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新入职专业教师是职业院校的未来发展的重要力量,提高新入职专业教师的专业知识能力能够帮助他们更快的适应教育教学工作,并且促进其专业化成长。通过对职业院校新入职专业教师的专业知识能力分析,了解新入职专业教师的专业知识能力,提出了增强教育素质水平和注重实践能力培养的建议,使他们更快的成长为职业院校骨干教师。  相似文献   

新教师入职培训是帮助新教师适应新的工作环境并促进教师专业发展的重要环节,也是世界各国教师教育改革的有机组成部分。美国肯塔基州新教师入职培训历史悠久,培训方法多样,评价体系完善,实施过程完善,对于稳定教师队伍以及提升教师素养发挥着重要作用。肯塔基州新入职教师培训的有益经验,对于提升我国新教师入职培训的实效性,尤其是增强新教师敬业意识和职业信念具有重要意义。  相似文献   

<正>如何在最短时间内胜任新岗位,尽快转变角色,适应工作,获得有效的专业提升,是新教师关注的主要问题。很多新教师入职后面对接踵而来的各种问题和困难,心里打起了退堂鼓,甚至开始怀疑自己的知识储备和适应能力,工作积极性也受到挫伤。以下三个方面将帮助新入职教师迅速转变角色并适应角色。  相似文献   

教师教育一体化理论认为,教师教育应该包括职前培养、入职教育和在职培训三个连续阶段,入职教育是指对初职教师(刚参加工作的新教师或刚到某学科任教的教师,一般为一到三年)进行的各种有计划而系统的指导、帮助和培训,入职教育对初职教师能够更好地适应教学工作,提高其专业素养  相似文献   

目前我国有世界上最庞大的教师队伍,每年都有大量初任教师进入教师行业,帮助这些初任教师尽快适应并热爱教师工作,对于我国教师队伍的建设意义重大。而初任教师入职引导是教师教育的第二阶段,是连接职前教育和职后继续教育的桥梁,因此有必要加强对初任教师的入职引导研究,不断进行理论和实践探索。文章着重对初任教师入职引导的教学辅导进行探讨,或许能对初任教师有些帮助。  相似文献   

入职阶段是教师职业生涯中尤为重要的一个环节。当前,高职院校新入职教师普遍存在高等教育理念薄弱、教学能力不足、行业企业实践经验缺乏等问题。为帮助新入职教师顺利完成角色认同与转变,尽快适应岗位职责要求,应及时对新教师开展入职培训,提高新教师教育教学水平和专业实践技能,促进新教师专业发展和个人全面成长。  相似文献   

新入职教师工作热情高、学习能力强,并且有很强的职业使命感和责任心,但是教学经验不足、理论联系实际能力欠缺也是客观存在的事实。入职前岗位培训有效帮助新入职教师快速适应新的工作环境,培训中案例教学法的运用能直观地呈现课堂教学,新入职教师积极主动参与其中,观摩优秀的课例设计,学习教学理论在课堂实践中的运用,初步构建自我的教育教学知识结构。  相似文献   

Pathwise Framework入职项目隶属美国教育考试服务中心(ETS),是美国入职培训领域中培训质量最好、培训内容最紧凑的入职支持项目,是同类培训的典范。该项目旨在通过为新教师提供反思性支持和评估来促进他们的职业发展,帮助新教师在备课—教学—反思—改进这一动态、循环和持续的过程后成为一名自主能力较强的教师。研究其理论基础、内容、组织过程、特点,无疑对建立我国自己的教师入职培训体系具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

笔者在搜集与分析当前小学教师入职教育普遍模式的基础上,反思现存入职教育的内容、开展方式和评价方式三个方面,提出应将教师情意加入入职教育的课程中,并通过建立入职教育学习共同体和对新教师采用发展性评价等方式改进现存入职教育模式,以期对我国小学教师入职教育工作的开展有所帮助。  相似文献   

本文在对幼儿园新入职教师职业现状调查的基础上,分析新教师职业适应的危机与困难,在陈鹤琴“活教育”思想的核心理念及教师观的启示下,对新教师入职培训进行了新的探索和实践:引入沙龙活动及团体心理辅导活动帮助新教师敬业乐业,坚定职业信念,增强职业归属感;成立教育、保育实验室帮助新教师在做中学,在做中求进步,促进新教师成为儿童的引导者、参与者与合作者。为寻找实现幼儿园新教师有效入职培训模式提供一些新思路。  相似文献   

How children organize themselves in play reflects groupings found in society. Multiage grouping in schools reflects the same. Multiage grouping is grouping children of multiple ages, at least one year apart, for instruction. With renewed interest in this practice comes anxiety for teachers who contemplate such a change. Some questions teachers often ask include: How do I get started?, and How do I organize the day? This article is the success story of one teacher as she began her multiaged classroom. Perhaps her story can answer some questions and serve as a beginning model for others.  相似文献   

文章从"德育目标"、"人际关系"、"德育内容"和"德育方法"四个维度对西方德育实效思想进行梳理,为提高中职德育课教学实效提供借鉴。中职德育课不仅要帮助中职生形成适应公共生活的行为习惯,更要激发中职生道德发展的内在需求,培养中职生"自主判断、自主选择、自我负责的道德主体意识"。教师应尝试变革现有德育课程模式,为师生的平等交流创造条件;教师应接受学生的缺点,不仅要管教他们,更要信任和关心他们;对中职生的偏差行为不能放任自流,而要与班主任联合,针对该学生的特点采取德育措施。  相似文献   

