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德国双元制职业教育在我国应用已经很多年了,但仍然存在诸多难以解决的问题,通过对德国双元制职业教育的实质性剖析,发现其在中国的专业化应用不能采用形式上的简单移植,而应采取根本要素的移植。从课堂教学、校内实训、校外实习三个环节剖析德国双元制职业教育的精髓,提出了职业教育课堂教学系统化、实训基地工厂化、实习环节课堂化的三个转变。  相似文献   

健雄职业技术学院"定岗双元"培养模式是德国"双元制"本土化的具体体现,它与德国的"双元制"既有区别又有联系。"定岗双元"培养模式为企业、学校、学生带来多方益处,但实施过程中也要尊重国情,注意一些要点,才能保证"定岗双元"培养模式的顺利实施。  相似文献   

Before one can understand or use any symbol, one must first realize that it is a symbol, that is, that it stands for or represents something other than itself. This article reports 4 studies investigating very young children's understanding of 2 different kinds of symbolic stimuli--scale models and pictures. The data replicate previous findings that 2.5-year-old children have great difficulty appreciating the relation between a scale model and the larger space it represents, but that they very readily appreciate the relation between a picture and its referent. This result is interpreted in terms of the dual orientation hypothesis. Models are difficult for young children because they require a dual representation--a child must think about a model both as an object itself and as a representation of something else. Because pictures are not salient as real objects, they do not require a dual representation. Several kinds of evidence supporting the dual orientation hypothesis are presented. An additional result was the occurrence of a transfer effect: Prior experience with a picture task led to better performance on a subsequent model task. This finding suggests that experience with a symbolic medium they understand can help young children figure out a different, unfamilar medium that they would otherwise not understand.  相似文献   

德国"双元制"模式被公认为一种比较完美的职业教育模式,该模式"重校企合作、重实践过程、重方法训练、重能力培养",其成功经验被许多国家借鉴、采用和推广。我国行业转制高职院校在实施"校企合作、工学结合"人才培养模式中面临更大困难。科学借鉴德国"双元制"职业教育模式,对促进行业转制高职院校教育教学改革、提高人才培养质量、加快发展具有重要借鉴作用。  相似文献   

德国“双元制”特色及其对我国成人高等职业教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国"双元制"是目前世界上最为成功的职业教育模式之一,已被世界各国广为推崇。当下,立足国情,借鉴和汲取德国的职业教育特色及成功经验,通过宣传教育、加强教育立法、完善教育体系、明确培养目标、企业主导专业、走产教研之路、完善资格认证制度等举措,对调整和改革我国的成人高等职业教育事业,推动其健康快速发展将具有划时代的意义。  相似文献   

The apprenticeship system in Germany is carried out both by companies and vocational schools (the Dual System). The question of whether the German Dual System is transferable is currently being asked in vocational education and training research. The analysis of current transfer discourses alludes to a research desideratum: the actual approaches consider either the input or the output of an educational transfer, but the transfer process in relation to its input and output has not been investigated to date. We focus on this desideratum. In the present case study, the processes emergence and implementation of dual apprenticeship structures is analysed in relation to its input and output in a German automotive transplant in the United States. Transplant organisations provide an ideal case to explore the transfer phenomenon because they have been transferred from a familiar context to a foreign context. The research questions are: firstly, why and how did the need emerge to implement dual apprenticeship structures in the German transplant in the United States (input); secondly, how and in which way have these structures been implemented (process); and thirdly, how can the implemented structures be characterised: as an imitation, adaptation or transformation of the original model (output)? The central findings of the case study are: firstly, that growing contradictions in the production system triggered the implementation process; secondly, that the original Dual System was transformed within the implementation process; and thirdly, that this transformation led to innovative solutions. These findings may not be valid for every transfer at any time, but they reflect that educational transfer of dual apprenticeship structures can be more than just a more or less successful imitation or adaptation.  相似文献   

德国的双元制是一种国家立法支持、校企合作共建的职业教育办学模式,为德国的经济腾飞做出了不可磨灭的贡献。我国职业教育的校企合作存在诸多问题,应借鉴德国双元制模式,完善法律保障,发挥行业协会作用,实现经费投入多元化以及对学生进行职业规划与指导。  相似文献   

For many years the possible introduction of the German dual vocational education programme into other countries has been discussed. The transferability of the German vocational education and training system into other countries has been controversially discussed in the work of development assistance and in international comparative vocational education research for a long time, even though the empirical basis is quite narrow. The present study focuses on the vocational and training behaviours of German corporations in their subsidiaries in Japan, China and India. Even though all three nations are important countries for the German corporations the culture, the vocational education and employment systems are very different. Based upon the theory of the EPRG model in international management, this study analyses the vocational education and training activities and in terms of the EPRG model by interviews with experts. The findings indicate that a polycentric approach is used exclusively in India and to a significant extent in China. In Japan, in addition to the prevalent polycentric approach, there is also a strong influence of geocentric training styles. The similarities can be partly explained by the stronger focus on theoretical training institutions and a more academic attitude in society as a whole, which means that purely vocational training plays a marginal role with low esteem. In this context, it would be difficult to implement the German style of vocational education and training.  相似文献   

区域经济发展问题,是世界上大多数国家(特别是大国)在经济快速发展过程中必须积极应对的一个重大课题。"十一五"以来,我国区域经济发展呈现良好态势,同时也存在亟待解决的问题。"十二五"时期我国区域经济协调发展的对策建议是:健全法规,改革区域管理体制;优化格局,培育区域新增长极;深化合作,推动区域互动发展,加强调控,完善区域政策体系;调整布局,引导产业有序转移。  相似文献   

