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新闻真实是新闻领域的基本问题,新闻真实的实现是新闻活动中具有全局意义的问题,报道真实的实现则是新闻传播中的关键问题.新兴技术造成的新的媒介生态结构、新的媒介环境,使得报道真实的实现出现了前所未有的新现象、新问题.大众化、公共化多元新闻传播主体的形成,促使新闻真实实现的观念与真实实现的方式都在发生结构性的变革.本文将对这种结构性的变化及其影响作出初步的探讨.  相似文献   

赵太常 《传媒》2002,(11):28-29
关于“基本真实” 在新闻报道中,人们或有关部门评价一件新闻作品时,常常使用“基本真实”或“基本属实”这两个用语。“基本真实”与“基本属实”其实是一个意思。 那么什么是新闻的“基本真实”呢? 首先,要弄清“基本”一词的概念。《现代汉语词典》对基本一词的解释有4条,即;①根本;②根本  相似文献   

本文论述了关于新闻真实的一些理论问题。作者认为,新闻真实是事实的真实,但新闻报道的事实只是全部事实的极小部分,因而传媒的报道不可能是外部世界的全面反映。新闻工作面临的基本矛盾是:具体事件的纷繁复杂与新闻报道不可避免的简约。因而新闻的真实,只能表现为一个认识过程。文化背景和政治经济体制的不同,影响对新闻真实的确认。作者强调,经过努力,新闻真实是可能的;但这种努力需要建立在对新闻真实这种现象的深刻理解之上。  相似文献   

叶俊 《编辑之友》2016,(4):48-51
文章从概念上对新闻真实进行了界定和分析.首先,新闻真实是一个由“元概念”和“延伸概念”构成的概念空间.在新闻报道中,新闻真实是一个动态的复杂的概念.其次,新闻真实各层次概念之间彼此有一定的内在逻辑关系.最后,新闻真实在“元概念”上的基本内涵是“新闻报道与新闻事实两者相符或趋向一致”;在实现方式上,新闻真实是在“新闻的有机运动”过程中得以呈现的.  相似文献   

真实是新闻的基本要求。但是新闻在追求真实性的同时,却与法律真实进行着不断的碰撞。新闻真实与法律真实都来源于客观真实,两者既有着矛盾的一面,又有着统一的一面。作为目前审理新闻侵权案件重要法律依据的《关于审理名誉权案件若干问题的解答》中却有不完善之处——对新闻真实的“基本真实“没有界定。所以,在现阶段最有效的防止新闻侵权的方法就是,将新闻的“基本真实“向“法律真实“靠近,新闻报道应以法律真实为“底线“,不应超越法律真实。  相似文献   

真实是新闻的基本要求。但是新闻在追求真实性的同时,却与法律真实进行着不断的碰撞。新闻真实与法律真实都来源于客观真实,两者既有着矛盾的一面,又有着统一的一面。作为目前审理新闻侵权案件重要法律依据的《关于审理名誉权案件若干问题的解答》中却有不完善之处——对新闻真实的“基本真实“没有界定。所以,在现阶段最有效的防止新闻侵权的方法就是,将新闻的“基本真实“向“法律真实“靠近,新闻报道应以法律真实为“底线“,不应超越法律真实。  相似文献   

党君 《新闻世界》2010,(4):32-33
真实是新闻的基本要求。但是新闻在追求真实性的同时,却与法律真实进行着不断的碰撞。新闻真实与法律真实都来源于客观真实,两者既有着矛盾的一面,又有着统一的一面。作为目前审理新闻侵权案件重要法律依据的《关于审理名誉权案件若干问题的解答》中却有不完善之处——对新闻真实的"基本真实"没有界定。所以,在现阶段最有效的防止新闻侵权的方法就是,将新闻的"基本真实"向"法律真实"靠近,新闻报道应以法律真实为"底线",不应超越法律真实。  相似文献   

李明 《新闻界》2008,(1):49-51
本文在回顾新闻报料人产生背景的基础上,从主动失实和被动失实两方面分析了新闻报料失实的原因,并提出通过过滤、核实和制度保障三方面对新闻报料的真实性进行检定。  相似文献   

杨保军 《新闻界》2020,(4):35-42,5
新闻真实始终是新闻实践中、新闻学研究中的一个核心问题。整体真实与具体真实是当代中国新闻理论研究中的一对重要范畴,其中,理论上较难理解的、实践中较难实现的是新闻的整体真实。整体真实,既是一种新闻真实观,同时也是新闻真实实现的方法论。新闻的整体真实,不是传统上所理解的关于目标报道领域全部事实的真实报道,而是新闻意义上的整体真实,宏观上是指新闻要呈现出目标报道领域新闻事实的整体图景,微观上是指具体新闻要反映具体新闻事实的整体面目。实现新闻的整体真实,需要实事求是的精神与方法,需要客观、全面反映目标报道领域不同性质、不同类型的新闻事实,需要新兴媒介环境中所有相关新闻传播主体间的有机互动,需要形成针对复杂新闻事实的过程性报道机制。自然,更需要国家提供相关法律政策的有效保障,需要社会创造实现新闻整体真实的宽松环境。  相似文献   

