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Higher Education - This study examined the motives underpinning involvement in community engagement by academics. The broader context of the study is the idea of universities as actors for and...  相似文献   

Summary Tanzanian educators recognize the need to ally education more clearly to economic development, for they see in a revitalized economy the impetus for the growth of social services. The shortcomings in the educational system which must help accomplish this are clear. They realize that the ‘education for self‐reliance'policies have only slightly altered the nation's economy and have done little to create the ‘new’ socialist person. Teachers, their students, and parents do not yet possess the attitudes necessary to promote cooperation and service; and the majority of students do not attain the knowledge and skills necessary for an economy to prosper.

The nation's educational bureaucracy must also be committed to dramatic change. To date, only cosmetic changes have occurred in the way schools are administered. While leadership at the top has been sincere, regional and local educational leaders often only pay lip service.

Revolutionary change in Tanzanian education could come quickly through coercion and force. However, that is not the Tanzanian way and the chosen path. Instead, change is to be accomplished through the democratic process of enlightenment and dedication. This takes time. The major question is whether Tanzania still has the time.  相似文献   

Jack Jedwab 《Prospects》2010,40(2):273-287
This article examines the responses of some 1,500 Canadians to a public opinion survey on knowledge of the Holocaust, awareness of genocide, and attitudes towards discrimination and diversity. Based on one of the most detailed surveys conducted to date on Holocaust knowledge, the study found strong correlations between greater reported Holocaust knowledge and concern over genocide, as well as greater recognition of anti-Semitism as a societal problem. Greater reported Holocaust knowledge did not, however, correlate consistently with greater openness towards selected dimensions of diversity. This counterintuitive phenomenon can likely be attributed to what respondents have learned about diversity and the limits of the effect of Holocaust education in this regard. Hence, further research is required on the relationship between the two. Finally, going forward, a case is made for a global assessment of levels of Holocaust knowledge.  相似文献   

Initial literacy courses must be followed by opportunities for consolidating the mechanics of literacy skills and practical application of three skills in life. Experience has shown that these post-literacy objectives can be achieved, not by a second stage of the literacy course, but by a range of opportunities for learning and application of learning through a network of continuing education opportunities geared to the diverse needs and circumstances of different categories of neo-literates. A taxonomy of learner categories and learning needs is seen as a basis for planning and supporting the network of post-literacy learning.Examples from China, India and Thailand demonstrate the importance of recognizing the continuity of literacy and post-literacy efforts, the need for commitment of resources for this continuum of learning, the role of an organizational structure to deal with this continuum in a coordinated way, and the value of a comprehensive range of learning opportunities for neo-literates.A necessary condition for success in building a network of continuing learning opportunities and contributing to the creation of a learning society is to make human resource development the core of national development. It is argued that the scope and dimensions of post-literacy continuing education are integrally linked with the goal of mass basic education and ultimately with the vision of a learning society. Such a vision can be a reality only with a serious human resource development focus in national development that will permit the necessary mobilization of resources, the coordination of sectors of government and society and the generation of popular enthusiasm. A radical or an incremental approach can be taken to move towards the primacy of a human resource strategy in national development. In either case, a functioning coordination and support mechanism has to be developed for the key elements of mass basic education including post-literacy learning.
Zusammenfassung Den Anfangskursen der Alphabetisierung müssen Möglichkeiten zur Festigung der Mechanismen der Lese-, Schreib- und Rechenfähigkeiten und zur praktischen Anwendung dieser drei Fähigkeiten folgen. Erfahrungen haben gezeigt, daß diese Ziele der Nachalphabetisierung nicht durch eine zweite Stufe der Alphabetisierungskurse erreicht werden können, sondern nur durch ausreichende Gelegenheiten zum Lernen und zur Anwendung des Erlernten durch ein Netzwerk von Weiterbildung, das den diversen Bedürfnissen und Umständen der verschiedenen Kategorien der Neualphabetisierung angepaßt ist. Eine Taxonomie der Lernenden und der Lernbedürfnisse wird als Basis zur Planung und Unterstützung eines solchen Netzwerkes betrachtet.Beispiele aus China, Indien und Thailand zeigen die Bedeutsamkeit des Erkennens der Kontinuität von Alphabetisierungs- und Nachalphabetisierungsbemühungen, des Bedarfs an einer Bereitstellung von Mitteln für dieses Kontinuum des Lernens, der Rolle einer Organisationsstruktur, die mit diesem Kontinuum in einer koordinierten Weise umgeht, und eines umfassenden Bereichs von Lernmöglichkeiten für Neualphabetisierte.Eine notwendige Voraussetzung für den erfolgreichen Aufbau eines Netzwerkes von Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten und für einen Beitrag zur Schaffung einer lernenden Gesellschaft ist, daß die Entwicklung menschlicher Ressourcen zum Kern der nationalen Entwicklung gemacht wird. Ein Argument ist, daß der Bereich und die Dimensionen der Weiterbildung nach der Alphabetisierung integral mit dem Ziel der Massengrundbildung und letztlich mit der Vision einer lernenden Gesellschaft verbunden sind. Solche Vision kann nur dann Realität werden, wenn eine ernsthafte Entwicklung der menschlichen Ressourcen bei der nationalen Entwicklung ins Auge gefaßt wird, die die notwendige Mobilisierung der Ressourcen, die Koordination der Regierungsbereiche und der Gesellschaft und die Erzeugung eines allgemeinen Enthusiasmus erlaubt. Ein radikaler oder auch schrittweiser Ansatz kann zu der Bevorzugung einer menschlichen Ressourcenstrategie in der nationalen Entwicklung führen. In jedem Fall muß ein funktionaler Koordinations- und Unterstützungsmechanismus für die Grundelemente der Massengrundbildung einschließlich der Nachalphabetisierung entwickelt werden.

