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两所高校师生心理契约学生性别差异的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于心理契约双向视角,运用双向心理契约测量量表和相关统计分析方法,提出不同高校男、女生与教师缔结的师生心理契约在具体内容上不尽相同,在此基础上,对不同高校男、女生履行师生心理契约责任的情况作了进一步分析,发现不同高校不同性别学生履行师生心理契约责任的情况也存在一定差异。  相似文献   

高校师生心理契约学生性别差异的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于双向心理契约视角,运用心理契约测量量表和相关统计分析方法,验证了"师生之间的相互期望只有部分与各自的自我期望契合而达成心理契约"这一基本结论:不因学生性别不同而发生改变,但男、女生与教师缔结的心理契约具体内容不尽相同.在此基础上,对高校男、女生履行师生心理契约责任情况作了进一步实证分析,发现不同性别学生履行师生心理契约责任情况也存在一定差异.  相似文献   

高校师生心理契约中教师期望效应的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
将高校教师与学生两个群体作为心理契约主体,开发一套测量心理契约的量表。运用T检验、相关性分析等方法,分析师生的调查数据,验证了高校师生心理契约中教师期望效应,解决了双向视角心理契约内容非唯一性问题。  相似文献   

高校师生相互期望与心理契约的演进与调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章首先针对学界误把未明说的期望直接当作心理契约这一问题,对心理期望与心理契约两个概念的差异进行了界定.在此基础上,文章以高校师生从相互期望到心理契约的演进为线索,对师生心理契约的形成及其履行机制进行了深入探究.最后,文章基于"最近发展区"理论指出:高校管理者应对师生之间的相互期望进行引导调控,才能促进师生心理契约达成并发挥其既激励又约束的双重功能.  相似文献   

高校师生双向视角心理契约相互责任的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
双向视角心理契约的问题此前还停留在理论思辨的规范研究阶段。文章将高校教师与学生两个群体作为心理契约主体的双方,开发了一套能对双向心理契约进行有效测量的问卷量表,通过收集并分析师生两个渠道的调查数据,对高校师生心理契约的内容、双方责任履约的相关性及履行的情况展开实证研究,验证了双向视角心理契约理论的一些假设。  相似文献   

三所高校师生心理契约内容差异的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于心理契约的双向视角,通过对调查数据进行双独立样本T检验,分别从师生相互期望中提取出心理契约的各自责任,验证了不同高校师生的心理契约均源于主体双方的相互期望,而各自的内容则既有相同之处也存在差异等假设。进一步运用Welch法和单因素方差分析法检测三所高校师生心理契约共同部分的均值水平,结果表明即便是师生心理契约内容相同的部分,不同高校师生对有关责任承诺的程度也各不相同。  相似文献   

论课堂教学中的心理契约   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课堂心理契约是教师与学生对于相互之间责任和义务的期望。构建和谐的课堂教学心理契约,需要从以下三个方面实现:一是培养师生相互的心理契约认知;二是加强师生心理互动,形成动态有效契约;三是培养良好班级心理气氛,营造和谐心理契约。  相似文献   

课程思政作为一种教育理念对完成高等教育“立德树人”的根本任务发挥着重要作用。在课程思政背景下,高校师生间存在理念型心理契约。通过访谈发现,高校师生间的理念型心理契约经过入校前阶段、择校与录取阶段、早期社会化与教学阶段和后期经历阶段四个过程,高校师生间的理念型心理契约包括学习知识与技能、提升能力与素质和实现自我价值三个维度。高校师生间的理念型心理契约研究对提高课程思政的教学效果具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

以心理契约为视角优化高校课堂管理,有助于强化师生契约意识,通过可感知的约定实现学习主体对课堂规范的自觉遵循。课堂教学情境中的心理契约以师生之间权利与义务的允诺为基础,具有理性化、平等性和应变性特征。运用心理契约优化高校课堂管理可从以下方面展开:构建心理契约,形成平等和谐的师生关系;履行心理契约,营造良性互动的课堂氛围;修正心理契约,实现灵活应变的柔性管理。  相似文献   

以心理契约为视角优化高校课堂管理,有助于强化师生契约意识,通过可感知的约定实现学习主体对课堂规范的自觉遵循,课堂教学情境中的心理契约以师生之间权利与义务的允诺为基础,具有理性化、平等性和应变性特征,运用心理契约优化高校课堂管理可从以下方面展开举措:构建心理契约,形成平等和谐的师生关系;履行心理契约,营造良性互动的课堂氛围;修正心理契约,实现灵活应变的柔性管理.  相似文献   

