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从认知负荷理论看数学错误   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
错误是学生对数学学习内容、材料理解的一种反应,是对数学知识的一种体验.认知负荷理论的特点是工作记忆容量的有限性以及注意对信息选择中认知资源的有限性.认知负荷理论强调工作记忆容量的有限性以及图式构建的作用.工作记忆负荷与学生活动以及材料的内在本质、材料的呈现形式有关,影响数学问题解决中信息的提取和存储.图式的有效构建可以降低认知负荷,减少数学错误.  相似文献   

虽然"因材施教"是教学的一般原则,但是在现实的教学环境中,学优生与普通生同处一个课堂,难以分别接受两种完全不同的教学方案.这时,教师往往只能通过练习环节给予学优生针对性的教学.为此,我们首先从认知负荷理论的角度分析了学优生数学能力优异的内在原因.然后在此基础上讨论了怎样的教学方式适合学优生,怎样的教学方式适合普通生.最后说明教师应如何为学优生设计练习,从而达到因材施教之目的.  相似文献   

决策失误的认识根源探究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
决策是一切管理活动的核心。从马克思主义认识论的视角来看,决策活动是一种认识活动,认识的过程是一个决策过程。在现实的管理过程中,我们不可避免的会遇到大到国家的大政方针小到小型企业自身经营决策等各种各样的决策失误现象。决策失误的认识论根源在于决策过程违背了科学认识的固有规律,从而导致决策与正确认识相脱节。文章在厘清决策与认识相互关系的基础上,详细论述了决策与正确认识相脱节的现状及其成因,并对症下药提出了一些解决决策与认识相脱节问题的对策。  相似文献   

We recently developed the Framework of Achievement Bests to explain the importance of effective functioning, personal growth, and enrichment of well-being experiences. This framework postulates a concept known as optimal achievement best, which stipulates the idea that individuals may, in general, strive to achieve personal outcomes, reflecting their maximum capabilities. Realistic achievement best, in contrast, indicates personal functioning that may show moderate capability without any aspiration, motivation, and/or effort expenditure. Furthermore, our conceptualization indicates the process of optimization, which involves the optimization of achievement of optimal best from realistic best.In this article, we explore the Framework of Achievement Bests by situating it within the context of student motivation. In our discussion of this theoretical orientation, we explore in detail the impact of instructional designs for effective mathematics learning as an optimizer of optimal achievement best. Our focus of examination of instructional designs is based, to a large extent, on cognitive load paradigm, theorized by Sweller and his colleagues. We contend that, in this case, cognitive load imposition plays a central role in the structure of instructional designs for effective learning, which could in turn influence individuals’ achievements of optimal best. This article, conceptual in nature, explores varying efficiencies of different instructional approaches, taking into consideration the potency of cognitive load imposition. Focusing on mathematical problem solving, we discuss the potentials for instructional approaches to influence individuals’ striving of optimal best from realistic best.  相似文献   

认知负荷理论及其发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈巧芬 《现代教育技术》2007,17(9):16-19,15
认知负荷理论是继建构主义理论后又一个对教学起着重要指导作用的心理学理论。本文对最新的认知负荷理论作了介绍,并对其这些年的发展作了分析,以理清其发展的脉络。  相似文献   

运用转动主优势模型对小学教师对待学生错误的态度概括为3种模式,每种模式在其态度3维因素上均有不同表现:认知和情感、行为倾向和行为没有必然的联系,认知模糊也可以有积极的情感、积极的行为倾向和行为;认知明确,情感积极,行为倾向积极也会出现不积极的行为;存在对学生错误的认知、情感、行为倾向和行为均消极的教师.因此,教师对待学生数学错误的态度还没有达到课标所倡导的水平:如果能够在数学教师组内形成研究错误的氛围,这种团体的力量也可以加速个体教师对待学生数学错误态度的转变;对教师的评价应从单一的分数评价转向多元化评价,唤起教师自身生长的内在需要.  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - Cognitive load theory has been a major influence for the field of educational psychology. One of the main guidelines of the theory is that extraneous cognitive load...  相似文献   

电学测量中的常见系统误差   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对电学测量中常见的系统误差因素进行了讨论,提出相应的解决办法。由于电学测量已渗透到各种测量中以及系统误差不容易被发现,因此对其系统误差原因和消除误差方法的掌握对测量实践具有重要意义。  相似文献   