Résumé Après les cours d'alphabétisation initiale, des possibilités doivent être offertes pour fixer les mécanismes des compétences d'alphabétisme et de mise en pratique des rudiments de l'instruction dans la vie. L'expérience acquise a montré que les objectifs de postalphabétisation peuvent être atteints, non pas en suivant un second cycle d'alphabétisation, mais par le moyen de nombreuses possibilités d'apprentissage et d'application de celui-ci à travers un réseau d'occasions d'éducation continue centrées sur les diverses exigences et circonstances des différentes catégories de néo-alphabètes. Une taxonomie des catégories d'apprenants et des besoins d'apprentissage sert de base à la planification et au soutien du réseau de l'apprentissage de postalphabétisation.Les exemples de la Chine, de l'Inde et de la Thaïlande prouvent l'importance qu'il y a à reconnaître la continuité des efforts d'alphabétisation et de postalphabétisation, la nécessité d'allouer des ressources à ce continuum d'apprentissage, le rôle d'une structure organisationnelle pour traiter celui-ci de manière coordonnée, et la valeur d'une série complète d'occasions d'apprentissage destinées aux néo-alphabètes.La condition nécessaire pour pouvoir établir un réseau d'occasions d'apprentissage continu et contribuer à la création d'une société qui apprend est de faire du développement des ressources humaines le centre du développement national. Il est dit que la portée et les dimensions de l'éducation continue de postalphabétisation sont entièrement liées à l'objectif de l'éducation fondamentale de masse et enfin à la vision d'une société qui apprend. Une telle vision ne peut être réalité que si le développement national met un accent majeur sur celui des ressources humaines qui permettra la mobilisation nécessaire des ressources, la coordination des secteurs du gouvernement et de la société et la génération de l'enthousiasme populaire. On peut adopter une démarche radicale ou progressive pour se diriger vers la stratégie des ressources humaines dans le développement national. Dans les deux cas, il convient de mettre au point un mécanisme de coordination et de soutien des éléments-clés de l'éducation fondamentale de masse incluant la postalphabétisation.

More and more tax limitation initiatives seem to be put forth for voters approval and several have passed which have implications for higher education. While those passed differ from each other substantially, a case study on the effects of Proposition 13, the first to pass in U.S., on California higher education has been instructive. Community colleges had to temporarily reduce some of their programs, primarily in adult and non-credit education, which have since been restored on a fee basis. Additionally, the control for community colleges has been shifted to the state. The four-year colleges and universities have also been indirectly affected as reflected by substantial increase in student fees when the state surplus was exhausted. Finally, despite seemingly devastating effects, most states which have been affected have learned to cope with decreasing or stabilized financial support.  相似文献   

