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Today in History     
Today’s highlight in history(on June first):On this date:●In 1868,James Buchanan,the15th president of the United States,died in Penn-sylvania.1868年的这一天,美国第十五任总统詹姆斯·布坎南于美国宾夕法尼亚州逝世。  相似文献   

A woman got on a bus,holding a baby. The bus driver said.“That’s the ugliest babyI’ve ever seen.” In a huff(愤怒),the woman slammed(扔)her fare into the fare box and took an aisle seatnear the rear(后排)of the bus.  相似文献   

Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi 数学造就了科学家 科学家改变了世界 Augustin Louis Cauchy Augustin Louis Cauchy Aug 21 1789 - May 23 1857 Cauchy pioneered the study of analysis and the theory of permutation(排列) groups. He also researched in convergence and divergence of infinite series, differential equations, determinants, probability and mathematical physics. Cauchy stated as a military engineer and in 1810 went to Cherbourg to work on Napoleon's English invasion fleet. In 1813 he returned to…  相似文献   

In a Restaurant A diner(食客)took a look at his food and asked the waiter,“Imake a bet(打赌)that you must have(表推测,意为“你一定”)changed your cook(厨师).”Hearing this,the waiter asked in surprise,“How do you know that,sir?”  相似文献   

In Herzog, Saul Bellow employs an omniscient narrator and a character -narrator, Herzog.Though the story mainly revealed from Herzog ’ s stream of consciousness by using such techniques as interior monologue, free indirect thought and psycho -narration, Herzog is unreliable.The shift of different perspectives by using different personal pronouns (“he”,“you”,“I”) indicates a speaking self, inner voice and split selves of Herzog.In the end, Herzog overcomes his inner self and calms down in Ludeyville .The circular plot structure is one of the obvious features of the novel .  相似文献   

历史上的美国曾采用过“金融”与“大棒”并举的霸权主义政策,今天的美元在世界经济舞台上依然占据着举足轻重的地位。但你知道美元的由来吗?这篇短文会告诉你相关的知识。The origin of the alm ighty(万能的、至高无上的)dollar is in w hat is now theCzech R epublic(捷克共和国).In 1519,a silver m ine near the tow n ofJoachim stal (literally “Joachim s valley”,from the G erm an T al, m eaning valley)began m inting a silver coin called,unim aginatively (不 假 思 索 地 ), theJoachim staler.The coin,which w as…  相似文献   

洗澡沐浴分秒计,节水意识大加强。计时洗澡在某些高校正逐渐推广开来…… In the US and Britain,the slogan(口号,标语) around colleges was “Save water, showerwith a friend.”Now,Wuhan University has comeup with another system for the campus bath-house.It charges students for the amount of timein a shoWer.  相似文献   

In the doctor's waiting room ,sick (患病 )men and women were sitting on their chairs.Bob,a school boy,was among them.They alllook very sad1Bob.He was reading an2 storybook,just then the doctor came in and said hewas ready for the next person.Bob jumped upand3into the doctor's room.“What's your trouble?”said the doctor.4Bob could say a word,the doctor made him 5down on a bed.“Now let m e listen to yourheart”,Bob tried to speak,the doctor let him 6say anything.“I'll7your temperature(体温…  相似文献   

In Otto Jespersen‘s book the Philosophy of Grammar( 1951 ),the definition of formulas is mentioned: “a formula may be a whole sentence or a group of words, or it may be one word, or it may be only part of a word, that is not improtant,but it must always be something which to the actual speech- instinct is a unit which cannot be further analyzed or decomposed in the way a free combination can”(1951:24) .Thus proverbs belong to formulas, as the example “Handsome is that handsome does” given by Jespersen.  相似文献   

,....,尸复文填词1 have a rule when traveling—never ea恻a maP.1 prefer to ask for direetions. Foreign、isitors are often pu乙ded(困惑的)in Japan beeause most streets there don’t have names,In Japan,people use landmarks(路标)in their direetions instead ofs_1__ names.FOr example,the lapanese will sav to travelers,“Go straight down ro the eorner.肠rn left at the big hotel and pwe一卫一一a fruit market.The post offiee 150一乏-bus stop.”In the eount口side of the Ameriean Midwest usually…  相似文献   

