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留守儿童主要是指一些不在父母身边长大的孩子,这个群体属于弱势群体,留守儿童长期不在家长身边,得不到应有的爱与温暖,非常可能产生心理问题。因此在小学阶段还需要对儿童的心理问题作出分析研究,争取找出问题并且探索出具体的问题解决办法。  相似文献   

为探讨父母婚姻质量与儿童行为问题的关系,并考察儿童气质的调节作用,采用随机整群抽样的方法抽取110名1~3年级儿童及其家长和老师,选用Conners《儿童行为问卷:父母问卷》(PSQ)、王宇中《婚姻主观感受量表》(MPS)和刘文、杨丽珠编制的《基于教师评定3~9岁儿童气质结构量表》进行调查.结果显示:父母婚姻质量与儿童行为问题呈显著负相关,且夫妻冲突可以显著正向预测儿童行为问题.儿童的活动性、反应性、专注性与儿童行为问题呈显著负相关,且儿童专注性可以显著负向预测儿童行为问题.儿童的专注性在父母婚姻质量和儿童行为问题的关系之间调节效应显著,即儿童专注性越低,父母婚姻质量对于儿童行为问题的负效应越大.结论:专注性在父母婚姻质量对儿童行为问题的关系之间起到调节作用.  相似文献   

对河南省900名学前儿童家庭教养现状进行调查,结果显示:学前儿童核心家庭比率略有下降,联合家庭有增多趋势,但无论在何种结构的家庭,家庭教育的主体都是父母;受科学教养观念缺失的影响,不少学前儿童没有得到应有的照顾,有些儿童日常活动安排不科学;城市的家长更注重与儿童进行亲子沟通;父母的教养知识、教养观念等存在不少问题.要提高学前儿童家庭教养水平.必须从家长做起;改善学前儿童家庭教养的整体现状,"主战场"在农村,重点是农村家长.  相似文献   

流动儿童的行为问题,是其社会适应困境的表现,家庭在这一困境中成了矛盾的焦点,进而成为引发流动儿童问题行为的直接原因,即父母榜样作用、亲子关系亲密度和儿童反抗严厉管教。另外,学校与家长之间沟通不畅、儿童同伴之间关系不良,外系统中父母在城市生活中的边缘困境,还有城乡文化冲突、教育观念冲突、婚姻观念冲突,儿童的流动和父母婚姻的变迁……在这些因素共同作用下,致使流动儿童问题行为恶化。  相似文献   

对立违抗障碍(Oppositional Defiant Disorder,ODD)是一种以对权威人物的抗拒、挑衅、公然违抗、敌对等行为为典型特征的儿童破坏性行为障碍。通过对29组被评定为ODD的有隔代抚养独生子女儿童及其家长、教师的访谈分析发现,ODD儿童不仅会对抗家长、教师等权威人物,消极抵制或公然违抗家长、教师的指令,而且容易在同伴交往中被激惹或故意激惹他人,对他人的无意行为反应过度,甚至失去控制打骂他人。从家庭系统的角度分析访谈内容发现,ODD儿童的症状更多是家庭问题的呈现,而家庭互动方式和家庭关系则是导致症状产生的主要家庭原因。其中,家庭互动方式是直接的浅层次的原因,而家庭关系则是隐藏在背后的深层次原因。在家庭互动方式上,ODD儿童的家庭整体水平(如家庭亲密度低、家庭冲突性高)、互动水平(父母对待孩子高要求和控制、溺爱与纵容、教养不一致、情感虐待)和个体水平(父母的自卑与补偿、期待投射)都存在较多问题。在家庭关系上,ODD儿童的家庭存在儿童亲职化、替罪羔羊、跨代联盟、等级结构和多代传递等问题。隔代抚养、独生子女的问题会在具体家庭互动方式和家庭关系中体现出来并影响到ODD儿童的症状。  相似文献   

现在大多数小学生在日常生活中会以自我为中心,极少为他人考虑。父母教育卷入与儿童问题行为有显著的相关性,父母的教育卷入程度越高,儿童的问题行为出现得越少。因此,父母要增强教育卷入,提高亲子沟通与共同活动频率,减少儿童问题行为的产生。  相似文献   

本研究选取新疆伊宁市汉语幼儿园维吾尔、哈萨克族儿童257名,由儿童所在班级老师运用经过修订的"儿童入学准备状况教师等级评定表"对其发展水平进行等级评定,并给对应的儿童家长发放修订的家庭双语环境测评问卷。集体双语指导、解释填写问卷,考察家庭双语文化环境对少数民族儿童入学准备的影响。结果发现:家庭收入、父母学历、父母职业、家长爱好、不同看护人、汉语学习环境及教养活动均对少数民族儿童的入学准备水平有不同程度的影响;家长的双语教养活动存在显著的性别差异。本研究对少数民族家长的教养活动特点进行分析并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

