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This study examines the relationship between food hardship, school attendance, and education expenditure using nationally representative data from a survey of 14,009 households in Ghana. After controlling for household, and geographical characteristics and using a standard instrumental variable approach to control for unobservable characteristics, we find a statistically significant negative relationship between food hardship and the number of children attending secondary, private, public, technical and vocational school, and expenditure on education. A differential analysis based on welfare stratification indicates a statistically significant positive relationship between food hardship and male children attending school, and the number of children attending private school for those in high-income households.  相似文献   

The analysis of the association between educational status and fertility decline is performed 1) by examining the rates of enrollment in primary and secondary schools by gender and 2) by assessing the effects of the change/spread in rates of enrollment between 1965 and 1986. 59 countries were involved in the cross-sectional analysis. Variables included the logged crude birth rate, total enrollment rates, enrollment rates by gender, male-female ratios, the growth rate for each educational measure by world system status (core, peripheral, and semiperipheral countries), control variables (economic growth, family planning, multinational corporate penetration, women's labor force participation, child mortality rate, social insurance programs), and enrollment changes. The evidence reflects a strong association between levels of enrollment of girls in primary and secondary school and gender inequality and fertility declines. Caldwell's theory of the flows of wealth and the spread of education effect was found to have little support. High levels of female enrollment and low levels of gender inequality in access to schooling are associated with fertility declines. Caldwell's theory is that this indicates a decline in patriarchy, change in women's familial roles and a shift to a more egalitarian family structure. Increases in female education mean higher status and more power for women.  相似文献   

Of the approximately 93 million children with moderate or severe disabilities around the world, large numbers do not have access to quality education. Inclusive education systems have been advocated as a solution to this problem. In this paper, we examine whether legislation to advance inclusive education can increase the likelihood of children with disabilities attending school in a low-income country. Using a difference-in-difference methodology, we find that children with visual, hearing, and physical disabilities, who began school at a time when inclusive education was guaranteed in Uganda, had a significantly higher likelihood of going to school than children with disabilities in comparator countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as children with disabilities in Uganda who became of school age prior to the passage of legislation. However, this was no longer true when considering only the sample of children reported to have no ability to see, hear, or engage in physical activities. While our findings are promising, comparable data on more countries are needed to comprehensively examine the impact of similar legislation across multiple settings.  相似文献   

In the endeavor to develop general education, the province needs to spend additional funds accumulating to 2,610 million yuan during the Seventh Five-Year Plan period. Of that, 1,598 million yuan will be earmarked for implementing nine-year compulsory education. According to the person responsible for the Jiangsu Provincial Education Department, the increased amount of 1.598 billion yuan will be disbursed as follows:

Of the total amount, 405 million yuan will be appropriated to primary schools (of this, 80 million will be spent on repairing dilapidated buildings and 325 million as increment of administrative expenditures as the norm of per-student annual expenditure is increased by 10 yuan over that of 1985); 425 million yuan will be appropriated to junior secondary schools (of this, 270 million yuan will be spent on building additional school buildings and on start-up costs as the enrollment will register a net growth of 325,000 students; 155 million yuan as increment of administrative expenditures due to the rising expenditure norm of 10 yuan per student per year); 263 million yuan will be spent as salary expenditures, 200 million as regular maintenance expenditures, 90 million yuan as funds to purchase laboratory instruments For township junior secondary schools, 25 million as on-the-job training expenditures for teachers of primary and junior secondary schools, and 190 million yuan as equipment expenditures For provincial and municipal Institutes of Education.' The above numbers, however, still do not include the funds that are needed for across-the-board salary increases for teachers and staff during the period of the Seventh Five-Year Plan.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of parental SES, school quality, and community factors on children's enrollment and achievement in rural areas in Viet Nam, using logistic regression and ordered logistic regression. Multivariate analysis reveals significant differences in educational enrollment and outcomes by level of household expenditures and parental education, especially mother's education. Mother's status is more important in determining school enrollment than educational outcome. In contrast, father's education increases the probability of learning. Once school quality is taken into account, differentials between the majority Kinh and ethnic minorities are not significant. Girls still do not have equal access to education, since girls doing badly in school drop out, while their male counterparts remain in school. The presence of a school in poor village does not override the effects of family background on educational enrollment. Controlling for school quality actually increases gap in educational enrollment by household expenditures and village income. Although educational costs consume, on average, one quarter of household expenditures per capita, school fees do not determine school enrollment, because many of the poor already receive exemption from or reduction in these fees.  相似文献   

