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危险化学品数量众多,性质各异,在中小型化工企业生产、管理过程中广泛使用,因其具有易燃、易爆、易中毒、腐蚀性等特点,且中小型化工企业生产条件简陋、技术管理落后、人员素质低、安全管理基础薄弱,导致事故经常发生.加强中小型化工企业的危险化学品安全管理是企业安全管理工作的一项重要内容.针对中小型化工企业的生产特点,结合国家对危险化学品安全管理的要求,中小型化工企业应切实做好危险化学品的安全管理工作.  相似文献   

高校实验室危险化学品管理信息化建设是基于物联网的智慧校园信息化建设的重要组成部分,是高校教学、科研实验有序开展的重要保障。在剖析目前实验室危险化学品的管理中存在的问题和物联网背景下实验室危险化学品管理优势的基础上,提出了提高再认识、加大投入、促进信息化网络化发展和提高人员素质的改革要点。分析和展望了基于物联网环境下的实验室安全教育、危险化学品申购和危险化学品过程管理的工作举措,对提高高校实验室管理水平,实现实验室危险化学品管理规范化、信息化、精准化有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

Ram Kulkarni 《Resonance》2016,21(3):233-237
Metabolic engineering is a process for modulating the metabolism of the organisms so as to produce the required amounts of the desired metabolite through genetic manipulations. Considering its advantages over the other chemical synthesis routes, this area of biotechnology is likely to revolutionize the way in which commodity chemicals are produced.  相似文献   

春季种植时间越晚,彩色海芋的生育期越短,易使其品质下降。用适当的栽培基质可以生产出品质优良的切花和观赏价值高的盆花。合理密植可提高单位面积的切花产量而不会影响质量。合理应用生长延缓剂可使植株矮化,延长现蕾至开花的天数,提高盆花的观赏价值。细菌性软腐病是彩色海芋的主要病害,选用抗性强的品种、严格控制土壤条件、结合药剂防治等策略可以减少其发生。  相似文献   

高校实验室危险化学品具有品种繁多、储存分散、采购及使用频繁等特点,如何确保危险化学品账物相符一直是实验室安全管理的重点和难点。运用互联网+技术,在试剂管理平台的基础上将二维码技术与危险化学品库存管理相结合,实现了危险化学品的规范化、精细化、全生命周期安全管理。二维码上的标识能指导师生轻松辨识危险化学品属性。通过扫码登录试剂管理平台的手机界面端,师生能实时、便捷地维护危险化学品库存数据。二维码技术的使用,既方便了师生维护危险化学品库存,改善了试剂管理平台使用体验,也为危险化学品规范分类、存储及使用提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

危险化学品是高校师生在教学科研中广泛使用的实验用品,因其具有易燃、易爆、腐蚀性、放射性等特点,若贮存使用不当,容易发生安全事故,因此,危险化学品安全管理是高校实验室安全管理工作的重点.文章结合我院危险化学品的管理实际,对于危险化学品环境无害化管理提出具体的对策.  相似文献   

The 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to three scientists, R F Heck, E-I Negishi and A Suzuki, for their work on “Palladium — Catalyzed Cross Couplings in Organic Synthesis”. It pertains to research done over a period of four decades. The synthetic procedures embodied in their work enable construction of C-C bond selectively between complex molecules as in simple ones at desired positions without disturbing any functional groups at other parts of the reacting molecules. The work finds wide applications in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals, and molecules for electronics and other applications. It would not have been possible to synthesize some of the complex natural products or synthetic compounds without using these coupling reactions in one ormore steps.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore women academic's identity work in the context of the Global South (Indonesia). This is done by examining how the interplay between macro‐level social, cultural and political influences and micro‐processes produce moments of compliance and resistance. To this end, the following research question is posed: What is the nature of identity work among women academics in higher education institutions of the Global South where there are shifting and conflicting social and cultural conditions? This study contributes by illuminating the ways in which women comply with or resist traditional and contemporary organisational and occupational structures that produce gender inequality. It also contributes to understanding how the interplay of power and resistance influences women's academic identity work in developing nations.  相似文献   

化学实验室危险、剧毒、易制毒化学品的管理异同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对高等学校化学实验室危险化学品、剧毒化学品、易制毒化学品的采购、运输、库房保管、领取、使用等方面的管理异同进行比较,保证剧毒化学品和易制毒化学品的合法使用,消除安全隐患,提高高等学校化学实验室危险化学品、剧毒化学品、易制毒化学品的安全管理水平.  相似文献   

思想政治工作要从突出“情”字入手,要以人为本,要做到尊重人、关心人、理解人,以理服人、以情感人。思想政治工作者要以高度的责任感、紧迫感真情实感来做工作,坚持与人为善,真心帮助学生解决实际问题,使思想政治工作产生很强的亲和力,这样才能开创思想政治工作的新局面。  相似文献   

在改革开放早期进入我国的进口设备大型零配件的使用寿命已到,急需进行配套更新。如若仍从国外进口,不但要花费比国内生产多得多的资金,而且由于环节众多需要很长的时间。因此,必须立足国内,搞好进口设备零配件的国产化。应结合我国的具体国情,充分考虑我国的资源状况、我国的社会装备水平;调动协作单位的积极性和工人师傅的主观能动性,发扬全局观念,进行全国大范围的大协作;充分利用各家之长,各尽所能,共同攻克难关。  相似文献   

