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This experiment addressed the question of how headings influence readers' memories for text content. College students read and recalled a 12-topic expository text. Half of the participants were trained to construct a mental outline of the text's topic structure as they read and then use their mental outlines to guide their recall attempts. The remaining participants did not receive such training. Half of the participants read a text containing headings before every subsection; the other half read the same text without headings. The results were that participants who received training and/or read the text with headings remembered text topics and their organization better than participants who received no training and read the text without headings. The results support the hypothesis that signals induce a change in readers' strategies for encoding and recalling text.  相似文献   

为深化高考内容改革,新高考英语科引进概要写作任务。该任务将读与写结合,在强调综合语言运用能力的同时,还突出对思维品质和学习能力的考查。然而,考生写概要时经常会借用原文语言,对此如何界定和评判会影响该任务考查目标的实现和引导教学的效果。本研究采用3种界定标准,对一次模拟测试的概要写作样本进行分析后发现,使用连续4词或5词标准界定原文语言借用更适合高考英语概要写作;同时,在评判时应综合考虑借用频次和借用篇幅。相关结论对中学英语教学也具有启示意义。  相似文献   

本研究采用2(语篇难度)×3(文章标记类型)的实验设计,研究了文章标记对英语语篇信息理解与保持的影响。结果表明:(1)文章标记对英语语篇信息理解和保持主效应显著;(2)文章标记与英语语篇难度之间存在显著的交互作用。英语语篇容易时。标记效应不显著;英语语篇较难时,标记效应显著;(3)当阅读材料较难时,全标记条件下,被试在英语语篇信息理解和保持方面得分最高;无标记次之;半标记最低。本研究同时也给出了一些英语阅读教学启示。  相似文献   

进行了2个实验考察在正常阅读(实验1)与快速阅读条件下(实验2)标题及小标题对高低英语水平不同的大学生说明文阅读理解与信息保持的作用。结果表明:不论是正常阅读还是快速阅读,标题及小标题的呈现对读者说明文阅读理解与信息保持均有显著的促进作用,即阅读水平高者与低者都能从标题及小标题中受益,特别是在正常阅读条件下,提供标题与小标题对阅读水平低者的信息保持的促进作用比对高水平者的促进作用大得多。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of familiarity of passage concepts and passage cohesion on retrieval of text information. In order to distinguish between comprehension and retrieval processes, subjects were equated on comprehension; therefore, any differences found could be attributed to differences in retrieval processes. The passages used varied on familiarity and cohesion, but syntax was held constant. Middle school students learned information in passages to an 85% correct criterion using a study-test procedure. The subjects were not told that they would be tested on the material. Two weeks later, they took a free recall test and reported their rehearsal of the passage information during the intervening time period. The results showed that although the original amount learned was equated, recall of propositions from passages with more familiar concepts was about 35% greater than the recall from passages with less familiar concepts. There were no significant differences due to cohesion or the interaction of cohesion and familiarity. The explanation presented is that familiarity stimulates elaboration of passage material and elaborations provide alternate retrieval pathways at recall. Educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   


The authors investigated the development of the ability of 4-, 5-, 6-, and 7-year-old bilingual children to perform a complex perceptual-motor task when they were given only Spanish or English verbal instructions. Results indicated that children perform better when given Spanish instruction. This was especially true of the 5-year-olds. Results also indicated that performance under both languages increased with age, and that a stable system of perceptual-motor connections was established by verbal instruction under the Spanish treatment at age 6 and under the English treatment at age 7.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to investigate one of the features of text display in books printed for young readers. The feature chosen as the focus for this study was the position of the line-break with respect to the phrase structure of the sentence. When reading aloud, children tend to equate line length with a complete sentence, thus disrupting their fluency and, possibly, comprehension. This research was specifically designed to investigate the effect of a line-break after each word in the sentence pattern: subject-verb-object-adverbial. In an associated experiment, positioning effects of the word were investigated in coordinating positions between clauses, phrases and words occurring at the end of one line or at the beginning of the next. These experimental line-breaks were embedded in a story which had an identical parallel form in which none of the sentences was violated by line-breaks. In total, 254 five- to eight-year-old children were tape-recorded reading pairs of texts aloud, with a three-week break between recordings. These tapes were analysed for disruptions of fluency and comprehension. A hierarchy of difficulty in relation to the occurrence of the line-breaks for these sentence patterns has been identified.  相似文献   

题目是一种语言现象,有其自身所固有的结构规律与特点。作为文章有机组成部分的题目,因其包含着文章的中心思想、写作对象、写作范围和写作方法,结合题目内容对其语法结构形式进行类型划分与审题研究,了解其总体情况,掌握其结构规律、特点以及有关审题的统一标准1、方法和要求,可以避免传统审题做法中存在的许多弊病,使我们走上科学的审题之路,有助于读写教学质量的快速提高。  相似文献   

For the present study it was hypothesised that there would be an effect of media on hierarchical aural comprehension and that older children would. possess the cognitive structures to take advantage of the symbols presented by different media. Eighty kindergarten and third grade children were randomly selected and assigned to three media treatments of a story (text and illustrations; text and flannel board figures; text and animated film) and a control (text alone). The subjects were tested for comprehension of the story using twenty questions which were derived from modifications of the Barrett and Pearson & Johnson taxonomies (10 questions for each of two hierarchical levels). A treatment by age MANOVA was used to analyse the data. Significant main effects were found for both treatment and age. Age accounted for more variance in the higher order questions than in the lower order questions. It is believed that the older children had the cognitive structures to take advantage of the appropriate symbols.