Despite significant educational expansion, Mexico’s educational attainment rates are relatively low. Though primary school enrollment is at nearly 100%, less than half of young adults ages 18-29 have finished upper secondary school (USE). This article examines how family-level factors, particularly parental education and household wealth, are associated with the likelihood of children dropping out of USE early in Mexico – a shift away from the well-established focus on primary education. Using region fixed effects logistic regressions, I examine the role of both mother’s and father’s education in predicting children’s educational persistence – and how this varies for boys and girls. Data is derived from a nationally representative sample of USE-aged youth in Mexico (n = 8,235). Results indicate that increases in parental education decrease the likelihood of children dropping out in upper secondary school, even when controlling for financial resources and other family- and household-level characteristics. Notably, these results vary across boys and girls.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author has attempted to analyze and assess the progress of education for all (EFA) in India from 1985/1986 to 2005/2006. A similar analysis by the same author on this subject, for the period 1950–1986, was published in this journal in 1990. During that period of 35 years the development of EFA was apparently impressive, but glaring disparities in schooling facilities based on rural–urban habitation, region, caste and gender were observed. About half of all the rural schools lacked physical facilities and suffered from shortage of teachers. While enrollment had apparently increased, three‐fourths of enrolled children left school without completing elementary education. The progress of literacy was also not satisfactory with the literacy rate having increased marginally from 16% in 1951 to an estimated 38% in 1986. The literacy rates also exhibited disparities based on gender, caste, region and rural–urban location. After launching of the National Policy on Education 1986, the Government of India has made concerted efforts to achieve the goal of EFA by launching several new schemes, including expansion of non‐formal education for out‐of‐school children, improvement of physical facilities in schools, implementation of a micro‐planning strategy, the launch of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, and the passage of a Bill in Parliament to make elementary education a ‘fundamental right’ of every child. The problem of illiteracy was attacked by launching an ambitious new programme called the National Literacy Mission. However, recently published reports show that there are about 59 million out‐of‐school children; enrollment of girls is low; the dropout rate up to Class VIII is still high; school‐age children work for wages; rural children have no easy access to schools; many schools still lack physical facilities; and there is a shortage of teachers and headmasters. The author feels that India must revise its target date for achieving the goal of EFA at least once again and suggests that the Government should carefully monitor the implementation of policies, and at the same time, enhance expenditure on education from the present 3.5% to 6% of the GNP as early as possible, so as to deal with the situation more effectively.  相似文献   

本文引用联合国教科文组织统计所公开发表的最新数据,描述和分析了亚洲欠发达国家和地区儿童、青少年的失学现象。目前,人口众多的亚洲欠发达国家和地区的学前教育、初等教育、高等教育的入学率均不高。在初等教育领域,还存在严重的辍学问题。大批儿童失学、文盲大量产生,已经成为严重的社会问题。合格师资的短缺与教育投入的不足,是该地区教育发展水平和义务教育普及水平低下的重要原因。  相似文献   

A recent shift in the allocation of public expenditure towards higher education prompts several questions: Is this allocation economically justified? Are these resources well utilized? Is there significant cost recovery of these expenditures? If not, who benefits from the subsidy these expenditures represent? Are there alternative means of financing higher education? This paper attempts to provide answers to these questions, which can be briefly summarized as follows: Estimates of social rates of returns do not support the reallocation of public expenditures away from primary towards higher education; low retention rates and high failure rates suggest that the internal efficiency in the utilization of these expenditures is low; currently, almost all public expenditures on higher education represent a subsidy; given the tax burden and enrollment ratios by income group, the lower income groups seem to be gaining most from these subsidies; a start has been made at private sector higher education with the opening of two professional universities, but the prospects of general universities currently opening appears to be dim. Pakistan has a well designed loan program in operation although its quantitative impact is currently limited.  相似文献   

