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品格教育是当今道德教育的一个重要研究取向。本文从分析儿童品格形成和发展的成分入手,阐述了在品格研究视野下儿童的道德教育策略和方法。儿童的品格存在四个基本成分和四个道德成分,道德成分被限定为道德内在的各个方面,而基本成分被认为是支持道德并帮助实施道德的方面,其本身不存在道德与非道德的问题。儿童品格教育可以从心理学和教育学两种研究途径入手,形成较为全面的品格教育策略,包括:引导、尊重、提出要求、民主教育等多种方法。  相似文献   

由知识经验的领会和掌握而引起品德的发展,是一个由量变到质变的过程,其中要经过很多的阶段。我们在培养儿童与青少年的品德的实验研究中看到,品德整体结构的发展是在掌握和运用道德知识、练习和重复道德行为的过程中完成的。如果一个儿童或青少年不学习道德知识(如法律知识),不练习道德行为规范,他的品德是得不到发展的。道德知识、认识和训练是品德发展的基础。也就是说,儿童与青少年的品德是在他们的"知"的反复提高和"行"的反复训练中逐步发展起来的,并须经过一个又一个阶段。可见,儿童  相似文献   

对他人不幸遭遇的同情是儿童道德发展中起基础性作用的一种道德情感,然而在现实生活中,同情却是一个令儿童倍感纠结的问题。尽管一般地说恻隐之心,人皆有之,但儿童在具体的情境下选择拒绝同情或表现出虚假的同情却是比较常见的。虽然很难对儿童的同情现状下一个悲观或乐观的结论,但儿童的同情正日益失落,这种现象值得我们认真关注和研究。  相似文献   

皮亚杰认为,儿童道德发展的趋势是由“他治”到逐渐形成“自治”。他治的儿童没有道德自主性,受他人支配,而自治的儿童在道德问题上则是由自己支配自己。在他看来,儿童道德培养的关键是培养儿童的道德自治。同时他还指出,道德自治并不是自然而然形成的,而是一个逐渐培养的过程,成人良好的方式能促进儿童道德自治的形成,而一些不当方式则会阻碍儿童道德自治的培养。根据皮亚杰的这一观点,笔者认为培养儿童的道德自治关键是调动儿童的主体性,可从以下几个方面着手。一、成人与儿童对等的交换看法而非奖惩,是培养儿童道德自治的良好途径虽然皮…  相似文献   

儿童研究,这样一个极富热度的词语,已经渗透到儿童教育的各个方面。学科教学在研究儿童学习的有效性,德育在研究儿童道德的成长性,学校文化在研究儿童的独特性……儿童成了林林总总的说法,概念不一的名词。可是,儿童在现实生活中的成长环境却是被污染过的。学科在研究儿童学习有效性时,潜意识中仍然指向分数;  相似文献   

道德认知是社会认知的一个重要组成部分,使用领域特殊性的视野对于理解儿童道德发展和改进研究思路、方法有着有益的启示和指引.道德认知领域一般性理论受到新近理论和实证研究的质疑,道德领域理论的提出开创了道德领域特殊性研究的先河,从道德判断和推理的实证研究中证实了道德、常规和个人事件的划分,文章最后对这一理论及未来研究模式进行了展望.  相似文献   

皮亚杰认为,儿童道德发展的趋势是由“他治”到逐渐形成“自治”。他治的儿童没有道德自主性,受他人支配,而自治的儿童在道德问题上则是由自己支配自己。在他看来,儿童道德培养的关键是培养儿童的道德自治。同时他还指出,道德自治并不是自然而然形成的,而是一个逐渐培养的过程,成人良好的方式能促进儿童道德自治的形成,而一些不当方式则会阻碍儿童道德自治的培养。根据皮亚杰的这一观点,笔者认为培养儿童的道德自治关键是调动儿童的主体性,可从以下几个方面着手。  相似文献   

研究道德学习问题一定要回到儿童,儿童不但是道德教育的对象,而且也是道德学习的主体。那么,儿童的道德学习又是怎样的呢?对于这样的问题,我们认为不能从理论到理论,或想当然地主观臆断,必须回到儿童的实际生活中,透过他们真实的生活状态来发现。为此,我们组成了8人研究组,分为四个小组。选择了沈阳市城郊4所小学,集中三个月的时间,分别对1-2年级、3-4年级、5-6年级的儿童进行调查研究。  相似文献   