我国高职教育理论及实践发展都有个过程.高职教育成为一个专门高等教育类别.高职教育确定其地位前后借鉴了国外经验突破了普通高教的学科体系,建立了职业岗位的能力体系.较早走上了职业教育院校的实践说明,其课程设置在注意其岗位针对性时,也应注意其适应性.要适应市场人才需求,适应学生深造的要求和学生个性化要求.基础课程"必须、够用"的理解具有片面性.根据各专业课程设置具有一定机动性和不同的组合自由度,应采用某些改革措施.  相似文献   

社区是我国社会学者从外文翻译过来的一个名词,社区教育尤其是社区成人教育在我国起步较晚,因此从其他国家的社区成人教育的发展中汲取经验对我国的社区成人教育的发展的意义是非常重大的。美国是目前世界上社区成人教育发展水平较高的国家之一,其重要载体是社区学院,本文在明确了社区成人教育的概念后,主要介绍了美国社区学院的发展,并且从中得出了对我国社区成人教育发展的一些启示。  相似文献   

德国职业教育的特色及借鉴   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
德国的职业教育水平是世界各国所公认的,它有完善的职业教育体系、严格的师资培训制度、配套的职业教育法规,更有促进其经济发展的独具特色的“双元制”职业教育模式.德国的职业教育堪称世界职业教育的一个典范。目前,我国的职业教育现状不容乐观,我们应从我国国情出发,学习和借鉴德国成功的经验,积极采取对策,克服困难。解决矛盾,大力推进我国职业教育的发展.  相似文献   

浅析德国鲁尔区工业遗产旅游的模式及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工业旅游分为工业生产旅游和工业遗产旅游两大类。我国主要发展的是工业生产旅游,而国外是从发展工业遗产旅游开始的。德国工业遗产旅游的典范-鲁尔区的工业遗产旅游的模式有工业博物馆模式、景观公园模式、商品集散地模式、政府整体规划的“工业遗产旅游之路”等模式。在我国,发展工业遗产旅游要注意分析目标市场,产品不能雷同要有创新,打造工业旅游带,发展为镶嵌在城市中与城市和谐发展的明珠。  相似文献   

在德国高等教育改革中,虽然引入了被国外验证行之有效的英美竞争机制和资源配置模式,然而由于德国在文化和高等教育传统上与其他国家的差异,这一模式短时间内在德国高等教育体系中所起的作用并不大。研究表明,文化价值观念和传统体制上的差异,在很大程度上制约着人们对一种新体制的认同程度。而这种认同程度又在很大程度上决定了改革的进程与成败。  相似文献   

“双元制”职业教育被誉为德国经济腾飞的“秘密武器”。近年来,随着德国经济结构、就业结构以及接受职业教育的观念等方面发生的变化,“双元制”职业教育也遇到了许多的问题与挑战。但是面对种种问题和各方面的意见,德国政府则是坚决而鲜明地坚持“双元制”职业教育不动摇的方针。由此可见,“双元制”职业教育模式在德国的经济发展中起着举足轻重的作用。本文通过对德国“双元制”职业教育的有关分析,试图从中获得一些启发,从而为我国职业教育的发展提供一些经验,以提高我国职业教育的档次。  相似文献   

澳大利亚的职业教育与培训颇具特色,采取的双元体系这种人才培养模式在发展过程中通过改革不断完善,取得了卓越的成效。本文对中国和澳大利亚职业教育与培训进行比较,并探究澳大利亚这种人才培养模式对我国的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Didactics, meaning the systematic study of the instructional process, has a long tradition in many European countries. In Anglo-American literature, however, didactics is largely absent. Instead, it is often dealt with under the heading of educational psychology, curriculum theory or some other heading. In this article the author clarifies the distinction between educational psychology and didactics, and argues that didactics is a valuable concept whose absence in the Anglo-American tradition of educational studies is a disadvantage.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the debate on modularisation in initial vocational training provisions in Germany in the context of the German 'dual system'. This system has been increasingly criticised in recent years and the paper describes the on-going discussion regarding potential strategies for the modernisation of this system. The paper then introduces three different concepts of modularisation in training provisions that have emerged from the recent debate in Germany. They are each evaluated in terms of their potential application to the German training framework. Finally, a potential strategy for the modularisation of initial training in Germany is proposed. It draws on research regarding modules and units in training in other European countries and shows how it might be possible to embed the concept of modularisation within the pre-existing training frameworks in the German context.  相似文献   

作为后发展中国家,在经济社会发展的初期,大规模引进和模仿发达国家的技术是必要的.当经济发展到一定程度,走自主创新道路是必然选择,这也是提升国家竞争力的根本.在我国面临着技术对外依赖度过高、技术转移滞后与效率低下、自主品牌建设滞后等问题的背景下,通过加大知识性投资、完善知识产权保护制度、提高企业的学习能力和技术吸收能力等途径,可以全面提升我国的技术创新能力和国家竞争力.  相似文献   

由于世界各国经济发展的阶段不同,各国工业化道路也各有其特点。目前在新工业革命的推动下,发达国家正在由旧工业经济时代向新工业经济时代转变。在这一转变过程中,世界工业化发展出现了信息化、全球化、市场化、生态化的趋势。从中国工业化的现状出发,总结世界各国工业化和中国传统工业化发展中的经验教训,针对世界工业化发展的新趋势及其对中国工业化发展的挑战,努力做好中国新型工业化的战略定位十分重要。  相似文献   

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