In the current climate of change and expansion within higher education in the UK, there are various drivers for change in the way the curriculum is designed and delivered. In the recent past, within the UK, the QAA has presented a Code of Practice with respect to HE provision for students with disabilities and changes in the legislation relating to access to higher education for students with disabilities. These developments have prompted funding councils to resource major projects relating to accessibility. Such is the complexity of terms such as 'curriculum', 'accessibility' and 'disability', that these funded projects require a multidisciplinary approach. However, questions arise as to whether the key players in these multidisciplinary projects actually fully understand each other and have a shared understanding of the terms of reference. This case study highlights some of the difficulties experienced within a multidisciplinary team that did not ensure a shared conception of the complexities of the change management project in which it was engaged. What comes to the foreground is the problematic concept of academic development and how it is understood outside of its own community.  相似文献   

Conclusion The post-literacy Curriculum was developed, on the one hand, to empower the people through the development of appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitudes to improve their living conditions. On the other hand, it was developed to create conditions and facilities for lifelong education. One of the main factors which influenced the reforms was the unsuitability of the post-literacy content: one could argue that it was developed in a top-down manner.Clearly, curriculum design is not merely a technical issue, but rather a cooperative activity among the agents involved. Any innovation in the post-literacy curriculum, therefore, should take into account the views of the target population. This would not only make the curriculum feasible but would also reduce uncertainty about its mission.  相似文献   

The adverse effect of harsh corporal punishment on mental health and psychosocial functioning in children has been repeatedly suggested by studies in industrialized countries. Nevertheless, corporal punishment has remained common practice not only in many homes, but is also regularly practiced in schools, particularly in low-income countries, as a measure to maintain discipline. Proponents of corporal punishment have argued that the differences in culture and industrial development might also be reflected in a positive relationship between the use of corporal punishment and improving behavioral problems in low-income nations. In the present study we assessed the occurrence of corporal punishment at home and in school in Tanzanian primary school students. We also examined the association between corporal punishment and externalizing problems. The 409 children (52% boys) from grade 2 to 7 had a mean age of 10.49 (SD = 1.89) years. Nearly all children had experienced corporal punishment at some point during their lifetime both in family and school contexts. Half of the respondents reported having experienced corporal punishment within the last year from a family member. A multiple sequential regression analysis revealed that corporal punishment by parents or by caregivers was positively related to children's externalizing problems. The present study provides evidence that Tanzanian children of primary school age are frequently exposed to extreme levels of corporal punishment, with detrimental consequences for externalizing behavior. Our findings emphasize the need to inform parents, teachers and governmental organizations, especially in low-income countries, about the adverse consequences of using corporal punishment be it at home or at school.  相似文献   

New conceptual and historical work on the nature of literacy and information on several bellwether post-literacy efforts in developing countries furnish a basis for diagnosing some of the deficiencies in current approaches to post-literacy programming. The key issue is the design of a literate environment. Heretofore attention has been concentrated too exclusively on the reading materials and continuing education side of the problem, and insufficient attention has been given to the more critical and difficult aspect: ensuring adequate opportunities for the application of new literate skills. The availability of these functional opportunities is closely related to the possibilities for accumulation and reinvestment of economic surplus in the environment, and to the way in which the related activities are organized. Literacy programs can unite skills relevant to management of local resources with strategies of cultural, political or religious revitalization that mobilize people to use their human resources. They therefore continue to offer an attractive means of initiating a reinvestment spiral from limited initial capital. To realize these potentials at the post-literacy stage, however, requires planning post-literacy before literacy, broadening programs to address primary school leavers as well, and paying greatly increased attention to the economic and social structure of the learning environment.
Zusammenfassung Neue konzeptionelle und historische Arbeiten zur Alphabetisierung sowie Informationen über bahnbrechende Nachalphabetisierungsprojekte in Entwicklungsländern bilden die Grundlage, um einige Unzulänglichkeiten bei den derzeitigen Ansätzen der Nachalphabetisierungsprogramme zu diagnostizieren. Die Kernfrage betrifft das Schaffen einer allgemeinen Literalität. Bisher richtete man seine Aufmerksamkeit auf das Lesematerial und die Weiterbildung, während kritischere und schwierigere Aspekte der Sicherung ausreichender Chancen für die Anwendung neuerworbener Alphabetisierungsfähigkeiten nur ungenügend berücksichtigt wurden. Die Schaffung funktioneller Möglichkeiten ist eng verbunden mit den Möglichkeiten zur Akkumulation und Reinvestition des ökonomischen Überschusses in die Umwelt und mit der Art und Weise, wie die aufeinander bezogenen Aktivitäten organisiert sind. Alphabetisierungsprogramme können den Erwerb von Fähigkeiten, die dem Management lokaler Ressourcen dienen, mit kulturellen, politischen oder religiösen Wiederbelebungsstrategien vereinen, damit Menschen ihre menschlichen Ressourcen nutzen. Sie fahren daher fort, durch attraktive Mittel eine Reinvestitionsspirale über das begrenzte Startkapital hinaus in Bewegung zu setzen. Um die Möglichkeiten der Nachalphabetisierung zu nutzen, ist es jedoch notwendig, sie vor der Alphabetisierung zu planen, Programme zu erweitern, damit auch Schulabgänger angesprochen werden, und auf die wirtschaftliche und soziale Struktur der lernenden Umwelt erheblich mehr Rücksicht zu nehmen.

