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Dialogue 1 A: Your friend Teresa called. She wants to have lunch with you tomorrow. B: Oh? What time? A: She said she'll pick you up at 12 noon. She  相似文献   

下面是 Li Lei一天的时间安排,你能根据这些信息完成对话吗? 6:20a.m getup 6:40a.m ,7:00a.m have breakfast,go to school 12:00 a.m have lunch 4:00 a.m play basketball 5:00 p.m ,6:00p.m go hom e,have supper 6:30p.m w atch TV 7:00 p.m do his hom ework 10:00 p.m go to bedB : 1 A :W hat tim e does he getup? B : 2 A : 3 B :H e goes to schoolat7:00. A :W hat tim e does he have lunch? B : 4 A : 5 at6:00in the evening? B :N o,he watches TV at 6:30in the evening. A :W here does he do his hom ework? B …  相似文献   

下面有这样一段小对话:A:Do you think I could learn how to use this software? B:Sure.It's very easy. I'll show you how after lunch.  相似文献   

听力部分(20分) 1.单句理解。在A、B、C三个选项中选出与你所听的句子意思相符的答案。(5分) 1.A.They had rice and noodles for lunch. B.They had noodles for lunch. C.They had rice for lunch. 2.A.She is good at maths.  相似文献   

A.发出邀请: 1.基本句式: Would you like to…? Do you want to…? Would you like to come to a party onSaturday?你愿意来参加星期六的聚会吗? Would you like to come out with me thisevening?你愿意和我今晚外出吗? Do you want to see my new car?你想去看看我的新车吗? Do you want to join for lunch? 你愿意和我共进午餐吗?  相似文献   

A:Excuseme.DoIknowyou?B:Oh,no.I’mnewhere.Myname’sJimGreen.A:I’mLiLei.Nicetomeetyou,Jim.YourEnglishisverygood.AreyoufromEngland?B:No.I’mfromCanada.CanadiansspeakEnglishandFrench.A:I’mChinese.Doyoulikeourcountry?B:Verymuch.A:WhatdoyoulikeaboutChina?B:Thepeopleandfood.A:Whataboutthescenery?B:Ilikeit,too.Yourcountryisreallygreat.A:Thankyou.A:对不起,我认识你吗?B:哦,不。我是这儿新来的。我叫吉姆·格林。A:我叫李雷。很高兴见到你,吉姆。你的英语(说得)很好,你是英国人吗?B:不,我是加拿…  相似文献   

教学要求:Ⅰ.New words and expressions:slow,minute,afraid,clock,strike,bad,lunch,biscuit.Ⅱ.Structures and functions:A:Whaf time is it?B:It’sone minute to eleven.教学重点和难点:Telling the time:It’s oneminute to eleven.教学过程:一、Warming-up:朗诵第十三课的儿歌。  相似文献   

今天,一开始风和日丽,可是突然一片黑压压的乌云向我袭来。“李欣睿,今天中午你来做饭!”一阵虎啸狮吼飞过。什么?让我做饭!我的情绪一落千丈。我想:做饭……咦?我不是可以做稀饭吗?我又想了想,我还可以在开煮以后烤蛋挞。这样想着,我就开始准备食材:一些米、三个鸡蛋、一罐奶粉,还有妈妈买来的蛋挞皮。  相似文献   

2007年高考英语的山东卷考了这样一道题:walk is expected to last allday,so bring packed lunch.A.A;a B.The;不填C.The;a D.A;不填此题答案选C。第一空填定冠词,表特指,这点比较好理解;但第二空填不定冠词就不好理解了,因为一般说来,表示“三餐饭”的名词(breakfast,lunch,s  相似文献   

Two Ducks     
A:Goodmorning.MynameisGaGa.早上好,我的名字叫嘎嘎。What’syourname,please?你叫什么名字?B:Mynameis…It’sasecret!我叫……那是秘密!B:Hi,GaGa!Whatdayistoday?嘿,嘎嘎,今天星期几?A:Sunday.星期天。B:Oh!Let’sgototheswimmingpool,shallwe?哦!我们去游泳池玩,好吗?B:GaGa,bequick!嘎嘎,快一点!A:Ok,I’mcoming.好,我就来。B:Whereareyoufrom?你是什么地方的人?A:I’mfromBeijing.Andyou?我是北京人,你呢?B:I’mfromNanjing.Howoldareyou?我是南京人,你多大了?A:Two.两岁。A:Oh!I’mtired.哦,我累了。B:Ha!Ha.哈哈…  相似文献   

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