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心理问题已成为影响研究生成长成才的一个重要因素。在适应过程中,个人发展、人际交往、学习科研以及婚恋情感等现实问题是研究生的主要压力源,这些心理问题常常表现为情绪问题与睡眠问题。为帮助研究生预防与解决心理问题,需要探索适合研究生心理特点与成长规律的心理健康教育方式。  相似文献   

基于文献梳理和政策文本分析,探究了2011—2021年间芬兰博士生教育改革的动因、举措与成效。2011年以来,在国内需求和国际影响等动因驱动下,芬兰大学采取了一系列改革措施,包括建立博士生院、推动在地国际化、提升博士生就业技能、完善质量保障体系、缩短博士生毕业年限等,以加强博士生管理,提升博士生教育与知识社会需求的衔接。芬兰的博士生教育改革是欧洲博士生教育改革的缩影,也体现了新公共管理理念在高等教育领域的扩散。  相似文献   

Doctoral student attrition in the United States has reached alarming proportions, with reported rates of approximately 50% across disciplines (Nettles and Millett 2006). Attrition rates of underrepresented populations have been reported at higher rates across disciplines (Council of Graduate Schools 2004), pointing to a disparate experience for these students. Socialization has been shown to be a determining factor in doctoral student success and retention (Turner and Thompson 1993) while not necessarily reflecting how the socialization experience differs by disciplinary and institutional contexts. Through this qualitative study I sought to understand the effects of the socialization process upon doctoral student success and retention in the disciplines of chemistry and history at two institutions. Results highlighted a disparate experience for women, students of color, students with families, part-time students, and older students. Suggestions for policy, practice, and further research are included. Susan K. Gardner  received her Ph.D. in Higher Education from Washington State University and is currently Assistant Professor of Higher Education at the University of Maine in Orono. Her research interests include doctoral education, student development, and issues of social justice in higher education. She can be reached at susan.k.gardner@maine.edu.  相似文献   

跨学科、跨专业培养研究生的途径探讨   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本论述了世界范围内跨学科、跨专业培养研究生的现状以及一些不足,并相应地提高出跨学科、跨专业培养研究生的一些有效途径。  相似文献   

THE OBJECTIVES of this paper are to review the cultural and historical context in which the notion of mainstreaming has developed in the United States and to contrast this with a proposed model for Canadian integration practices. Mainstreaming and integration are contended to be distinctive, reflecting different social dynamics and cultural traditions in each country. There are contrasts in both administrative and research implications of assuming a mainstreaming or integration model. Research on the instructional implications of mainstreaming in the United States most frequently concerns changes in the achievement and adaptive behaviour of exceptional groups as they become more like the mainstream. The chief administrative implication of an integration model is that significant effort should be expended on the development of positive attitudes accepting differences on the part of nonexceptional students. By contrast a mainstreaming model would place more emphasis on adaptation by the exceptional student, so‐called ‘preparation’ for mainstreaming.  相似文献   

按照教育部2004年颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》,结合大学英语课堂教学实际,提出大学英语课堂教学中加强人文知识教育的途径,即提高英语教师人文素质教学的意识;将人文知识教育与英语教学融为一体;充分利用网络资源,拓展人文教育的空间等.  相似文献   

研究生素质教育的特点、内容及途径探析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
分析并概括了研究生素质教育的特点,认为研究生素质教育的内容包括思想道德素质教育、文化素质教育、专业素质教育和身心素质教育,指出了研究生素质教育的途径为:内因与外因相结合、专业与非专业途径相结合、教学与科研相结合、教师与学生相结合。  相似文献   

The first part of the article provides an overview of the changing policy contexts in Europe and North America in which doctoral education and training are embedded and points out the similarities and differences of the ongoing debates and concerns about doctoral education in the two world regions. The second part provides some insight into the differentiation of motives and purposes of doctoral education which has led to a differentiation of the models for doctoral education based on a clearer distinction between a research and a professional doctorate. In the third part, a number of networks, projects and initiatives concerned with reforming doctoral education are introduced to serve as an illustration of the direction current changes are taking. The last part draws some conclusions, emphasising in particular the fact that knowledge production has become a strategic resource in the emerging knowledge economies and thus an object of policy-making and institutional management. This development tends to lead to a concentration of research and research training in fewer institutions.  相似文献   

