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那是刚开学的一个下午,上级部门的领导来学校考察校领导班子。按照会议议程,每个校领导都要在全校教职工面前作述职报告。会议开始了,我是第二个发言。看看将近5000多字的述职报告,我明白,在规定的10分钟内读完它已不可能,而且效果也不好。怎么办呢?情急之下,我选择了脱稿述职,  相似文献   

近年来,述职在领导干部考核中普遍实行,如何写好述职报告直接体现着领导干部自身的写作素质。但是,因为述职报告是近年来新产生的应用文,有些写作者对其把握不当,就习惯地写成了工作总结。在这里,本文就如何区分述职报告和工作总结以及在述职  相似文献   

述职报告是校长对自己在一定时期内履行岗位职责情况所进行的严肃、认真的自我评价。从笔者几年来参加校长考核殛述职的情况看,有些校长还没有掌握写好述职报告的要领。那么,校长如何才能写好述职报告呢?  相似文献   

那是刚开学的一个下午,学校领导要公开作述职报告,第二个发言人是我。将近4千字的材料需要在规定的10分钟读完,我觉得可能性不大,怎么办呢?这时,我决定脱稿述职,把发言的侧重点放在文稿的第一部分:加强学习和教研。我因深有体会而语如连珠:谈到每天坚持上论坛学习,谈到每天“我  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国很多单位都进行了人事制度和干部体制改革,跟国际接轨,实行岗位责任制和干部聘任制,述职报告作为民主考核干部程序的一个重要方面,在实践中发挥了越来越重要的作用。本文主要介绍了当前述职报告中存在的若干写作误区,并针对这些误区给出相应的解决对策,以提高述职报告的写作质量。  相似文献   

委厅考核2005年度领导干部业绩委厅领导、处室主要负责人公开述职本刊讯2005年过去了,如何看待领导干部在过去一年中的各方面作为?省委教育工委、省教育厅不久前开展了2005年度领导干部考核工作。3月24日上午,省委教育工委、省教育厅召开委厅领导同志述职报告会,听取省教育厅副  相似文献   

【活动背景】又到岁末。无锡市惠山区玉祁中心小学组织学校中层领导进行年终述职,以完成年度考核工作。活动井井有条,颇有成效。那一份份写满辛劳而又充满成就感的报告,充分展现了中层领导干部认真的工作态度和执著的追求,更重要的是,蕴涵在报告中的那种人格力量深深地震撼着全  相似文献   

人大代表向选民或原选举单位述职,近年来已不鲜见,湖南衡阳市又向前推进了一步。据媒体报道,2009年10月30日召开的衡阳市十三届人大常委会第十六次会上,6名省人大代表作了会议述职,其余15名代表作书面述职。10月31日,《衡阳日报》、衡阳新闻网、衡阳人大网、衡阳党政门户网将6个述职报告“晒“了出来,此举在全国尚属首次。(《中国青年报》2009年11月23日)  相似文献   

日前,湖南工业大学在全校范围内对中层实职领导干部进行民主评议。每位干部在网上公示述职报告,接受全校师生评议;同时要在本部门述职,面对面听取部门教职工评议;还要在学校召开的副处级以上干部测评大会上接受教代会代表和党代会代表以及民主党派代表、人大代表、政协委员、教师代表面对面评议;之后接受校领导评议。  相似文献   

所谓述职报告,就是指在岗领导干部、公务员、各类专业技术人员及生产经营管理人员向所在工作单位的组织人事部门、上级机关和职工群众,如实陈述本人一定时期内履行岗位职责情况的一种文体.它既是个人履行岗位职责的自我评价,又是组织人事部门对个人考核登记的重要内容.  相似文献   

为了向PETS考生提供更为优质的服务,研究人员根据考生的实际需要,设计了PETS考生笔试成绩报告单。该文介绍了报告单设计所遵循的基本原则和报告单所呈现的主要内容。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查的方式对十堰市内四所普通高校大学生的媒介素养现状进行调查,分析大学生们接触媒介的动机使用情态、对媒介属性的认知状态、对媒介信息的辨别能力、对媒介不良信息的抵抗能力、对媒介资源的利用能力及对媒介素养教育的看法,得出有意义的结论并提出理性思考。  相似文献   