黄铃 《中学教育》2010,(10):49-53,48
儿童说谎行为是一个较为普遍的现象,在道德教育中也是一个较为棘手的问题。本文从儿童关于说谎的道德认知发展和道德评价发展的角度出发,发现了当前针对说谎的道德教育中,存在的一些问题:"白谎"影响了儿童的道德发展并且在一定程度上影响了德育的效果;歪曲的集体主义教育,也在一定程度上对儿童的说谎认知和评价产生了消极影响;生活中成人的榜样作用在说谎行为方面给儿童造成了消极影响。本文基于上述的德育问题尝试提出一些德育建议。  相似文献   

研究道德学习问题一定要回到儿童,儿童不但是道德教育的对象,而且也是道德学习的主体.那么,儿童的道德学习又是怎样的呢?对于这样的问题,我们认为不能从理论到理论,或想当然地主观臆断,必须回到儿童的实际生活中,透过他们真实的生活状态来发现.为此,我们组成了8人研究组,分为四个小组,选择了沈阳市城郊4所小学,集中三个月的时间,分别对1~2年级、3~4年级、5~6年级的儿童进行调查研究.  相似文献   

In this article, I offer a case of the predicaments I encountered in conducting teacher education research at my own institution and re‐examine these predicaments using an ethic of mindfulness and compassion. I explore how this Buddhist perspective might help researchers navigate what can be a lonely, ethically complicated research journey among their own colleagues. Based on this analysis, I propose that an ethic of mindfulness and compassion holds potential for guiding teacher education research and challenging researchers to see differently. I argue that conducting teacher education research using the lenses of mindfulness and compassion might propel social change aimed at increasing educational and social opportunity for all people and, in doing so, further the hope for justice in our relationships, teaching, and research.  相似文献   

This paper advocates the argument that philosophical and empirical modes of inquiry are seldom brought together to gain a better understanding of pedagogical ethics in the natural settings of school life. Here, it is hoped that this kind of combination provides interpretative lenses for the deliberation of pedagogical practices. The paper aims to shift focus to the scene where the conditions and contingencies of pedagogical ethics may be found. This means exploring day‐to‐day details of pedagogical encounters to see what they might offer in putting forth an understanding of pedagogical ethics. This paper uses three interpretations from philosophy and ethics. It focuses on the perspectives of pedagogical purposes, obligations, and situations, together with their empirical interpretations of the ethic of ideals, the ethic of rights and duties, and the ethic of character and will. It shows how abstract philosophical theories can be translated into real‐world ethics in education and how these reference points can help teachers in their practical ethical reflection.  相似文献   

网络文明下的和谐德育关注的是信息时代青少年的伦理道德发展问题,是和谐社会建设的重要组成部分.网络的发展在一定程度上对人与自然、人与社会、人与人和个体自身的和谐发展产生了负面影响,亟需对网络文明下的德育的观念、内容、环境、模式做进一步探究,以体现和谐社会建设的价值导向和内在要求.  相似文献   

A “child’s painting” is narrated as a contextualized artifact, situated in a school, a curriculum, and a society. It is a study of this object and the meanings that can be made by examining it in context, using an “ethic of resistance” and an analysis of curriculum spaces. This contextualization is designed to contribute to the continuing conversation about “go[ing] beyond all kinds of binary thinking”. The binary of interest here is that which positions “adults” and “children” within the constructs of power and powerlessness in educational settings.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the ways in which emotions are constituted and mobilized by teachers to respond to growing diversity and multiculturalism in schools. The analysis is based on a two‐year ethnographic study conducted in three Greek‐Cypriot primary schools that are ‘multicultural’. The following focus questions are addressed: (1) How do teachers’ emotional experiences of growing diversity and multiculturalism in schools form particular economies of effect?; and (2) What is the nature of these economies of affect and in what ways is it possible to form an ethic of discomfort as a space for constructive transformations in multicultural schools? An ethic of discomfort is theorised as an economy of affect that uses discomfort as a point of departure for individual and social transformation. The outcomes of this study show that teachers experience intense emotional ambivalence in their efforts to cope with growing diversity and multiculturalism in schools. It is argued, however, that the capabilities of teachers to cope with growing diversity and multiculturalism are enhanced, if an ethic of discomfort is constituted in multicultural schools. The implications of this study are discussed in relation to teaching and teacher education and suggest that constituting an ethic of discomfort offers opportunities to challenge structures of power, privilege, racism, and oppression.  相似文献   