As fake news has become a growing concern since the 2016 U.S. presidential election, attention to journalism history offers a useful means for rediscovering strategies for both fighting fake news and shoring up journalism’s commitment to the truth. This article argues that truth’s value emerges from the conditions under which journalism is produced, both commercial and cultural. Looking at arguments about fake news published in news reports, columns, letters to editors, and advertisements in major metropolitan papers between 1891 and 1919, we recover the particular ways journalists came to define the problem of fake news, arguing that its emergence as a discursive object offered opportunities for conceiving of and articulating practicable responses across the industry. For contemporary practitioners, scholars, and commentators alike, this means that clearly defining and responding to the problem of fake news in ways that are both critical and contextual offer a means for recovering agency in the face of this crisis.  相似文献   

Engaging the Social News User   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the most common formats of audience participation in journalism consists of online reader comments in response to articles, weblogs, or online television and radio broadcasts. While initially the audience only commented on media platforms themselves, Facebook made it possible to outsource commenting to a third-party platform. The options users have, the rules commenters are obliged to follow, and the moderation regime they confront, could influence the quantity and quality of comments. In this study, we explore how news media deal with audience comments on Facebook and their own news site, and how this influences the quality and quantity of comments. We compared comments on news platforms and Facebook of 62 Dutch national and regional newspapers, public and commercial broadcasters, newsweeklies, national news programmes, and online news sites. Subsequently, we analysed the content of the comments with the qualitative text analysis tool MAXQDA. The results indicate that news media prefer outsourcing comments to Facebook although commenting on their own platforms is still possible. By discouraging anonymous responses, the quality of comments improved but above all the quantity of comments decreased after outsourcing comments to Facebook.  相似文献   

Stabbing News     
There is a comprehensive body of scholarly work regarding the way media represent crime and how it is constructed in the media narrative as a news item. These works have often suggested that in many cases public anxieties in relation to crime levels are not justified by actual data. However, few works have examined the gathering and dissemination of crime statistics by non-specialist journalists and the way crime statistics are gathered and used in the newsroom. This article seeks to explore in a comparative manner how journalists in newsrooms access and interpret quantitative data when producing stories related to crime. In so doing, the article highlights the problems and limitations of journalists in dealing with crime statistics as a news source, while assessing statistics-related methodologies and skills used in the newsrooms across the United Kingdom when producing stories related to urban crime.  相似文献   

This study, drawing on journalistic role conceptions and media systems theory, investigates the different perceptions of news users in the United States and South Korea toward citizen-run news podcasts. The findings reveal that Americans view citizen podcasts performing the role of interpreters of social issues more than other journalistic roles, while Koreans display a perception that the most important role of citizen podcasts is critical commentator against the government and businesses. The study also finds that Korean news users’ trust in citizen podcasts is significantly higher than that of Americans. The present study concludes that citizen podcasts play an alternative role in Korean journalism, while they complement professional journalism in the United States.  相似文献   

Local news media in the United Kingdom are undergoing a multitude of changes which have implications for our understanding of their value in local democracies. Despite the potential significance of these changes for those actors responsible for the provision of local news, very little research has investigated journalists’ and political communicators’ perceptions of the impact of these threats and opportunities. This article addresses this gap by presenting research which investigated the views of key stakeholders in the production of local news in a large city in the United Kingdom. The thematic analysis of 14 interviews evaluates how normative roles attributed to journalism, such as representing the public, acting as a watchdog, providing information, and running campaigns, are being fulfilled by different news providers in the current news ecology.  相似文献   

浅议近年我国假新闻的发展趋势及新闻职业精神缺失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许丽华 《新闻界》2008,(5):56-57
比较近几年的假新可以发现一个令人担忧的现象:假新闻之风越演越烈,不但数量增、媒介增多,而且故意失实也增多。究其原因在于把新闻当作一般信息传播,完全忽视了新闻的本源观,这是新闻职业精神缺失的表现。  相似文献   

复杂传播环境下网络新闻“把关人”的角色转换   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张名章  张新蕊 《新闻界》2009,(1):57-58,84
互联网技术的发展,带来了复杂的新闻传播环境,网络新闻“把关人”的角色该如何转换,这是当前急需探讨的新问题。  相似文献   

邓泽军 《新闻界》2007,(5):99-100
新闻媒体作为社会的重要精神资源,对社会的和谐发展影响巨大.只有重视发挥新闻媒体对我国和谐社会创建的积极影响,才能引导全社会的舆论和谐、文化和谐和心理和谐,进而积极推动我国和谐社会的构建.  相似文献   

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