Contradicting Oneself(自相矛盾) In ancient times,there was a man who sold spears(矛)and shields(盾;防护物).He used to boast,“My spears are the sharpest in the world.They can penetrate(刺穿,穿透)anything.”A moment later he would boast,“My shields are th  相似文献   

In 1939,the French govemment decided to create the“Festival International du Film”,and chose Cannes be-cause of its“sunny and enchanting location”.The firstFestival was postponed due to the war.In 1945.the“Association France Action Artistique”was asked once againto organize,for the following year,a Festival that would be  相似文献   

China is fast rocking It has been 20 years since the birth of Chinese rock‘ n’ roll. In 1986, during a TV talent show, Cui Jian jumped on stage and sang“Nothing to My Name” “(一无所有”). Almost overnight, he became a household name (家喻户晓的名字)  相似文献   

一、听力测试(24分)A)听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)(摇摇)1.W hatdoes the m an like doing?A.Swim m ing.B.Fishing.C.Boating.D.Singing.(摇摇)2.W here does the m an work?A.In a park.B.In a hospital.C.In a zoo.D.In a shop.(摇摇)3.W here are they talking?A.In a school.B.Athom e.C.In the street.D.In a hospital.(摇摇)4.W here is the wom an going?A.The postoffice.B.The science m useum.C.The …  相似文献   

Some Pe0Ple(l)that seals are the fairies of the sea and日ho记d notbe killed.“In the kin酗om of the Seals,’15 12、English fairy sto钾byDonald A Machenzie.It tells of a seal huntel(3)wounds a seal.Theseal swims away(4、the hunter,5 knife still(5)baek.That  相似文献   

请阅读下面这段短文,用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。G eorge is tw elve.H e1(study)in a m iddle school.H e2(be)in G rade O ne now.But he3(not like)thinking,and he4(notbe)good athis lessons.O ne day,Tom,one of G eorge s classm ates,5(ask)him,“G eorge,m y father and m y m other6(have)a son,butI have nobrothers.W ho7(be)it?”G eorge thinks it over.But he8(notknow)the answ er.So he9(have)to say,“Im sorry I10(notknow).”Tom laughs(笑)and11(say),“O fcourse(当然)its m e.”In the m iddle of the…  相似文献   

I.Introduction In the history of ELT in China,great changes have taken place in the late 1990s since communicative language teach- ing(CLT) was accepted as a main teaching method(Xiao, 2000)in China where it has made a great impact.In the Chi- nese so-called communicative classroom,teachers generally a-  相似文献   

“Happy New Year!”That greeting will be saidand heard for at least the first couple of weeksas a new year gets under way.But the daycelebrated as New Year’s Day in modern America wasnot always January 1. ANCIENT NEW YEARS远古时代的新年The celebration of the new year is the oldest of allholidays.It was first observed in ancient Babylon about4,000 years ago.In the years around 2.000 BC,theBabylonian(巴比伦的)New Year began with the first NewMoon,actually the first visible crescent(新月),after the  相似文献   

In the Soup     
ThiscolloquialexpressionoriginatedintheUnitedStates.Itmeans“tobeintrouble”.“IllbeinthesoupifIdontremembertobuymywifeabirthdaygift.”“Maryandherbrothergotinthesoupplayingwiththecartsatthesupermarket.”“inthesoup”是源于美国的俗语,形容遇In the Soup@程炜  相似文献   

Every living thing has a physical boundary that separates it from its ex-ternal environment. Beginning with the bacteria(细菌) and the simple cell and ending with man, every organism has a certain limit which marks where it begins and ends.Anyone who has had experience with dogs, particularly in the country-side such as on farms, is familiar with the way in which the dog handles space. In the first place, the dog knows the limits of his master蒺s “yard”and will defend it against encroachmen…  相似文献   

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