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Based on ideas advocated by Paul F-Brandwein's The Gifted Student as Future Scientist, this article summarizes theories of intelligence leading to his theory of the three-ring conception of giftedness and how that theory led to the development of the Schoolwide Enrichment Model. The Schoolwide Enrichment Model provides a detailed model for total school improvement that can be customized based on the local resources, student population, school leadership dynamics, and faculty strengths and creativity of each particular school. The model consists of three service delivery components: The Total Talent Portfolio, Curriculum Modification Techniques, and Enrichment Learning and Teaching, which are brought to bear on three school structures: The Regular Curriculum, Enrichment Clusters, and the Continuum of Special Services. Implementation of this model provides a organizational framework for schools to become places for talent development.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the purposes and background of the Saturday Morning Art (S.M.ART) Programme for Primary Level children which was developed in the Art Education Unit at the National Institute of Education, Singapore. It is a differentiated programme and we discuss the issues of selection for the programme, testing for artistic talent as well as the rationale, content and background of the project.

Within this context, the value of the programme for our students, the children and ourselves are discussed. Additionally, a theoretical basis which is supported by our practice within the S.M.ART project, is provided for art educators considering alternatives to testing for artistic ability.  相似文献   

This article reviews seven different theories of giftedness that include creativity as a component, comparing and contrasting how each one conceptualizes creativity as a part of giftedness. The functions of creativity vary across the models, suggesting that while the field of gifted education often cites the importance of creativity, the conceptualizations of creativity differ depending on the particular theory. The various models of giftedness can be interpreted from the context of current creativity research because certain elements of these conceptualizations can be found in social models, the evolving systems approach, and the domain-generality debate. An integrative perspective of creativity research reveals that some models of giftedness are more comprehensive and consistent in terms of the creativity literature.  相似文献   

Enrichment programs provide learning opportunities for a broader or deeper examination of curricular or extracurricular topics and are popular in gifted education. Herein, we investigated the effectiveness of a statewide extracurricular enrichment program for gifted elementary school children in Germany. The program implemented a ”grass roots“ strategy by which local units developed and offered the enrichment courses, which spanned a broad array of topics. The courses targeted different outcomes, including students' cognitive abilities, school achievement, interests, creativity, self-control, self-concept, and social competencies. We compared third-grade students attending the enrichment program (N =423) with nonattending third-grade students (N = 2,328) by means of a propensity score analysis. Specifically, we controlled for potential selection effects and estimated the average causal effect of the enrichment program for children attending the program. The findings revealed positive program effects on academic achievement but not on the other targeted outcomes.  相似文献   

Steve Coxon 《Roeper Review》2013,35(4):255-256
The recognition of patterns and creativity are two characteristics associated with mathematical talent. In this study, we analyzed these characteristics in a group of 37 mathematically talented students. The students were asked to find the pattern the Braille code had been built upon and reinvent it with the aim of making its mathematical language become more functional. Initially, the students were unable to identify the formation pattern of Braille, but after experiencing the difficulties that blind people face when reading it, they recognized the generating element and the regularity. The results were in contrast with those of a control group, and it is noted that the students with mathematical talent were more effective in using visualization to identify the regularity of the pattern and their invention proposals were more sophisticated and used less conventional mathematical content.  相似文献   

Admission to gifted programs involves identification, which entails theories of intelligence. Unfortunately, limited resources and space availability often take precedence over theory and educational philosophy in the admission process. Three selective gifted programs are used as examples of how theories of intelligence, driven by individual program philosophies, can be used as bases of admission within the practical limitations of each. The Cisco A. Carter Gifted Early Education Program identifies inner-city preschoolers for both general intelligence and specific skills. The Julliard Pre-College Program selects participants based on a specific skill. Hunter College Elementary School screens for general intellectual giftedness. Issues such as age of identification, underrepresented populations, and gifted children with diverse abilities and needs also are addressed.  相似文献   

张淑梅 《教学研究(河北)》2006,29(3):218-219,225
本科人才培养方案是高等学校实现人才培养目标和质量规格要求的总体计划实施方案,为使培养目标适应社会发展的需求,人才培养方案要不断的强调拓宽专业基础学科的范围和基础教学的内涵,同时体现培养目标知识、能力、素质协调发展的原则。本文从构建新的人才培养方案的基本原则、特点及实施过程等几方面进行论述,进一步强调培养方案在提高学生创新精神、实践能力,融知识、能力、素质为一体的作用。  相似文献   

One of the principle reasons responsible for the fact that nurturing the gifted and talented in Germany has (once again) advanced to a pedagogic concern in the 1990’s lies in the dichotomy of equality and excellence. Are these two pedagogic goals actually incompatible, as often maintained in open discussions? After a long period of oscillation between these two poles, in the age of information a new emphasis has increasingly been placed on excellence. “It becomes more and more important for bright students to be using their abilities to stimulate this new era with economic and political productivity. But this will not happen if the current ‘laissez faire’ approach to gifted students continues into the next decade”(Gallagher, 2000, p. 691). Following a short definition of giftedness and related conceptions, arguments for gifted education stemming from the areas of learning psychology and instructional psychology will be discussed. The central problems concerning identification and programming will then be addressed in greater detail. Hypotheses will be developed, on the basis of the ATI model that gifted students need creative, stimulating learning environments. Various approaches will be presented here and discussed in the context of TIMSS and PISA. The second part of the article will deal with guidance and counseling issues with respect to the special needs of gifted children and adolescents and their social contact persons (peers, parents, teachers). In conclusion, German program evaluation, studies in the fields of gifted education, counseling and nurturing giftedness and talent will be presented. The outcomes of these studies and their consequences for improvements for the quality of gifted and talented education and counseling in Germany will be discussed. Excellence is one of the most important educational-psychological challenges of the new century.  相似文献   