计算机运行于Windows系统,由于软、硬件和操作不当等方面的原因导致发生死杌、蓝屏、黑屏等故障。我们需要以“先软后硬、从外到内”的原则分析、排除故障,本总结出了一套故障分析排除的渐进方法。  相似文献   

Chen  Ouhao  Paas  Fred  Sweller  John 《Educational Psychology Review》2021,33(4):1499-1522
Educational Psychology Review - Spaced and interleaved practices have been identified as effective learning strategies which sometimes are conflated as a single strategy and at other times treated...  相似文献   

从认知语言学角度出发,运用隐喻认知手段,对英语中多义词的内部语义结构进行研究。主要分析了语境效果的作用弱、词义出现频率的影响、译者的知识结构不完整、译者对词的基本义、派生义不了解等认知错误造成的误译现象。  相似文献   

The contributions to this special issue document some recent advances of cognitive load theory, and are based on contributions to the Third International Cognitive Load Theory Conference (2009), Heerlen, The Netherlands. The contributions focus on developments in example-based learning, amongst others on the effects of integrating worked examples in cognitive tutoring systems; specify the effects of transience on cognitive load and why segmentation may help counteract these effects in terms of the role of time in working memory load; and discuss the possibilities offered by electroencephalography (EEG) to provide a continuous and objective measure of cognitive load. This article provides a short introduction to the contributions in this issue.  相似文献   

Although the theoretical framework of cognitive load theory has acknowledged a role for the learning environment, the specific characteristics of the physical learning environment that could affect cognitive load have never been considered, neither theoretically nor empirically. In this article, we argue that the physical learning environment, and more specifically its effects on cognitive load, can be regarded as a determinant of the effectiveness of instruction. We present an updated version of the cognitive load model of Paas and Van Merriënboer (Educational Psychology Review, 6:351–371, 1994a), in which the physical learning environment is considered a distinct causal factor that can interact with learner characteristics, learning-task characteristics, or a combination of both. Previous research into effects of the physical learning environment on cognitive performance that could inspire new cognitive load research is discussed, and a future research agenda is sketched.  相似文献   

分析了"数学分析"课程分层次教学改革实践中存在的四个误区:简单分类;缺少对口教师;流动性不足;教学衔接不到位。针对这些误区提出了如下改进措施:依据学生的发展需要进行分层;培养造就一支"精业爱生,乐于奉献"的新型教师队伍;坚持公平原则优化教学管理;科学把握教学内容,做好数学分析课与专业课教学的衔接工作。  相似文献   

Application of physiological methods, in particular electroencephalography (EEG), offers new and promising approaches to educational psychology research. EEG is identified as a physiological index that can serve as an online, continuous measure of cognitive load detecting subtle fluctuations in instantaneous load, which can help explain effects of instructional interventions when measures of overall cognitive load fail to reflect such differences in cognitive processing. This paper presents a review of seminal literature on the use of continuous EEG to measure cognitive load and describes two case studies on learning from hypertext and multimedia that employed EEG methodology to collect and analyze cognitive load data.  相似文献   

A Reconsideration of Cognitive Load Theory   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Cognitive load theory has been very influential in educational psychology during the last decade in providing guidelines for instructional design. Whereas numerous empirical studies have used it as a theoretical framework, a closer analysis reveals some fundamental conceptual problems within the theory. Various generalizations of empirical findings become questionable because the theory allows different and contradicting possibilities to explain some empirical results. The article investigates these theoretical problems by analyzing the conceptual distinctions between different kinds of cognitive load. It emphasizes that reduction of cognitive load can sometimes impair learning rather than enhancing it. Cognitive load theory is reconsidered both from the perspective of Vygotski’s concept of the zone of proximal development and from the perspective of research on implicit learning. Task performance and learning are considered as related, but nevertheless fundamentally different processes. Conclusions are drawn for the further development of the theory as well as for empirical research and instructional practice.
Wolfgang SchnotzEmail:

本文从学习者认知结构建构的观点出发,按认知建构的序:认知结构的形成、发展与完善,把中学数学公式、定理的教与学分为五个阶段,并论述了公式、定理教与学的全过程。  相似文献   

通过介绍国外心理学界提出的几个主要的数学认知策略模型,即小值模型、网络干预模型、表搜索模型、联结分布模型等,以进一步深入了解认知策略的出现、消失和发展,最后对模型进行分析评价,并对未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

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