number of young people now being referred to AP as a consequence of their exposure to performative school cultures.  相似文献   

元评估是对评估的评估,是评估设计和评估进程中的重要环节,"评估问责"是2011年美国教育评估标准联合委员会(JCSEE)修订出版的《方案评估标准》,即元评估标准的第五个属性。文章从分析中国教育评估和教育元评估实践的现状入手,提出了中国教育评估需要教育元评估的紧迫性;分析了JCSEE元评估标准的"评估问责"属性及其对应的三项标准的内涵;并在此基础上结合实际,思考如何开展适合中国国情的教育元评估,以供教育评估机构和教育评估者参考。  相似文献   

This paper will highlight the successful evaluation approaches deployed for long-term exploration of the impact of a national policy initiative as well as some of the results and outcomes. An interactive feedback process informed decision-making at the national and local level thereby enhancing both the initiative and its implementation in schools. The integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) into schools has been a focus of a plethora of policy initiatives by governments worldwide for over 20 years. The provision of laptops to teachers is one component of the New Zealand compulsory school sector ICT strategy. The evaluation research design was to use a mixed-methods approach incorporating three yearly cycles of annual nationwide surveys, regional focus groups, and school-based longitudinal case studies. Randomized sampling was used to identify 20% of the available laptop schools as potential participants in the survey. The same schools participated in each of the 3 years. A distinctive feature of this evaluation has been the regular feedback loops between the evaluators and the stakeholders. The stakeholders included the Ministry of Education and laptop suppliers as well as schools, school leaders, and teacher unions. In the current accountability, environment schools are increasingly being asked to participate in evaluation studies. In long-term studies, it is important to establish effective relationships with the schools and the policy-makers and to deploy robust evaluation methodologies. This is essential for both validity and reliability of the findings and the useability and utilization of the findings.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the findings and wider policy implications of an evaluation of two pilot projects for the inclusion of disabled pupils from special schools into mainstream settings in a single English education authority. These included (a) paired Partnerships between schools, and (b) the use of special school staff and resources in a Support role within mainstream schools. The focus of the schemes was to promote the inclusion of those children with more complex impairments and health conditions not ‘easily’ included in mainstream settings. The research investigated the views and experiences of all stakeholders in the process, including pupils, parents, support staff, health professionals, teachers and senior managers. Although there was shared support for the principle of inclusion, there were significant differences of emphasis and concern among the different groups. In this paper, we review the commonalities and differences in these stakeholder views and highlight six key areas for evaluating process and outcome in the inclusion of disabled children. These findings are analysed within the wider context of UK educational policy and the inclusion literature. The paper concludes that although the pilot schemes under consideration had relatively little impact, they highlight a number of important tensions in the debate over inclusion, competition and managerialism in the British schooling system under the New Labour government.  相似文献   

This article details an approach to teaching entrepreneurship to Higher National Diploma (HND) students that combines lecture-based and experiential learning processes to increase student learning, comprehension, and entrepreneurial skills. A UK university redesigned an entrepreneurship course to have students design and implement business plans for a pop-up shop and an event in the local community, while working closely with instructors and outside stakeholders. The lectures used in the lessons were designed to complement the enterprise activities and be immediately applied in group work settings. Data were collected from student reflections and analysed against instructor reflections to highlight both the success and challenges of this approach, as well as any areas of dissonance between student and instructor observations. While the benefits of active and experiential learning processes are highlighted in the literature, this article examines these teaching methods specifically in a HND context, an area in which research on the benefits of these teaching methods for developing entrepreneurial students and for developing students prepared for undergraduate education has been limited.  相似文献   

Little is known about the evaluation practices of environmental educators. Questionnaires and discussion groups with a convenience sample of UK-based practitioners were used to uncover their evaluation methods. Although many report that they are evaluating regularly, this is mainly monitoring numbers of participants or an assessment of enjoyment. There may be a difference between practitioners’ and evaluation experts’ understandings of what constitutes evaluation, with many practitioners appearing to see “data collection” and “evaluation” as synonymous. In addition, evaluators would not consider many of the methods used for data collection appropriate. More robust methods for collecting data and longer-term evaluations are often impractical for environmental educators to conduct themselves, and mechanisms are suggested for improving interaction between practitioners, researchers, and evaluators, which could enhance evaluation practice.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the extent to which a policy existed regarding the evaluation by a team of evaluators from the Center for Study of Evaluation of Instructional Programs of thirteen teachers participating in an experimental mathematics program at three Demonstration Math Centers in three junior high schools located in culturally disadvantaged areas of a large Southern California district. The investigators used a modified form of the Judgment Analysis (JAN) technique to capture the policy. Results of the study indicate that the subset of predictor variables identified as teacher characteristics contributed significantly to the group policy while another subset of predictor variables which were essentially pupil characteristics failed to make a significant contribution to the policy expressed by the evaluators.  相似文献   

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