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国庆期间,我参观了毛主席在长沙市清水塘的旧居——中共湘区委员会旧址。走进湘区委员会的小院,只见白色的墙壁,黑色的门,  相似文献   

潘云贵 《当代学生》2012,(24):54-57
上期回顾:九年级的上学期就要过去了,因为恵妍子的离开,林露湘又成了潘小天的后桌。小天看到顾乐老是找林露湘说话,但是潘心里很不是滋味。一天课后,趁林露湘不在,潘小天把顾乐叫出教室,说要拿期末成绩和他比试,如果谁输了就不能找林露湘说话。之后,二人之间开始暗战。春节期间,潘小天从林露湘那里得知自己的期末考成绩还是输给了顾乐,心情顿时跌到了谷底。为了遵守之前和顾乐的约定,潘小天决定不再和林露湘说话。  相似文献   

抗战初期,徐特立在负责驻湘八路军办事处期间,根据党的方针政策,对湖南进步报刊积极支持和指导,并为报刊撰写文章,宣传党的方针政策,动员湖南人民积极投入抗日救亡运动。  相似文献   

抗战初期,徐特立在担任国民革命军第十八集团军高级参议、驻湘代表期间,应社会各界邀请,在长沙等地进行了大量演讲活动,宣讲中国共产党的抗日政策,宣传抗日救国的道理,推动了湖南的抗日救亡运动。  相似文献   

2014年8月4日至15日,由湖南省委宣传部部署,省社会科学院、省湘学研究院牵头组织的“湘学溯源媒体行”活动,对在湘学发展史上有着重要影响的历史人物及文化遗存开展专题采访活动,重点对炎帝、屈原、贾谊、周敦颐、张栻、王夫之、魏源、谭嗣同等8位湘学人物的思想与精神进行报道宣传,并约请长期从事湘学研究的专家撰写专文。本辑“湘学溯源研究”栏目,系与湘学研究院合办,刊发8位专家所撰全文(《炎帝与湘学》一篇暂缺),旨在弘扬优秀传统文化,加强湘学的传播与交流。  相似文献   

西晋时湘州得以设置.南朝时,湘州与南朝各代政权的政局发展日益紧密.在陈代前期,陈夺取湘州,巩固了陈统治,然而降至陈代后期,陈失去湘州,国境日狭,灭亡之时已近矣.可见,湘州之得失对陈代的政局产生了较为重大的影响.  相似文献   

西晋时湘州得以设置。南朝时,湘州与南朝各代政权的政局发展日益紧密。在陈代前期,陈夺取湘州,巩固了陈统治,然而降至陈代后期,陈失去湘州,国境日狭,灭亡之时已近矣。可见,湘州之得失对陈代的政局产生了较为重大的影响。  相似文献   

熊丙奇 《教育》2011,(2):17-17
受冰雪凝冻天气影响,湖南、广西、贵州等地启动应急预案,部分中小学已停课、缓考或提前放假。位于湘黔交界的湖南省怀化市要求各中小学校、幼儿园在低温雨雪冰冻天气未解除期间,原则上安排学生在家复习功课,待低温雨雪天气解除后,再组织学生期末考试。  相似文献   

辛亥革命期间 ,谭延三次担任湖南省督军兼省长 ,能坚持民主共和的方向 ,在湖南建立资产阶级专政 ,积极推行改革 ,力图通过发展实业救国自强 ,在一定程度上促进了湖南经济的发展。因此 ,三次督湘是谭延个人政治生涯中一个较有成就的光辉的时期  相似文献   

惠洪觉范禅师为北宋著名禅僧和禅史家,并以诗僧和诗评家享誉于世。他先后数次游历和驻锡于湖湘的一些著名寺院共十余年。在湘期间,他多次到南岳衡山的寺院参访和小住,并与南岳福严寺结下了深厚的因缘。论文即对此进行考述。  相似文献   

We describe an assessment of the collective impact of 35 grants that the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) made to biomedical research institutions in 1999 to support precollege science education outreach programs. Data collected from funded institutions were compared with data from a control group of institutions that had advanced to the last stage of review but had not been funded. The survey instrument and the results reveal outcomes and impacts that HHMI considers relevant for these programs. The following attributes are considered: ability to secure additional, non-HHMI funding; institution buy-in as measured by gains in dedicated space and staff; enhancement of the program director''s career; number and adoption of educational products developed; number of related publications and awards; percentage of programs for which teachers received course credit; increase in science content knowledge; and increase in student motivation to study science.  相似文献   

