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近年来,我国对数学学习困难儿童的表现、诊断、认知特点等有了较多的研究,这为数学学习困难儿童的干预策略提供了基础。通过对我国数学学习困难儿童的教育干预研究进行综述,发现主要有知觉加工干预策略、工作记忆干预策略、问题表征干预策略和元记忆干预策略,并在借鉴国外数学学习困难研究的基础上,对我国未来数学学习困难的研究提供若干建议。  相似文献   

苏联著名教育家赞可夫在其久负盛名的“教学与发展的相互关系”的长期实验研究中,始终关注学习困难儿童的发展进程;苏联另一位当代教学论专家巴班斯基在深刻了解各类儿童学习困难后,成功地提出了“教学过程最优化”的观点;在美国,学习困难儿童人数约占所有接受特殊教育服务儿童的41.7%。学习困难儿童教育与研究的意义由此可见一斑。 目前,我省有关单位正在开展“学习困难儿童早期教学干预实验”。与此同时,受国家教委师范司委托,我省将在师范学校开展“学习困难儿童心理与教育”的实验教学。为此,本刊从本期起,新辟“学习困难儿童心理与教育”的小专栏。欢迎各界读者,尤其是直接从事教学实践的广大教师积极撰写文章,踊跃来稿,为使我国学习困难儿童的教育与研究迅速发展而共同努力。  相似文献   

江西省教育科学研究所于1990年12月15~17日在江西师大学术中心召开了“第二次学习困难儿童教育干预学术研讨会”。来自教育行政部门、科研单位、师范院校和中小学的领导、专家、学者、教师40余人参加了这次研讨会。会议共收到论(译)文34篇。北师大特殊教育研究中心派人出席了会议。 省教委副主任任倪少成出席了研讨会,倪副主任首先肯定开拓学习困难儿童教育干预这一研究新领域将会对大面积提高义务教育质量产生巨大的推动作用。他指出,鉴别学习困难儿童的学习成绩标准应区别  相似文献   

智能技术的应用,对于大多数学生而言,的确起到很好的支撑与促进作用。但是,在小学数学教学中,仍有一些学生在一些内容上存在这样或那样的学习困难,亟待研究与探索智能技术条件下有效解决学困生学习困难的干预模型。该文对国内外学习干预模型的相关研究做了系统分析,剖析了小学数学学困生学习困难的主要成因。从学习目标与活动、学困表现、干预策略、支撑环境四个方面及其相互作用关系的角度提出了学习干预模型的构建思路。提出了由学习结果和过程数据采集、学业水平和学习特征分析、学习诊断与干预和学习干预效果评估等构成的学习干预模型。针对疑难知识难以理解问题提出了合理降低学习梯度并搭建适合认知支架和通过在生活情景完成学习活动进而降低认知负荷的干预策略;针对学习兴趣不足问题提出了通过生活化问题/任务激发学习欲望、通过知识趣味化调动学习积极性、通过正向激励提升自我效能感的干预策略;针对专注力不足问题提出了通过分层递进问题/任务增加学习粘性、通过全过程多感协同交互增加学习投入、通过优长潜能释放提升学习参与持续度的干预策略。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,社会制度的健全,学习困难学生的问题成为教育界关注的重点和难点。近年来各国学者就这一问题进行了大量的研究,研究包括学习困难学生的概念、成因、干预策略等,并取得了一定的成果。此研究探讨了小学学习困难学生的主要成因,进而提出心理教育干预、综合干预和医教结合干预三种策略,从而改善小学学习困难学生的教育现状。  相似文献   

文章综述了数学学习困难学生的三类诊断方法(差异模式、课程本位测量和认知诊断)和三种认知干预方法(认知策略训练、元认知策略训练、认知-元认知策略训练),在此基础上分析和总结了各种诊断和干预方法的特点和问题,为数学学习困难学生的诊断和干预提供方法指导,为进一步对数学学习困难学生的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

学习过程是认知发展的过程,良好的认知发展对个体学习有重要的促进作用。认知教学干预是教师根据学习困难学生的认知特点,将相关的认知策略渗透于教学过程。对学习困难学生实施认知教学干预有其必要性、可行性。通过对学习困难学生认知结构的特点及其建构、认知加工过程及其发展、元认知的特点及其开发的分析与阐述,以探索有效的认知教学干预方式,使学习困难学生的认知得以良好发展,进而提升其学习能力。  相似文献   