基于中等职业教育基础性转向的政策背景,通过对全国10660位中职生的问卷调查,研究了影响我国中职生升学的若干因素。研究发现:中职生具有很高的升学意愿,且以本科为主要期望学历;毕业班和学习自我效能感强的中职生更可能选择升学;学生干部身份和学校生涯教育质量会影响中职生升学意愿;家庭对中职生升学与否的影响主要体现在经济、文化和社会资本,但影响方式和程度与普高生存在差异;对省域中职升学政策的了解和认同会促进学生升学,而对就业市场和本科招生政策的了解和认同会削弱中职生升学意愿。基于此,未来应从职教本科办学规模、高等职业教育招考机制、央地项目设置、公共财政兜底、生涯教育和升学指导等方面优化中职升学环境。  相似文献   


This study was designed to examine the relationship between selected measures of educational quality and expenditure in public secondary schools of Iowa with the influence of school district size held constant.

Criteria for characteristics of educational quality were: composite test scores of pupils grades 10-12 on Iowa Tests of Educational Development, the curricular offerings of schools for grades 10-12, qualifications of teachers grades 10-12, and the class size grades 10-12. Measures of educational expenditures were: mean instructional expenditures for grades 10-12 per resident pupil in ADA, estimated administration expenditures per resident pupil in ADA grades 10-12, and tuition charge for grades 10-12 per resident pupil in ADA. Using product-moment and partial correlations, it was found that in order to obtain equal quality, the expenditure per pupil in small school districts has to be substantially higher than in districts with larger enrollment.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between the private share of tertiary enrollments and overall access, measured by the gross tertiary enrollment rate, using a cross-national dataset from 122 countries spanning 1999−2017. In contrast to the dominant assumption in international development that expanding the private sector will necessarily increase access, we find a weak association between the private share of tertiary enrollments and gross tertiary enrollment ratio globally. That said, this association is stronger when there is high demand for higher education, as proxied by secondary gross enrollment ratio and urbanization. We also find regional variation, with private higher education positively associated with access in Central and Eastern Europe and core English-speaking countries and negatively associated with access in sub-Saharan Africa, after accounting for demand factors. We argue that private higher education is only an effective policy solution for expanding access when there is high unmet demand for higher education and a conducive policy context.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of attending kindergarten, the most common early childhood care and education program in West Germany, on children’s placement at secondary school level. The analysis is based on an education production function that controls for parental background and regional variation in the educational system. The analysis confirms the hypothesis, that kindergarten attendance can have a long-lasting positive effect on educational chances. In four of six specifications a longer attendance of early childhood care and education increases the probability of attending a higher level secondary school. However, there are diminishing returns to early childhood education.  相似文献   

1. With regard to the funding channels of vocational secondary schools (including agricultural schools, similarly hereinafter), the provisions contained in documents Guofa, no. 252 (1980) and Jiaozhongzi, no. 006 (1983), issued by the Ministries of Education, Labor, and Personnel and Finance, as well as the State Planning Commission, should continue to be implemented. With regard to the funding for vocational secondary schools run by education departments (including those transformed from former regular secondary schools), there is already a separate heading "vocational education expenditure" under educational expenditure in paragraph 179 of the "Headings of Revenue and Expenditure of the State Budget," and it is stipulated that this fund should be included as expenditure under educational expenditure. That is, both general education expenditures and vocational and technical education expenditures are to be included in the budget set for local educational expenditures for the sake of better coordination. To this end, vocational education expenditures should be included in the budget of local educational expenditures. Capital investment for vocational secondary schools should also be included in that for local educational captial investment, again for better coordination. In setting the estimates for their respective local expenditures, the people's governments at various levels should also give active support to the development of this educational undertaking.  相似文献   

