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In Finland, the 1990s will mean that student selection for universities of technology will face two paradoxical problems.

On the one had, large numbers of school leavers will be applying for admission to universities, while on the other, the recruitment base of some institutions of higher education will be getting narrower. The universities of technology and the faculties of science fall into this group.

Traditionally, large numbers of highly gifted pupils have applied for places to read science and technology. The increasing demand for graduate engineers, however, means that the intake has been enlarged, while at the same time there are insufficient pupils leaving school with a high enough level of proficiency in mathematics and science.

In order to solve the problem, those involved in university selection have had to consider ways of ensuring a gifted intake in the 1990s with sufficient and varied talents. First, the universities of technology are trying to influence the education system to increase the amount of science teaching in the final school years. Secondly, correct and positive information should be publicised on the possibilities technology has of solving the problems of people and the environment in order to encourage interest in the sciences. Thirdly, new recruitment channels should be created in order to exploit untapped reserves of talent for the benefit of technological studies. With this in mind, the interest of women in science should be particularly encouraged.  相似文献   

2006年,芬兰政府决定在高等教育系统内实施一种新的薪资制度,这一制度改变了传统的以工作年限为基础的工资支付制度,而将大学职员的工资与职业等级和个人业绩表现紧密联系。新的薪资制度在教育部、工会以及其他各方代表间历经漫长的谈判,最终付诸实施,成为21世纪提升芬兰高等教育系统竞争力的主要工具。  相似文献   

芬兰教育在世界教育发展中具有一定的代表性,从上世纪50年代开始,芬兰就不断加强对创业教育的重视,并在高校进行了创业教育活动的探索。明确创业教育的地位,开发创业教育相关课程,从立法和财政上进行保障,加强创业教育师资队伍建设,这些措施对构建我国的创业教育体系具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

芬兰位于欧洲北部,约有18.8万个湖泊,因此有“千湖之国”之称。这个国家有不少令人感兴趣的东西哦。赶快选择好你最喜欢的路线,并带上你要完成的任务,开始你的芬兰之旅吧!  相似文献   

Formal engineering education has about 150 years of tradition in Finland, but engineering as a profession has more than 200 years of tradition. The first Finnish engineers were men of practice, trained by the apprenticeship system, and used the title The Factory Master. In the year 1849, formal education began, but Finnish industry did not begin to employ formally trained engineers until the beginning of this century. The first formally educated engineers were, themselves, not interested in working in industry. The success of formally trained engineers in Finnish industry was reflected later on in the increasing value attached to research and new technologies. This view of science as an important force for production was strengthened further when the Helsinki University of Technology established and expanded its own laboratories.  相似文献   

The Fourth Way of Finland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Globalization has increased mobility of people, resources, and ideas. It is also affecting how governments think about education and what schools teach to their students. Attributes related to education for a knowledge society, sustainable development, or 21st century skills are parts of current national educational policies and reforms. A powerful pretext for global educational reform thinking is current international student assessments. As a consequence, particular educational reform orthodoxy has emerged that relies on a set of basic assumptions in order to improve the quality of education and fix other educational deficiencies. This article describes the beginning of the present global educational reform movement discussing some of its key characteristics and implications in practice. Although overlooked by many policy analysts, Finland represents a striking and highly successful alternative to this global educational reform movement. The scholarly work of Andy Hargreaves is seen as essential in understanding the requirements and resources that are needed in securing good public education for all in the future.  相似文献   

Universities and graduate education are increasingly viewed as part of the emerging lifelong learning and education system and we see the evidence of this as the average age of graduate students increases. We are also seeing an increasing emphasis on education for employment in the lifelong learning and education literature, and this discourse is now infiltrating universities and graduate education; graduate education is increasingly referred to as graduate training and is being recast as vocational training. In this meditation I examine these changes in graduate education in light of the developmental needs of graduate students in the second half of life viewed through the lens of Jungian psychology, and discuss implications of the developmental needs of graduate students in the second half of life for graduate education. This is followed by examining the implications that changes in graduate programs have for graduate students in the second half of life.  相似文献   

Based on the conceptualframework of Pierre Bourdieu, this studycompares the impact of pressure to develop tieswith non-academic organisations on two fieldsof research, namely: sociology and economics.The study highlights the dynamics particular toeach discipline and shows that a soundunderstanding of transformations affectinguniversity research cannot exclude analysis ofthe specificity of each one. Two cohorts ofprofessors were studied in two Quebecuniversities: the first cohort was made up ofprofessors who received tenure between 1974 and1983, and the second between 1989 and 1998. Theresults suggest that pressures in favor ofpartnership with non-academic organisationshave not had the same impact in sociology andeconomics. While research practices haveundergone transformations in each discipline,the nature of these transformations differs inan important way. The results also contradicttwo popular models in knowledge productionstudies, which are the Entrepreneurial Science,and Mode 1/Mode 2 models. Although these modelsclaim that academic research orientation hasbecome geared towards problem-solving, ourresults indicate, however, that the oppositetrend has been taking place in sociology andeconomics.  相似文献   