一、设计背景 影响儿童家庭幸福感的因素很多,通常认为儿童的家庭幸福感主要与父母的关爱和引导有关。但是由于父母自身的局限性,如受教育程度和对家庭教育的认识水平等,导致父母在情感态度、心理、行为、思维判断、观念意识等方面发展不完善。尤其是农村的许多家长,对孩子的教育不当和过失屡见不鲜,父母与子女间时常发生让人不解、遗憾的事情。  相似文献   

为解决电视广告对儿童成长期产生的消极影响,采用实证研究、归纳和系统分析的方法,分析电视广告对儿童成长期产生的积极和消极影响.虽然优秀的电视广告有利于儿童语言和行为的发展,但有些电视广告存在用语不规范等问题易误导儿童,所以立法机关、广告商和媒体、有关部门、家长和老师要加强引导,为净化儿童的生活环境共同努力.  相似文献   

我国有关儿童个人信息保护的立法预设儿童缺乏行为能力、父母与儿童的利益是一致的,但现实中父母的网络“晒娃”行为可能损害儿童权益,父母权利与儿童权利之间可能由此发生冲突。而当父母利益与儿童利益不一致时,后者往往难以得到有效保护。父母网络“晒娃”情境中的亲子冲突从表面上看是双方的具体权利之间的冲突,其背后反映了父母自主与儿童自主之间的冲突,本质上是不同儿童观念或父母观念之间的冲突。认真对待亲子利益冲突对儿童个人信息保护至关重要。以父母知情同意原则及其完善为落脚点,构建分年龄段、分信息层、分阶段的动态同意模式是平衡父母同意与儿童自主的关键。  相似文献   

The quality of the parents' marital bond and their ability to work together in the parenting role were examined for the parents of school-aged children (ages 6-18) with mild and moderate mental retardation (n = 38) and a comparable group of parents of typically developing children (n = 34). Significantly more negative functioning for the parents of mentally retarded children was observed during marital interactions, and parent-child interactions but was not reflected in their self-reports of marriage and parenting, suggesting that expectations about marital and parenting strains may modulate negative sentiments for these parents. Across both groups, marital quality and the parenting partnership, together with child behavior problems, accounted for 23% to 53% of the variance in parenting confidence and in aversive parent-child exchanges. Negative marital interaction was a particularly important predictor of aversive parent-child exchanges.  相似文献   

Family processes affecting the socioemotional functioning of children living in poor families and families experiencing economic decline are reviewed. Black children are of primary interest in the article because they experience disproportionate shares of the burden of poverty and economic loss and are at substantially higher risk than white children of experiencing attendant socioemotional problems. It is argued that (a) poverty and economic loss diminish the capacity for supportive, consistent, and involved parenting and render parents more vulnerable to the debilitating effects of negative life events, (b) a major mediator of the link between economic hardship and parenting behavior is psychological distress deriving from an excess of negative life events, undesirable chronic conditions, and the absence and disruption of marital bonds, (c) economic hardship adversely affects children's socioemotional functioning in part through its impact on the parent's behavior toward the child, and (d) father-child relations under conditions of economic hardship depend on the quality of relations between the mother and father. The extent to which psychological distress is a source of race differences in parenting behavior is considered. Finally, attention is given to the mechanisms by which parents' social networks reduce emotional strain, lessen the tendency toward punitive, coercive, and inconsistent parenting behavior, and, in turn, foster positive socioemotional development in economically deprived children.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The present study examined mean level similarities and differences as well as correlations between mothers' and fathers' attributions regarding successes and failures in caregiving situations and progressive versus authoritarian attitudes. DESIGN: Interviews were conducted with both mothers and fathers in 177 Italian families from Rome and Naples. RESULTS: Fathers' attributions reflected higher perceived control over failure than did mothers' attributions, whereas mothers reported attitudes that were more progressive than did fathers. Only the difference in progressive attitudes remained significant after controlling for parents' age, education, and possible social desirability bias. Site differences emerged for four of the seven attributions and attitudes examined; three remained significant after controlling for parents' age, education, and possible social desirability bias. Medium effect sizes were found for concordance between parents in the same family for authoritarian attitudes and modernity of attitudes after controlling for parents' age, education, and possible social desirability bias. CONCLUSIONS: This work elucidates ways that parent gender and cultural context relate to attributions regarding parents' success and failure in caregiving situations and to progressive versus authoritarian parenting attitudes.  相似文献   

