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Utilising a globalisation framework this study contributes to discussions concerning inequality, education, and development by re‐examining the effects of educational and economic variables on income inequality. This research shows that the effects of education on income inequality are affected by the level of economic freedom in a country, and specifically that more economic liberalisation may limit the equalising effects of secondary enrolments. These findings imply that the level of economic freedom must be considered when creating policies to reduce inequality and that complex relationships must be considered for further research in this area.  相似文献   

Globalisation includes not only the changes brought about by the opening up of markets and communication technology, but also those set in motion by shifts in policy relating to the responsibilities of government and the role of research and innovation in development. This paper examines the impact of globalisation on education research, policy and practice, and the ways in which reforms and priorities in the education systems of the Asia-Pacific region are being shaped by the interaction between the global and the local. It is argued that educational reforms should not be left to global forces or powerful global organizations to decide for us, but should stem from deliberate and considered choices based on the best-available research. Closing the gaps between research, policy and practice demands that we rethink our research priorities and practices, as well as the ways in which we develop and implement policy. The paper examines some of the rethinking underway, and how organizations like APERA, UNESCO and Eidos promote the sharing of knowledge and experience and collaboration between educational researchers, policy makers and practioners in the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

In addressing the issue of interdisciplinary research in vocational guidance, twelve propositions important for understanding the vocational guidance process as joint, goal-directed action are presented. They address the encounter between client and counsellor leading to relational ethics, the relevance of everyday action theory and methods for the analysis of goal-directed processes as joint actions, projects, and careers. Research on the school-to-work transition illustrates this conceptualisation and analysis. Links to other disciplines concerned with vocational guidance are identified.  相似文献   

This article discusses how the media and schools are used as disciplinary apparatuses to resist and work against globalisation in Singapore. Aihwa Ong calls the deployment of state ideological apparatuses, such as the media and schools, acts of ‘reassemblage’, when technocrats resort to assemble institutions, diverse Government practice and political values to engage in citizenship production. The National Education curriculum package introduced to Singapore schools is one example of ‘reassemblage’, which aims to reinvent subject‐citizens who are perceived as lacking cultural mooring and a national identity. I argue that in the context of globalisation, this cultural experimentation of constructing a national identity and creating a sense of belonging is fraught with ruptures, as ‘youthscapes’ and new communication technologies are potentially the liminal spaces where other sources of identities are up for grabs. These liminal spaces further allow youths to perform ‘elective belonging’ rather than a sense of belonging bound by the ‘national’ and ‘local’.  相似文献   

Vocational psychology is need of reinvigoration and one way to achieve this goal is by re-examining vocational psychology in the light of cultural psychology. Vocational psychology is a cultural enterprise and the embeddedness of culture needs to be more fully incorporated into career theory and research. Cross-cultural and cultural psychology are described. Specific reference is made as to how core vocational concepts, such as development and the self, can be re-interpreted through cultural lenses.  相似文献   

Whether economic globalisation is associated with a narrowing or a widening of the social class gap between the education and occupation expectations of Sri Lankan youth is examined through a test of four hypotheses. Methodologically, the study employs the estimated parameters from a system of seemingly unrelated equations for testing hypotheses. Youth expectations for education and occupation are higher than those of their parents when young. Social class effects vary among youth and fathers and mothers when young. The occupation expectations of youth show a widening gap between the middle and low social classes. In all other comparisons, the gaps are positive, indicating a widening, but none attains statistical significance. Causal explanations are explored and the implications for future investigations are identified.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to make sense of a public–private partnership in London’s East End. I am interested in how policy directions, in terms of cultural practices, may operate as links between transnational corporations and education provision, and, additionally, how concepts of space and place provide possibilities for different understandings of educational policy change in local instances. I examine the philanthropic practices of a corporation and the practices of schools receiving this philanthropy, and suggest that these are practices of ‘everyday globalisation’ occurring as part of a specific policy direction, Excellence in Cities.  相似文献   

A fiercely contested debate in teaching reading concerns the respective roles and merits of reading schemes and real books. Underpinning the controversy are different philosophies and beliefs about how children learn to read. However, to some extent debates have largely been rhetoric‐driven, rather than research‐driven. This article provides a theoretical perspective derived from instructional psychology and explores the assumptions that have been made about the use of real books and reading schemes, which have tended to polarise arguments about their respective strengths and limitations. It analyses the structures of adult literature, children’s real books, and reading schemes, and examines the demands that they make on children’s sight vocabulary and phonic skills. The critical high‐frequency words and grapheme–phoneme correspondences (GPCs) are identified that will enable children to read the majority of phonically regular and irregular words that they encounter which, perhaps surprisingly, occur more often in real books than structured reading schemes. Learning additional sight words or GPCs is of limited value due to their relatively low occurrence in written English and, thus, potentially minimal impact on children’s reading. Finally, the implications of this research for teaching reading are considered, particularly the complementary roles of real books and teaching methods derived from instructional psychology. In the past they have been viewed as diametrically opposed and mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