学习困难是教师教学中普遍遇到的棘手问题。探讨了学习困难的三个共性特征——学习者的知识结构、学习情绪和学习策略,并基于实践提出了操作性的教学干预策略。  相似文献   

探寻适合流动儿童教育融入策略,是当前城市公办学校流动儿童教育中一个迫切需要解决的重要而现实的问题。对杭州市流动儿童教育融入现状的深度调查发现,公办小学普遍存在着流动儿童学习成绩不良的现象,并且目前学校缺乏强有力的辅助教育措施。针对这一问题,要从学校与教师的层面,进一步提高教师的社会责任感、创新多元的学习辅导支持策略、帮助流动儿童家庭建立有助于孩子学习的家庭支持系统等新举措,以进一步完善流动儿童教育融入策略。  相似文献   

ICT既是当代教师专业学习的重要内容,也是教师学习方式变革的有力支撑。近年来,国内外已有大量利用ICT支持教师专业学习的实践探索。为了深入探索ICT支持教师专业学习的普适干预策略、为开发ICT促进教师专业学习的创新项目提供参考依据,本研究通过文献分析法和内容分析法筛选出了七个国内外典型案例为研究对象,然后运用案例研究法细致分析各案例的实施背景、项目内容及成功经验。在此基础上,文章梳理总结了ICT支持教师专业学习的主要干预策略。研究认为,ICT支持教师专业学习的主要干预策略包括核心要素和关键措施两部分。核心要素包括虚拟实践社区、教学案例资源包、在线课程材料、在线导师和互助同伴等;关键措施包括提供执教者与学习者的互动、建立不同类型的合作伙伴关系、将专业学习嵌入教师日常工作、采用生成性的学习资源开发策略、注重面对面和在线学习混合等。  相似文献   

The development of two children with severe disabilities who were fully included in a community child care centre that implemented a developmentally appropriate play‐based curriculum is chronicled in this paper. The children's development was monitored over the course of a 9‐month school year using the traditional measure of a standardised assessment instrument, as well as monthly observations of the children in various play activities. The data are presented in a case study format and provide evidence that the children in this study made progress in all areas of development. The findings are important in that they show the children with severe disabilities progressed without intensive intervention, indicating that a play‐based curriculum utilising developmentally appropriate practice may provide an effective structure for the instruction of young children with disabilities.  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in teachers' and students' perceptions of students' effort, strategy use, and academic difficulties when strategy instruction was infused into the classroom curriculum. The sample consisted of 201 students with learning disabilities, 210 average achievers, and 57 teachers from Grades 4–9 in two urban and suburban communities. After six months of classroom‐based strategy instruction, students with learning disabilities reported more consistent use of strategies with their schoolwork and perceived themselves as struggling less in reading, writing, and spelling. Teachers perceived the students with learning disabilities as more strategic and as applying more effort to their schoolwork. Teachers also perceived their students as showing significant improvements in spelling, regardless of whether they had learning disabilities. These findings extended the results of previous investigations and indicated the small, positive impact of classroom‐based strategy instruction. Further investigations are critical to evaluate the generalizability of these findings.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of cognitive and metacognitive strategy instruction on the mathematical problem solving of six middle school students with learning disabilities. Conditions of the multiple baseline, across-subjects design included baseline, two levels of treatment, setting and temporal generalization, and retraining. For Treatment 1, subjects received either cognitive or metacognitive strategy instruction. Treatment 2 consisted of instruction in the complementary component of the instructional program so that all subjects eventually received both cognitive and metacognitive strategy instruction. This design allowed a componential analysis of the content as well as sequence of instruction. Generally, subjects improved their mathematical problem solving as measured by performance on one-, two-, and three-step word problems. Discussion focused on effectiveness of treatment, acquisition and application of strategic knowledge, error pattern analysis, and the need to tailor instruction to the learner's individual characteristics.  相似文献   

In a longitudinal intervention study, the effects of three intervention strategies on the reading skills of children with reading disabilities in Grade 2 were analyzed. The interventions consisted of computerized training programs: One bottom-up intervention aimed at improving word decoding skills and phonological abilities, the second intervention focused on top-down processing on the word and sentence levels, and the third was a combination of these two training programs (n = 25 in each group). In addition, there were two comparison groups, 25 children with reading disabilities who received ordinary special instruction and 30 age-matched typical readers. All reading disabled participants completed 25 training sessions with special education teachers. All groups improved their reading skills. The group who received combined training showed higher improvements than the ordinary special instruction group and the typical readers. Different cognitive variables were related to treatment gains for different groups. Thus, a treatment combining bottom-up and top-down aspects of reading was the most effective in general, but individual differences among children need to be considered.  相似文献   


