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作为学者的闻一多在针对其研究对象进行分析时,总是将其文和其人相结合.其实,作为人们研究对象的闻一多,其诗作、诗论与杂文等,也都是其方正人格的表现.闻一多凡事追求完美和极致,由于其人格建立在高洁的基石上,因此,他之由绅士转变为斗士,就不是政治家的政治表现,而是坚持正义、寻求真理的知识分子行为.所以,其方正人格的"绝唱"又使其诗作诗论乃至杂文的品位得到彰显.闻一多虽然失去了宝贵生命,但正因为他有"道",所以无论其诗作、诗论还是人格,都能获得圆满和永生.  相似文献   

该文在对海南大学2000名大学生进行问卷调查的基础上,经过分析与综合,取得了对于新时期高校学风问题的客观、科学认知,并针对性地形成若干对策与建议.  相似文献   

当前,中学生的作文普遍存在着选材千篇一律,缺乏新意;主题观念陈旧,千人一面;结构模式化、内容虚假空洞;语言匮乏,用词不规范,表达方式单一,病句错别字连篇笔一系列问题.产生这些问题的原因主要归纳为两点:其一为学生自身的原因;其二为我们语文教育工作者的责任.  相似文献   

作文题目 阅读下面的材料,自选角度,自拟标题作文. 一个漆黑的夜晚,一个盲人一手拿着一根竹竿小心翼翼地探路,一手提着一个灯笼.旁人觉得好笑又好奇,问他:“你自己什么也看不见,为什么要提个灯笼赶路?”盲人缓缓地说道:“我要提着灯笼不是为自己照路,而是让别人容易看到我,不会误撞到我.而且,这么多年来,由于我的灯笼为别人带来光亮,为别人引路,人们也常常热情地搀扶我,引我走过一个又一个沟坎,使我免遭许多危险.” 要求:①符合题意,中心明确,情感真挚,语言通顺;②文体不限,除诗歌外,不少于600字;③文中不要出现真实的地名、校名、人名;④不得抄袭试卷中的材料及他人作品.  相似文献   

2007年4月24-25日,马克思主义理论学科建设研讨会在复旦大学召开.此次会议由国务院学位委员会"马克思主义理论一级学科建设和人才培养方案研究"课题组和复旦大学马克思主义研究院联合举办.与会领导、专家和课题组成员有国务院学位办办公室副主任李军,中国人民大学教授张雷声、梁树发、张新,武汉大学教授顾海良、梅荣政、沈壮海、佘双好,复旦大学教授燕爽、顾钰民、高国希、肖巍,西南大学教授罗洪铁,中山大学教授钟明华,西安交通大学教授王宏波,华东师范大学教授宋进,东北师范大学教授张澍军、南京师范大学教授俞良早等.  相似文献   

2007年10月24日至11月1日,我随教育部老干部局赴广西调研组。对广西职业教育进行了考察。先后到了南宁、北海、来宾、柳州、桂林,走访了13所职业院校,和职业院校的校长、教师和学生进行了广泛的交谈。参观了职业院校的实训基地,还先后听取了广西壮族自冶区教育厅和有关市、县政府领导和教育局领导的介绍。  相似文献   

抗战时期,以陕北公学为基础,合并、衍生出综合性的延安大学和华北联合大学.抗战胜利后,契合新政权需要,这两所大学所衍生的艺术、外语、工业、农学等院校时聚时散、渐合渐分,为中华民族的解放造就了大批骨干,也为新中国诸多高校奠定了基础.  相似文献   

对近几年湖南省城镇居民消费结构进行因子分析,研究城镇居民消费结构随着经济发展所产生的变化.在分析过程中引入了恩格尔系数和消费率两个概念,将其与因子分析相结合,从多个角度对湖南省城镇居民消费结构进行比较研究,并逐一和实际相联系.通过对分析结果的观察,研究消费结构中存在的一些问题,并分析出现这些问题的原因以及会带来的影响.最后为改善消费结构中所存在的问题,提出相关的政策建议.  相似文献   

科举考试文体八股文非由某人或某几个人或某个权威在某一特定的时间里制定.它是在历史的过程中,由众多的人参与不断修补完善的结果,和任何其他事物一样都有一个萌芽、成长、完备和定型的过程.八股文是从经文大义逐渐演变而成的,这一过程大致经历了这样几个阶段:试"大义"的形式,"三经新义"及论体形态,宋元经义文形态,科举八股文形态.  相似文献   

一 早上醒来,阳光正抚摸床脚. 窗外,天瓦蓝蓝的,如水洗过一般清明,几朵白云歇在空中,像白帽子罩在远处的楼顶上.天气晴好的周末是如此超然,恬静. 我伸伸懒腰,呼唤了两声妈妈,无人回应.去卧室找她,只见地上摊开两口老皮箱,妈妈正半蹲在地翻拣整理衣物,我断定她打算去楼顶晒旧衣. 妈妈是个勤俭的女人,趁着季节更迭,天朗气清,她必定会将家里的衣物重新收拾整理一番,再拿出去晒一晒,让旧衣物透透潮气. 昨日小区楼下来了收废旧物品的老婆婆,院子里各家各户的阿婆阿姨拎着大包小包的旧物赶上前去,或送或卖,妈妈却稳坐家中岿然不动,她说家里的东西各有其用,用不着隔三岔五丢一堆.  相似文献   

