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个性化教育是在充分认识教育效果基础上所提出的一个热点话题.个性化教育对提高一个国家的国际竞争力存在深远影响.美俄等国通过实施个性化的课程设置、培养个性思维,使得个性化教育得到充分发展,个性化教育的内涵在于从人的主体性、创造性着手,使教育具有针对性.这种教育模式着眼现在、放眼未来.个性化教育、创新教育和素质教育三者是统一的,我国应该通过发展研究型教育推进个性教育的发展.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代初,爱的教育就作为一种新型而有效的教育形式开始在学校里推行。爱的教育在我国全社会推行就需要学校、家庭、社会、社区的共同努力,因为,教育是全人类共同的活动,它同每个人都息息相关,是全人类都应承担的义务。  相似文献   

Moral education can be received from the film Beverly Hills Chihuahua.In the modern time,moral education is believed to be in the first place on all-around education in schools.Family education is the key factor that have an effect on the quality of one’s moral ed ucation.Responsibility education and gratitude education are believed to be helpful in moral education Setback education for the youth is also emphasized in our time.The environment is very important for the moral development.  相似文献   

This article examines how certain contextual factors explain levels of education attainment and participation amongst youths in 30 European countries, whilst also exploring the scope for action of education policy when dealing with these issues. Through simple OLS regressions, we first evaluate the impact of a group of contextual indicators on the percentage of the population aged 20 to 24 having completed at least upper secondary education (education attainment) and the number of students aged 18 as a percentage of the corresponding age population (education participation). Secondly, through multivariate OLS analysis, we identify the net impact of some of these factors on the levels of education participation of 18-year-olds. The results show the significance of three factors: low-skilled occupation, the structure of public spending on education, and the importance of vocational education programmes in secondary education.  相似文献   

对通识教育有关概念的辨析   总被引:69,自引:0,他引:69  
通识教育在国际高等教育界一直倍受瞩目,发达国家积累了丰富的实施通识教育的经验,国内一些大学也在进行积极的尝试。虽然目前我国教育界大都赞同在大学(特别是综合性研究型大学)本科实施通识教育,但不论是理论界还是实践界对通识教育及其相关概念的理解不仅不一致,而且很模糊。因此,有必要对通识教育的定义及其与专才教育、自由教育、人文教育、素质教育、专业教育以及通选课和公共课等概念之间的区别和联系进行辨析。  相似文献   

我国多年来的传统教育过于强调少年苦读 ,造成了一些弊端的出现。应该大力提倡终身教育的思想 ,并抓好成人教育这一重要环节。  相似文献   

教师教育中应试教育的出现是令人深思的,它与功利主义的教育价值观、单一的以分数来选拔的制度设计、教师教育理论的不成熟密切相关。只有在这三方面同时获得转变与提高,教师教育才能迎来自己的春天——全面提高教师素质,促进教师专业发展。  相似文献   

对教育定义的思考   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
教育是什么 ?有各种界说和诠释。各种界说都有时代的背景和作者的判断。怎么正确地理解这些界说 ,需要厘清和分析。本文希望通过教育的基本要素和教育的价值功能来认识和理解教育的本质特征。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the reactions to absenteeism in public secondary schools in underprivileged areas of the city of Barcelona, Spain. The data presented are part of a doctoral thesis undertaken after the implementation of the Spanish comprehensive education reform (LOGSE) and they draw attention to important differences between schools. The study examines schools’ practices in the face of absenteeism and assesses their proactive or reactive responses to the requirements of student inclusion, studying their working methods and teacher cultures.  相似文献   

普通高中教育的健康发展,在内在质量上应体现为普通高中教育性质的充分体现与使命的全面落实。在多维度认识视野中,当代普通高中教育是再生产"普通人"的普通教育,是为"未完成人"终身发展奠基的高层次基础教育,是九年义务教育后移进程中的大众教育,是主动适应受教育者升学与就业需要的预备教育,也是基于准成年人身心特征的多样化选择性教育。当代普通高中教育的上述性质与使命集中指向素质教育。全力推进素质教育是提升普通高中教育质量与文化品位的惟一正确选择。  相似文献   

电大引领社区教育,具有机制、技术、资源和体系等战略优势。在社会转型形势下,电大引领社区教育需要确立服务大众教育、终身教育、素质教育、人本教育、开放教育的战略方向,并着眼终身教育体系建设,从增进校地共建常态化沟通、加快教育模式社区化改造、探索教育实施实体化运作、推动教育服务的最大化覆盖、强化教育保障的立体化支持等方面入手开展工作。  相似文献   