The literature on interdisciplinarity identifies several forms of collaboration: multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and interdisciplinary (as bridge building or integration). To assist vocational psychology translate its interdisciplinary discourse into action, this paper uses that literature to identify the benefits, challenges and conditions for success. It indicates that the form of collaboration needed must be decided, and the cognitive, social, organizational and institutional aspects of the collaborating disciplines considered. It highlights the significance of interpersonal relationships when establishing and maintaining collaboration.  相似文献   


The historiography of child guidance has focused primarily on the United States, where it first developed before travelling across the English-speaking world. The rapid expansion of child guidance in the interwar years was enabled by private philanthropy, which provided fellowships to foreign professionals to study in the United States. This article focuses upon the transnational transfer of child guidance, the dynamic psychology on which it was based, and the accompanying psychopathologisation of child-rearing culture to a non-English speaking country, the Netherlands. First, it discusses the development of child guidance and the reception of dynamic psychology in the United States and Britain. Next, it analyses the transfer to the Netherlands. It turns out that the Dutch did not copy the American model, but adapted it to fit their conditions and created a more diverse child guidance landscape, in which educational psychology played a less important role than child psychiatry.  相似文献   

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance - Using the Psychology of Working Theory as a guide, the goal of this study was to examine the longitudinal relations of economic...  相似文献   

高职高专院校图书馆对读者工作的重视程度还远远不够。这类院校图书馆应根据办学实际,把读者工作的重点定位于适合学生和教师教学与科研需要的各个方面。本文通过对不同类型读者的阅读倾向的分析,提出了做好读者工作的具体措施。  相似文献   

Comparisons made between art and mathematics so often centre on the beauty of mathematics and how its forms might be seen as aesthetically pleasing. Yet the prominence of beauty as an attribute is less prevalent in contemporary art. Rather, art has a much broader scope of concern, perhaps with a greater emphasis on providing apparatus through which we might better understand who we are. This paper considers some performative aspects of contemporary art and draws parallels with some examples of mathematical activity within educative contexts. It argues that the performative dimension of mathematics is underemphasised in school activity and that the social and linguistic conditioning of mathematics within performance is a crucial aspect of the discipline being addressed in school and vocational courses. In particular, proficiency with concretisations of mathematics and the social dynamics that attend these is integral to the broader proficiency of moving between concrete and abstract domains.  相似文献   

The once firm divisions between regular and special education are now fading. In many regions, the integration into regular classrooms of formerly extruded atypical students has an accepted and sometimes legally determined future. Much greater responsibility has thus fallen upon the shoulders of the classroom teacher, and when the failure of students to learn is attributed to a failure to teach them effectively, the question of professional accountability becomes poignant indeed. So, too, for the educational psychologist. Assessment, tied to placement, is no longer acceptable as a raison d'etre. His/her primary contribution in an era of integration for special education is towards improving the quality of instruction in regular classrooms and the quality of learning. Activities of educational psychologists, including assessment, research dissemination, programs of evaluation, systems analysis, and work with parents are reconstrued in this paper as contributing to better instruction in better classrooms.  相似文献   

This article addresses the pedagogical implications and possibilities that globalisation poses for educational policy and praxis as it relates to teaching about difference in an ever more diverse world. Among the most salient questions in an era of accelerated globalisation is how seemingly different cultures, civilisations, nationalities, ethnicities and races are to coexist peacefully in an increasingly borderless world, or whether they are forever destined to experience conflict based on cultural chasms in the guise of a ‘clash of civilisations’. This article highlights the tension between two perspectives on education: education as a force in cultivating intolerance and education as a panacea for intolerance. While not negating the potential for education to remedy social ills, we consider the extent to which education can produce change in the opposite direction. In the following pages, we present a context for our discussion of in/tolerance by providing an overview of the double‐edged, or Janus‐faced, qualities that both education and globalisation possess. We then draw on social‐psychological, anthropological and sociological literatures in bringing together three theoretical constructs—moral exclusion, the genocidal continuum and symbolic violence—in examining how intolerance is created and reproduced within educational settings. Following this overview, we present three vignettes to exemplify the teaching of intolerance in different historical and geo‐political contexts, namely, Nazi Germany, Rwanda and Israel. Finally, we conclude with recommendations that pay particular attention to the kind of education that that teaching of tolerance necessitates.  相似文献   

黄炎培职业指导理论与中华职业教育社的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄炎培职业指导理论是在长期研究与实践基础上形成的,对职业指导的含义、特点、根据、目的、作用、意义和方法等作出了明确的阐释,至今尚具参考价值。以其为指导,扎实做好职业指导工作,对职业院校的生存与发展仍有现实借鉴意义。  相似文献   

大学生价值观教育在高校思想政治教育课程中占主导地位,同时也是高校教师教育学生的目的之一。高校教师应深入了解现阶段大学生心理需求及特征,剖析其价值观和影响其价值观发展完善的因素,进而对当代大学生价值观的发展及完善加以引导和教育。  相似文献   

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