The South Africa Schools Act requires every child to “attend school from the first school day of the year in which such learner reaches the age of seven years until the last day of the year in which such learner reaches the age of 15 years or the ninth grade, whichever comes first” (Republic of South Africa, 1996). This paper addresses three questions in relation to this. First, to what extent has this legal requirement been met? Second, what are the trends in relation to achieving universal access to compulsory education? And third, what are the factors related to and characteristics of those learners of compulsory school age who are not attending? To address these questions, we have made use of the Statistics South Africa dataset, Community Survey 2007. Our analysis suggests that the size of the compulsory age population who are not attending school may be slightly higher than some government sources have suggested. The trend associated with access remains consistent, with the only major change over the past 10 years being the improved levels of enrolment of six and seven year old children. With regard to the factors related to and the characteristics of children who are not attending school, our analysis reveals that certain sub-populations have higher non-attendance ratios: coloured boys; children whose parents, particularly mothers, have died; children born outside South Africa; children who have moved in the past five years; children with disabilities; and children living in some specific rural communities. A number of broad but interrelated factors may account for children not being in school: disability; family structure; children living in households that are eligible for social grants but are not receiving them; and geographic and racial characteristics. To be poor in South Africa may mean exclusion from the mainstream of the economy, but it does not necessarily mean exclusion from access to basic state services like enrolment in schooling or social grants. Children not attending are not only likely to be living in households that are excluded from participation in the mainstream economy, but are also on the fringes of state services; they may also be on the fringes of households. The paper concludes with recommendations for further research to identify reasons why children in these vulnerable sub-populations are less likely to be enrolled.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects of the size of school districts on educational attainment of students after compulsory school in Denmark. Using administrative microdata for individual students and their parents, logit models for the probability of obtaining different levels of education are estimated where the explanatory variables include district size, per student expenditure, and a wide range of controls for family background and district socioeconomic characteristics. It is found that attending schools in districts with a population of less than 15,000 (corresponding to less than 1800 students in public primary and lower secondary schools) has negative effects on educational attainment later in life: The probability of completing a secondary education (upper secondary school or vocational education) or a further or higher education is reduced by approximately 3 percentage points compared to having attended primary and lower secondary school in a district with more than 15,000 inhabitants.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to measure the rates of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and behavioural and emotional problems in children attending Behavioural Support Units (BSUs), as rated by teachers. Children (N=45) were selected from two Behavioural Support Units (primary and secondary education). Teachers completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and the ADHD Rating Scale. The levels of hyperactivity and emotional problems were high among primary school age children. Children attending primary school age BSUs had significantly higher hyperactivity and emotional scores than their older counterparts. The findings are discussed in relation to the literature on ADHD and other mental health problems in children. The implications for the provision of services for children excluded from mainstream education are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the role played by Indonesia's Social Safety Net Scholarships Program in reducing school drop-out rates during the Asian financial crisis. The expectation was that many families would find it difficult to keep their children in school and drop-out rates would be high. The scholarships are found to have been effective in reducing drop-outs at the level of schooling at which students were historically most at the risk of dropping out—lower secondary school. At this level drop-outs were reduced by about 3.0% points (or 38%) and costs were recovered. Given its success, the program can be viewed as a model to be followed by other countries that find themselves in a similar situation of crisis. How well the program adhered to its documented targeting design and how effective this design was in reaching the poor is also examined.  相似文献   

Education in the Caribbean is perceived as the route to social mobility, but research suggests that a low value is attached to education in Jamaica. This research is designed to ascertain the value that parents and their children attending secondary school in Jamaica attach to education. Multivariate statistical analysis was used. The findings revealed that both parents and their children value education for instrumental purposes and, while age and employment status made no difference to the parents' value of education, there was a statistically significant difference in value of education between parents with children attending different school types.  相似文献   

Asayo Ohba 《Compare》2013,43(6):763-782
There are growing numbers of low-cost private schools in urban informal settlements in developing countries. It has been argued that these institutions may constitute alternatives for government schools, as they are able to meet the educational needs of children in urban informal settlements. This study explores the question of whether low-cost private schools can meet their needs, not only in terms of primary education but also with regard to access to further education. The study selected 12 private schools in Kibera and 2 government schools neighbouring Kibera, asking head teachers which secondary school each primary school leaver had joined. The findings show that whereas over two-thirds of primary school leavers in general went on to secondary school, pupils graduating from government primary school were more likely to be enrolled in government secondary school than those pupils who completed the low-cost private primary school in Kibera. Moreover, performance in national examinations was lowest among girls attending the school in Kibera. The study thus argues that while the low-cost private primary school can meet the educational needs of children in the informal settlement to some extent, it cannot represent an alternative to the government primary school.  相似文献   

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