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《Annals of dyslexia》1964,14(1):103-104

本文结合自己的音乐教学实践,论述了练耳教学应注重听辨能力、听辨兴趣、以及实践能力的培养。  相似文献   

Nigel's learning difficulties and the attempts made to help him through his school years are described by Gill Cotterell, remedial advisory teacher, Suffolk School Psychological Service  相似文献   

Auditory figure-background perception in normal children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Auditory Frequency Resolution in Human Infancy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Frequency resolution is a fundamental capacity of the auditory system that underlies the perception of all complex sounds. The development of this capacity has not been well characterized in humans. This investigation used a nonsimultaneous pulsation threshold technique to examine the development of infant frequency resolution. Psychophysical tuning curves were obtained for 3- and 6-month-olds and for adults at either 500, 1,000, or 4,000 Hz. Both the sensation level and the sound pressure level of the stimulus were varied for adults to determine the contribution of stimulus intensity to age differences in frequency resolution. At 500 and 1,000 Hz, 3- and 6-month-olds' tuning curve widths were equivalent to adults'. At 4,000 Hz, the 3-month-olds' tuning curves were broader than those of 6-month-olds and adults, even when absolute sound pressure level was equivalent. The maturation of psychophysical frequency resolution in infants is discussed in terms of the general development of the auditory system and of nonsensory factors that might contribute to age differences in performance.  相似文献   

The development of auditory temporal acuity during infancy was examined in 3-, 6-, and 12-month-old infants and in adults using the gap detection paradigm. Listeners detected a series of gaps, or silent intervals, or variable duration in a broadband noise. In order to vary the acoustic frequencies available to the listener, a high-pass noise was used to mask frequencies above specified cutoffs. High-pass maskers with cutoffs of 500, 2,000, and 8,000 Hz were used. The minimum detectable gap was determined using the Observer-based Psychoacoustic Procedure. The thresholds of 3- and 6-month-olds were considerably poorer than those of the adults, although the effect of masker condition was about the same for these 3 groups. The thresholds of 12-month-olds were significantly worse than the adults when the stimulus was unmasked or when the masker cutoff frequency was 2,000 or 8,000 Hz. When the masker cutoff frequency was 500 Hz, 12-month-olds fell into 2 groups: some had gap thresholds that were about the same as 3- and 6-month-olds, while some had gap thresholds that approached those of adults. In a second experiment, a larger group of 12-month-olds were tested with a 500-Hz masker cutoff. Average performance of 12-month-olds was about the same as that of 3- and 6-month-olds in Experiment 1. Some infants attained thresholds close to those of adults. Thus, gap detection thresholds are quite poor in infants, although the similarity of the effect of frequency on performance in infants and adults suggests that the mechanisms governing temporal resolution in infants operate qualitatively like those in adults.  相似文献   

人类社会进步的一大标志,是由空间中事物的生产发展到空间本身的生产。口头叙事用声音覆盖住一定范围的空间,剧场、影院和音乐厅等实体空间容纳了形形色色的叙事交流。戏剧是前工业时代最具人气效应的大众传播,为使人们集中注意力,演出方面需要筑起环绕整个剧场的"声墙"。评价和议论也是叙事消费的重要方式,一些注重"被看"的消费者甚至把传播场所当作社交平台。今人电脑屏幕上不时弹出的评论性字幕(弹幕),使消费者产生和人边看边聊的感觉,微信群中的"聊天"亦属虚拟空间中的互动。影院中的环绕立体声把观众与银幕世界包裹进一个统一的听觉空间,模糊乃至消弭了两者之间的界限。罗兰·巴特声称小说世界与咖啡馆、立体声音响有相似之处,巴赫金说陀思妥耶夫斯基的复调小说以各种声音的对话为中心,中国古代小说则努力用书场感征服读者。叙事从一开始就是一种生产听觉空间的行为,今人采用的叙事手段越来越丰富,但从实质上说仍未摆脱对听觉交流的模仿。  相似文献   

视觉阅读、触觉摸读和听觉阅读是视觉损伤接受外界信息、丰富阅读内容进而提高生活质量的三种阅读方式。视觉阅读是指将传统的印刷字放大.或低视力借助于放大镜、闭路电视或其他设备阅读常规的印刷字材料;触觉摸读则是将传统的印刷字翻译成盲.由盲人凭触觉来摸读。它们是我国盲教育中采用的最主要的阅读方式。由于我们只能将有限的书面材料转变成大字本和盲.视觉损伤的视觉阅读速度较慢而且容易疲劳,闭路电视也有其局限性,所以从某种意义上来说.听觉阅读是一种更有效的阅读方式。听觉阅读是通过倾听录音带来感知信息资料,这些信息资料可以是教材,也包括大量的休闲阅读材料。听觉阅读是工业化国家盲教育康复领域内普遍采用的阅读方式。  相似文献   