丽水市是全国生态示范区建设的试点地区,农药、化肥、农膜等农用化学品的控制和替代关系到该市能否建立良性循环的农业生态环境和实现农业的可持续发展。本分析了丽水市农用化学品的使用现状以及变化趋势,提出了农药、化肥、农膜等农用化学品的控制和替代措施,有助于科学合理地利用农用化学品的和减少其对环境污染。  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the contributions that Deleuze and Guattari have made to thinking/writing language and how these ideas can be put to work in producing a doctoral thesis. We contribute to the field of work within what Patti Lather and Elizabeth St Pierre have called the “post-qualitative” movement, where researchers attempt to “imagine and accomplish an inquiry that might produce different knowledge and produce knowledge differently”. We attempt to rethink the thesis text, using a language where language always falls apart, a way of talking/writing/reading about presentation of research within a doctoral thesis that will provide the writermachine a space to “pass”. The paper will provide some ideas and ways forward for writers who are attempting to deterritorialize research, who are attempting to experiment with new representational forms.  相似文献   

In this article, we explore how youth audiences evaluate the quality of youth-produced films. Our interest stems from a dearth of ways to measure the quality of what youth produce in artistic production processes. As a result, making art in formal learning settings devolves into either romanticized creativity or instrumental work to improve skills in core content areas. We conducted focus groups with 38 youth participants where they viewed four different films produced by the same youth media arts organization that works with young people to produce short-form, autobiographical documentaries. We found that youth focused their evaluations on identifying the films' genre and content and on assessing how well the filmmakers' creative decisions fit with identifications of genre and content. Evaluations were mediated by audiences' expectations and seemed to inform judgments of quality and creativity. We hope that our work can inform the design of formal learning spaces where young people are producing narrative art.  相似文献   

化学农药的投放使用对环境安全性的评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要讲述了化学农药的投放使用针对环境所提出了重要原则,并提出了评价农药对生态环境安全性的具体指标以及科学的环境评价程序,这对开发高效,安全的新农药和预防环境污染有重大意义。  相似文献   

关于测站和后视数据出现粗差的处理方法的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
使用全站仪在外业采集数据时,测站点与后视点的坐标及高程可能出现输入错误或点位确认错误。文章针对这些错误推导出了相应的改正公式,减轻了外业重测的工作量。  相似文献   

Peer review is a reciprocal process whereby students produce feedback reviews on the work of peers and receive feedback reviews from peers on their own work. Prior research has primarily examined the learning benefits that result from the receipt of feedback reviews, with few studies specifically exploring the merits of producing feedback reviews or the learning mechanisms that this activates. Using accounts of their experiences of peer review, this study illuminates students’ perceptions of the different learning benefits resulting from feedback receipt and feedback production, and, importantly, it provides insight into the cognitive processes that are activated when students construct feedback reviews. The findings show that producing feedback reviews engages students in multiple acts of evaluative judgement, both about the work of peers, and, through a reflective process, about their own work; that it involves them in both invoking and applying criteria to explain those judgements; and that it shifts control of feedback processes into students’ hands, a shift that can reduce their need for external feedback. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed. It is argued that the capacity to produce quality feedback is a fundamental graduate skill, and, as such, it should receive much greater attention in higher education curricula.  相似文献   

设计产品与受纳者的对话是设计信息的传递和阐释过程.设计产品不是设计师的个人独白,设计师决不能"孤芳自赏",受众对设计信息有权进行不同的阐释和扩充.设计信息活动过程既包括设计师通过设计产品向受众发送信息,也包括受众接纳并反馈信息,存在着信息的相互交换,最后的设计信息是产品原有信息和受众增生信息的合成或综合体.受众的这种阐释,由于各自的文化背景、地域背景、生活经验以及形态记忆的不同,而会产生截然不同的形态联想,也会得到不同的受纳效果.阐释是综合性思维,是受众的再创造活动.不同特点的信息传播,会造成对现代设计信息的不同阐释.一件设计作品的真正意义的阐释和发现是一个生生不息的过程.  相似文献   

文章通过对重写文学史的缘起、应遵循的方法原则及在写作中当预防的层面等的阐述,阐明了文学史写作的终极目标虚是产生出具有审美性和个人立场的研究型的学术著作,且这种文学史的重写工作需要不断进行。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to educate childbirth educators about environmental hazards and provide resources. Hazardous chemicals have been found in cord blood, placenta, meconium, and breastmilk samples. These chemicals include commonly known hazards such as lead, mercury, and environmental tobacco smoke, as well as some pesticides, solvents, products containing chlorine, and other chemicals referred to as “persistent organic pollutants.” The fetus is particularly vulnerable to environmental chemicals that can disrupt the developmental process at critical times during gestation. Childbirth educators are encouraged to inform themselves in order to inform childbearing families to take preventive action and explore alternative behaviors to reduce exposure to environmental hazards.  相似文献   

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