目前,我国把为行业培养应用型人才的学位教育称为专业型学位教育,把为学科培养理论型人才的学位教育称为学术型学位教育,很难准确反映这两种教育的本质.专业有学科专业和行业专业,是不同学科知识体系和行业实践活动的分类.相同学科知识基础也有学科专业与行业专业的区别.培养应用型人才的教育与培养理论型人才的教育的本质区别不是是否有专业和做研究的区别,而是学科专业和行业专业及其培养人才的教育目标和方式的区别.现行的硕士、博士学位教育名称应该把硕士、博士专业学位教育修正为行业型和实践型学位教育.  相似文献   

通过研读布鲁贝克的《高等教育哲学》,对高等教育从自由教育到专业教育,再到专业教育与普通教育携手并进,有了进一步的理解,循着高等教育发展的历史轨迹,可以认识到,目前我国高校实施的素质教育是高等教育发展的必然,用具有中国特色的素质教育的思想指导我国的高等教育,无论在理论上还是在实践上都有重要的意义。  相似文献   

通过对社区教育的职能和现状的分析,在知识经济的时代,为满足人们日益增长的终身教育需求,社区教育应该而且能够承担起终身教育的任务,本文对社区教育完成终身教育任务的出路和方法做了初步思考.  相似文献   

大学理念、文化自觉、通识教育作为高职院校人文教育的"灵魂"、"筋骨"和"肌理",完整地构成了高职院校人文教育的一个完整"人"的教育。文章从文化自觉谈起,通过缩小文化自觉的外延,逐步分析文化自觉对于大学教育和高职教育的意义。笔者站在文化自觉的角度,试图从高职教育的现状中探索出人文教育的筋骨和脉络。  相似文献   

While quality in education has long been a significant issue, definitions of quality are often taken for granted rather than argued for, allowing the possibility that the criteria used by researchers and planners to judge quality may differ from local stakeholders’ perspectives, particularly regarding the place within quality education of the knowledge, culture and language of non-dominant groups. However, there is an accumulating convergence of research that calls for assessments of quality in education of non-dominant linguistic and cultural groups that engage local stakeholders’ understandings. This paper presents a recent study that attempts to do this, investigating the perspectives of students, parents, teachers, and administrators in Sunan Yughur Autonomous County, a multiethnic, multilingual district in rural Gansu, inhabited by several nationalities. Over one hundred participants in three schools were asked what was important for children to learn in school; including what aspects of local (minority) knowledge, culture and language should be taught as part of school-based curriculum. The study found three educational visions in local schools: regular urban education; Chinese-medium, multicultural education; and bilingual, multicultural education. The study also found that stakeholders support the latter vision, which reflects society’s actual cultural and linguistic pluralism, as well as much research on quality education for non-dominant groups. The paper concludes with a call for a comparative approach, both domestic and international, towards the investigation of quality education of non-dominant groups in China.  相似文献   

自“社会教育”引入我国以来,其目的经历了四个时期的变化:民国时期作新民、改造社会与救亡图存三位一体;建国初期培养有社会主义觉悟的有文化的劳动者;改革开放时期培育服务经济发展的终身学习者;新时代培养信息社会友好生活的数字公民。历史回顾下,社会教育目的的发展遵循一定的演进逻辑,主要表现为从“供给驱动”向“需求驱动”过渡;从“现实依赖”向“未来开放”转向;从“教育阐释”向“社会形塑”演变。在新的历史时期,社会教育目的应努力把握未来发展方向,包括创新私人定制,拓展“学会学习”的内涵;转换教育观念,加深对生活的理解;凸显教育特色,彰显“自成”的意义。  相似文献   

日本侵华时期对中国沦陷区实施殖民统治,奴化教育是其中的组成部分。为了深入地在沦陷区推行奴化教育。日伪制定了相关的教育目标,并以此为核心在实施过程中从学校和社会两个方面加强控制,妄图彻底“改造”青少年的思想。对此,我们应严肃地加以清理。  相似文献   

Reforms in colleges and universities should promote the humanistic character of higher education—rather than simply serve for pure economic production—but also observe the sacred mission of transmitting and creating culture and knowledge, with these two possessing momentous differences. These then demand rationality in academic management to guard against declination toward dehumanization or bureaucracy. Thus, the relationship between academic power and administrative power must be harmonized, and a reasonable equilibrium must be guaranteed. An academic management idea of power in learning is particularly emphasized to overcome the false polarity of managerism, straightforwardly reducing complicated academic operations to a kind of economic prosecution, hence truly promoting the function of a higher education system.  相似文献   

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