Résumé Les dernières études conceptuelles et historiques sur la nature de l'alphabétisation et de la postalphabétisation et les informations sur quelques efforts avantgardistes de postalphabétisation qui ont été recensés dans des pays en développement fournissent une base à partir de laquelle peuvent être diagnostiquées quelques-unes des carences des approaches actuelles de la planification de la postalphabétisation. La question-clé a trait à la création d'un environment lettré. Jusqu'ici, l'attention a été concentrée trop exclusivement sur les matériels de lecture et le côté éducation continue du problème, et l'on ne s'est pas suffisamment préoccupé de l'aspect le plus critique et le plus difficile qui est celui d'assurer des occasions adéquates d'application des compétences d'alphabétisme nouvellement acquises. La disponibilité de ces occasions fonctionnelles est étroitement liée aux possibilités d'accumulation et de réinvestissement du surplus économique dans l'environnement, et à la manière dont les activités connexes sont organisées. Les programmes d'alphabétisation associent virtuellement les compétences pertinentes par rapport à la gestion des ressources locales aux stratégies de revitalisation culturelle, politique et religieuse qui encouragent les individus à utiliser leurs ressources humaines. Ils ne cessent donc d'offrir un moyen intéressant d'instaurer une spirale de réinvestissement à partir d'un capital initial restreint. Pour réaliser ces potentiels au niveau de la postalphabétisation, il convient, cependant, de planifier la postalphabétisation avant l'alphabétisation, d'élargir l'accès des programmes aux absolvants de l'école primaire également, et d'accorder une attention toujours plus grande à la structure économique et sociale du milieu dans lequel l'apprentissage se fait.


This article presents a case study into the question of how research-internal and research-external factors influence the leeway of qualitative research, and ultimately determine which questions can and cannot be addressed in research. First an overview is presented of the position of qualiative research in the field of education in The Netherlands. This position is then analysed by situating educational research in the particular research political context. In the second part of the article the authors focus on effective schools research, one of the strongest research programmes in Dutch educational studies, in order to show the consequences of the lack of a qualitative tradition.  相似文献   

The introduction of a school management information system (SMIS) in an urban vocational high school, located in a middle-class socio-economic neighborhood, notably affected the learning, behavior and attendance (LBA) interrelations between homeroom teachers (HRTs) and parents. HRT–parents interrelations in general, but those involving parents whose children were having LBA problems in particular, became in most parents’ opinion more frequent, more intensive and more formative. Better communication, understanding and trust between parents and the HRTs were observed. Cooperation between home and HRT increased. Implications for the HRT's work are discussed, including a recommendation that HRTs should be trained to use SMIS as a tool for developing and monitoring their interrelations with parents.  相似文献   

There are many reasons why Indian open universities are adding online learning opportunities to their course offerings. Two universities, the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) and the Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), have been developing online aspects of their programs for some years. This article documents the experiences at IGNOU and then examines the situation for online development at YCMOU. Lessons can be learned from both experiences. These include being strategic in choosing which courses to offer, and in deciding which services to develop for which clientele. Choosing those that will bring the greatest enhancement in flexibility and efficiency for the least amount of new skill requirement from learners is likely to be of biggest benefit. Keeping cognizant of the computing context of learner sub‐groups and enhancing learning through additional optional online services is most likely to result in effective courses and quality student services while maintaining efficiencies in financial logistics.  相似文献   

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