Professionals were once considered to be the civic leaders, the deliverers of the good society. However, the old order has cracked under the pressure of social change, leaving a very different relation between professionals and their publics. This paper addresses some of the questions occasioned by these changes: Where does the altered power relation between parents, students and teachers leave the notion of teacher professionalism? What is the role of professionals within the emergent order? The paper is a product of the ESRC‐funded New Forms of Education Management Project (Local Governance Programme). It argues that, within the new management of education, the professional codes and practices point to a changing relation between teachers and what has traditionally been seen as their specialist knowledge. An outcome of this altered relation is the empowerment of parents and students in relation to teachers. However, the new relation depends upon new shared understandings and new sets of agreements; and these in turn depend upon new processes of agreement‐making and a radically altered power relation between parents, students and teachers as they jointly develop these processes. The paper reviews the changing purposes of professionalism during the second half of the 20th century and outlines a new version of teacher professionality based upon the enabling of learning, the accommodation of difference, and the practice of agreement. Agreement is then ‘theorised’ in terms of the nature of agreement and the institutional structuring of agreement.  相似文献   

心理契约是以期望为主要形式的没有明文规定的主观心理约定,在学校管理中具有重要意义。学校应建构符合学校组织特点和教师角色特点的心理契约管理模式,加强沟通、保持学校与教师之间期望的动态平衡,信守对教师的承诺并在学校不得不违背契约时及时进行政策解释,努力提高教师对学校工作的满意度,营造以促进师生发展为本的管理机制。  相似文献   

This study examines the agreement across informant pairs of teachers, parents, and students regarding the students’ social‐emotional learning (SEL) competencies. Two student subsamples representative of the social skills improvement system (SSIS) SEL edition rating forms national standardization sample were examined: first, 168 students (3rd to 12th grades) with ratings by three informants (a teacher, a parent, and the student him/herself) and a second group of 164 students who had ratings by two raters in a similar role—two parents or two teachers. To assess interrater agreements, two methods were employed: calculation of q correlations among pairs of raters and effect size indices to capture the extant rater pairs differed in their assessments of social‐emotional skills. The empirical results indicated that pairs of different types of informants exhibited greater than chance levels of agreement as indexed by significant interrater correlations; teacher–parent informants showed higher correlations than teacher–student or parent–student pairs across all SEL competency domains assessed, and pairs of similar informants exhibited significantly higher correlations than pairs of dissimilar informants. Study limitations are identified and future research needs outlined.  相似文献   

This study examined whether teachers and students agree in their perceptions of the mastery goal structures dimensions task, autonomy, recognition/evaluation, and grouping. Additionally, potential predictors, namely students' achievement and teachers' basic psychological need satisfaction at work, were investigated. Using a sample of 1099 secondary school students and their 57 teachers, results from multilevel structural equation models revealed moderate agreement for grouping and no agreement for the other dimensions. Higher levels of achievement narrowed the gap between teachers' and students' perceptions of autonomy and recognition/evaluation. No effects of need satisfaction were found for any of the mastery goal structures dimensions.  相似文献   

课堂心理气氛是指课堂里存在于师生之间的某些占优势的相对稳定的态度与情感的综合状态.良好的课堂心理气氛是实现有效教学的重要条件。影响课堂心理气氛的因素是多方面的,但师生双方的心理因素是影响课堂心理气氛的关键和根本。本重点对影响课堂心理气氛的师生心理因素进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了“把握心理规律,合理调控师生心理,创造良好课堂心理气氛”的具体措施,即:适度唤醒学生心理、控制适宜焦虑、激发教学中的“情”、“趣”因素、注重心理健康教育、真正确立学生的主体地位。  相似文献   

师生关系作为教学活动中最基本、最重要、最经常、最活跃的人际关系,直接对教学活动的进程和效果产生深刻影响,师生关系实质上是一种心理关系,是教师心理互动的结果,师生心理互动的和谐有利于构建新型的师生关系。  相似文献   

This paper considers the appropriateness of introducing formal learning agreements in a higher education institution (HEI). It begins by examining the current legal nature of the student/university relationship and the legal status of formal learning agreements. The paper then explores the impact of such agreements on student satisfaction by reviewing the literature pertaining to student satisfaction and discussing the findings from a collaborative inquiry (CI) event, questionnaires and semi‐structured interviews. It also considers the title that such an agreement should bear and the possible content of such an agreement. The conclusion reached, is that a judiciously constructed learning agreement can potentially improve the service that students receive, promote the notion that a student is a member of a community, influence student expectations and thus increase student satisfaction. It is therefore an option that should be carefully considered, particularly as the vast majority of students who responded to the questionnaire distributed as part of the study supported the introduction of learning agreements.  相似文献   

传统的本科师范生心理学课程内容存在诸如理论性太强、缺乏实用性等缺点。为了弥补这些缺陷,满足本科师范生的发展需求,应在强调实用性的基础之上,建构符合本科师范生未来职业发展需求的心理学知识体系。该知识体系由三部分组成,分别是:教师心理素质方面的心理学知识、和教师与学生的心理特征相关的心理学知识、教学活动中所需要的心理学知识。  相似文献   

高职院校班主任渗透式心理健康教育工作的思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
渗透式心理健康教育是以一种潜移默化的方式,促进学生心理健康的有效方法。高职院校班主任作为学生的管理者、教育者,担负着对学生进行心理健康教育的职责。班主任渗透式心理健康教育工作应注意运用多种技巧,以提高学生的心理素质。  相似文献   

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