β-Amylase activity (BAA) and thermostability (BAT) are important traits for malt quality. In this study, 138 Tibetan annual wild barley accessions and 20 cultivated genotypes differing in BAA were planted and analyzed in 2009 and 2012. Significant differences were detected among genotypes in BAA and BAT. The cultivated genotypes had a mean BAA of 1137.6 U/g and a range of from 602.1 to 1407.5 U/g, while the wild accessions had a mean of 1517.9 U/g and a range of from 829.7 to 2310.0 U/g. The cultivated genotypes had a mean relative residual β-amylase activity (RRBAA) of 61.6% and a range of from 22.2% to 82.3%, while the wild barleys had a mean of 57.8% and a range of from 21.9% to 96.1%. Moreover, there was a significant difference among genotypes in the response of RRBAA to the temperature and duration of heat treatment. The wild barleys had wider variation in BAA and BAT than cultivated genotypes.  相似文献   

先秦两汉志怪小说的深厚底蕴和深刻的社会原因,使魏晋南北朝时期的志怪小说发展进入成熟时期。唐传奇在此基础上的崛起,有其深刻的学渊源、学环境和特定的社会时代背景。蒲松龄又化腐朽为神奇,使《聊斋志异》拔地而起,把言小说推向历史最高的境界。  相似文献   

面对世界科技革命迅速发展的形势 ,邓小平产生了极其强烈的科技意识。这种科技意识集中表现在 :崇尚科学 ,尊重知识 ,尊重人才 ,热心科学、大力支持科技发展等方面。  相似文献   

杜甫是我国文学史上一位集大成的诗人,他的诗对后世影响巨大,被后人尊为“诗圣”。他的诗歌被接受有一个渐进的过程,而宋代则是一个关键时期。他的诗在唐末五代已颇有影响,到宋代则形成了一个学杜的高潮。通过《旧唐书.杜甫传》和《新唐书.杜甫传》的比较,可以看出杜甫诗歌接受从唐末五代到宋代的变化过程。  相似文献   

明代福建泉州乡约大规模推行是在嘉靖、隆庆、万历时期,当时泉州推行乡约是在知府、知县的号召与士大夫的积极参与下实践的。明朝推行的里社制度与乡约的精神非常接近,推行乡约又借助了里社。由于社庙演变为神庙,乡约与神庙产生了密切联系。清代泉州推行的乡约与保甲混合,而在基层社会行政化。所庙合一,约保合一,致使乡约在基层社会扎根,实现地域化。士大夫倡导乡约,不可避免地同传统的民间信仰发生关系,但不是与传统民间文化对立。从区域社会文化的视角看待碑铭,碑铭显示出不同于传统史学的社会史资料价值。碑铭是研究地域史的重要资料。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the cause of poor fruit set in ‘Zuili’ plums, anatomical examinations of post-bloom pistils were conducted and the dates of young fruit drop were recorded during the growing seasons of 2008 and 2009. Pistils of cv. ‘Black Amber’ were also examined as an abundant setting control. Two major dropping periods were detected in ‘Zuili’: one during the first 5 d after full bloom (DAF) and another between 10 and 17 DAF. Anatomical analyses of the pistils at the full bloom stage revealed that half of the ovules had not developed embryos, which may have caused their early drop. In most dropped pistils collected at 17 DAF, the micropyle had not been penetrated by a pollen tube, indicating that they were not fertilized. ‘Zuili’ ovules initiated embryo division at 10–12 DAF, although thereafter embryo development was retarded when compared to the rates observed in ‘Black Amber’. Ovule fertilization failure and inactive embryo development after ovule fertilization may be the major causes of the later fruit drop observed in ‘Zuili’ plum trees.  相似文献   

《世说新语》是魏晋风度的真实写照。魏晋风度是魏晋名士的行为方式、个性特征、价值取向、人格追求、审美理想的集中体现和象征。魏晋风度具有对个体生命价值的审美发现、“非汤武而薄周孔”的叛逆精神和超越世俗的自由独立的人格理想等文化意蕴,对中国美学、思想史和中国人文精神都产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

450例孕产期统计数据的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对450例原始数据进行了初步的统计分析,对其中的体重因素作了较深入的分析。  相似文献   

心理动词由于内部复杂,统一界定难度很大。文章尝试分为正向和反向两类,并分别从形式上给出界定框架,然后对前者做了细分,将那些用法更接近于形容词的心理动词提取出来,且根据它们的特点设定一个框架。又在这3个框架的基础上,分别对《动词用法词典》和《汉语形容词用法词典》中的心理动词作出判断和归类。  相似文献   

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