各级媒体由于加大了新农村建设的报道力度,对新农村建设起到了较好的宣传作用。但在具体的议程建构上,还存在一些不足,未能充分发挥媒体应有的功能。为此,媒体在报道新农村建设中,应注意增强策划意识、拓宽议题内容、创新报道形式,客观报道、以人为本。  相似文献   

Willingness to report abuse and neglect in residential facilities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports findings obtained in a study that sought to identify factors that influence the willingness of persons associated with and involved in 24-hour residential care to report possible abuse and neglect events. A total of 598 respondents from 33 counties in 5 states were presented with a potentially reportable abuse or neglect situation and were asked to indicate their willingness to report that situation. Characteristics of the event, the resident, staff, and measures of the attitudes of respondents were included in an hierarchical regression model to determine their respective impacts on willingness to report. A model that explained about 45% of the variance in willingness to report was obtained.  相似文献   

根据中国社会学的研究传统,定性研究报告可以分为个案型和深度访谈型两种。规范的定性研究报告应有导言、研究设计、研究结果、讨论、附录、参考文献等几个重要的内容。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore, based on a nationally representative sample, U.S. college students' uses of the Internet in their studies and their perceptions of academic life online, and changes in both perception and use since a 2002 report on the topic. Findings show that overall Internet use for academic purposes has increased. Students report generally positive opinions about the Internet's utility for academic work, but satisfaction with it for academic interactions may be on the decline.  相似文献   

School psychologists and administrators are often asked to respond to student violence and disorder based on incomplete or inaccurate information about the nature and scope of these problems in their schools. Records of disciplinary actions and incidents may reflect only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. In national surveys, school administrators report rates of violence and disorder that are only a small fraction of the rates reported by students in national self‐report surveys. Student self‐report surveys on school violence and disorder may offer school officials a means of more accurately appraising the prevention needs of their students. This article compares the methods and findings of three national surveys of students in an effort to understand what methodological characteristics have the most salient impact on their findings. The article examines measures of school‐related weapon carrying and fear from all three national surveys contrasting their modes of administration and question phrasing. Estimates from even the most expertly designed and administered survey will include some error. However, the stability and comparability of the national surveys across time and across surveys suggest that student self‐report surveys are valuable tools for school‐level needs assessment. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In this article, Tom Schuller and David Watson, who were responsible for a major review of lifelong learning in the UK published in 2009, describe the main proposals from that review and compare them with the 1996 UNESCO report, The Treasure Within. They find many points of similarity, as well as clear differences. Apart from specific differences of analysis or emphasis, their 2009 ‘Learning Through Life’ (LTL) report focused particularly on adults and dealt prominently with workplace and community-based opportunities compared with the full life-cycle but largely formal education focus of the Delors report. They discuss the LTL 4-lifestage model, the lifecycle distribution of resources, and entitlements to learning. They draw out key issues related to ‘learning to be’. They provide a stocktake of the progress that has been made in the UK since the publication of their report in 2009 and find little grounds for encouragement that their suggested directions for change have been put into practice. They reflect on rationales and developments to offer a prospectus for lifelong learning that has general application, not only in the UK.  相似文献   

Lack of clarity about assessment criteria and standards is a source of anxiety for many first-year university students. The Developing Understanding of Assessment for Learning (DUAL) programme was designed as a staged approach to gradually familiarise students with expectations, and to provide opportunities for the development of the skills required to successfully complete assessment tasks. This paper investigated the students’ perceptions of the first two components of the DUAL programme, which assist first-year biology students to engage with stated assessment criteria and standards in order to develop their capacity to make judgements about scientific report exemplars, their peers’ scientific reports and ultimately their own. The study found strong evidence (96% of responses) that the marking and discussion of exemplar reports with peers and demonstrators clarified expectations of scientific report writing. A key feature of this element of DUAL was the opportunity for structured discussion about assessment criteria and standards between peers and markers (demonstrators). During these discussions, students can clarify explicit statements and develop a tacit knowledge base to enhance their ability to judge the quality of others’ work and their own. The peer review exercise (the second element of DUAL) was not rated as highly, with 65% of students finding the process helpful for improving their report. The negative reactions by a sizeable minority of students highlight the need to clearly communicate the expectations and benefits of peer review, with a focus on how the process of giving feedback to peers might benefit a student as much as receiving feedback on their own report.  相似文献   

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