近年来,外商直接投资(FDI)在我国的分布日渐广泛,但进入各地区的数量不同,这对我国区域经济的发展产生不同的影响。文章通过对山东、河南和四川FDI的空间差异分布的比较研究,分析FDI对区域经济的不同影响,并在此基础上探讨河南的引资对策。  相似文献   

远程教育的协同发展是助推京津冀区域产业可持续发展的重要人才保障,而地域文化生态又对京津冀区域远程教育协同发展的文化软实力形成有着十分深远的影响。本文采用文化学中常用的民族志和知识考古方法进行研究后认为,地域文化生态对京津冀远程教育协同发展软实力形成的社会影响主要表现在三个方面:一是地域地理文化生态对京津冀区域远程教育协同发展凝聚力的形成产生了非常重要的社会影响;二是地域创新文化生态对京津冀区域远程教育协同发展感召力的形成产生了非常重要的社会影响;三是地域共享文化生态对京津冀区域远程教育协同发展行动力的形成产生了非常重要的社会影响。文章最后指出,软实力正是京津冀开放大学远程教育最重要的核心竞争力之一。  相似文献   


Finland shares with its Nordic neighbours a broadly common orientation to provision for pupils who have special educational needs. Over recent decades, the country had invested substantially in this area, especially through the supply of specially qualified teachers. Recent legislation has moved the system more definitively towards provision in the ordinary school but there can be tension between, on the one hand, the demand for appropriate education in the child's local school, and on the other hand, economic stringency and demographic reality.  相似文献   

芬兰教师教育成功的关键原因之一是重视教师绩效评估,并将教师绩效评估看作是教师专业发展的重要手段之一.其绩效评估的内容分别从文化、社会、个人三个层面进行确定,并由专业化的评估机构实施评估工作,在具体评估时重视各评估机构间的交流合作、教师积极工作文化的构建、教师角色的转变和研究型教师培养等.其成功经验可为我国教师教育工作的有效开展提供诸多启示.  相似文献   

FINLAND is a small North‐European country with a population of about 5 million. It has historical ties with Sweden and Russia. Consequently, there are two official languages in the country: Finnish and Swedish. The education system is based on a 9‐year comprehensive school. Education is compulsory for all children between the ages of 7 and 16. Health and welfare services for children with disabilities are mainly provided within the regular services but special services are ensured by special laws. Special education services are provided at every level of education and learning environment modifications range from remedial education to individual instruction at home. In the comprehensive school about 16% of all pupils receive special education in some form. The majority of special pupils receive part‐time special education by resource room teachers. Individual and group integration has increased strongly during the last decade and more emphasis is placed in the development of individual special education programming.  相似文献   

仲夏时分的芬兰是欢乐的,因为这是当地白昼最长、黑夜最短的时候,相对那寒冷而漫长的冬夜,芬兰人是绝对有理由珍惜的。他们挥去漫长冬夜带来的郁闷,享受着各种夏季的水上活动,享受着阳光带来的快乐。  相似文献   

The prevalence and context of violence against children in their families was surveyed as part of a study on the sexual abuse of children. A random sample of 409 comprehensive school classes with approximately 9,000 15-year-olds was asked to anonymously fill out questionnaires. The majority filled out the questionnaires in the privacy of the school nurse's office, the rest in their classrooms. Of the selected classes, 88.8% participated in the survey, and the response rate of the students in those classes was 96%. Mild violence (slapping, pushing, etc.) was reported by 72% of the respondents, and severe violence (hitting with a fist, kicking, use of weapons) was reported by 8%. Violence was committed by the parents sometime before the children reached age 14. Incidents of violence during the year preceding the survey were reported by 19% and 5%, mild and severe, respectively. Mild violence was committed slightly more often by mothers than fathers. Severe violence was perpetrated more frequently by fathers. Girls reported mild abuse more often than boys. Severe violence was experienced equally often by both sexes. Children living with single mothers reported less-than-average mild violence, but more frequent severe violence. The highest incidence of severe violence was found among youth living in families with a stepfather. Unemployment in a family tended to increase both mild and severe violence. Violence was reported least often by children living in farming families or Swedish speaking families (which make up about 6% of Finnish population). Overall the frequency of violence toward children in Finland is significantly lower than in the U.S. Comparison to Sweden seems to show an identical level of child abuse, although different study methods make comparisons difficult.  相似文献   

Focusing on the situation of Åbo Akademi University, a Swedish-language higher education institution in bilingual Finland, this article discusses the problems of operating higher education institutions in two or three languages in a country in which 11 percent of the population are Swedish speakers and 89 percent are Finnish speakers, with many who are bilingual. Finland has two monolingual Swedish-language universities plus a monolingual School attached to the bilingual University of Helsinki. In addition to the latter, five other institutions, four of them highly specialized, are bilingual. The remaining institutions are monolingual, operating in Finnish. Most of the Finnish higher education institutions are increasingly offering programmes in English. Institutions offering courses in Swedish co-operate among themselves in the provision of full course programmes. The three universities in Turku, where Åbo Akademi University is located, co-operate in offering joint programmes requiring students to work in Swedish, Finnish, and English. Although multilingualism works well in Finland with a minimum of friction, the author concludes that a monolingual university, if affordable, is the best safeguard for minority linguistic rights.  相似文献   

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