In theory, both virtual manipulatives and explicit instruction are viable options to support students with disabilities as they learn mathematics. This study explored the effect of a treatment package—an app-based virtual manipulative (Cuisenaire® Rods) in conjunction with explicit instruction—on students’ acquisition and generalization of solving problems involving division of whole numbers with remainders. Three middle school students with disabilities participated in this multiple baseline, multiple probe across participants single case design study. Each of the students acquired the mathematical behavior of being able to solve division with remainders problems. In other words, a functional relation existed between the intervention package of explicit instruction and the Cuisenaire® Rods app-based manipulative and students’ accuracy in solving division with remainders problems. Yet, two students failed to generalize the skill without the explicit instruction and use of the app-based manipulative.  相似文献   

Ten inclusive middle school social studies classes, including 133 general education students, and 24 students with mild disabilities (21 with learning disabilities and 3 with emotional disabilities), were assigned at random to a traditional instruction condition, or an experimental condition involving classwide peer tutoring with specialized materials and parent training. After 18 weeks of instruction, posttest data revealed that students in the experimental condition gained significantly more than students in the traditional instruction condition. These effects were observed on content included in the tutoring intervention, as well as on related content that was taught but not included in the tutoring intervention. Results are discussed within the context of recent research on inclusive secondary content area instruction.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the way in which a teacher led the literacy development of two students who were nonreaders and nonwriters. The two students received instruction in a special education room for students with learning disabilities. The teacher implemented an integrated instructional program in reading and writing that was designed to: (a) embed literacy instruction in meaningful and purposive activities, (b) respond to the needs, capabilities and interests of learners, and reflect their zones of proximal development, (c) promote self-regulated learning, and (d) foster students' membership in a literacy community. This paper focuses on the strategies the teacher used to mediate reading and writing development and the effects of the strategies on the narrative and expository writing performance of her students.  相似文献   

Sixty children with severe reading disabilities were randomly assigned to two instructional programs that incorporated principles of effective instruction but differed in depth and extent of instruction in phonemic awareness and phonemic decoding skills. All children received 67.5 hours of one-to-one instruction in two 50-minute sessions per day for 8 weeks. Both instructional programs produced very large improvements in generalized reading skills that were stable over a 2-year follow-up period. When compared to the growth in broad reading ability that the participants made during their previous 16 months in learning disabilities resource rooms, their growth during the intervention produced effect sizes of 4.4 for one of the interventions and 3.9 for the other. Although the children's average scores on reading accuracy and comprehension were in the average range at the end of the follow-up period, measures of reading rate showed continued severe impairment for most of the children. Within 1 year following the intervention, 40% of the children were found to be no longer in need of special education services. The two methods of instruction were not differentially effective for children who entered the study with different levels of phonological ability, and the best overall predictors of long-term growth were resource room teacher ratings of attention/behavior, general verbal ability, and prior levels of component reading skills.  相似文献   

Thirty years ago in this journal, Aylett Royall Cox reported on the development of Alphabetic Phonics, a revision of the existing Orton Gillingham treatment for children with dyslexia. This paper continues that discussion and reports on the evolution of that curriculum as it is represented in a comprehensive dyslexia treatment program informed by intervention research. The paper describes the curriculum and reports data from a hospital-based learning disabilities clinic that provides qualified support for treatment efficacy and the value of added comprehension instruction. The results are then discussed in the context of current and future issues in dyslexia intervention.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to offer teacher training and professional development recommendations in mathematics based on the findings of a federally funded 3‐year intervention study that improved the problem solving of middle school students with a focus on students with learning disabilities. Over the 3‐year project, 29 seventh and eighth grade teachers implemented a problem‐solving intervention based on cognitive strategy instruction. Though the intervention was successful in improving students’ problem‐solving performance, several issues related to teaching effectiveness and teacher training came to light. The article will: (1) describe the intervention and its implementation, (2) present the findings of the study, and (3) discuss the issues of effectiveness and possible solutions via teacher education and professional development.  相似文献   

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