A popular hypothesis holds that developmental dyslexia is caused by phonological processing problems and is therefore linked to difficulties in the analysis of spoken as well as written language. It has been suggested that these phonological deficits might be attributable to low‐level problems in processing the temporal fine structure of auditory cues. Evidence for this has come from studies showing poor performance of dyslexic individuals on measures of auditory frequency discrimination (FD). We compared the FD thresholds of 28 children with dyslexia to 28 age‐matched controls aged 6–13, on a task that minimised demands on short‐term memory. To investigate the mechanisms involved in potential FD deficits, FD thresholds were measured at 1 kHz, where temporal cues were available, and at 6 kHz, where they were not. The dyslexic group had significantly higher FD thresholds than controls in both the 1‐ and 6‐kHz conditions. These findings confirm that children with dyslexia often have poor FD, even when, as in this sample, they have normal language comprehension and expressive vocabulary, and when they are tested using a paradigm that minimises memory demands. However, their perceptual deficit was evident for both the 1‐ and 6‐kHz tones, and so cannot readily be explained in terms of problems in processing temporal fine structure.  相似文献   

One hundred and three children attending Learning Assistance Centres due to reading difficulties and one hundred and three matched, average readers were administered a battery of auditory perceptual processing tasks. The battery was composed of auditory analysis and synthesis, auditory sequential memory, auditory discrimination, and phonemic segmentation tasks. A principal components analysis yielded four factors. These were determined to be advanced phonological awareness, sequential memory, discrimination, and simple phonological awareness. Discriminant analyses, using the factor scores, indicated that three of the four factors were able to discriminate between the able and disabled readers. Most notable among these was advanced phonological awareness. Auditory discrimination could not discriminate between the groups. The results suggest that there may not be one underlying phonological ability implicated in successful reading acquisition. Furthermore, it is clear that two levels of phonological awareness exist and that screening and diagnostic instruments should address both in order to have predictive validity.  相似文献   

Infants must learn about many cognitive domains (e.g., language, music) from auditory statistics, yet capacity limits on their cognitive resources restrict the quantity that they can encode. Previous research has established that infants can attend to only a subset of available acoustic input. Yet few previous studies have directly examined infant auditory attention, and none have directly tested theorized mechanisms of attentional selection based on stimulus complexity. This work utilizes model‐based behavioral methods that were recently developed to examine visual attention in infants (e.g., Kidd, Piantadosi, & Aslin, 2012). The present results demonstrate that 7‐ to 8‐month‐old infants selectively attend to nonsocial auditory stimuli that are intermediately predictable/complex with respect to their current implicit beliefs and expectations. These findings provide evidence of a broad principle of infant attention across modalities and suggest that sound‐to‐sound transitional statistics heavily influence the allocation of auditory attention in human infants.  相似文献   

Summary Arousal during learning is known to be related to subsequent trend in retention. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the relation is the same for auditory and visual learning. Arousal during learning was measured by GSR recorded while high school students viewed an instructional film scheduled by the teacher as an integral part of the course. Retention trend was measured by 15 film-related (7 auditory, 8 visual) items administered immediately after the film and one week later. Intraindividual analysis indicated that the significant relations between arousal and retention trend were almost identical for auditory and visual information. Implications for the design of instructional films were discussed. An interpretation of the result from a similar study was offered. This study was funded by the California Transportation Agency and the Bureau of Public Roads, Federal Highway Administration, U. S. Department of Transportation. The measurement and analysis techniques were developed under a grant by the U. S. Office of Education. Data collection was facilitated by the cooperation of Robert Lewis, Jack Moscowitz, Gerwin C. Neher, Eugene Olson, Herbert Popenoe, Melvin T. Schroeder, and George L. Wilson, all of the Los Angeles City School System. Data analysis was performed at the UCLA Computing Facility.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to examine the morphological knowledge of readers with developmental dyslexia compared to chronological age and reading-level matched controls. The study also analyzes the errors dyslexics make and their metamorphological awareness compared to controls. Participants included 31 seventh-grade dyslexic children and two matched control groups of normal readers: 34 seventh graders matched for chronological age and 32 third graders matched for reading age. Two tasks were administered via the auditory modality—morphological priming and morphological analogies task. We also performed error analysis and a metamorphological interview. Our analyses reveal that although dyslexics perform equally to chronological age matched controls on the priming task and similarly to reading-level matched controls on the morphological analogies task, their errors and metamorphological awareness are qualitatively different.  相似文献   

Auditory Context and Memory Retrieval in Young Infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three-month-old infants were trained to move an overhead crib mobile while 1 of 2 musical selections was played. Retention was assessed 1 or 7 days later in the presence of either the same music or a different musical selection. in Experiment 1, the musical selections were very different (classical versus jazz); in Experiment 2, they were much more similar (two classical pieces). Infants in both experiments displayed 1 day retention regardless of wich music was played during the retention test. At 7 days, retention was seen only when the music played during the retention test matched the training music. These data are consistent with similar findings showing that 3-month-old infants'memory is disrupted at long retention intervals when the context present during retention testing does not match the learning context. As the infant's memory wanes, context appears to function as a necessary cue for the retrieval of acquired expectancies.  相似文献   

Compared good and poor spellers at the third- and sixth-grade levels on seven tasks that measured visual and auditory discrimination, memory, analysis and synthesis skills. The results indicated that five tasks discriminated between good and poor spellers at the third-grade level: tasks requiring visual discrimination and visual memory of words; auditory discrimination, memory, analysis and synthesis; and auditory-visual integration. Two tasks discriminated between good and poor spellers at the sixth-grade level: tasks requiring auditory discrimination, memory, analysis and synthesis; and auditory-visual integration. Memory for words and sentences did not discriminate between good and poor spellers at either grade level.  相似文献   

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