Résumé De manière générale, l'évidence sensorielle et, plus particulièrement, visuelle constitue pour les étudiants le principal fondement du savoir scientifique: nul besoin de supposer pour connaître, tout est donné ou presque. Du point de vue de l'enseignement des sciences, cette croyance à saveur réaliste est particulièrement critique, notamment parce qu'elle conduit à penser que les concepts, lois et théories scientifiques procèdent d'un monde de matérialités plutôt que d'un monde de modèles et de relations. Au cours d'une recherche effectuée auprès d'un groupe-classe de 35 étudiants durant douze semaines, nous avons pu observer que, pour la majorité des étudiants, la compréhension du caractère construit et consensuel du savoir scientifique était facilitée par le développement d'une métaréflexion sur leurs propres productions de connaissance et les inévitables postulats et suppositions qui les fondent. Nous avons également pu observer qu'il découle de cette activité réflexive un modèle de science qui se distingue des modèles initialement tenus par les étudiants, par le pouvoir créateur et, surtout, le pouvoir de théoriser qu'il comporte: postuler, supposer, jauger collectivement de la plausibilité des résultats plutôt qu'en appeler à une instance occulte, voilà quelques-unes des conquêtes théoriques qu'ils ont effectuées et sur lesquelles nous allons nous attarder.
Sensorial, and more specifically, visual evidence is generally regarded by students as the basis for scientific knowledge: no need to postulate to understand, all is almost or practically given. From a science-teaching standpoint, this rather realistic approach is critical and leads to the belief that scientific concepts, laws, and theories stem from a world of materiality rather than from a world of models and relationships. During a 12-week study a group of 35 college students, we observed that for the majority of them, the development of metareflection on how they produce knowledge, with the inevitable and inherent postulates and conjecture, facilitated their understanding of the constructed and consensual character of scientific knowledge. We also observed that this reflexive activity facilitated the development of a new approach to science that differed from those models previously used by the students in its creative potential and, more importantly, in the power of its theoretics: to postulate, suppose, and collectively estimate the plausibility of results rather than calling up occult instances. These and other theoretical achievements will be discussed in this paper.

This Participatory Action Research (PAR) project worked with four active street life oriented U. S. Born African men, to document how a community sample of street life oriented U. S. Born African men between the ages of 16–65, frame and use “street life” as a Site of Resiliency (Payne, Dissertation, 2005; Journal of Black Psychology 34(1):3–31, 2008). Qualitative data was collected in the form of 20 individual and two group interviews. These data reveal an inter-generational, conceptualization and use, of the term “street love” in street life oriented U. S. born African men. Also, these data reveal that notions of “street love” extend out a critique of community professionals (e.g., community researchers/interventionists, social workers, etc.) as being unable and unwilling to produce “real help” in the local community. Examples of street love, revealed in the study, include the men offering advice/counsel, money or “free turkeys” during Thanksgiving to one another as well as other members of the local community. Results support Payne’s (2005) three-dimension conceptualization of “street love”: (1) individual, (2) group and (3) communal level expressions of “street love”.
Yasser Arafat PayneEmail:

This paper reports the outcomes of a study, undertaken from a phenomenographic perspective, of university academics’ experiences of their own growth and development, i.e., what it means to them, what they are trying to achieve, how they go about it, why they do things that way ... The outcomes presented are based on a series of interviews with teaching and research academics at a research intensive university. The group as a whole showed a range of views of academic development, representing in particular a varying focus on:
•  Academic performance, in terms of increasing work output, academic standing or work quality;
•  Personal learning, in terms of ongoing accumulation of new knowledge and skills or increasing depth of understanding in one’s field of study;
•  Disciplinary or social change, in terms of contributions to one’s field of study or a relevant social community.
Implications for our understanding of academic development and academic work are discussed.  相似文献   

Due to the modernization of the medical curriculum and technological advancements, anatomy education has evolved beyond cadaveric dissection alone. Plastination techniques, three-dimensional (3D) modeling, and 3D printing technologies have progressively gained importance. However, there are limited valid and reliable surveys to evaluate students' perceptions of these new anatomy tools. Hence, this study aimed to develop a validated instrument to measure students' learning satisfaction, self-efficacy, humanistic values, and perceived limitations of plastinated and 3D printed models. A 41-item survey (five-point Likert scale, 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree) was administered to Year 1 undergraduate medical students following a randomized controlled crossover study that evaluated plastinated and 3D printed cardiac and neck models. Ninety-six responses were received, and a factor analysis was performed with the Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin sampling adequacy of 0.878. The confirmatory factor analysis yielded a 4-factor, 19 items model that had a good fit with the latent constructs of x2 (147) = 211.568, P < 0.001, root mean square error of approximation = 0.068, root mean square residual = 0.064, comparative fit index = 0.946, and Tucker Lewis index = 0.937. The Cronbach's alpha for the individual factors ranged from 0.74 to 0.95, indicating good internal consistency. This demonstrated a psychometrically valid and reliable instrument to measure students' perceptions toward plastinated and 3D printed models.  相似文献   

