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在详细检查了K,BM,E,P,AAU,L,KEP,BKF,BK,SING,PSU等标本馆馆藏茜草科粗叶本属Lasianthus Jack.植物标本基础上,研究了泰国产粗叶木属植物的分类学,共归并7个种名,建立3个新种,3 个新变种,1个新等级,以及8个泰国分布新记录种及8个泰国分布新记录变种,确认泰国共有粗叶木属植物52种,1亚种,12变种;讨论了易于混淆的种的界线、它们可能的亲缘关系以及识别要点。  相似文献   

叉蕨属是蕨类植物的大属之一,全世界约150种,分布于世界热带及亚热带地区。据记载,中国 有27种、2变种,分布在长江以南,仅有2种北达长江以北四川境内,而大部分种类集中分布在云南。近 来,笔者主要对保存在中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本室的标本进行了清理,也参考了中国科学院植物 研究所标本馆的标本,这些标本不少是近年来所采集,其中,发现1新种并有1种和1变种为中国新记 录,1种为云南新记录,1种为贵州新记录,有4个种名是新异名,即Tectaria cosimilis Ching et C.H.Wang, T.decurrenti-calata Ching et C.H.Wang,T.fengii Ching et C. H.Wang,T.Simaoensis Ching et C.H.Wang。至此,所知云南产叉蕨属有22种、2变种。  相似文献   

兰科在横断山地区是维管束植物中的大科之一,共有91属,363种及9变种。 4属为我国特有属,其中1属为本地区所特有;155种及9变种为我国特有种。  其中69种及5变种为本地区所 特有。本文对属、种进行了分析,并对全部种的分布格局作了详细的介绍,概述了本地区兰科植物的区系组成及特点。本文从兰科植物属、种的分布提出了四川峨眉山是东亚植物区中划分中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区和中国-日本植物亚区的分界线上的一个重要的点的看法。  相似文献   

在野外考察和室内标本研究的基础上,对薄鳞蕨属(中国蕨科)的分类进行了研究。 将2种 (华西薄鳞蕨和察隅薄鳞蕨) 和2变种(大叶薄鳞蕨和宽叶薄鳞蕨)进行了归并处理, 承认该属有4种1变种。  相似文献   

利用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术对14个枣Ziziphus jujuba 品种和1个野生种——泰山酸枣Z.spinosus的遗传变异进行了研究。从120个10-碱基随机引物中筛选出37个多态性引物用于正式扩增,共扩增出429条DNA带,其中多态性带214条,占49.88%。根据DNA扩增结果计算了品种及类型间遗传距离,并用UPGMA构建了聚类树状图。分析结果表明:龙爪枣 Z.jujuba var.tortuosa、葫芦枣 Z. jujuba var.lageniformis、无核枣 Z.jujuba var.anucleatus 等几个变种内的遗传距离大于变种间遗传距离,认为枣的变种划分是不自然的,宜并入其原变种;枣种下不宜设变种,对枣种下的众多品种,应根据品种间的遗传关系,直接划分品种群。  相似文献   

 本文对中国鹅观草属Roegneria进行了分类修订,提出了一个新的分类系统。新系统包括19个新组合或新等级,并按照颖分组、芒分系的原则确认了中国该属植物4组、18系、79种、22变种,其中包括7新系、5新种和1新变种。此外,一些类群的省级分布新记录也在本文作了报道。  相似文献   

采自横断山地区的15个新分类群为:芽状凹顶鼓藻小齿变型,无球孢鼓藻近头状变种,多佛鼓藻 泉生变种,窝孔鼓藻,四川鼓藻,近丹麦鼓藻颗粒变种,近壮丽鼓藻,西藏鼓藻乳突变种,雅鼓藻隆 起变种,云南鼓藻,弹丝角星鼓藻超群变种,长突起角星鼓藻基刺变型,伪西博角星鼓藻密聚变种退化变型,西博角星鼓藻纹饰变种具刺变型,索塞角星鼓藻具刺变型。  相似文献   

 本文对中国叶下珠属植物进行了整理,记载了6个亚属,7个组,33个种和4个变种,    其中有1个新亚属,5个新种,1个新名称,9个新异名。  相似文献   

中国虎耳草属的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一个中国虎耳草属系统,确认我国有2亚属,8组,7亚组(包括1新亚组),31系(包括23新系),4亚系(新亚系)和203种(包括2新种和4新变种)。  相似文献   

本文修订了中国产粗叶木属植物,共记录31种、4亚种和10变种。其中,报道了一个新种、1个新亚种、2个新变种、8个新组合和9个分布新记录,新归并学名12个,并且对中国粗叶木属植物文献记载中的一些错误和混淆作了澄清。  相似文献   

The genus, Ainsliaea DC. from China is revised in this paper. Three species, A. nana Y. C. Tseng, A. pingbianensis Y. G. Tseng and A. trinervis Y. C.  Tseng, are newly described;   two species, A.  chapaensis Merr.  and A. angustifolia Hook. f. et Thoms. ex C. B. Clarke are new records for China and two  new  combinations,  A.  apteroides (Chang)  Y.  C.  Tseng  and  A. macrocephala (Mattf.) Y. C. Tseng, are made. In addition, one species, A. hypoleuca  Diels  ex  Limpr.  and  four  varieties,  A.  bonatii  Beauverd  var. arachnoidea Beauverd,  A.  pteropoda DC.  var.  leiophylla Franch.,  A.  elegans Hemsl. var. tomentosa Mattf. and A. glabra Hemsl. var.  tenuiculis (Mattf.)Chang, are reduced to synonyms.  相似文献   