An act of respect when researching with indigenous children is recognising the community’s code of ethics, its intellectual and environmental property, and acknowledging its right to self-determination. Within India, the indigenous communities constitute over 84 million people, but their voice has been marginalised particularly in the context of education. This paper foregrounds ethical considerations when researching with indigenous groups, specifically outlining dilemmas that arose from working alongside Sabar children of Jharkhand, India. It identifies how ethnomethodological methods and participatory tools have empowered this marginalised voice, enabling multinodal expressions and access to data that other methods may not have elicited. Findings highlight children as legitimate meaning-makers of their world, as ‘beings’, and not merely ‘becomings’. The paper discusses the ethical strategies adopted in consideration of its indigenous participants that have enabled generation of data beyond barriers of language, power and privilege. It navigates the nature and practice of ethics examined in the context of indigeneity through acknowledgement of ‘paradigmatic’ and ‘situated’ ethics, and an ethic of reciprocity. It concludes the relevance of ethics of difference in postcolonial education and research.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that socially critical work has, thus far, articulated a theoretical base for curriculum development and theorizing that is too narrow. First, a brief, selective overview of the history of socially critical work in physical education provides an outline of its achievements. Second, in addition to an ethic of justice and emancipation, which currently serves as the underlying moral basis for much socially critical theorizing, this paper proposes that an ethic of care and responsibility be included and given equal weight. In addition, socially critical work must pay more attention to how children learn, develop, and experience physical education. Finally, three programs are described to stimulate thinking about theory. These programs illustrate and provide precedents for aspects of the broader agenda proposed here.  相似文献   

正视幼儿的生死观教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对“生和死”问题的回避可以说是中国传统教育中的一大盲点,但儿童在现实生活中又不断地接触到生与死的现象,并由此产生困惑。这些困惑,体现了儿童对生命现象的敏感。发展心理学研究证明,幼儿对“生和死”具有朴素的认识。所以,学前教育应正视儿童的生死观教育。生与死的问题不仅仅是科学认识的问题,更是伦理学的问题,孩子提出生死问题的背后隐藏着对生命价值和生命意义的追问。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the ethical and methodological significance for children and university researchers to participate together in data collection and research interpretation. We examine this process in the context of a three-year study with the aim of understanding how children become identified as having difficulties in a diverse, semi-urban minority French-speaking Catholic elementary school in Ontario (Canada). First, we review the literature on child informed consent. Then, we describe the setting and the process of how children in this study became informed participants. We describe how the children became active in exercising their discretionary consent to be observed during the data collection process, then how they progressively became engaged in observing their social context in terms of their own sense-making of the research project. We discuss how the children gave a new direction to the original project proposed by the university research team investigating on identification and special needs children. Lastly, we revisit the ways in which we addressed the various subject positions that became possible for us and for the children as co-researchers within the social relations of the classroom-based research team in a French minority language school. It became apparent throughout the research that informing consent was more than an act on the part of researchers to explain and thus establish a research framework in which collecting data from children would take place. Rather, we found that our research with children involved children's active participation as co-researchers informing the project from its design to its data analysis.  相似文献   

Mindful of local, regional and national differences, it is now time to begin an international dialogue on how global challenges necessitate new models for practice. It is becoming clear that “globalization” involves more than economic structures and processes. Worldwide, one finds similar consumeroriented lifestyles. There are growing challenges concerning children, youth, families, and their environments. New, relational-ecological ways of thinking, talking, and acting are needed, and they may lead to value-committed, culturally responsive models for practice. Increasingly, the roles of professional and citizen cannot be separated. Members of the global community need a new world ethic, and professionals in physical education, sport sciences, health, recreation, and other helping professions share responsibilities for helping to create this ethic, together with the educational structures and opportunities that may nurture it.  相似文献   

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