章标记效应是近年来阅读心理学的一个新领域,它对于揭示阅读心理加工过程的实质以及指导阅读教学的具有十分重要的意义。本对章标记的含义与分类、章标记效应及其影响因素和作用机制等几方面的研究做了简单回顾,着重对研究现状进行评价,指出今后的研究趋势和方向。  相似文献   

A handful of studies have claimed that error detection is improved by a proofreader’s prior encounter with the text to be scanned for errors. In these studies, however, the beneficial effect of text familiarity on proofreading has been obtained via surface encoding tasks (prior reading or proofreading). This raises the question of whether the effect is dependent on the type of encoding operations performed on the text prior to proofreading. In Experiment 1, familiarization required that subjects read an error-free passage and then either type the passage verbatim (surface encoding) or write an essay by relying on the information contained in the passage (deep encoding with generation). In Experiment 2, subjects generated sentences (deep encoding with generation), assessed whether sentences described drawings (deep encoding), or typed sentences (surface encoding). Familiarity, irrespective of the nature of the encoding operations, improved proofreading times but only surface encoding or deep encoding without generation made proofreading more accurate. In Experiment 3, text generation fostered greater subjective familiarity than either surface or deep encoding alone. It is argued that this form of enhanced familiarity may lead to expectancy effects in proofreading performance.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of argument scaffolding and source credibility on science text comprehension. Eighty-seven college students were randomly assigned to an argument scaffolding activity, or no scaffolding, and read 2 science texts, attributed to a high- or a low-credibility source. The argument-scaffolding group recalled less text-based information but generated more knowledge-based inferences than did the no-scaffolding group. High source credibility enhanced readers’ text-based recall but had little effect on knowledge-based inferences or situation models. Overall, results suggest that argumentation facilitates deeper text comprehension and better argument understanding, while at the same time reducing the effect of source credibility on text processing.  相似文献   

The authors examined whether relevance instructions compensate for differences in verbal ability on measures of reading time, text recall, and sentence recognition. College students (n = 81) with higher and lower verbal ability were assigned randomly to 1 of 2 relevance-instruction conditions before reading a text. They asked participants in each condition to focus on different categories of information within the same text. Relevant information took longer to read and was recalled and recognized better than nonrelevant information. Readers with higher verbal ability read faster and recalled and recognized more information correctly than did those readers with lower verbal ability. Results support the noncompensatory hypothesis, which states that relevance instructions and verbal ability make independent contributions to resource allocation and learning. Readers with lower verbal ability may need additional support even when given prereading relevance instructions.  相似文献   

采用2×2的实验设计,以102名大学生为被试,让他们阅读有标记和无标记说明文,并训练部分被试在阅读文章时主动构建文章的标记。实验的目的是探讨训练和文章标记如何影响被试对文章内容的保持。结果发现:(1)文章标记促进了被试对文章内容的保持;(2)文章标记效应的产生符合策略转换假说;(3)通过让被试在头脑中主动构建文章标记的训练,提高了他们对文章内容的保持量。  相似文献   

教授委员会研究文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高校实行教授委员会是一项重要的制度创新,它是深化高等学校体制改革,建立现代大学制度的客观需要,也是坚持以人为本,促进大学学术发展的客观要求;是高校教授参与学校管理的途径之一。本文通过文献综述的方式,力图将教授委员会现阶段在我国的研究背景、意义、现状等进行梳理,并寻求在我国建立有效的教授委员会制度的途径。  相似文献   

On the basis of Kulhavy's (R. W. Kulhavy, J. B. Lee, & L. C. Caterino, 1985) conjoint retention model of text learning with organized spatial displays, the authors conducted 2 experiments to analyze the effects of different types of maps and a considerate text (i.e., a text that follows the scanning pattern of the map) or an inconsiderate text. In the 1st study, 158 participants viewed an intact or a segmented map and a considerate or a randomized text. Those participants who viewed the intact map and read the considerate text recalled significantly more information than those who viewed the intact map and read the randomized text. In the 2nd study, 179 participants viewed a flat map, a 1-point perspective map, or a 2-point perspective map, and a considerate text formulated on the basis of the predicted scanning pattern of the map. Those participants who viewed the flat map recalled significantly more information than those who viewed the perspective maps.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展和我国办学体制改革的深入,我国民办高等教育开始孕育、诞生和茁壮成长.20年来民办高等教育的发展,为社会的稳步发展进步、经济的迅速发展和国民素质的不断提高发挥了不可估量的推动作用.  相似文献   

文章以某师范大学非英语专业二年级4个班205名学生为研究对象,从问题预览方式和篇章类型两个维度,探讨问题预览对英语听力理解的影响。实验结果表明:(1)听力理解分别受问题预览方式和篇章类型的影响,但两个因素不存在显著交互作用;(2)就总体而言,完全预览比题干预览与无预览更显著有利于听力理解,选项预览比无预览更显著有利于听力理解;(3)会话篇章采用不同的预览方式,答题的正确率不存在显著差异,但在讲座篇章中却存在非常显著差异。  相似文献   

我国高校实行教授委员会是一项重要的制度创新,它是深化高等学校体制改革,建立现代大学制度的客观需要,也是坚持以人为本,促进大学学术发展的客观要求;是高校教授参与学校管理的途径之一.本文通过文献综述的方式,力图将教授委员会现阶段在我国的研究背景、意义、现状等进行梳理,并寻求在我国建立有效的教授委员会制度的途径.  相似文献   

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