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Achievement goal theory has emerged as a major new direction in motivational research. A distinction is made among conceptually different achievement goal orientations including the goal to develop ability (task goal orientation), the goal to demonstrate ability (ability-approach goal orientation), and the goal to avoid the demonstration of lack of ability (ability-avoid goal orientation). Scales assessing each of these goal orientations were developed over an eight year period by a group of researchers at the University of Michigan. The results of studies conducted with seven different samples of elementary and middle school students are used to describe the internal consistency, stability, and construct validity of the scales. Comparisons of these scales with those developed by Nicholls and his colleagues provide evidence of convergent validity. Confirmatory factor analysis attests to the discriminant validity of the scales.  相似文献   

现代青少年的人格特质十分丰富,主要包括自我意识、群体意识、科学精神、意志品质等.过渡时期青少年人格的完善既塑造了幼儿期形成的优良人格,又对以后人格的建构影响极大.因此,在培养青少年完善人格时,必须选择恰当的内容,采取合适的培养途径.  相似文献   

编辑主体的人格维度及理想人格特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
编辑主体是编辑活动中能自觉地、创造性地运用编辑符号以及其他物质和精神手段对各类精神文化产品(编辑客体)进行选择、组构使之符合流通传播要求的个人或群体.编辑主体的人格是编辑主体在从事编辑活动的具体实践中逐渐形成的比较稳定的心理倾向和心理特征的总和.编辑主体的人格维度主要包括德行人格、文化人格和审美人格3个方面.编辑主体的理想人格应是赋予时代内涵的德行人格、文化人格、审美人格的和谐统一与完美结合,"和谐人格"是编辑主体理想人格的本质特征.  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in elementary school students’ (n = 140) situational interest as a function of achievement goal orientation profiles and task characteristics. The authors repeatedly measured situational interest during a simulated science learning task in 2 task conditions that differed in the concreteness of the task elements. The authors identified 3 groups of students with different goal orientation profiles: success-, mastery-, and avoidance-oriented. Results of repeated-measures analysis of covariance showed that students with different profiles displayed different patterns of changes in situational interest in the 2 task conditions. The results confirmed the importance of acknowledging the interaction of student and task characteristics in the arousal and maintenance of situational interest across a learning task.  相似文献   

Declines in students' achievement motivation across the transition to middle school may be explained by characteristics of both the academic and social environment of the new school. This study proposes that students' sense of belonging in middle school and their endorsement of social responsibility, relationship, and status goals in that setting should explain, in part, changes in their achievement goal orientations between 5th and 6th grades. Longitudinal survey data from 660 students indicated that, on average, endorsement of personal task goals declined, whereas endorsement of ability goals increased across the transition. Increases in task goal orientation were associated with perceiving both a task and an ability goal structure in 6th grade classes, along with sense of school belonging, and endorsing responsibility goals. Increases in ability goal orientation were associated positively with perceiving an ability goal structure in classes, with relationship and status goals, and negatively with school belonging.  相似文献   

Positive and negative perfectionism as well as four goal orientations were assessed in a sample of 315 Chinese gifted students in Hong Kong. These students tended to endorse positive perfectionism more than negative perfectionism and prefer learning and social goals over performance and avoidance goals. Learning and social goal orientations emerged as significant predictors in the prediction of positive perfectionism, whereas performance and avoidance goal orientations emerged as significant predictors for negative perfectionism. Implications of the findings for promoting healthy strivings for excellence through setting different goals are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生的自我价值感与人格特质存在高度相关,自我价值感的所有维度与人格特质中的自我指向特点呈显著正相关,自我价值感的大多数维度与人格特质中的外向性、善良、才干、人际关系和处世态度呈显著正相关.其中处世态度和外向性对自我价值感的大多数维度都有良好的预测效果,自我价值感的大多数维度与行事风格和情绪性呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

河北沿海地区湿地农业在推行立体生态种养技术,协调与湿地保护之间的关系,提高综合效益水平等方面取得较大进步。但与国内外先进地区比较,仍存在生物资源利用不够充分、水资源及环境条件恶化、水利基础设施建设滞后、自然灾害难以有效控制以及产品与市场链接不够紧密等问题。推进河北沿海地区湿地农业的快速发展,必须坚持产业化、生态化、标准化、企业化、集约化和现代化的目标取向。  相似文献   

优秀教师的人格特征包括教师为胜任本职工作所具备的强烈的责任感和使命感、高尚的道德品质和正确的价值观、较强的成就动机与求知欲、充满个性的创新。优秀教师人格的培养需要各级教育部门领导的重视和配合,塑造教师健全的人格、培养教师的奉献精神和主体创新精神、建立有效的教师激励机制,激发教师工作的积极性。  相似文献   