研究生教育工作应坚持创新求变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者回顾了自己在中国科学技术大学攻读研究生的经历,谈了自己作为研究生导师执教于中国科大的感受;对研究生教育的发展和研究生教育质量提出了看法,同时对研究生院的职能转变发表了见解.  相似文献   

This article presents the experiences of women academics of management in the UK, who have used informal, collective strategies to move on, to mainstream their experiences and to challenge existing boundaries of management and their organisations. Having identified the repeating patterns of inequalities in management and management education as women academics, researchers and managers, the authors had to turn to action, to progress and to work on some solutions. This article explores the moving on process by presenting the experiences of women academics of management from two perspectives. Firstly, women academics' stories of their careers and their experience of management are outlined as an emancipatory consciousness-raising process. Secondly, the issues of moving on, taking action and challenging existing boundaries are discussed by means of a case study of a group of women academics who have chosen to question the confines of their working lives whilst gaining credibility in a changing context and driving some of the change for themselves. We offer the process we have engaged in as a strategy to support academic women to move on through critical reflection and action.  相似文献   

都市报向主流媒体转型是与时俱进的必然选择。都市报要迈向主流,就必须全方位强化时政新闻的地位;做好民生新闻,加强新闻策划、挖掘新闻的社会内涵,营造一个有利于各阶层、群体表达的公共信息平台;从理念、内容、形态、角度四方面做好时事评论,提高舆论引导的渗透力和影响力;整合报纸资源、积极开展社会公益活动,促进和谐社会建设  相似文献   

主体性教学是培养、发展每一个学生的自主性、合作性、创造性并在课堂教学中进行的一种师生多向互动的、学生主动参与的教学过程.  相似文献   

高洁 《中学教育》2010,(2):56-59
美国中学女子教育向来追求教育中的性别公平,女子教育的分校与合校之说自美国教育形成与发展的早期就存在论争,美国教育界对此也进行了广泛研究。本文探析了美国女子分校与合校教育的历史发展、社会背景以及其中的性别公平问题。  相似文献   

伴随着改革开放的进程,我国研究生教育发展与改革不断推进,取得了丰硕的成果。然而,在日趋复杂的教育环境下,研究生课程教学在实际的教育场域和情境中正面临着多重现实困境。研究生教学理念的博弈、课程体系的僵化、教学方法的失衡、教学管理的缺位,造成当前我国研究生课程教学水平参差不齐,显著地影响了研究生教育的质量。基于此,超越当前的困境,可采取以下策略:重构研究生教学理念,保障教学思想的多元化;规范研究生课程体系,促进教学内容的科学化;调适研究生教学方法,重视教学过程的研究性;健全研究生教学制度,落实教学管理的评价性。  相似文献   

构建研究生教育质量指数对于动态监测研究生教育服务经济社会发展能力,丰富完善研究生教育质量保障与监督体系,推进研究生教育治理体系和治理能力现代化至关重要。从核心内涵来看,研究生教育质量指数需要体现研究生教育对创新型国家建设的贡献度,对经济社会高质量发展的支撑度和在立德树人实践中的达成度。最后,从理论依据、国际经验、客观需求、管理实践四个方面提出构建研究生教育质量指数的设想。  相似文献   

阐述了2017年CGS《研究生教育2030:展望未来行动指南》的理论基础,介绍了《研究生教育2030:展望未来行动指南》的三部分内容,结合我国的现实需求,为我国致力于促进公平和质量提升的研究生教育改革提出以下四点建议:加强研究生培养单位国际化能力建设;利用研究生大数据建立生活周期管理系统;健全高校内部质量监控体系;跨学科培养研究生应对社会变化的能力。  相似文献   

研究性课堂教学模式是一种开创性创新教学,是一种把课堂从小教室变大、拓宽的教学模式。而毕业顶岗实习,学生从教室转移到实习单位进行实务操作,是理论的运用。研究性课堂教学模式的特征正可以在毕业顶岗实习中加以运用。文章对此进行探讨,以完善毕业顶岗实习的过程和质量控制。  相似文献   

质量与研究生教育:通往卓越之路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
认为研究生教育对一个国家至关重要,教师的质量、学生的质量及教育培训的方式是影响研究生教育质量的最重要要素;分析了一门高质量的研究生课程所面临的挑战;对实现高质量的研究生教育提出了五方面的对策和建议.  相似文献   

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