培养应用型广告专业人才是社会发展的需要,是许多开办广告专业的院校的共识。本文从准确定位人才培养目标人手,探讨了应用型广告专业人才培养模式的定位依据、培养途径和具体做法。  相似文献   

以福州大学为例,在通过问卷调查对其行政管理专业创新型人才培养模式的构建现状进行分析的基础上,尝试性地归纳出其行政管理专业创新型人才培养模式构建中存在的主要问题,并从完善创新型人才培养方案、加强实践环节教学力度等层面入手,有针对性地提出健全和完善其行政管理专业创新型人才培养模式的对策建议。  相似文献   

随着石油工业的发展,石油企业对人才规格的要求越来越多元化。中国石油大学(北京)地球科学学院为了满足石油企业对创新型、应用型和国际化地质人才的需求,在地质类本科和硕士研究生培养过程中探索了不同的培养模式。在本科生教育阶段探索了“订单式”培养模式、创新计划实验班培养模式和卓越工程师班培养模式;在硕士生培养阶段对专业学位研究生培养进行了有益的实践,探索了全英文国际化培养模式和校一企一校国际化培养模式。这些培养模式满足了石油企业对不同规格人才的需求,取得了良好的培养效果。  相似文献   

In reviewing literature on culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) parental inclusion and disproportionality, Cam Cobb, assistant professor at the University of Windsor, Ontario, illustrates how CLD giftedness – and especially CLD giftedness in Canadian settings – represents an area in need of further research. In part, this article begins to address that need. Drawing from a larger critical qualitative inquiry, he details the stories of two CLD Canadian mothers as they sought to become involved in gifted identification and decision‐making processes. Knowledge and language arose in the data as two core themes of robust parental inclusion. These core themes, along with associated recommendations for policy, practice and research, are outlined in a discussion of the findings. While this article focuses on the gifted domain of special education in Ontario, the findings have wider implications for robust CLD parental inclusion in special education in general.  相似文献   

广西药学类本科专业人才需求调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对广西药学类专业人才需求调查的基础上,结合广西近年药学类本科专业招生情况进行分析,认为广西目前药学类本科专业在招生规模上基本适应社会发展需求,但是在专业结构和内涵上仍需进一步优化.  相似文献   

人口老龄化使得长期护理服务需求迅速增长,“十二五”期间我国积极探索建立针对老年、慢性病、临终关怀患者的长期医疗护理服务模式.长期护理事业的发展,给护理人才培养带来了巨大的机遇和挑战.为了培养更多高素质的长期护理服务人才,建议采取深化护理教育改革、加强长期护理人才的专业化培养、建立完善的人才培养体系、制定切实可行的人才培养目标和课程计划、加强实践教学等措施.  相似文献   

根据四川省经济发展速度和目标。从科技人才开发利用现状出发,利用回归系统经济预测模型,对四川省2005-2010年科技人才需求量进行了预测。井从社会经济发展的角度分析了科技人才使用效益和预测结果的可行性,最终得出了四川省科技人才队伍质量和创新能力不断提高的结论,但仍存在科技人才增速缓慢,相对数量较少的问题。  相似文献   

The reduction in time between the discovery of new knowledge and its application to fill human needs has demanded rapid sophistication of engineering and science graduates employed by industry. In a very short time an integrated work-graduate study program provides these graduates with education in depth, an introduction to industry and a realistic base upon which to make a career decision. Industry's need is graduatestudy opportunity for its employees; its contribution is the integrated work-graduate study program.  相似文献   

地方院校师范专业人才培养方案存在教师教育课程设置缺失、学科专业课程缺乏针对性、协同育人未贯穿培养全过程、课程内容实践性知识不足等问题。对照教师专业素质结构要素,重构教师教育课程、优化学科专业课程、建立高校教师和中学教师合作授课机制、补充实践性知识教学内容等,是优化地方师范专业人才培养方案的可行路径。  相似文献   

一切竞争归根到底都是人才的竞争。经济全球化进程的加快,使国际竞争的焦点不再是以自然资源为基础的各种产品,而是建立在现代信息技术基础上的各种知识。知识的核心则是人才,人才竞争已成为国际竞争的实质。我国应对如何培养适合全球化竞争需要的国际型人才问题进行很好的探讨。  相似文献   

高职院校培养的高技能人才在企业生产过程中发挥着重要的作用,而基于团队胜任力探索其培养方案具有理论和实践双重意义。运用团队胜任力理论分析了高技能人才团队胜任力的内涵及构成要素;归纳了目前高职院校人才培养中存在的主要问题;并从团队胜任力出发,提出了高职院校人才培养方案改革策略。  相似文献   

为了了解目前四川省高校社会体育人才培训和供需情况,从而探求适应社会发展需求的新型人才培养模式。采用文献资料法、调查法等方法,对四川省高校毕业生279名与45家企事业单位31名负责人员的进行调查分析。研究结果显示:四川省社会体育人才培养与社会需求存在难以平衡的状况,其主要原因为培养机制与市场需求脱钩(52.3%),而高校本专业毕业生往往选择再次学习方式(40.0%自学方式),暴露出先行培养模式难以推动社会体育专业发展的问题。结论:四川省高校社会体育人才培养模式应该根据社会与市场的需求,设计新型的具有高素质、高技能、复合型人才模式,以转变陈旧的体育教育观念,为各高校发展新的人才培养模式提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

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