我国农村成人教育目标定位探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国农村的实际,决定了我国农村成人教育在很长一段时期内既要满足农民扎根农村的教育需要,体现为“三农”服务的目标,又要切实满足农民摆脱农村,走向城市生活的教育需要。农村成人教育必须把“脱贫致富”作为成人教育发展的主题。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the views of Finnish and US preschool teachers, administrators and parents on appropriate educational practices for children aged 3‐5. To obtain a measure of their attitudes toward quality practices with children, a 26‐item instrument was adapted from Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth Through Age 8. Researchers in the USA and Finland were asked to administer the instrument to subjects they considered to be ‘representative’ of teachers, administrators and parents in their respective countries. Analysis‐of‐variance procedures were then used to determine the differences in views to quality programmes among the three groups in both countries. No significant differences were found among the three groups in the Finnish sample (F(2,69) = 1.34, p = ns). Among the US group, the parents were found to score significantly less than administrators (F(2,120) = 7.85, p < 0.0006). Multivariate analyses of variance procedures showed that administrators from the two countries did not differ significantly in any of the areas under study. The two areas where teachers tended to differ significantly were those of ‘teaching strategies’ (t = 3.13, df = 100, p = 0.002) and ‘language development’ (t = 3.98, df = 89, p = 0.000). Teachers in the USA tended to take a more structured approach to instruction in preschool programmes, using teacher‐directed (less appropriate) approaches and providing children with (less appropriate) drill and practice on language skills. Parents in Finland appeared more supportive of developmentally appropriate practices than their US counterparts and their views were more generally congruent with those of teachers and administrators. This study suggests that the construct of ‘appropriateness’ of beliefs/practices for children may be of value in comparative international child‐care studies, and it raises the issue of why a greater congruence in beliefs/practices exists in some countries.  相似文献   

Objective. The development of psychopathic traits in children has been largely understudied compared with the etiology of these traits in adults; therefore, this study aims to elucidate factors that may be involved in the development of psychopathic traits in childhood. Design. The potential impact of maternal personality traits on parenting practices and child personality were examined. Specifically, statistical relations were examined among maternal psychopathic traits, maternal antisocial personality traits, and child psychopathic traits, and the role of parenting as a potential mediator and/or moderator of these relations within an all-male sample (= 75) between the ages of 7 and 11 years. Results. Parenting mediated the relation between maternal antisocial personality traits and child psychopathic traits, but not the relation between maternal and child psychopathic traits. In addition, positive parenting interacted statistically with maternal psychopathic traits, such that maternal and child psychopathic traits were related only when positive parenting practices were lacking. Conclusion. These findings support the consideration of parenting as a point of intervention in the prevention of childhood psychopathic traits.  相似文献   

人类行为是否具有跨环境一致性,是人格心理学中特质和情境争论的主要焦点。随着研究的发展,二者从分庭抗礼逐渐走向融合,并在情境心理学、CASP理论、叙事研究范式、人员选拔中得到广泛应用,促进了二者的交互影响,也促进了在更宽泛的框架下理解人格结构。  相似文献   

具有敏锐洞察力的期刊出版人能够发现期刊出版业生长空间和发展机会,能通过对市场的了解,对读者对象的调研来确定期刊的定位,进而使其发展成别具特色的品牌期刊集团、品牌期刊社、品牌期刊。和谐的人际关系是期刊出版人最重要的能力,具备良好的交际能力意味着在期刊业内外人际资源获得,寻求帮助,团队沟通和对期刊业职员领导上的巨大优势。一个高成就动机的期刊出版人能较快地克服传统期刊出版工作模式,能投入时间和精力进行技术设备、运营模式等的全面升级,从而适应大出版时代的激烈变革。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine relationships among Baumrind's three parenting styles, parent involvement (both parenting variables as perceived by student), and mastery and performance goal orientations of high school students. The sample consisted of 196 students enrolled in two Florida high schools. Many expected relationships appeared in line with the parenting and goal theory literature. Maternal authoritativeness was related to a mastery orientation. Maternal authoritarianism and permissiveness were related to a performance orientation. Differential findings were evident with regard to student ethnicity. Appearance of stronger relationships among maternal parenting styles and student goal orientation may be due to the nontraditional living arrangements reported; a number of students reported not living with their fathers. Parent involvement was positively related to a mastery orientation for all students. Student gender and parental education were not significant factors in this study. Conclusions are tempered by limitations of a relatively small sample.  相似文献   

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