 此文包括了缢花沙参Adenophora contracta (Kitag.)  J.  Z.  Qu  et  Hong 和松叶沙参 A.pinifolia Kitag.两个种。在过去,前者曾被处理为石沙参的变种(A.polyantha Nakai var.contracta Kitag.)。本文通过对它的地理分布、植物体形态和细胞学特征的研究,发现它相当独特。所以,把它处理为种的等级A.contracta (Kitag.) J.Z.Qu. et Hong。后者,曾被洪德元(1983)处理为存疑种。在此被确认为独立的种。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with taxonomic studies on the genera Lathraea Linn. and Christisonia Gard. (Orobanchaceae) in China.  In the genus Lathraea, only a single species in China, L. japonica Miq., is recongnized in the paper. It occurs in sou- thern Shaanxi, southern Gansu, southeastern Sichuan, northern Guizhou and northern   Guangdong, also in Japan. L. miqueliana Franch. et Sav., L. chinfushanica Hu et Tang and L. japonica Miq. var. miqueliana (Franch. et Sav.) Ohwi are treated as new synon- yms of L. japonica Miq. in this paper.       In the genus Christisonia, the most of collections from China, which were identi- fied as C. sinensis G. Beck before, are treated as a new synonym of C. hookeri C. B. Clarke.  A few collections of this genus from China, which were mistakenly described as Gleadovia lepoense Hu snd G. kwangtungense Hu, should be transferred to Christi- sonia hookeri C. B. Clarke.  It is distributed in southeastern and south China, westwards to the Himalayas.  相似文献   

 本文采用狭义概念,将苦荬菜类群(Ixeris group)处理为4个属,即苦荬菜属Ixeris Cass.沙苦荬属Chorisis DC.小苦荬属Ixeridium(A.Gray)Tzvel.及黄瓜菜属Paraixeris Nakai并提供了分属、种检索表。文中记载了3个新种及7个新组合种。  相似文献   

中国毛茛科植物小志(十五)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 在本文中澄清了一些错误鉴定;一些学名证实不能成立,成为异名;对偏翅唐松草的种下分类 群做出修订,并给出新的区别特征;做出锐棱铁线莲系的分种检索表;对渐尖铁线莲群各种的亲缘关 系进行了初步讨论;描述了1新系,3新种,3新变种,2新变型;做出1新组合,4新等级,并拟出1新名;报道了拳距瓜叶乌头、星果草和直梗高山唐松草的国外分布。  相似文献   

 根据对中国楼梯草属Elatostema植物标本的研究,将碧江楼梯草E.bijiangense归并入楼梯草E. involucratum,长叶墨脱楼梯草E.medogense var.oblongum和树志楼梯草E.shuzhii归并入墨脱楼梯草E. medogense,光茎钝叶楼梯草E.obtusum var.glabrescens归并入三齿钝叶楼梯草E.obtusum var.trilobula- tum,三裂楼梯草E.sinense var.trilobatum归并入对叶楼梯草E.sinense,赤水楼梯草E.strigulosum var.semitripilinerve归并入伏毛楼梯草E.strigulosum。  相似文献   

山茱萸属应予重新确认   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genus Macrocarpium has been accepted only by a few scholars since its separation from Cornus L. by T. Nakai in 1909. Bentham,  Hooker,  Hutchinson and the others consider that the ovary of Macrocarpium is 2-celled and the genus should be placed back into Cornus. We have discovered that are generally I-celled.  In addition, Macrocarpium is different from Cornus in basic chromosome number  (X),  flowering physiological character,  inflorescence type and involucral scale. Thus the genus Ma-crocarpium (Spach) Nakai should be reaffirmed.  相似文献   

Cornus L. s. 1. is a large polytypic genus. The classificantion of which has been so different that some authors recognize several separate genera, while others treat them as ei- ther subgenera or sections.  New evidence from many disciplines such as palynology, cyto- logy, wood anatomy and embryology supports the view that the genus should remain in the broad sense.  I basically agree with the treatment by Ferguson (1966b) before my finishing a comprehensive study on Cornus L. s. 1. except for supporting  the separation  of subgenus Afrocrania as an independent genus.  A new subgenus Sinocornus Q. Y. Xiang, containing one species, C. chinensis Wangerin, is established here on account of its inflorescence axillary and different from the other members of the genus which all have terminal inflorescences only. The inflorescence developed from a terminal bud implicates the sympodial nature of axis of stem and the one from an axillary bud the monopodial one.   It is reasonable to regard the character as of subgeneric value.  Also a new combination, Cornus subgen. Syncarpea (Na- kai) Q. Y. Xiang, is proposed here as a substitute for Cornus subgen.  Benthamia (C. B. Clar- ke) Schneider used for a long time.  Because the valid publication of the former name subgen. Syncarpea Nakai is earlier than the latter one.  The types of inflorescences of 8 subgenera re- presented by type or selected species are illustrated.  相似文献   

 Some new taxa of the genus Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae) are described from the Hengduan Mountains of China.  They are Saxifraga yezhiensis C. Y. Wu, S. subomphalodi- folia J. T. Pan, S. gonggashanensis J. T. Pan, S. setulosa C. Y. Wu, S. maxionggouensis J. T. Pan, S. yunlingensis C. Y. Wu, S. pellucida C. Y. Wu, S. baimashanensis C. Y. Wu, S. nanel- loides C. Y. Wu, S. draboides C. Y. Wu, S. deqenensis C. Y. Wu, S. implicans var. weixiensis C. Y. Wu, S. omphalodifolia var. callosa C. Y. Wu, S. omphalodifolia var. retusopetala J. T. Pan, S. diversifolia var. angustibracteata (Engl. et Irmsch.) J. T. Pan, In addition, one newname (S. dianxibeiensis J. T. Pan) is included.  相似文献   

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