非正式教师是国家公办教育机构中未进入国家和所在学校正式教师编制体系、不享受国家和所在学校公办教师特殊权益的从教人员。通过对古今中外非正式教师的归纳推理发现,非正式教师都有一定的文化知识和教育知识,都有从教的意愿。非正式教师的存在合乎教育发展需要与正式教师数量不足之理,合乎教师流动规律及其发展目的的统一之理,合乎其存在的组织行为目的与其个体发展价值统一之理。非正式教师的存在需要以辅助性、合格性、同工同酬性、地方主导与学校主体相结合的原则为其存在的合理性前提。  相似文献   

Principles of Classroom Discipline: Toward a Pragmatic Synthesis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Individuals who change careers to assume teaching roles in secondary schools are more likely to struggle in the classroom than those without such backgrounds. In this investigation, we identified three such career-changing teachers who were beginning their education careers in rural schools, and observed and interviewed them throughout their first year of teaching to understand their unique challenges and to identify the types of supports that they found to be most helpful. Three primary themes emerged: (1) adjustment to the unique culture of a school, (2) the importance of mentoring, and (3) adaptation of previous work experiences to teaching. Recommendations included more emphasis in teacher preparation programs of awareness of the uniqueness of every school's particular culture and the critical nature of effective mentoring in the success and happiness of these career-changing teachers.  相似文献   

Producing high-quality teachers should be a shared goal and a shared endeavor -between those who prepare teachers in universities and those who support teachers’ learning in schools. Yet, teacher education has been portrayed more as a dichotomy than a continuum of lifelong learning, beginning with the preservice teacher and continuing throughout an inservice teacher's career. When schools and universities work together, especially in professional development school -contexts, this goal can be actualized.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on a new pre‐service teacher education initiative, Classmates. Classmates is a collaboration between the University of Western Sydney (UWS) and the New South Wales Department of Education and Training (DET), South Western Sydney Region. Classmates aims to prepare pre‐service teachers to work in challenging, hard‐to‐staff schools. These contexts typically have socially disadvantaged populations and annually experience teacher shortages and high teacher turnover, particularly amongst beginning and early career teachers. Classmates seeks to produce beginning teachers who are highly prepared for, confident and mentally and emotionally equipped to work in such environments. This discussion focuses on some of the positive attributes about the initiative, particularly its practicum structure; its nurturing of pre‐service teachers to work in challenging contexts; and its strong focus on networking and development of ongoing support structures.  相似文献   

Research and policy have increasingly focused on the importance of staffing schools with effective teachers. A critical variable affecting teacher effectiveness is the enthusiasm, energy and effort teachers bring to their work, or teachers’ work engagement. Better understanding teachers’ work engagement and how it may change over stages in a teacher’s career is the subject of this exploratory interview study of second-stage teachers—teachers with 4–10 years of experience. Participants in this study described engaging in their work to different degrees and in very different ways. As beginning teachers, their interest in and enthusiasm for teaching was typically high and they focused a great deal of energy on conducting their classes. However, over time they acquired a sense of competence and had been granted considerable professional autonomy. Although competence and autonomy inspired and energized some of these teachers, it also made it unnecessary to be highly engaged. Their administrators reportedly paid little attention to their choices and did not intervene. Ultimately, the decision about whether and how to engage in teaching was theirs to make. Although all participants reported a continued interest in and enthusiasm for teaching, three stage-related patterns emerged in how they engaged in their work. Some teachers chose to modify their engagement, re-directing a portion of their effort to activities other than teaching, including their families or coursework for recertification. Others decided to focus their engagement, by attending to more fine-grained, interesting aspects of their subject or pedagogy, now that they had the basics under control. Still others chose to diversify their engagement—engaging in new and interesting extensions of teaching, such as leadership roles and extracurricular activities. A few, whose efforts to improve their practice or contribute to their school had been ignored or discouraged, either said they would leave teaching or had disengaged as an alternative to leaving. These findings suggest that having a better understanding of teachers’ engagement and the role that the school plays in their decisions about how to engage is important for promoting effectiveness and retention among teachers who have moved beyond their novice years.  相似文献   

This paper uses the first nationally representative survey of teacher absence collected through direct observation to determine the patterns of absence among full-time teachers in public primary schools in Indonesia. Based on the survey data, the authors found a national teacher absence rate of 19%, with almost half of the absences due to unacceptable reasons. In general, highly educated teachers, contract teachers, and less experienced teachers have higher absence rates. There are also significantly higher absence rates in schools with inadequate facilities. In contrast, teachers who take on extra jobs outside teaching are not associated with more absences while being dissatisfied with income is actually correlated with lower absence. Finally, given that sanctions on shirking teachers are rarely implemented, they do not seem to lower cases of teacher absence.  相似文献   

Research in teacher education repeatedly suggests that the background and underlying beliefs held by pre-service teachers about teaching and assessment act to shape their interpretations of ideas, powerfully influencing their praxis and their developing teacher identity. This paper explores how a young New Zealand secondary science teacher, raised and educated in Māori-medium and then English-medium New Zealand schools, develops his identity as a teacher as he navigates a range of educational contexts and experiences. His views on assessment provide a focus. The paper presents a case study drawn from a two-year longitudinal study, comprising a series of interviews with the teacher, as he transitioned from a university graduate to a qualified science teacher working in his first school. The complexity of teacher identity development is highlighted, particularly for teachers for whom cultural identity and indigenous world view is important. It suggests that beginning teachers need more time in their pre-service teacher education to reflect on the influence their formative educational experiences have on who they are becoming as a teacher.  相似文献   

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