In Germany, almost 70 000 children are living in foster families (Statistisches Bundesamt, 2016). Many foster children show mental health problems as they were exposed to an accumulation of risk factors. Hence, foster parents are often faced with challenging parenting situations. The current study focuses on the predictors of foster parents’ stress and examines longitudinally whether parenting stress is associated with foster parents’ sensitivity. The sample consisted of 55 children (aged from 1 to 6 years) and their foster caregivers. Foster parents’ sensitivity was observed during home visits. Caregiver reports were used to assess parenting stress (Parenting Stress Index) as well as foster children’s externalizing behavior problems (Child Behavior Checklist). For main caregivers’ stress at the beginning of placement, regression analyses revealed both, foster children’s externalizing problems as well as partners’ stress as predictive. For main caregivers’ stress one year after, only initial parenting stress and partners’ stress were predictive. Foster parents’ sensitivity was correlated with their parenting stress one year after placement. Regression analyses revealed no longitudinal effects of initial parenting stress on overall sensitivity. However, supportive presence was predicted by initial supportive presence and by the interaction between parenting stress and children’s externalizing problems at placement. The findings highlight the role of the partner in experiencing parenting stress when taking care of a foster child. Furthermore, they emphasize that foster parents who care for children with behavior problems need adequate support that can buffer initial parenting stress and thereby promote sensitive caregiving.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The present study examined mean level similarities and differences as well as correlations between mothers' and fathers' attributions regarding successes and failures in caregiving situations and progressive versus authoritarian attitudes. DESIGN: Interviews were conducted with both mothers and fathers in 108 Colombian families. RESULTS: Fathers reported higher uncontrollable success attributions and higher authoritarian attitudes than did mothers, whereas mothers reported higher modernity of attitudes than did fathers; only the gender differences related to parental attitudes remained significant after controlling for parents' age, education, and possible social desirability bias. Medium effect sizes were found for concordance between parents in the same family for attributions regarding uncontrollable success and progressive attitudes after controlling for parents' age, education, and possible social desirability bias. CONCLUSIONS: This work elucidates ways that parent gender relates to attributions regarding parents' success and failure in caregiving and to progressive versus authoritarian parenting attitudes in Colombia.  相似文献   

Parental monitoring: a reinterpretation   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
Stattin H  Kerr M 《Child development》2000,71(4):1072-1085

Poor emotional competence has been identified as a precursor to later social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties in children. Aspects of parenting, including modeling, reactions to and coaching of children's emotions, have been associated with the development of emotional competence in children. In this paper, a parenting program with this theoretical basis is outlined and a pilot study of the program is presented. The six-session parenting program was delivered in preschool centers to 47 parents with a four or five year old child, and data were collected about parenting and children's functioning twice prior to program commencement, following program completion, and at three month follow-up. Pre and post program teacher assessments were also collected. Following the program parents reported that they were more encouraging of their children's emotional expression, used emotion-focused approaches more frequently in interactions with their children, and were less critical and dismissive of their children's emotional expression. Their children showed less emotional negativity and had significant reductions in difficult behaviors, especially those who had behavior problems prior to their parents' participation in the program. This program offers a promising approach to fostering the development of children's emotional competence and consequently enhancing social and behavioral functioning.  相似文献   

农村家庭教育中家长素质的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农村家庭教育中家长素质的现状表现为:学历低、教育观念落后、教育方式不当、教育价值观错位、重男轻女的思想严重等方面。农村家庭教育中家长应具备的素质包括:较高的文化素养、正确的教育观念、良好的心理素质、较强的教育能力。提高农村家长素质的途径有:创办家长学校,召开家长会,印发函授学习资料。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this research was to examine the construct validity of the Child Abuse Potential Inventory by comparing maltreating and high-risk parents' CAP Inventory abuse scores to their behavior during interactions with their children. A second purpose was to determine the degree to which CAP Inventory scores and parenting behavior were related to several known correlates of abuse, as measured by parent and teacher reports. Participants (n = 41) included abusive and high-risk parents and their children referred to a treatment group. Correlational analyses revealed that CAP Inventory scores and observed parenting style yielded highly related findings, supporting construct validity of the CAP Inventory. However, the CAP Inventory and observed behavior index showed a different pattern of relationships to the risk correlates. Implications for assessment of risk status are discussed and recommendations are provided for continued research.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE.: The present study examined mean level similarities and differences as well as correlations between U.S. mothers' and fathers' attributions regarding successes and failures in caregiving situations and progressive versus authoritarian attitudes. DESIGN.: Interviews were conducted with both mothers and fathers in 139 European American, Latin American, and African American families. RESULTS.: Interactions between parent gender and ethnicity emerged for adult-controlled failure and perceived control over failure. Fathers reported higher adult-controlled failure and child-controlled failure attributions than did mothers, whereas mothers reported attitudes that were more progressive and modern than did fathers; these differences remained significant after controlling for parents' age, education, and possible social desirability bias. Ethnic differences emerged for five of the seven attributions and attitudes examined; four remained significant after controlling for parents' age, education, and possible social desirability bias. Medium effect sizes were found for concordance between parents in the same family for attributions regarding uncontrollable success, child-controlled failure, progressive attitudes, authoritarian attitudes, and modernity of attitudes after controlling for parents' age, education, and possible social desirability bias. CONCLUSIONS.: This work elucidates ways that parent gender and ethnicity relate to attributions regarding U.S. parents' successes and failures in caregiving situations and to their progressive versus authoritarian parenting attitudes.  相似文献   

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