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高校管理效能的影响因素及提升策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管理效能低下日益成为我国高校进一步发展的瓶颈.本文基于对浙江大学管理效能状况的调查,分析了高校管理效能的影响因素,并提出了改进高校管理效能的若干政策建议.  相似文献   

以学科交叉推动高校的学科建设   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
论述学科、学科交叉、学科建设的内涵和学科交叉对学科建设的促进作用,分析进行学科交叉的理论依据,指出学科交叉的必要条件和主要途径,阐明学科交叉的四种实践模式。  相似文献   


This study examined the efficacy of a kindergarten mathematics intervention program, ROOTS, focused on developing whole-number understanding in the areas of counting and cardinality and operations and algebraic thinking for students at risk in mathematics. The study utilized a randomized block design with students within classrooms randomly assigned to treatment or control conditions. Measures of mathematics achievement were collected in the fall (pretest) and spring (posttest) in kindergarten and in the winter of first grade (delayed posttest). Significant differences between conditions favoring treatment students were found on four of six measures at posttest. Treatment students reduced the achievement gap with their not-at-risk peers. No effect was found on follow-up first-grade achievement scores. Implications for Tier 2 mathematics instruction in a Response to Intervention model are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective. This study examines variations in attitudes regarding child discipline by race/ethnicity and by characteristics of the residential neighborhood. Design. A survey of 3,115 adults living in 13 different neighborhoods in Texas was conducted. Respondents were asked to rate the effectiveness of 8 different discipline strategies: Explain, Ignore, Slap Hand, Spank with Hand, Threaten, Time Out, Withdraw Privileges, and Yell. Chi square analysis and multilevel logistic regression analysis were used to examine variations in the endorsement of these strategies by race/ethnicity, neighborhood structural characteristics, and neighborhood social processes. Results. Latin American respondents considered yelling and threatening to be less effective than did European American respondents. Neighborhood conditions were related to the endorsement of harsh discipline such as yelling and threatening, time out and withdrawal of privileges, and explaining to the child why the behavior is unacceptable, but they were not related to the endorsement of the use of physical discipline. However, the nature of the associations differed by race/ethnicity. Neighborhood cohesion and collective efficacy were associated with decreased endorsement of yelling/threatening for African American and U.S.-born Latin American respondents, and decreased endorsement of time out/withdrawal of privileges for European American respondents. Neighborhood physical disorder, social disorder, and fear were associated with increased endorsement of time out/withdrawal of privileges among European American respondents but were not associated with the endorsement of these strategies among ethnic minorities. Conclusion. Attitudes about discipline are shaped by myriad factors, including cultural heritage and community context. Furthermore, the influence of neighborhood conditions on parenting attitudes may be different for different racial/ethnic groups.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine students’ perceptions of troublesome behaviour and the effectiveness of different disciplinary methods. To this end, 350 secondary school students completed the Classroom Behaviour Problems and Attitude Towards Disciplinary Methods questionnaire, and the results indicate that ‘talking out of turn’ was the only behaviour perceived by both teachers and students to be most troublesome and most frequent. Deterrents that were perceived as most effective included being sent to the principal’s office, detention, and getting an unfavourable report sent home. Regarding incentives, free time, a positive letter home, receiving a good mark, and getting a favourable academic report sent home were perceived to be most effective, while private praise and reprimands were also seen as an effective means for increasing appropriate behaviour. However, previous research suggests that teachers are choosing to use other strategies that are not seen by students as effective. Therefore, it was concluded that both teachers and students need to be educated regarding the results found in the current study, so that effective management strategies can be developed and used by teachers.  相似文献   

类型电影是好莱坞电影制度的一种商业策略,它追求一种宏大叙事的统一性原则,使其在名实之间充满矛盾和歧义,表现为概念上的“空壳化“。意大利新现实主义之后的好莱坞类型电影实际上已经解体,所谓后现代电影并不是类型电影,在对这些影片的审美过程中反对阐释,提倡“新感受力“不仅是对类型电影的直接否定,也是对影像本位的真正回归。  相似文献   

比较教育是一种现代文化性学科形态,"比较"是其作为一门制度化学科的逻辑起点。澄清比较教育的学科逻辑有助于我们重新构建比较教育的学科理论体系,促进比较教育学科的科学化发展。比较教育经历了"借鉴"、"预测"、"分析"等历时性发展阶段和具有跨国家、跨学科、跨文明等跨越"他者"界限的共时性特征,凝聚着无数比较教育学者充满艰辛的探索历程和苦苦求索的心智,形塑了其学科智慧,进而表征着比较教育的本体特质。  相似文献   

论比较教育的学科属性与学科体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
比较教育究竟是不是一门学科,一直引起人们的争议,随着比较教育研究范围的进一步拓展,这一问题更是遭到人们的质疑,其中主要涉及比较教育的研究对象和研究方法两个根本性问题.从比较教育学科发展来看,比较教育的研究对象和研究方法都具有明显的层次性,由此可以把比较教育的学科体系具体描述为"三圈层、多交叉结构".因此,比较教育是一门既具有学科独立性又与其他教育学科相交叉的教育学科.  相似文献   