Nine limiting binaries of Al2O3-SiO2-Re2O3(Re=Nd, Sm, Gd and La) system are assessed. The binary diagrams or experimental information from Toropov, Mizuno, Aramaki, Bondar, Rolin and Coutures are optimized with the substitutional model of Kaufman and Nesor and the approximate formula of fusion free energy for rare earth element oxides of Wu and Pelton. The extracted Gibbs free energies of pure solid oxides and stoichiometric phases and the solution parameters are used to estimate the corresponding binaries, liquidus surfaces and a series of isothermal sections of four ternaries Al2O3-SiO2-Nd2O3, Al2O3-SiO2-Sm2O3, Al2O3-SiO2-Gd2O3, and Al2O3-SiO2-La2O3. In the Al2O3-SiO2-Gd2O3 system samples as fired at exact temperature with different compositions were analyzed by X-ray diffractometer and the detected results are fitted with the calculation of isothermal sections. Supported by State Key Lab of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Micro-structure (9517 and 9708)  相似文献   

The motivation and methodology for measuring intelligence have changed repeatedly in the modern history of large-scale student testing. Test makers have always sought to identify raw aptitude for cultivation, but they have never figured out how to promote excellence while preserving equality. They’ve settled for egalitarianism, which gives rise to “culturally fair” tests that substitute vagaries for knowledge, deprive students of any real appreciation for language, and trivialize education. Robert Jackson yearns for traditional oratorical approaches to schooling that venerate and imitate essential, time-tested masters. Unfortunately, he writes, such an education defies measurement with today’s multiple-choice instruments.
Robert L. JacksonEmail:

Robert L. Jackson   is associate professor of English and education at The King’s College, New York, NY 10118; rjackson@tkc.edu.  相似文献   

This article employs qualitative research methods to explore the urban adaptation and adaptation processes of Chinese migrant children. Through twenty-one in-depth interviews with migrant children, the researchers discovered: The participant migrant children showed a fairly high level of adaptation to the city; their process of urban adaptation emerged as three categories: the U-Type, the J-type, and the “flat line” type. Also explored were long-term acquisition of explicit behaviors, implicit notions, adaptation to the socio-cultural environment, and success in education as difficult aspects of adaptation. After comparing these three processes, the research team developed a theory of migrant children urban adaptation. It hypothesizes that during the urban adaptation process, migrant children will encounter four stages of development: excitement and curiosity, shock and resistance, exploration and adaptation, and finally integration and assimilation. __________ Translated by Amanda Weiss from Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) 北京师范大学学报 (社会科学版) (Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences)), 2008, (3): 9–20, revised by Deane Neubauer, Emeritus Professor, University of Hawaii  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to present a sketch of what, following the German social theorist Arnold Gehlen, may be termed “sensuous cognition.” The starting point of this alternative approach to classical mental-oriented views of cognition is a multimodal “material” conception of thinking. The very texture of thinking, it is suggested, cannot be reduced to that of impalpable ideas; it is instead made up of speech, gestures, and our actual actions with cultural artifacts (signs, objects, etc.). As illustrated through an example from a Grade 10 mathematics lesson, thinking does not occur solely in the head but also in and through a sophisticated semiotic coordination of speech, body, gestures, symbols and tools.
Luis RadfordEmail:

This article reviews recent evaluation studies of online learning communities to provide a systematic understanding of how such communities are evaluated. Forty-two representative studies were selected and categorized into a newly developed taxonomy of online learning community evaluations. This taxonomy is divided into four components: evaluation purpose, evaluation approach, measures for evaluation, and evaluation techniques. The findings suggest that it is inappropriate to conceptualize evaluation of such communities as a one-size-fits-all, generalizable measure of “good” or “bad.” Instead, we recommend a comprehensive, on-going, diagnostic approach to measuring clusters of indicators, or syndromes, of a particular OLC and examining the causal relation assumed by the evaluators between what is measured and the success of OLC as an imputed outcome.
Christopher HoadleyEmail:

Fengfeng Ke   is an assistant professor of Instructional Technology in the Organizational Learning and Instructional Technology Program at University of New Mexico. Her research has focused on computer-supported collaborative learning, educational gaming and simulations for instructional purpose. Christopher Hoadley   is an associate professor of Educational Communications and Technology at New York University. He designs, builds, and studies ways for computers to enhance collaboration and learning.  相似文献   

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