学科立校与加强学科建设   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本以中南财经政法大学为例,探讨我国高校的学科建设问题。从理论上论证了“学科立校”在高校发展中的重要战略意义,分析了学科建设中的“结构优化”“可持续发展”和“内部管理体制改革”等具有三个普遍性的问题,并提出了具体的应对策略。  相似文献   


This research investigated the immediate and long-term effects of a Tier 2 intervention for beginning readers identified as having a high probability of reading failure using a randomized control trial. First-grade participants (n = 123) were randomly assigned either to a 25-session intervention targeting key reading components, including decoding, spelling, word recognition, fluency, and comprehension, or to a no-treatment control condition. Analyses of immediate posttests (end of first grade) indicated significant differences in measures of Decodable Word Fluency (effect size = .40) favoring the intervention group. Within the intervention group, tutor ratings of attention were significantly related to growth in Passage Reading Fluency and Spelling Fluency. Longitudinal assessments (end of second grade) indicated no significant differences by group. Analysis of responder status indicated that students defined as responders maintained gains to the end of second grade.  相似文献   

Children late in the second year of life show patterns of event recall similar to those of older children: (a) well-ordered immediate and delayed recall, and (b) facilitation of recall by familiarity and by enabling relations. We used elicited imitation to test whether the patterns extend to children early in the second year. In Experiment 1, 13.5- and 16.5-month-olds accurately recalled familiar and novel 2-act sequences immediately and after a 1-week delay. For 16.5-month-olds, recall was facilitated by familiarity and by enabling relations; for 13.5-month-olds, only enabling relations facilitated recall. In Experiment 2, verbal cues were used to test immediate and 1-week delayed recall of 3-act sequences. For both ages, recall was facilitated by familiarity and by enabling relations. Experiment 3 verified that the verbal information served to cue recall of previously experienced events, not to "suggest" sequences that could be performed. Together the results demonstrate that children as young as 13 months can recall specific events after a delay. They also suggest development in sensitivity to factors that facilitate recall.  相似文献   

近代中国教育社会学自1922年《社会与教育》问世至1949年,其作为一门新兴学科得到了学界的接纳和认可,近代中国学者对教育社会学在教育学和社会学中的学科地位分别进行了界定。不仅如此,近代中国教育社会学在中国教育学术史上产生了重要影响,尤其表现在促进教育学"科学化"方面。  相似文献   

拓展型课程作为一门新型课程日益受到人们的关注,在教学过程中教师的指导作用是显而易见的,教师所采用的教学方法是十分重要的。从教师的工作实践出发,在实施拓展型课程中尝试“观念先行,实践紧随,注重反思,持续创新”的教学策略,对于激发、培养和发展学生的兴趣爱好,开发学生的潜能,改善学生的学习方式,提高学生自主选择学习的能力等,具有良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

教育学的学科反思与重建   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在教育学的发展过程中 ,存在着一个“整体——部分——整体”的否定之否定的辩证历程。教育学在发展的每一个环节都会面临一些特殊的矛盾甚至危机 ,但这也是其前进的动力。教育学目前面临危机的根本原因在于其对现实教育问题的解释能力的弱化。要摆脱危机 ,教育学必须从整个教育学科体系的整体出发 ,思考并实践自身的重建 ,走向总领整个教育学科群的在总体上全面研究人的成长发展及其一般规律的“成人”之学。  相似文献   

东西小说不断表现出对常规叙事的不屑与排斥,其叙事策略主要表现为:对于叙事方式的选择注意与小说内容的呼应,力求二者的有机结合;讲究叙事观点的选择与运用;对事件叙述重心的选择和在叙述节奏上极有分寸感的把握;人物命运的本质反映、荒诞情节的虚构与生活细节的准确把握三者之间的成功嫁接。  相似文献   

俄国在中国"借地筑路"的计划实现后,仍不满足,希望在远东地区获得一个不冻港,以便随时寻找机会侵华,实现其"远东政策"。当德国强占胶州湾后,俄国立即采取行动,采用武装占领、外交讹诈、金钱贿赂的方式,攫取了旅顺和大连。俄国的行动引发了列强瓜分清政府的危机,清政府的"联俄"外交完全失败。  相似文献   

教学活动是一个复杂的促使学习者将知识、技能内隐和意义建构的过程,它需要一种恰当的教学策略。研究什么是教学策略以及如何在多媒体网络教学中采取恰当的教学策略,从而有机地安排各种促进学习的教学事件并对教学过程进行合理的调控,将会使学习者更有效地学习。  相似文献   

学科差异与学术评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学科间在知识属性、研究范式、学科文化和成果形式等方面存在明显差异,基于学科差异的分学科评价是保证学术评价客观公正的前提。然而,在当今以强调绩效责任、提高管理效率为取向的学术评价中,学科差异没有得到应有的尊重。为此,善用学术评价,应强调大学自治和教授治学,实行政学分开、降低管理重心,正确处理质量与数量、统一与多样的关系。  相似文献   

作为民俗学人,我们不满意民俗学的现状,我们批评国家没有给予民俗学应有的位置,我们对民俗学可以为国家的学术事业和文化建设作出更大的贡献充满期待。所以,我们冀望把民俗学纳入国家的学科建设项目,通过民俗学的发展来双赢、多赢地回应各方面的期待。  相似文献   

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